NSFW Imagines
38 posts
i write smut...whoops. and sometimes other things    Why Don't We, The Vamps, 5SOS, Shawn Mendes, Vlog Squad
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lickmesimpson · 4 years ago
are people still here? like.... it’s 2021 it’s time to get back to writing some casual smut/imagines and talking about my faves. so like send ideas and stuff.. xx.
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lickmesimpson · 6 years ago
friend: woah. you don’t even like to call your boyfriend “your boyfriend”
other friend: YoU HavE a BOYfrIeND?!?
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lickmesimpson · 6 years ago
A little Ilya and Dima (potential threesome) Concept...
note: here is a concept, it might be more than this by like the weekend when my schedule is normal again...
But imagine you are at a party and having fun. You notice that Ilya could possibly maybe be trying to flirt with you. Just saying things like... “Hey! You look good.” or “Dang, why you always gotta be so cute?” You pass it off as him being drunk and friendly, especially because you know that he knows that Dima has been TRYING to flirt hard with you saying “Y/N, you are the most amazing person to hang out with” and “No, I mean it! You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.” So you were surprised to hear a little argument going on in David’s room when you walked past from the bathroom... 
“Dude, not cool.” You heard Dima say from the other side of the door.
“What? I’m just having fun.” Ilya retorts back, and by this time you are confused but locked in to figure it out.
“I told you I had a crush on Y/N like two months ago. You can’t all of a sudden flirt with her!” Dima seemed angry.
“Dima, I’ve known her longer. We are close. Sometimes I think she might wanna... you know...” Ilya seemed confident, and you knew he was right. 
But you were found out when you gasped and caught in the act of eaves dropping. The door swung open and both boys stared at you with wide eyes. You invited yourself in and sat on the bed.
“For what it’s worth, I think you’re both very attractive and mayyybeee I’ve had a crush on both of you, but chose not to say anything not to ruin the friendship” you said.
“What a bullshit line.” Ilya commented and Dima rolled his eyes.
“Well, if you had to pick one of us, who would it be? We won’t get mad.” Dima was practically begging for you to pick him.
“Umm... Honestly I don’t know. Because like we’ve never done...anything...” You immediately get shy realizing what you just said.
“How about you make out with each one of us? Then you can see which is better?” Ilya has a full on smirk on his face
Let’s just say the three of you did more than kissing that night............
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lickmesimpson · 6 years ago
Things coming tonight. Sorry I’ve been the biggest slacker. Blame school. Let’s say Dima will be involved. (And so will Ilya)
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lickmesimpson · 6 years ago
Really struggling with this Ethan or Grayson “lane” thing. I’m more like constantly in the median with my flashers on. Like could go either way, no one is really sure what’s going to happen.
But let’s be real. I’m just riding the Dolan highway (when i rather be riding the dolan something else) in general, switching lanes as I please. 
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lickmesimpson · 6 years ago
sometimes i just sit back and think.... Calum Hood. Calum Fucking Hood. y your fingers gotta be so long and perfect???? you were created for one purpose. SEX GODism...... and i guess to be punk rock
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lickmesimpson · 6 years ago
I’m in my Ilya feels. And by “feels” I mean, he could politely ruin me.
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lickmesimpson · 6 years ago
David Dobrik: Cuddles
”Babeeee, come cuddle”
“Dave, don’t you have to edit?”
“Don’t wanna yet, I wanna take a nap. PLEASE!”
He totally wraps you up in a massive blanket and makes you pick what to watch on Netflix
You think that he’s fallen asleep like 20 minutes later so you move to get up to go back to washing the dishes
He tightens his grip and pulls you back into him
You think it’s so you’ll stay there but then you hear him whisper in your ear “do that again”
You turn back to look at him but his eyes are closed and he has this big grin on his face
You move your hips again
“Mmmmm baby, that feels good”
You giggle a little “kiss me, Dobrik”
He rolls on top of you and suddenly doesn’t seem tired anymore....
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lickmesimpson · 6 years ago
I’ve Updated
wowzza again. taking steps here. I changed my theme a bit. still don’t like it though. 
if anyone has tips or a cool theme holla at me because i’m lost lol
but hopefully posting tonight!
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lickmesimpson · 6 years ago
I might be switching it up a bit. Does anyone care if I do vlog squad stuff too?
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lickmesimpson · 6 years ago
hiiiii so i just got back on this blog for the first time in a WHILE and i realized i have over 400 followers. what the fuck. i guess i’m making a come back kids. gonna start posting! let me know if you have any requests.
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lickmesimpson · 6 years ago
Really need to make some internet friends to talk to about music because no one else get it sometimes lol
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lickmesimpson · 6 years ago
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lickmesimpson · 7 years ago
I need friends who like WDW and want to talk about them all the time with me.....
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lickmesimpson · 8 years ago
How Why Don’t We Would Ask You Out
DANIEL He would try so hard to be a classic romantic. He would pick you up on a Friday night like he usually did for your “dates” you guys had been going on. He would seem nervous in the car on the way to dinner. When he noticed you had noticed his fidgeting he would smile and reach over to grab your hand. He just laughed. “What?” You asked him with a concerned look. “Nothing…” He would insist. “Daniel seriously, is everything okay?” You thought it could be serious. “Well I was going to wait until dessert but I guess I have to ask now.” “What’s wrong Dani?” You’re now worried that something happened. “Will you be my girlfriend? Like officially?” He looks at you with those big eyes and smirks at you awaiting your response. “I would love to.” You smile back sweetly. He gently kisses the back of your hand and it’s silent for a minute. You wait a second… “You scared me loser! I thought something was wrong!” You hit him with your purse and you both end up laughing all the way to dinner and for the rest of the night. He later gloated to the boys that you all were dating. But the embarrassing part was that you were in the room. He then announced, “So we’re gonna go make out in my room…” he sang to the boys. “Oh my god! Daniel stop!” you screamed, your face turning red. “What? Are we not?” he asked confused. You laughed and just looked at the boys. “No, we totally are…” you said. All the guys started laughing with you.
ZACH You and Zach had been spending a lot of time together and the boys noticed. They would always tease you when Zach wasn’t around because you were a little older than he is. But because of that you wanted to take things slow so it wasn’t weird for him. After all, how many girlfriends could he have had? Like a normal evening, you went over to the Why Don’t We boys’ house to cuddle and watch a movie. So you were cuddling, then he leaned in to kiss you as the movie was ending. For some reason, this kiss was deeper and passionate. It turned into a full on make out, which is unusual for you guys. You were laying in his bed as the credits were rolling and his shirt came off, then your shirt came off. After a few minutes of making out, [lmao excuse me I can’t see little zach attack doing this] you were cuddling in his bed watching TV. He rolled over to his back and you could hear his thumb tapping. “What’s wrong Zach?” you asked unsure of why he was acting weird. “Babe..” he trailed off, “are we hanging or chilling?” He said. You roll to him with a confused look. “What does that even mean?” you ask. “Like are we hanging out together or just like chilling whenever? So like are we talking?” he asked so nervous he couldn’t even look at you. “No,” he snaps his head to you when you said this, “you’re my boyfriend.” You promptly said then snuggled into him. You don’t even have to look to know he’s smirking and then kisses you on the head and continues to cuddle you.
CORBYN You and Corbyn had been talking for a while. But since he lived in LA and you didn’t, it was sort of hard. He would fly you out of he would come visit your family. But after about 6 months you were starting to wonder what he was thinking about you guys, or if you would really work out, or if maybe this was all it would ever be because he can’t get too attached with his schedule being what it is. He had flown you out this weekend and you guys were having so much fun. During the day you would hang out with the boys, listen to them in the studio, go see what Logan was up to, and then at night it would be just the two of you either watching a movie or going out to get some ice cream. You all were leaving the movie theater late at night and all of these thoughts were coming to you. Corbyn was smiling like an idiot and that made you laugh. You get in the car and before you can finish putting your seatbelt on, “WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?!” Corbyn said. “Haha what?” was the only thing you could respond with at the time. “I don’t know. I think it’s about time you know? I like you, you like me. You’re cute, I’m cute. I’ve been so nervous about this moment for six months it just finally came out.” Corbyn is rubbing your cheek with his hand and his lips are so close to yours. “Well of course I will.” You break into the biggest smile and Corbyn takes that as his chance to kiss you. After a nice drive to the house, you run in and blurt it out to the boys before Corbyn can get in the door. 
JONAH You and Jonah frequently met up at the coffee house between your house and his house. You all were casually seeing each other but you really liked him. Whenever he texted you during the day it made your face light up. And when he would ask to meet for coffee, that was the best. You two would talk forever. He could take your mind off of school and you could take his off the stress of his career. He had taken you to the house a few times so you knew the boys and when your friends stopped in the coffee shop he had met them too of course you made them swear not to call him “coffee shop boy” to his face. That’s what they called him since you were always disappearing to meet him here. You both were sitting there today, already finished with the boring “how’s your day” talk and waiting to get into your usual giggly selves on these days. He just stares at his cup for a minute. “Something on your mind today?” It wasn’t unusual for you to ask this. He told you his secrets and he knew yours. You could talk about your problems together. “Actually, yeah. It’s kinda a big one.” He smiles at his coffee. “Tell me about it Jonah.” You respond. “No,” he now looks at you, deep into your eyes, “like if you don’t agree with what I say you have to tell me and not let it change anything.” Jonah looks nervous. “Come on, you know I’ll be honest and I wouldn’t do that to you.” You bet something is up with the boys and you want to let him know you’re there for him. Jonah takes a deep breathe. “I like you. A lot. And I want this meet up at the coffee shop stuff to stop. I want you to be my real girlfriend. So we can go to the mall or watch a movie at my house. Ya know?” Jonah looks at you with a hopeful stare. You look at your coffee and you can sense his anxiety. “Of course I agree with you, Jonah.” You smile at him. “Oh, that’s great.” Jonah said as he reached for your hand across the table. “So first REAL date tonight? I’ll pick you up for dinner?” He said. You nod and sip your coffee. 
JACK You were laying in bed. It was almost midnight. You get a text from Jack that says “come outside” you respond with “this better not be a joke…. i’m not getting out of bed for nothing…” he says, “when have i led you wrong?” You decide it’s better just to get up and accept this. You threw on a t-shirt and jean shorts and walked out your door. You’re met with a sleepy smiling Jack. He makes you smile. You’ve been sneaking out and going out for about a month. He grabs you hand and helps you in his car. You two drive in silence until you ask where you’re going. He points to the park not too far away from your house and you see a faint light. When he parks you get out and he grabs your hand again. You’re walking on the path and you come across little lights lining the path. You look at him confused. He laughs and says, “This will work better if you just don’t say anything until it’s done.” You laugh catching on to what’s happening. Towards the end of the path by the pond he stops you. From the little bit of light you can see his feature on his face with him leaning in and kissing you lightly. At that moment you hear some rustling and turn around to see Zach, Daniel, Corbyn, and Jonah starting to appear and hum a sweet song and sing to you guys. Jack grabs your waist and pulls you close. “Will you be my girlfriend?” he asks sweetly. “Of course I will.” You answer and kiss him again. 
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lickmesimpson · 8 years ago
heyyyyy it’s me!! should i start doing WDW imagines?? i’ve been getting really into their music.... 
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lickmesimpson · 8 years ago
You and him are dating and you random give a suggestion...
MICHAEL He’s sitting on the couch and you look over at him and ask what he’s doing. He just shrugs and says, “Nothing. Why? Did you want to do something?”. He looks at you. You casually say, “Can I suck your dick?”. And he seems very pleased with that idea. “Well.. I can’t say no to that...”
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ASHTON He’s on stage with the band mates, but they’re just sound checking before the show tonight. They are currently warming up your favorite song and you can’t help notice how good he looks right now. So, you say into his ear piece, “Daddy looks so good up there playing. I’ve got a surprise for him when he gets home. I’m going to make his cock feel so good with my mouth.” He doesn’t know how to react at first. So he just pauses and plays with his drumstick.
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LUKE You all are at a coffee shop. Just hanging out together when you start to laugh to yourself. “What babe?” Luke says as he looks at you with a weird look. “Nothing...” you respond, “I’m just thinking about the blowjob I’m going to give you later.” Luke just sits in his seat shocked and then immediately suggests you two leave.
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CALUM You and Calum are just cuddling and watching TV. Suddenly, you get kinda turned on and you start moving around. Calum notices and before he can make fun of you, you just say, “Please let me suck you dick, Cal.” He busts out laughing but of course he wants you to. 
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