libra-bi-tch · 3 years
i think that every child should have unrestricted access to thick blackberry brambles or some other delicious fruit that grows encased in a painful fortress. i think wading through thorns to reach the cluster of shining ripe berries you spied through a gap between the tangled vines teaches you something important. not sure what though
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
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The garden of Eden with the fall of man (detail) by Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel the Elder, 1615.
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
The difference between gays and straights is that straights use sweetie (complimentary) and gays use sweetie (derogatory)
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
okay this reminded me of the strongest human being (I use that label with some reservation) I have ever met and I still think about him like once a week because about 4 years ago on Thanksgiving night my sister, cousin, and I were going to pick up a friend about a 40 minute drive from home, and I got lost and tried to turn around on a little gravel pull-off on the side of the road, but my front tires got stuck in the snow.
we were in the middle of nowhere with no cell reception, and the only sign of life was a single, completely dark house across the road from us.
We all did our best to push the car out, and we’re strong people, but we couldn’t make it budge. Cold and stuck, we climbed back and wondered what to do. A car full of men pulled over beside us and asked if we needed help, but getting out of our locked car on a backroad at night with strange men felt like a bad idea, so we said a tow was coming and waved them along. We did that twice before finally deciding our only option was to accept the next offer for help and just risk it,
when a man came out of the house across the street.
He’d clearly been watching us and figured out why we’d been lying to people, which really surprised me & he said “it’s okay, you can stay in your car and keep the doors locked. Just start backing up when I say so.”
I had the window cracked and told him “it’s too stuck. There’s no way we’re getting out. Could you call a tow?”
And he said “just back up when I say so.”
So he walked around the front of the car, squatted, and said “okay back up,”
and I did, and
he lifted
the front of the car Into The Air. Off its front wheels, and we backed up while he essentially wheel-barrowed us back onto the road.
And we were honest to god yelling. We couldn’t help it. We just yelled until all four wheels were back on the ground and he was waving us off while we thanked him.
And then I looked at my sister and cousin & said “he REALLY told us we can KEEP our doors locked as if THAT WOULD’VE FUCKING STOPPED HIM!!!! As if he couldn’t have just RIPPED EM OFF THE HINGES.”
I later looked up the weight of my car, and it’s 3200 pounds without anything or anyone in it.
This haunts me.
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
Alison was such a popular name in medieval England that authors would name women characters Alison to indicate that she was supposed to be a very normal kind of person
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
good morning to bitches who would have been diagnosed with female hysteria in the 19th century 😍♥️🥰 the rest of u...hi I guess 🙄
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
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who is she
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
i have been feeling really great recently !!!
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
being in your early twenties is like [grocery shopping alone] [having instant noodles for dinner] [remembering random details about that one friend you haven't spoken to in five years] [feeling overwhelming guilt for every purchase that isn't strictly "necessary"] [having midday naps] [finding out through facebook that the girl who was mean to you in high school has a husband and a baby] [falling a little in love with every stranger on public transport] [pretending you're not afraid of being alone] [wondering when you'll feel like a fully realized person] [listening to bands you liked in middle school] [blinking and it's suddenly december] [failing to imagine yourself ten years from now] [feeling like you're running out of time]
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
why is it so embarrassing to check the mail when there is nothing in the mailbox... the walk of shame back inside empty handed
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
i hate going to places like i just wanna like have a hannah montana transition like ooooooh oooh woah woah YEAH..then im there
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libra-bi-tch · 4 years
by Madison Calley 
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