libertybeforeforty · 2 years
A Career Advice from Love is For Suckers
I love watching kdramas. I like how natural they act, for me their acting skills are so natural. There is a kdrama which I save the last episode, it is Love is For Suckers. The protagonists are on the same age as mine. The story not just touch the love story part but they also show the people involve their career and relationship with co-workers. They also show the part where the characters are being pressure in having a baby, getting married, having the perfect partner (since it is a match-making reality show production), and being the best in their field of work.
The reason why I save the last episode is because I felt that the advice that the male protagonist gave to the female protagonist is for me. The scenario is they are talking and the female protagonist is saying that she will resign because she didn't feel happy anymore and she cannot be the best. She thought if she will be the producer like her dream, her life will be perfect. But she blames herself for things that didn't go as planned, low ratings, bashing experience of the participants, the scandals and the lists goes on. She said being producer is not for her. He said "When you feel burned out, you can take a rest and return later". These words really hit me. Like it eases the guilt that I felt leaving my almost 10-year post in my previous company.
I was the head of our department, but I got burned out. I felt like I'm not living my own life, but living for the company and for other people. I felt like I was a living robot. And even if I have proven myself to the company, the new management felt like I was being a big-headed girl. As one of the pioneer employee of the company, I know the reason why every rules and regulations implemented, so everytime they would like to change something I let them know what will be the impact, and they didn't provide any solution if that happened. Until, I said to myself the heck with the company. They made me feel that they don't need me in the company, and so….that gave me the go signal to live my life the way I want. Who cares if the company will collapse? They don't need me anymore, they can do it.
Years passed and I learned that the company is in a bad state. Worst scenario is the company might be forced to shutdown. I felt really bad for the company. I feel guilty. But… the protagonist pacify me with his words that it is okay to take a rest. I take his words like, it is okay to stop and mind my own life, take care of myself like I supposed to do. And when I'm on my feet again, I can go back. Which I did. During the years of rest, I do all the things that made me happy. I achieved so many great things during the break, when I say break it means I'm unemployed haha! Having no money taught me so many things and let me appreciate so many things. That's why when I get back being employed, since being broke pushed me to go back (Haha!), I have a direction and a goal why I am having a job again.
Someone might say that I should take the advice like, I should just take a month-long vacation and go back to that company, but for me things will be the same as before I took that break from that company; and they will might think that I'm asking too much favor. They might think that I am taking advantage of the favor given to me being a pioneer employee. Trust me on this, I saw that look on the two top management of the company. Let's just say that… it is meant to be. And the situation prove that what I warned them is true and it is not just I wanted to show them like I'm the know-it-all thingy. I hope that they treat it that I value the company the most and I want what's best for the company.
Being burned out is a sad reality. We just need to admit that we are burn out, then give our self the break that we needed. So that when we go back, we are stronger and better. It is okay to take a break, it is a must to take care of our self, and love our self so that we could take care and love others. Remember, take a break and then go back.
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libertybeforeforty · 2 years
What is Independence?
What is Independence:
Britannica Dictionary definition of INDEPENDENCE : freedom from outside control or support : the state of being independent
When you hear the word "Independence", what comes to your mind?
Whenever I heard the word independence, I can imagine the fun and adventurous solo travels, the feeling that I'm unstoppable. I have my own space that no one can bother me and told me what to do. That I am free to decide and do what I want, whenever and wherever. But like what Uncle Ben from Spiderman said, "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility". These responsibilities will be shouldered by you alone. And I didn't think about this before, but now that I am trying to live solo in my own small apartment, now I know that it comes with the freedom and independence that I want.
Here are those:
Having my own space. It's a good thing to not be bothered by others specially during your precious "Me Time". But this also means that I am the one who needs to keep my place tidy and clean. I don't have my mother to clean up my mess for me.
Cooking by yourself for yourself. I can choose what mealI will prepare. I can choose healthy or unhealthy, bought or home-cooked. Discipline is what I need for me to keep myself healthy. No parents will scold me when I didn't eat my veggies.
Washes own dishes. After I eat of course, I have to own up my mess. This for me was the hardest house chore when I was a kid, but now I don't have any choice but to do it.
Own laundry. This is the most challenging house chore. That's why I make sure there will no stain and I will not let anything make a mess on my clothes since I am the one who do the washing manually, since I don't have washing machine. The more dirty my laundry, the harder my life will be. Keep this in mind ;)
Own bills. This is part of adulting, I know. I know. But if you are still under the roof of your parents, you can sometimes ask them to let you pass this month. But if you are on your own, you are the one who needs to pay for all of your bills. This will also teach you how to conserve energy and search for saving tips because you are the one who pay.
Budgeting. No need to explain further, right? The headaching task that you need to do, and this will make or break your wallet. One of the biggest responsibilities that we need to be careful.
Looking back, this made me appreciate the effort of my parents more. They manage to deal with these for us and guide us at the same time. This is very challenging and it will depend on us on how can we make it fun and live the most of our lives. Like what they said, we only live once.
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libertybeforeforty · 2 years
My Life after Being CSR | Quit without any Plan
As I grow older, I learn to value my self more. My goal is to protect my self from being harm and have inner peace. Working as a Customer Service Representative does not fit to what I want my self to be in. The stress level and anxiety is very high. Everyday of every working hours, you have to hear complains and negative words. Don't treat it personal they said, but it is the negative energy that the caller is throwing that makes me feel sick and weak. This affected my mental and spiritual health. So, as a grown woman in me, I have to protect my self from being harm by others. I Q-U-I-T!
No IFs, no BUTs. And I didn't think about the loan that I had and the bills that I need to pay for the coming days. I just need to get out of that hellish place. I tried to find a non-call center job. They said in the Philippines there's no age limit but in reality it is not the case. OVER QUALIFIED, that's their excuse to dump a 30 plus year old woman.
I have a friend who needed someone to fill-in the resigned employee in the company he is working with. With the bills in my hand, this gave me the determination to volunteer myself and send my resume even if it is entry-level job. I don't care, just as long as I can have a job for me to pay my bills.
The advantages of having a non-call center job:
I don't have to work on night shift. My waking and working hours are now based on Philippine standard time.
I have a fix day off
I can clock in 10 minutes before my shift
I can drink coffee anytime I want
This is IMPORTANT: I can go for bio break any time nature calls me
No irate callers
No need for 8 arms and 6 eyes for doing multi tasks
I can relax using mother tongue for daily communication
If it's holiday, it's FREE day
If I'm sick, I am (no need to drag myself to go to office since CC People are immortal they said)
I can lower down the AC ;)
There are, as ALWAYS, disadvantages:
I have weekly/monthly report that I have to maintain and submit
All the informations and details will be relevant in the future, so I have to take notes and keep file updated
And this is the reality of having an entry-level job. Low salary.
And speaking of low salary, can you live for having only 300 pesos in your pocket for one cut off?
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libertybeforeforty · 2 years
I Don't Know How to Begin But I will Start this Journey called Liberty Before Forty
I am here sitting in my working area in a small office, wearing my orange polo shirt uniform. There is a voice inside my head telling me to type in all my thoughts.
Me: Why? Am I that too bored to do that? Mind: You have to work on your dreams. Me: I feel too tired to look for a place where I can speak in front of people. Mind: You don't have to look for a physical place. You are living in a world with good technology, why don't you use it. Me: sigh Mind: You said you want to inspire people, how can you do that if you'll just slouch there all day? Come on, move! There might be someone who needs your story for them to be inspired. Me: I don't have a great story, my life if boring. Mind: Beneath your boring life, there is a lesson. Your mistakes when shared can be a warning for others. You can tell them what happened, how did it happened, and the lesson you have learned so that when they come across that situation they know how to deal with it. Or you might help them realize something from your story. Me: Yeah you're right…but…. Mind: Just do it!
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libertybeforeforty · 2 years
A Brand New Start
Today, I am taking my first step on becoming free.
I will start my journey as a freelancer. It's scary and I am not sure, but it's worth trying.
For those who are on their 30's and decided to have liberation, WE GOT THIS. It's never too late to make our dreams come true, we just need to take the first step.
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