overall thoughts:
I struggled at the start that some parts would be upside down but with my layout I think it works as everything that is right way up sits together nicely. I did make the cover and back cover overly to the next page which If I were to print again I would have fixed that. Although I do feel the green boxes hold everything nicely and it looks quite clean. I like that the programme and map are easy to access as that it what the people attending will be looking at the most.
Overall there are things I would have changed if I were to do this project again but I am happy with my design there are a few print issues I am not happy with :)
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final thoughts on designer layout:
I like that I made their names and main design styles around their images, I think it helped it match the poster and cover. I do think some of them get possibly lost as it might be a struggle to find the designers names. Although I struggled to place them the designers around this paper without cutting into the fold marks. I added the pink lines to kind of make the eye move to the next next next and so on. I do like the gradient map idea that Hazel suggested as I feel it looks better than just an overlay and the designers don't get lost as they were before.
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final thoughts timetable:
I like this timetable and the size of it and the single lines going through the middle. I also like my map and the map colours and the size of the block names. In the future I would have made the street names a different font as it is so hard to see them, they are almost invisible. I think the programme is easy to read and quite simple, I possibly could have added something to give it some more"omph "
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final thoughts pages 1 and 2:
I like these although I shouldn't have added the typografika in the background or lowered the opacity more. although it looked good on the computer as it was quite a boring and blank page. On the first page I should have started the last paragraph in column 1 to the second column.
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Final thoughts - front and back covers.
When printed I could have cut more off the top as there is a big white band which looks ugly, but if I were to do it again I would have cut it off but I am unsure if the document was created wrong or if it is meant to be like that. I kind of just chucked the references on the back last minute as I remember in the last class George mentioned referencing, there are also in text references on each photo. I like the top of the cover and how I created the date and then put the line and put annual typography conference. I know I didn't add the year to the date at the top but it is called "typografika 22" therefore someone should know it's 2022, but I think I should have worked it in somehow as it would make more sense to do so
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final thoughts - poster
I like that that the cover of the folded print and the poster are alike, and I like the one pink "typografika". I think I could have created a better list and layout, although I like the top part, the annual type conference, aut and date. I also like the typografika in the background and the level of opacity it is. When I first got it back from the printers it felt a bit light, but I think light is good as I didn't want to draw away from the main information.
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playing with lists for the designers, still trying to figure out how to make it work
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playing with layouts for speakers. trying to figure out what to put behind them as I feel it's quite empty without a background but think the rectangle made it less empty
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eedited layout. felt a bit plain so have added the first letters of their names. unsure how I feel about it, will develop them further. I like the messy effect of the letter but unsure if it matches rest of design as it is quite clean at the moment. although I do like the wavy names and occupation - still working on a solid layout
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-Trying different layout designs
I like William as I feel it is more connected to the cover with the wavy text, although it may be a little to wavy. I also like the gradient map on Jessica which Hazel suggested, I like that it still brings the two main colours together (green and pink). Also because some photos are only in black and white, therefore the idea of putting a gradient map over the images makes all images the same colour. Although it may be too bold, but that may just be because it's next to dull images. I like the lower opacity as otherwise it's a bit to much.
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trying without the gradient map, I don't like how real it looks as the rest of my design is illustration , map and main page - so I don't like how real this looks. although I could try an image trade in illustrator or a lower opacity which I have tried above
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image development, changing the green overlays in gradient map, cutting the subject out, lowering opacity and moving image to the corner. I like how the subject is cut out and lowered opacity although I do like the stronger green, I may try without the green as it is a bit random and think it will look better without the green gradient map
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current programme layout using the indesign table tool. Also map that I included the marae in as well as that is where the conference begins.
To work on - add a bit more of a design to the table, to me it seems very structured.
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current designers slayed out in brochure.
Need to work on - how I will put them together, I have just thrown them together at this point. Added dark box around to break up all the negative space and added lines in the middle between each designer to add some depth.
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current poster without the information that needs to be added. I took this from the cover of the brochure and quickly put it together but it needs a lot of work to work together with the information that’s needed.
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Playing with cover design and layouts.
/ like the stacked but feel the eye draws to quickly to the white stacks rather than the title itself.
/ like the waves and how one word is coloured as catches the eye better
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