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#NowPlaying #WhatAFeeling #OneDirection #1DFansForWhatAFeeling Listen now on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/track/0iSWAT0EL8TwmzcgBjKMh6 thndr.me/wyj1yh http://thndr.me/wyj1yh
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Vote for Liam in the Best Male and Best British Artist at the Global Awards here
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I think one of my favorite things about following Zayn is that he is continuously getting better. I’ve loved his voice from day one (that’s why I started stanning) but I’m so impressed by how he’s improved in the last two years. His lower register is so rich now, he has much more control, he’s using more and more advanced techniques and fusing musical styles/influences AND he seems to be stretching himself lyrically (the poems)…this is so much fun to watch. And there’s something inspiring about seeing someone who’s already incredibly talented constantly push to improve.
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Liam remains the only member of one direction to not have an award for his solo work, despite strip that down reaching a billon streams, archiving platinum status in multiple countries and becoming #1 on the radio. He and the song deserve better and I wish I could give it to him
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Has anyone considered that Niall may have been 5th wheeling it this entire time?
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Basically since the beginning there’s  been a bit of, “one of these things is not like the other” going on…  
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He’s clearly seen his share of Larry moments
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He pretty much has no chill when confronted about Larry 
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He’s witnessed his share of Ziam moments as well
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Loses his cool when Zayn is singing about Liam
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Tries to subtly let Liam know how un-subtle he’s being
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Is Ziamed right behind his back 
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Is probably the last to get a hug
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And is clearly over it at times 
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You have to wonder what Niall has witnessed 
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What is clear though is that the rest of 1D obviously worship him 
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If I ever meet Niall I’ll only have one question
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my roommate pointed out that harry styles looks like any animal in the world and i’ve come to realize that this is a fact. frog? harry. giraffe? harry. llama?? harry. to prove our findings here is a big ass masterpost with a list of animals that are indistinguishable from harold 
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of course we have the frog it wouldnt be a harry styles look-alike without it
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Chiam is fake regardless of Zayn. Zigi is fake regardless of Liam.
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Help Liam get votes! twitter (.) com/helpfandoms11/status/966310980505489409
Hey anon,
Vote for Liam.
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Is that a G. Tattoo on zayn's knee? Poor boy! The perrie tat wasnt enough to avoid an engagement and now he has tattoed gigi's eyes and initial to avoid it.
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Wake me up when Chiam is over.
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We’re indivisible.
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When liam pointed at Louis and Harry when they were asked "who is the last member to get married" you can hear Louis ask "us two?" I hat e
yeah they’re both so incredulous and offended hahah
The funny thing is Harry looks so pleased with himself when the question is asked, like “no way is it gonna be us”. 
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And then Liam comes with this
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This blog thinks Louis and Harry are still in love.
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if babygate ends/larry decided to come out/zayn releases his new album/Louis release his album/if ziam decided to come out/one direction comes back/Liam album come out/Niall go back to being blond/babygate 2.0 decide to end/zigi breakup/elounur breakup/paternity test get released/one direction releases new album or OT5 reunite while I’m in school/sleeping/or not on the internet we’re really about to fight.
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zayn: Singing
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No matter how much I research the music industry, I see 2 big issues discussed when it comes to record label abuses: 1) financial abuse, financially unequal contracts that screw the artist out of money. 2) loss of creative control - record labels being able to dictate the creative contents of albums. Endorsement contracts discuss limits on the behavior of the public figure, but never music contracts. You say it's "common" for SONY to dictate "marketing and branding", which seems to include (1/2)
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Hello. I’mgoing to try answer this question in an order where hopefully things lead toone another, but please bear with me as I may lose the thread. This turned intoa long answer. Also, there is some discussion on contracts & such which I know isn’t everyone’s cup of tea (and not generally mine), so just fyi. 
I will bevery clear in saying that I do make some assumptions, albeit based onexperience and knowledge. I will share my thoughts, but, in the end, you shoulddecide whether or not you agree.
Under the cut - do Sony distribution deals include marketing; how branding & marketing works; discussions of clauses in contracts that govern image; and a handy summary. 
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'If a person’s branding is as a “womanizer”, or sex symbol, or as a very heterosexual guy with a girlfriend, ' The 2010 UK Equalities Act makes it ILLEGAL to discriminate on grounds of sexuality so Louis could have taken Sony to court for foisting this image on him. So why didn't he?
This argument lacks critical thought on a few major levels. The bottom-line is this argument is incorrect, and I will explain precisely why. 
First, I won’t even touch on jurisdiction and governing rights in an international distribution contract. That opens its own set of possibilities, and the answers would be entirely dependent on how their contracts would stipulate legal jurisdiction. (By the way, both Louis & Harry would have international distribution contracts through Sony.) 
For the purposes of my thoughts below, I will assume that Louis’ contract stipulates that jurisdiction for any legal proceedings would take place in the UK. 
Under the cut, be prepared to be completely wrong (in my opinion) as I discuss where The Equality Act 2010 came from & what it covers; how it does(n’t) apply in Louis’ case; and how contracts can limit behaviors without being discriminatory. 
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