li00p · 5 months
i am afraid of dying. though it’s inevitable and every body meets their own demise, i fear mine to come so soon.
to lay in a death bed, six feet beneath this cursed land, i think, is worse than living and surviving with broken strings.
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li00p · 5 months
father, I hope you know that the mere mention of your name urges my eyes to cry,
and I don’t even know why.
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li00p · 5 months
I hope the sky opens up to reach for my barely living soul
i hope the gods see this miserable, miserable frame lying flat on the meadows. how misery ingulped me effortlessly. how i fall into this oblivion for all eternity.
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li00p · 5 months
for poets, what are we
if not the pieces we wrote in scratch papers and morbid fonts? what are we, if not the thoughts we painted with shaky hands and wretched souls?
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li00p · 5 months
must every child full of love suffer with the curse of feeling too much?
tell me, for I desire to know how this society has drought the gleaming hopes store behind every child’s unopened eyes.
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li00p · 5 months
sometimes, i thought of violence as my only escapade, that perhaps being unapologetically barbaric is the only call I’d take to take this all out
but to drag everyone else into this loop sided mess is nothing but pure vileness.
I shall suffer insufficiently until my very last wail.
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li00p · 9 months
I guess I'm stuck at the false idea that at least one person would stay. one who would choose me above all odds. one who's willing to run away with me. turn our backs on the world, and stay with one another until the very last strength in our body unleashes itself.
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