lgcsena · 4 days
designer birthday
the manager lifts her hand, the sign that she is now live on air for their viewers. the idol isn't completely sure how many have appeared yet, but given the increasing speed of the chat on the side, she imagines there must be plenty.
"hi, it's birthday girl sena! nice to see you!" she cheerfully waves. it feels awkward being the only girl on the stream. what could she talk about? what would she do to fill the gaps in her conversations? she thought about this when choosing the format of the stream; the ultimate reason she chose a crafting stream for the occasion.
"since it's my birthday, i decided i want to create something special to commemorate the event." row of plain white cloth goods- a tote bag, a t-shirt, and a bucket hat- lay in front of her.
"i'm going to be creating my own outfit! i have some sewing supplies over here, and on the other side i have some fabric pens. i've never sewn much before, so this might be a bit difficult... but i'll try my best!"
she begins with the tote bag. "i love tote bags for bringing the things to the company that don't fit in my purse," she notes. "my sneakers and heels, my practice folders, my notebooks... things like that. so, having a tote bag is really practical." she starts with a line of pink thread, simply adorning the top opening of the a few rows of pink stitches. "it doesn't look that great up close... but at least far away, it should look okay?" she uses scissors to cut holes at the top to also add ribbons, and writes skye at the bottom in pink fabric paint.
given her... performance... with the tote bag, sena is a bit less confident going into the design of the hat. at least the design itself was already planned. "i have this pink nova patch i custom ordered a few weeks ago, but now i have to figure out how to sew it on. she takes her phone from the manager, looking up a tutorial online and trying her best to follow it. but in the end, the sewing work is a bit low-quality, and pieces of the patch are not fully attached to the hat.
by the time she gets to the shirt, the idol is exhausted. she's read through the same hundreds of love messages and troll messages hundreds of times (though she makes an effort to respond to the well thought out ones), and all of the sewing is beginning to cause her a bit of eye strain. she decides to go simple with the shirt. "for this one, i'm just going to use paint pens, and i'll draw a pink cloud on top." she slides a piece of cardboard into the shirt before creating a cloud-like shape with dots created by the fabric pen. she then takes a thinner white paint pen to create highlights. she's no art prodigy, but it looks alright."
"okay! let me get the full outfit on and show you." finished with her work, sena jumps off-screen just for a moment to throw her t-shirt, bucket hat, and tote bag on over her current outfit. she then sassily struts back on screen, posing in super-model fashion for the live. "what do you think? am i a famous designer now?"
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lgcsena · 11 days
sena makes an attempt to dodge nayoung's bop, but it's light anyways. she giggles to herself again, before turning her focus back to the task at hand. she thinks about the older girl's words- admiring them for a moment. "i think you'd make a good producer. you seem to have a good ear for finding what sounds good."
the leader calmly leans back in her chair as she listens to each rendition sung to her. she closes her eyes, picturing the rest of the girls singing in their typical style. "hmm... what if we tried to find a good middle ground?" she asks. "so a bit less than what we would do in a recording studio, but enough to put emphasis on the important lines."
sena demonstrates what she means; she keeps her volume lower than her highest, but still avoids singing too monotonously. she just sings with enough emotion to emphasize the most important part of the line. "how did that sound?" she asks. "if you'd rather sing with full emotion, i think that's better than none at all. but this might be a good middle ground."
"ajumma!!!" nayoung's eyes widen and she exclaims loudly before bursting into small laughter. that was definitely a first to be compared to one and she wants to bop sena- so she does... lightly. "i-" she sputters a little, but the energy is probably better used on her singing. "I'll remember that one, sena," she snickers, before composing herself and getting back to the singing.
"the little details are what is going to set us apart, i think. especially since we are still rookies in the grand scheme of seniority, and within legacy too so... taking the extra steps to be concise is fantastic. but i understand. i wonder if i can apply my creativity sauce to producing one day, i haven't quite gotten there musically yet but no better time to start than today..." true that nayoung often unleashed her creative side with art instead of music, but why not both? but she's still on the fence. "or tomorrow. or... later."
it really wasn't a focus for her right now. "okay, that's convincing, i guess. i'd rather not under sing if you know what i mean, but i also don't want to seem like I'm trying too hard. let me... show you version a," she sings the line without evoking much emotion, and then the second time with emotions involved. "and version b. a bit different from each other, i'd say!"
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lgcsena · 18 days
"yes, almost. it'll be a year in july." she smiles politely. she's glad to have made it this far. "i don't know anything beyond the first year, but it definitely starts to feel a lot easier when you know what to expect every time you promote." it is a lot like a routine, and as a leader, it puts sena's mind at ease knowing that the rest of the group can put their mind at ease when it comes to general expectations. then she only has to worry about the details.
"oh, a fan meeting tour sounds fun," she says. "what cities are you going to?" she wonders when nova will be having a tour. not that she expects one just yet; they haven't even been a group for a year yet. but performing live is an important part of being an idol, so she hopes one comes soon enough. a first tour is a big deal. "is this your first tour with them? the thought of travelling for days or weeks at a time seems pretty daunting, but i think i would like it anyways."
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lgcsena · 26 days
the giraffe comment causes sena to burst into laughter. "it's really not that bad, but... you do remind me a bit of a nosy ajumma with that stance." she leans back in her seat, listening to the older girl sing her line once again. the younger's eyes light up, impressed by nayoung's vocals once again. "ooh! that sounds really good. i like it that way."
she shrugs. she's never given a thought to producing. "i feel like i'd get a little too perfectionist if i was a producer," she lets out with a sigh. "but, i do like paying attention to the small details." that attention to the small details is what gives sena that sense of control she desires. she just hopes it's not too much on the other members.
an air of nervousness thinking about singing live creeps into sena's laugh. singing live can either go really well or really poorly. she hopes this radio stint will be the former. "yeah, at least if your voice cracks, we can prove we sang it live, and that in itself is impressive."
"yes, but only a clip for everyone to hear after," the corners of her mouth stretch even further in a grimace, as she holds sena's hand, wiggling it a little to share the physical distress that emanates from her frame. releasing sena, she takes a few deep breaths and tries to relax herself. "do i look like a giraffe like this though?" she tries to bring up her spirits a bit with a comment less serious, as she tries to push her shoulders down - which she can feel click into place, many thanks to her dance extracurriculars growing up. that random tidbit from her dance teacher when she was a child being helpful, who would have thought?
after singing the line again, and focusing on proper technique too with her diaphragm, the line sounds different. "you would be very good as a director or producer eventually too if that is what you'd like to do, i think. you really do focus on the small details as our leader." the line does different completely, although she dos need to maintain it for the rest of the song too. but the line distributions were pretty even with breaks in between, so surely they'd all be okay as a unit. "its so different on stage in comparison to a radio show. i think i'm intimidated but excited too. a voice crack won't kill me either way, right? it'll.. prove we're singing live... HA!"
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lgcsena · 1 month
acting was already difficult for sena when she was filming web series. but now, improv... it's like she's back on future dreams. she sits in a pile of crumpled up paper bills, dabbing the space beneath her eyes periodically.
don't cry, be rich. sounds like something the blonde would have written in her journal if she were to have come up with that sort of statement on her own. no wonder that's the rule she was chosen to portray. sena has always been one to hide her true emotions, or at least the ones that make her feel vulnerable. healthy? probably not. but she likes keeping those things to herself. nobody can use them against her that way.
"yes?" she sniffles, doing everything she can to sound like she'd just been crying, as she had to do in the music video. hearing the request from milan, she considers it for a second. "i'm sure there's room in the budget for that, but... there's members that feel ugly?" she begins to cry again, burying her face into a wad of cash as to hide the fact that she's terrible at fake crying. "i'll immediately... *sniffle* talk to the administration... *cough* about your request." she 'calms' herself by beginning to count the cash in her hand again. "you're right- self confidence is important. do you have any other ideas to improve that for our members?"
milan suddenly raises her hand high. "president! i have a budget request!" her sudden declarations is aimed at sena, but as expected, all eyes do turn on her at that very moment. she glances back at the five other girls, pushes her seat away, stands up and begins dancing while singing to herself 'lalalalalalala heart'. as abruptely as she stood up, she sits back down as if nothing happened.
this type of nonsense is fun and easy to navigate for milan. there's a fine line to respect between humor and full on negativity in this case, and perhaps this is why she ended up with the 'dance when you feel ugly' persona. otherwise, it would mean that their manager purposely gave the tag to milan and that's more implications that she's not willing to dig into. shinhye knows her too much, too well... no, better not go with that line of thoughts.
she pushes the fakes glasses she's wearing for the occasion back up her nose. "so, as i was saying, i'd like to use part of the budget to add dance areas in all classes for when students feel ugly. they'd have a designated place to dance the feeling out. i'm sure the impact of their self-confidence will be non negligeable!"
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lgcsena · 1 month
singing live is something that has always been instilled in sena's singing style, ever since she was just learning her first techniques. despite the k-pop industry's focus on performance over vocals, the ability to sing live is something the idol believes is equally valuable. that's at least one thing that keeps her mother happy about her choice to venture away from the realm of trot and other standard vocal music careers. she's glad that her fellow members are also working on their vocals in preparation for their radio appearances.
"at least with radio shows, there won't be an audience in the actual room." sena thinks singing for one person must be less daunting than singing for a whole crowd. "don't worry about your voice cracking- the more you worry, the more likely you are to have a voice crack." the leader hums, listening to nayoung's voice removed of all the background noise. it's not often she gets this perspective. "maybe at the end of this line right here," she says, "just pay attention to how tense your shoulders are. if you overthink it, all that tense energy built up is going to come out as that nasal sound. it already doesn't sound too nasally as it is, so as long as you don't tense up, it'll sound fine." a reassuring smile appears on the younger girl's face, as she gestures for her to try the line again. "does that feel any better?"
ON and ON again ( @lgcsena )
singing fully live without backtrack kind of daunts nayoung, despite them not having that during future dreams. she's here now with sena, a bit wide eyed but ready to perfect their craft. their lives were a bit different on stage in comparison to being on radio shows but... the perk was they also didn't have to dance on the radio shows. slow and steady breathing, and stability. "i'm so scared my voice will crack, sena." she sounds a bit sheepish as she takes a deep breath, before starting one of her lines acapella. she's here for some feedback and advice, but also to listen to sena sing and the two of them would hopefully ping-pong back and forth with singing through their songs that they'd be doing for the radio shows.
"i wonder if nasal is bad? i try not to get there but sometimes it naturally happens, especially at the end of my lines." her nose crinkles as she awaits sena's response, glancing at their leader hesitantly. she's so lucky that sena is always there to help them all improve. but she's the oldest, and she was always going to help her out too.
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lgcsena · 2 months
sena thinks about how much time has already passed, and yet, at the same time, it feels like just a moment in time. perhaps that's what makes her a rookie. "i guess, at some point we just stop being called rookies by the company and the media, and that's just what happens." she doesn't know, but all she knows is that at some point, they'll make it past that rookie stage- well, probably.
"we're preparing for our second comeback right now," she says, going through each album in her head just to be sure. class of 2023, see u l8r... and this next album. "anything exciting you guys are preparing for?" considering sena never has much of a chance to interact with members of legacy's boy groups, she's interested to know what's going on with them.
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lgcsena · 2 months
a young girl, seemingly a high school student, makes her way across the table of row of seats, across the table from where sena is sitting. while the idol has provided careful attention to each fan who sits with her, she can't help but notice this young girl carefully look her way with each transition. finally, the young girl makes her way to the chair across from her, and they begin to converse.
the young girl is clearly nervous. she's dressed in a simple white tee shirt with light blue jeans- akin to the outfits they wore in the girls' capitalism music video. sena recognizes the jeans- they're the same style sena wore in her first shoot with the company.
they greet each other with a bow, sena's interest piqued as she begins to sign the album.
the girl begins to go into a bit of detail as to how she became a fan; it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, she just happened to get nova iuventa: amare recommended on her youtube feed while on a break from school. she had binged the whole thing- and sena was her favorite character.
sena was glad to hear this- she's never been the best at acting, but she does try her hardest, and it was enough to have gained at least one fan from the experience.
but what made this interaction stand out was not the small talk about how she became a fan, though these would be details sena would remember because of how interesting the next part of the conversation is to her.
the young girl, who sena learned was just fifteen years old and just entering her first year of high school, had decided to study psychology because of her.
huh? sena can't help but become confused. as far as she can remember, she has made it clear in nova's content that she isn't the best at studying anything.
but the reason was not because of sena's academic aptitude. rather, it was the fact that the girl stanned nova in the first place. the girl had become particularly interested into how human psychology factors into the way fans interact with their favorite k-pop groups; and how management companies can use psychology to market their artists more effectively. the girl says that, if she hadn't discovered nova through it's unique marketing strategy with nova iuventa: amare, and hadn't become a fan of skye's, she's not sure she ever would have made that revelation.
this answer leaves sena stunned. a girl this young is able to determine her ideal career path simply by noticing her in a web series? she's not sure how respond at first, but sena expresses her gratitude for the girl's support, and wishes her the best of luck throughout her studies.
and finally, in the album, sena writes-
skye is rooting for you~!
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lgcsena · 2 months
sena nods. it is weird, seeing newer trainees- and even idols who she'd never interacted with in the past- knowing her name. however, it's something she enjoys. she's not just the one trainee with the singer mom, or the one trainee with the blonde hair. no, she is now skye of nova. even sena, to many others. she enjoys it.
"yep, time has really flown by," she agrees. "we're still getting our footing, of course, but it feels like we're on track to move out of the rookie stage right on schedule." what even defines a rookie, anyways? a number of years? a number of comebacks? a certain amount of awards? sena has never really paid attention to what the defined line is. "i guess with time, it gets easier. or, maybe easier isn't the right word... but, you get used to it."
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lgcsena · 2 months
sena's knight creation
to be quite honest, sena doesn't know much about project origin, beyond the fact that nova is part of it. their first three-quarters of a year as a group seemed mostly based in internal world-building; nova iuventa: amare made it seem that their characters were based in the real world, rather than the mythical lands of the origin universe. even their collaboration with fabula hadn't had much to do with the lore that she knows of. nevertheless, writing has been the idol's go-to hobby ever since she became an idol, and had spent plenty of time in her nightly journaling sessions coming up with this character in preparation for this very meeting.
the girl sits in front of her manager comfortably, allowing herself to sit with her legs criss-crossed below her. her journal flips open to a page filled with scribbles and scratches, a glimpse into the inner workings of the idol's mind. "so, first off, i want to talk about the character herself. she's a natural born leader, of course, given my role in the group." sena thought that seemed pretty clear from the start; the other leaders were also leaders in the lore, right? she figured it would be the same here. "but beyond that, i think she would be incredibly serious and level-headed at all times, not really showing emotion." sena is a bit similar in that way; she doesn't always like people knowing how she truly feels about things. she doesn't like feeling vulnerable. she wants to seem powerful, like she really does have everything under control. someone who can handle independence well, but can also work together with a team.
"as for superpowers?" skye had originally gone with the obvious answer: flight. but it was too obvious. "shapeshifting." sena felt it was the best fit for her counterpart's personality. "i'm thinking she would be able to shapeshift into any animal she desires. to tie it into my stage name, i think her favorite form would be a bird, so she can fly. oh- and she enjoys it because it allows her to get a true birds-eye view of everything happening, which gives her more of that feeling of control." just as she is in real life, wanting to know what's going on at all times.
with that, she flips her journal closed. she hopes she's provided enough for the writers to work with, but nonetheless, leaves the meeting eager to see alter ego on the screen soon.
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lgcsena · 3 months
sena nods. "yes, that's my stage name, but sena's alright. thanks for asking, though." while she likes the name skye regardless, there's one reason especially she likes it most; separation. her as an idol and her as herself can be two different people, and for sena, having a stage name is a more concrete manifestation of that separation.
"really? thank you," sena smiles. it's nice to hear compliments about their music. she knows their music is good, given that they tend to chart relatively well and receive positive reviews from fans, but hearing it from a fellow idol is important too. "it's been nearly a year since our debut, but everything still feels so fresh." she nods in agreement, her gaze moving between hyoseop's and her lunch as she nibbles on a cut-up roll of kim bap. "it's quite the difference from trainee life, isn't it?"
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lgcsena · 3 months
with their comeback just around the corner, sena finds herself in the company building, and around the rest of the nova members, the majority of her waking hours. now, this isn't necessarily a bad thing; she loves everything nova is doing, and she is happy for the group to be embarking on another era. however, it's nice to be able to talk to some different people, so she elects to take her lunch break in a separate area.
luckily, instead of having to flag someone down to sit with her, sena is eager to see a fellow idol approach her. she is slightly familiar with him; he recently joined type zero, and if she remembers correctly, he's sori's brother. sena tries to remember anything sori has told her about him, but nothing comes to mind.
"not a problem. feel free to sit!" she politely slides her food closer to her, making more room for the older idol to place his lunch on the table. "yes! my name is sena. and you're hyoseop, correct?" she smiles. "i enjoyed watching some of type zero's content recently."
sit by me
hyoseop often found himself unsure of where to sit during lunch in the cafeteria. he always brings his own lunch, so sometimes he wouldn’t even go to the cafeteria, he’d find a bench outside and enjoy his food alone. often hyoseop would find himself sitting with his fellow members, though they still weren’t too close, they were familiar faces. he walks into the cafeteria, lunch box in his hands and scans the room, he could go to his members, or maybe something new? and when he spots a face sitting alone, he approaches her.
“sena, right?”. though they’re not close nor haven’t interacted much, hyoseop remembers the face, as she joined the same season of future dreams as his sister, and though he’d never really been a fan of survival shows, he forced himself to see that season for his sister. “mind if i sit here?” he asks, really hoping she won’t say no and he’ll have to awkwardly walk away.
<3 @lgcsena
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lgcsena · 3 months
sena looks around the living area, satisfied with the work that's been done so far. she agrees, there's still so much to be done- but the room is as livable as it can be for six girls in a single two-bedroom apartment. she wonders how they'd keep up with any bigger of a dorm; but then again, the extra space would be nice anyways.
"i hope they do! we did a lot of work." she thinks about how much of a weight is already lifted from her- and hopefully the group's- shoulders by doing this. any mess anyone noticed in the dorm was now one less thing to worry about.
"oh, i am kinda hungry..." she thinks about how long the two have been cleaning, and then checks the clock. it's been a bit too long to have gone without anything. "you helped me clean, so i can help make something as a snack, and then dinner too. i'm clueless with the stove, but i can help with everything else, if you want."
nayoung makes a face, knowing that she was definitely one of the main ones who would always be filling up the area for packages but that could come handy with limiting her packages since she did want to buy less in general as per her new years resolution. having it on public display rather than hiding it could encourage that too. "that is a good idea. we can keep box cutter or scissors there so that our recycling can be put away immediately rather than hoarding up boxes. speaking for myself..."
"this is a very good start though. i feel cleaner already and that the place looks and feels much easier to breathe in. and lighter. i hope the others notice too when they come back." nayoung plops down in a chair and looks at sena still moseying around. there's always more to do but to be honest, she's not too used to doing this back in her own home other than for her room. but it's different now. she's the oldest member in the group, and sena's the leader.
"is there anything else you would like me to do? otherwise i might reorganize the kitchen a little but then start on cooking something for when everyone comes back. or if you'd like a small snack, i could make something up real fast too!"
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lgcsena · 3 months
sena laughs, seeing how close of a color the shirt is to miyu's hair. it makes the girl wonder whether she'll be given any unnatural colors for a release. sena's been blonde since she was a trainee; she could go any direction at this point. she particularly wonders how that will affect her style- but she'll worry about that when the day comes.
"you're welcome," sena says. as a lover of clothing and fashion, she's glad to see a fellow nova member also excited about clothing. finding things in common makes the girl all the more comfortable around the others.
the idol continues looking around the store, searching for any more advertisements with their faces on them. "oh! this flyer right here!" she finds one over a small rack. "ooh... this must be the display for the items we picked for the shoot." she combs through the rack, seeing what she and the other nova members chose for the campaign. "which one did you pick again?"
"that color is so pretty! perfect for summer," she nods, commenting on the t-shirt sena picked out. "it matches my hair almost," miyu laughs, tugging a strand of pink out of her ponytail. although promotions are over, her hair remains bright; something she apparently will never get used to. "i wonder if they have some high-waisted jean shorts to pair it with?" she offers nova's leader a styling suggesting.
"you think?" miyu's face flushes a bit as she presses the jacket close to her body. she looks in the mirror, admiring the cut of the fabric and the small details.
"it has been a little chilly in the mornings lately. i was hoping it would have warmed up by now, but the weather seems unpredictable these days," the dancer lets out a soft sigh. "you're right, though. it'd be good for those early morning schedules, and it's no so heavy i would hate to have to lug it around all day," she rubs the fabric between her fingertips. "i think i'll get it, then. thanks for convincing me!"
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lgcsena · 3 months
sena considers milan's suggestion for a moment. any time she's been practicing, the leader has been trying her best to focus entirely on working. sure, it works- but the older girl is right, it'd be more exhausting than taking practices a bit easier and making it fun.
"i think that might actually work," she decides. she thinks about nova's discography and choreography thus far, and the songs almost all sound fun and upbeat. maybe the goal isn't to be the most synchronized and polished group, but one that exudes the fresh, youthful energy that has become apparent with time. "i think the more fun we have in practice, the more we'll be able to have fun on stage." she hopes, at least, this will be the case. it's worth a shot, anyways, especially given how exhausted the two are.
"i guess i need to practice having fun, then," the younger laughs. of course, she enjoys having fun, but thus far, she's put 'work' and 'fun' in separate buckets. she knows how uptight she's been, but now it's time to mix the two buckets together.
more than sena's words, its the simple yet sweet gesture of squeezing her hand that makes milan the happiest. by now, she has learned more about her groupmates, and knows that sena isn't the skinship type. so this gesture, as simple as it might appear, means a lot coming from her. in this very moment, milan can understand how some groups consider themselves like "family", a bond deeper than coworkers, and different than friendship. and she hopes that the nova members can grow to become like a second family to each other.
at the younger girl's declaration of working harder, milan pauses and tilts her head. she too always says that, but perhaps... so she shakes her head. "what if instead of practicing hard, we practice with fun?" she asks. she pushes herself to sit down facing the blonde. "hear me; we're always warking hard and seriously, perhaps we need to try to have fun and feel the moment from time to time? just let loose and not think too much about the steps count and vocal technicalities? maybe that's what we need to fix our issues..." she realizes how silly this might sound so she adds. "plus, they always say relaxing is important too if we want to perform well! that would be knocking two birds with one stone! relax and work!"
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lgcsena · 3 months
glass bead
making jewelry for super✰nova
sena isn't exactly sure where to begin with the clear, plastic box, which lays dauntingly beyond her workspace, her fingertips inching towards the latch which holds the kit together. she's unsure how she's going to like making jewelry- it seemed a lot more daunting as an adult than it did when she was making macaroni necklaces and paper bracelets as a child. the pair of pliers alone was enough to make sena want to give up on the spot.
however, this is what she committed to, and this is what she's going to do.
sena has decided the best course of action would be to create rings out of wire. they're small, they don't require the use of any tools that are difficult to obtain, and she can definitely get it done in the time set aside for her to film.
"i chose this set of beads because a lot of the options are similar to our member colors," sena says, as the camera operator pans over the set of large beads she found at the local craft store. "but there's also gold, silver and other neutrals too. i think i'll make as many as i can so i can share with all of nova."
in preparation for this day, the idol had watched multiple tutorials on youtube, and she feels confident enough to create simple wire-wrap rings for the occasion. in a way, it's almost more intense than her trainee evaluations. there's no telling how well she'll do, and more importantly, how people will react - but regardless, she begins working away at the rings, telling some stories as she creates each one by hand.
by the end of her session, she's made a ring with each of the members' colors, a few extra rings using neutral tones, and a few experimental designs that didn't go over quite as well. but this is all about learning anyways, right? the idol feels that has been accomplished.
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lgcsena · 3 months
sena checks out the window, and indeed, it is too chilly. it could use a good wipe down, though. she walks eagerly to the kitchen, grabbing some paper towels to wet them. "i don't know that she'll even recognize the place," the girl jokes. it does look different after a nice vacuuming and cleaning. she wonders what it would be like if they did this more regularly.
"ah, that makes a lot of sense." just having to pull out the vacuum once for the whole apartment is probably easier than four people waiting around to use it. "yeah, it might get boring doing the same thing over and over again." she runs the towels over the cool glass, the dust build-up clearing the way to some sunlight.
"it might give us more time to hang out as a group," sena smiles, balling up the towels as she finishes with the window. "maybe we'll be more inclined to sit in the living room instead of our rooms if we're not greeting dust bunnies every time we walk in. "thanks," she replies to nayoung's agreement to declutter the bedroom. "maybe we should have a spot for our packages, so once that spot fills up, we know it's time to put stuff away."
"oh i didn't think about that... if someone's missing their lipbalm, i can give them a new one from my stash." it's interesting how some things go missing and depending on the person, they will never notice until it comes up again. "we can put the missing items in this box here in the open area, and then maybe if no one claims it weekly we can toss it out during our trash day. wow our manager will be so impressed at how nice everything is looking.' too bad it's too chilly to open the windows and air everything out. "
"a whiteboard would be nice if we can agree on it. i think that... specific chores might be better, so that we don't need multiple sets of tools for every room if we all only have free time on today, for example. and we can rotate the tasks so that even if we dread one particular task, we only have it for maybe a set week or two?" she ponders the idea, knowing she dislikes washing dishes but its offset with the members who liked to cook. "
nayoung grabbed some wipes to clean off some gunk that was left on the kitchen table that could not be rid of with just a duster. eugh. she'd treat herself with a new nail polish job later, as she noticed her nail definitely chipped from the round so far. "it's better if we upkeep it so we can all enjoy the environment a bit more. i'll move all the boxes out as soon as i can so that they don't clutter up the entire closet and room in the future."
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