lgcgaram · 2 years
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stunner  ✨
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lgcgaram · 2 years
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lgcgaram · 2 years
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lgcgaram · 2 years
━━━━━━━━ 𝖂hat's up ? first off, i'm excited to be here w/ you all and i can't wait to get to know your muses ! you can call me nio. i use h/h pronouns, i'm 19+, and i'm here to introduce you to a muse of mine that's fresh outta the oven. as he's so new to me, i'm learning more and more about him as i go, and i'm pumped that all of your muses will become apart of his journey. anyway, his name's chu garam. he's from honolulu, hi, but relocated to korea to train at lgc in the summer of 2021. he's that one punk-ass e-boy/emo kid you remember from middle/high school. y'know, the one who just graduated, paints his nails black, and sketches on the white-parts of his converse? he's also a double scorpio (sun/moon) mess: an overly passionate and emotional soul with rich sensitivity, and equipped with a wicked sense of humor, as well as a gruesome temper. his mom always tells him that he needs a haircut, but he doesn't care. he's not one for following the rules, per se, but he's learning to manage in the company. to learn more, take a peek under the cut. gimme a heart and i'll message you for plots as soon as possible ! 🤘🏼
alright, here's an obligatory link to his profile ! when i finally get around to writing more blurbs on him, i'll reblog this with additional links. i'm a flop, i know. 💀
mom's an ob/gyn, dad's an oncologist. they're very respected in their fields and worked incredibly hard to be as successful as they are. their parents (garam's grandparents, both sides) were extremely hard on them, so they adopted a strong work ethic, but not a lot of emotional intelligence. so, when garam entered their lives, they had no fucking idea what to do. from the jump, he was highly sensitive and reactive. his moods were immense. he was expressive, and wild, and wasn't afraid to argue with them or tell them "no!" when he didn't want to do something. he challenged them in many, many ways, and his attitude carried on (in some form) for the rest of his life. they saw—and still see—a lot of themselves in him, shockingly enough, but the parts that they learned to suppress with all of their might. they're easier on him than their parents were on them, and while they feel a modicum of disappointment and resentment because of this, they're glad to see that he's independent and able to make his own choices.
garam was definitely seen as someone odd or quirky in school. the weather is beautiful in honolulu, but he never took advantage of the sun and the waves. not much, at least. in school, he preferred to hole himself up in the corner of a room and either read a book, or read/study people. on the surface, he was quiet; reticent; seemingly intelligent; calculating; mysterious. his teachers always told his parents that they wish he spoke up in class more, but they understood that that wasn't his personality. when he began to express himself more in adolescence, it definitely got him sideways glances. in a superficial sense, kids around him thought of him as the quintessential e-boy/emo-scene kid. his style was eccentric, his hair was messy on purpose, he listened to a lot of alternative styles of music, and he seemed unapologetic about it. he never cared if his self-expression or sexual orientation, etc. upset/bothered people, and to be honest, he still doesn't care. anyway, his friends from back home—the theatre kids tbh—all remember him as a charming, idiosyncratic, protective individual; a person with a fearlessness about him that they all still admire. sure, he gets in his feelings a lot and he can be explosive when he's angry, but that only tells them that he really cares and has immense passion zooming through his veins.
garam occasionally wonders if he's a bad person, and he still hasn't come up with an answer. he knows that he likes chaos, and that he can be a lot to handle for some people—when he opens up to them, that is—and he knows that it's not fair that he wants to know everyone's deep dark secrets but would never tell them his own. he's also well-aware that his jealousy, possessiveness, and his bad attitude can sometimes get him into trouble, but he doesn't make many strides to alter those "negative" personality traits of his. in a nutshell, he identifies with them and accepts them; able to admit how he is and never apologizing for it. he's stubborn in that sense; fixed in his ways. because he's so introspective, he spends a lot of time psychoanalyzing himself, as well as others. he likes to think he's gotten incredible at reading people and their true motives; like a detective or private investigator with how he studies them. his eyes are intense and fierce, and when they land on someone, his gaze is piercing; somehow a collision both sensitive and sensual. he has a natural magnetism, and he knows it. he uses it to his advantage. however, despite all of the problematic parts of his soul, he's able to recognize that he's a loving person, even if he loves too hard. if you're someone he cares about, he will kill/die for you. though, he views life in a rather black and white way, so if he doesn't love you, he hates you, and similarly to how he goes all out with his loved ones, he'll have no problem doing the same in a detrimental light to those he hates. you slight him, he'll aim to ruin your life. he can hold a mean grudge and believes in getting even instead of forgiving and forgetting. this makes him a troublesome enemy. for the most part, he likes who he is, even if he can be bad. sure, like every human, he has his moments of insecurity and self-doubt—and those often cause him to lash out, unfortunately—but he's living and learning and doesn't want to be/expect to be perfect. all he can hope is that he can make good friends, meet interesting people, and maybe become a singer if he works hard enough at it and doesn't succumb to laziness.
i'm someone who values really deep connections. i love layers, and figuring out what makes them work/not work together, and what makes them tick. those often are my priority when it comes to laying down a good foundation for my muse, and because of that, i prefer to brainstorm instead of explore preset options. if you have any wanted connections that you'd like taken, i have no problem looking through them, of course, but above all, i want us to come up with the best plot possible for our muses. i'm open to any and all ideas, and adore getting into the nitty gritty of everything. platonic relationships, bitter enemies, romances, ex-lovers, friends-turned-enemies, friends-with-benefits... i want it all, so sign me up and don't be afraid to mention anything you have in mind. if you're interested, let me know !
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