lexofluxury · 2 months
This is your sign. It's time to focus on you. REALLY focus on you. Your self-growth is your priority. It means everything. Put your attention on what's good for you. Stop playing around. You know you have what it takes to manifest those things that you can't stop thinking about. It's time to take yourself more serious. You deserve it. Blessings will follow.
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lexofluxury · 10 months
the second you decide something is yours, that’s it. it’s yours. so—with love—stop referring to it as your “desire,” stop seeing it as something outside of you, stop doing anything to try to get it, and—yes, this is a non-negotiable—stop desiring it. it is not a potential anymore. you claimed it. it is in your possession.
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lexofluxury · 10 months
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lexofluxury · 10 months
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lexofluxury · 10 months
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lexofluxury · 11 months
love men who remind you chivalry is not dead
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lexofluxury · 11 months
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lexofluxury · 11 months
money saving tips
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here are some ways you can save your money ! i hope this helps!
transfer 4/5 of your money into your bank account (if you need cash on hand)
if you are looking to save cash, use two piggy banks; one for your savings and the other one for money you are going to spend
dont buy (unnecessary) things if you can't buy them 3x
ask yourself if the thing you want to buy is something you need or something you want
it's more than okay to spend money on things that you want but leave some wishes for a time when you are more financially stable
find other things to do instead of shopping
see if the thing you want to buy is available for a cheaper price
make an emergency fund
make a grocery list and follow it (don't buy things that aren't listed)
save up coupons and buy things on sale
find hobbies that make you money instead of costing money
cancel unnecessary subscriptions
make your drink/food at home instead of buying it in shops
invest in things that last longer (so you don't have to buy them over and over again)
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lexofluxury · 11 months
Me time🌸
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lexofluxury · 11 months
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lexofluxury · 11 months
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lexofluxury · 11 months
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Future goals 🙌🏿 🤞🏿
Source: Pinterest
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lexofluxury · 11 months
When in paris
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lexofluxury · 11 months
do not underestimate the power of cleaning your space, meditating and journaling your thoughts. especially journaling cause once you start brain dumping your thoughts you actually release those thoughts and once you do your higher self starts to show up in your writing. whenever I need ideas I start brain dumping all of my thoughts, tasks and things I have to do and it’s like I empty my mind and my concious mind and my subconscious mind takes over and I get these amazing downloads come through.
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lexofluxury · 11 months
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lexofluxury · 11 months
“i feel like i have no purpose” You are not a fixed entity. You do not have one grand, singular, constant purpose. As long as you have genuine intent behind your actions, everything you do serves a purpose. As long as you are truly present, you notice that everything contributes to a greater whole. You do not need to dedicate yourself endlessly to one practice to achieve a purpose; allow yourself to oscillate freely between them all. Experiment. You are not one dimensional: treat yourself as such.
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lexofluxury · 11 months
Health is wealth
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