levraivoleur · 4 years
I Fight alone,it’s my thing.
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levraivoleur · 4 years
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Now that I’ve finally gotten my blog back up to standard, I should be more active to roleplay again! Hit that like button if you want Lupin to come bother your inbox. Can’t make any promises on what he’ll do, that part will be a mystery 👀
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levraivoleur · 4 years
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“ So much the better if no one can ever say with absolute certainty: There is Arsène Lupin! The essential point is that the public may be able to refer to my work and say, without fear of mistake: Arsène Lupin did that ! ”
- Arsène Lupin, Gentleman Cambrioleur
                     ( Lupin Files ) . ( Code of Honour ) . ( Stolen Goods ) . ( The Mun )
Bonjour! Welcome to Levraivoleur, a fan blog dedicated to the greatest gentleman thief to ever cross our pages; Arsène Lupin! Here you will find the means to interact with, and hear about Maurice Leblanc’s rather infamous character. Though, please note: this is primarily a roleplaying blog, and whilst there will occasionally be a deviation away from this as the mun explores musings about their own take on Arsène’s characterisation, the focus will be on interacting with, and meeting, muses of your own.
If you ever want to reach out to me, please do not hesitate!
I will be available on a changing rotation, Monday/Saturday’s one week, and Thursdays the next. I cannot guarantee I will always be online. But that does not mean I won’t roleplay with you!
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levraivoleur · 4 years
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Still in the process of updating my blog. In the meantime, have a couple of traditional sketches I managed to work on that showcase the two version of Lupin I both muse, and write for!
The top image features my primary take on the favourite Gentleman Thief; he’s around his mid-40′s here, seen and done it all, and is about as mature as one petty frenchman can be. In comparison to his younger self (bottom, early 20′s at best), he’s got a much more experienced eye, and the many escapades that he has involved himself in throughout his life have shaped him into a much more cautionary character. His younger self believes that he can conquer the world, whereas he‘s seen the consequences of that, and he’ll done anything to make sure others don’t follow in his footsteps.
There’s nothing wrong with stealing, after all. It’s the arrogance that comes with it that can destroy you.
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levraivoleur · 4 years
forgive me father for i have sinned in all the most intricate, exquisite and aesthetically pleasing ways i was capable of
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levraivoleur · 4 years
I don’t want a memorial service when I die – I want an immemorial service. Just a series of people getting up and telling increasingly outlandish fictionalised stories of my life that are just plausible enough that everyone leaves the event wondering who the hell I am.
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levraivoleur · 4 years
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"I’m always alive. In the minds, and hearts, of everyone I meet~ ❤”
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levraivoleur · 4 years
"There you are!" Eleni is quick to call out from the front gate of her store, a hint of feigned annoyance in her voice as she steps up to Lupin and locks her arm with his "you're late! Did you get lost or something?" She sighs looking up before gently tugging at his arm to guide him inside all the while pointedly avoiding to look back at whoever she noticed had been following the thief.
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"Late? Non, ma chérie. I am what you call fashionably early.”
With a quick bow and a silly little grin on his face, Lupin was more than happy to link arms with his favourite person in the world. Eleni. And he made this pleasure well known by bumping his shoulder into hers playfully, as he is tugged indiscriminately around.
“You appear to be in a haste, dearest. Did you make sure to lock up your shop up well?”
The question came casually, but he noted on the way her eyes focused only ahead of them, and how her shoulders would tense as she pretended to otherwise, be relaxed. And this made him frown.
“We can’t possibly have some ruffian ransacking the place when you are gone.”
He gave her arm a quick squeeze and continued to play game, in hopes she’d reveal something soon. What could possible have alarmed her so?
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levraivoleur · 4 years
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He’s considering it. It’s been a while since he’s seen people, and dinner does sound nice.
“Oui. That is acceptable.”
Jokes on Icarus though, he’ll be ordering Kidney for tea!
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levraivoleur · 4 years
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He comes back for one day and this is how he’s treated.
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levraivoleur · 4 years
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levraivoleur · 4 years
stop asking me what my plan for the day is, it’s the same as always, self sabotage
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levraivoleur · 4 years
unfortunately for everybody i will keep doing whatever i want
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levraivoleur · 4 years
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"I-I see.”
He doesn’t. But he’s also not surprised. Should he be concerned?
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levraivoleur · 4 years
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"Oho? I guess without a reliable source of nuisance entertainment, it is only understandable. I bet you even missed the likes of me, dearest Shirley.~”
He is jesting, of course. But his usual, sardonic grin would tell you otherwise--
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levraivoleur · 4 years
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"My, my. Things sure have gotten festive around here! I feel a little, as you English would say it - out of the loop. What even has been happening?”
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levraivoleur · 4 years
To your mad world—one answer: I refuse.
Marina Tsvetaeva (trns. Ilya Kaminsky), Poems to Czechoslovakia (via seamusheaneygone)
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