55 posts
Imperial soul, eloquent delivery, a nuance of Love serving under the responsibility of being a maker and daughter of a Creator. Happy am I to be chosen. So shall I be eloquent, serving and striving with and for excellence in all that I do; Imperial.
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
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Though you're voiceless now, I loved you and you taught me how to love and be loved. You showed me the value of a friendship within a relationship. You taught me things, period. I really dislike you, but I'm glad I loved you.
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
Donovan & I Kept Falling
We fell in love
It was so easy to do
Fell in love
We kept falling
Fireworks worked,
On blankets beneath the stars
He remembered, I saw him first
We kept falling
We kept falling in love
Falling in love
Follow me across the streets your family might own
Discover me and the penmanship you learned
"X" marks the spot, where we continued falling
We kept falling
We kept falling in love
Falling in love
Money and travel,
Education and emotions raveled
between their fingers
What shall we do 
When the elders won't trust the King?
As we kept falling
We kept falling in love
Falling love
Not a thing could halt this love
We kept falling
How did we silence their voices
For so long
To play hide and seek, and to be found out by shame
Stop this game, it's suffocating me
We kept falling
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
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Two things I'll consider my oxygen: Writing & Ministry.
Writing prompts to revile the heart of God have been so amazing with these beauties. Ten days spent. By the evening of the first night, these ladies connected as a family naturally might. By day two, we walked into our identity, swimming in it. Day three healing ministry and transparency was center stage and accountability partners formed. By day three, these invincible women of God were asking for help to forgive. Forgiving situations that seemed unforgivable. All of camp was filled with the Holy Spirit rejuvenating our minds for our bodies and mental capacity of how great God actually is! Release from addictions, from victim's mentality, from burdens of an orphan spirit and a person afraid to dream.
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
Love the Uncomfortable to Love
Love especially the uncomfortable to love. The one who test you because they have memorized how much it takes to break you (Siblings) The ones who test you because they are learning just how elastic you might be, and hope you see it for yourself (Parents) The ones who test you only to learn which step you'll take next after severe wisdom has been shared (Grandparents) The ones who test you with reminders of your silliness or immaturity past tense just to compare to how much a Pheonix you truly are; the sandbox was the home where your ashes laid (Cousins). The ones who partnered with your guardians to assure your journey as safe as could be paved (Aunts and Uncles). The ones who mess up on repeat, regardless the vows of restoration and revelation gained (Children). The ones who have to relearn how to love like beating a dead horse (it might seem), the ones who call themselves the odd sheep out. (You)
Love especially the uncomfortable to love, especially in the most uncomfortable situations. You are who they have and who've they accustomed to. You are who can love them, and they can trust loves them through and through. They are your family.
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
Transparency Is The Trend
I have a great story. A story emotional, and filled with drama, sex, trial and error, the unpredictable, anger, compromise, war between demons and angels, forgiveness and revenge. Subpoenas, parties,addictions, etc.
"A writer is the sum of their experiences. Get some."
I have some. I have many! To be transparent about, to share with the world. Its time to tell my story without filter. 
The Girl Who Cried Forgiveness 
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
I'll Draw You A Picture
In the spotlight, you perspire. Without warning, she'll eat you alive. All her friends are turning green; no explanations just ambition sprinting on the scene. Still you're in her favor, just continue to dance and play your charade. You've spun her out, stepped on her bare feet, now will  you try to bring her back into your chest and beyond; into your heart? "Hello, I'm sorry. My name is" be the restart. She's learned to take information as she learns it, not by how others see it. She's learned as you were unpredictable and not expected. However now you are more predictable, still she sinks in what she thinks as love and will chose never to speak of it until and unless you choose to rise above. A man, her superhero, perfectly imperfect and alright with it.
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
A Writer is the Sum of Their Experiences
One thing I value beyond most things is transparency. "A writer is the sum of their experiences." I have a story overwhelmed by true happenings waiting to be unleashed for your reading. The cloak is coming off and it looks to be without a filter. Pure glass; completely transparent.
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
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East Coast
Little island
My home
Writing focused
Living the dream
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
First things first: Confidence is not bravado, or swagger, or an overt pretense of bravery. Confidence is not some bold or brash air of self-belief directed at others. Confidence is quiet: It’s a natural expression of ability, expertise, and self-regard. Learn the qualities 1. They take a stand not because they think they are always […]
Confidence is quiet: It’s a natural expression of ability, expertise, and self-regard. Learn the qualities
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
Golden, No Shit
I had good intentions
but that doesn't mean gold
Apologies for my words like sharp teeth
but it won't mean shit
I'll still kiss your cheek
I'll still hold your hand
I intended to be myself
It kills me every time
Every story, for a dime
I had good intentions
that won't always mean gold
If a kiss feels like poison
We won't mean shit.
Before the dawn meets the night
Consider it New Years Day, 
will you, won't you?
Does your heart break?
Like my heart breaks?
I had good intentions,
and its a long way down
that won't always mean gold
Travels from a place forever untold
May not mean shit to you
But I have more to say
Incline your ear to me, I'm trying
Soon screaming, next crying
I'm the bird of sorrow, singing until I'm blue again
Its a long way down
It won't mean shit;
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
Photo by Esra Sam 1. They see challenges as opportunities Most people interpret fears as obstacles and tend to run away from them. People who live their purpose successfully have developed the capacity to see fear as a sign of what they really need to go for and put all their courage and energy into […]
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
If everyone's playing "cool", Then where will things get heated? Where will passion sit and effort inflame victorious? Just do you. The popular quote is right, "everyone else is already taken".
Vivia Leigh
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
Running too Fast
I'm running with ideas; ideas shattering against walls. Sprinting and forgetting how to breathe. The world shadows behind and above me and I recluse into fetal position. "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." Do what you know. A man without vision will perish; take your vision and pursue victoriously. Not as a coward. Keep safe your dreams. Hold them tightly and pray over them daily, protecting them from the doubt of a shadow, For this dream given to you was a gift for only you to see such hope for, with purpose.
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
more than 60 of the biggest hits of the year 2000! follow me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/maxkroel
I may not know many songs in this decade but I could sing all of these songs! 90's baby!
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
Hate the game, not the player. Hate the song, not the artist. Hate the sin not the sinner. Dislike the player, not the game. Dislike the artist, not the song. Dislike the sinner, hate the sin.
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letsvivialeighthings-blog · 11 years ago
"If you weren't real, I'd make you up"
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