letstalk2eachother · 3 years
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This is the problem. So many get “offended” or it isn't PC to discuss... Gloves off! Let's talk!
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letstalk2eachother · 3 years
When does it get easier? When can you say what you feel without the stares or comments? After all, isn't this the USA where we still have freedom of speech as of 4 March 2021? Maybe it is me that bites my tongue because the majority does not support my opinion, but I thought we taught our children to stand up for what they believe in but then as an adult, you shut up and do whatever big brother/employer/the masses tell you to do?!? When do we have the freedom to do what we want, wear what we want, travel where we want until we are told not to? Again, is this not the great USA? When are we going to stand up for OUR rights to be FREE? Or do we even know what free is? So many protests over a person that does not wear a piece of cloth over their face but have no clue the person they congratulated for wearing a mask has been wearing the same one for a month without cleaning - what is the result you hope to accomplish?
Many want “freedom” but pitch a fit when a state legalizes a drug...this is freedom, people! Legalize it all!! I don't do cocaine or other drugs but not because they are illegal but because I don't care to. Legalize drugs, prostitution, etc. These can be profitable businesses that help fellow Americans. Do you think that will stop the OD deaths, the crisis in this country? Maybe, maybe not?! But I do know we live in the USA, and providing more Americans with a means to make a living, empowering them to take care of their own vs. needing the government, and giving Americans our freedom back is what we need. I hate hypocrisy with every fiber of my being and find it almost comical the Americans that protest “to be their own person” that may be by clothing, tattoos, piercing, etc. But these are the same people that are cursing someone out for “not complying” - I guess the individualism went out the window? Open up your eyes, people. What is next?
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