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FINAL Assessment of Red Cross Canadas Social Media Presence:
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Section 1: Introduction:
The Canadian Red Cross has a clear mission, which is to help vulnerable individuals in Canada and throughout the world. The network consists of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and 190 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The company's values include humanitarianism, respect, safety, integrity, and inclusiveness. The Red Cross uses social media to build relationships with a variety of groups including volunteers, the community, and the media. As of 2018, the Canadian Red Cross has been targeting young Canadians through social media campaigns like "Be Part of the Equation" in hopes that millennial Canadians will feel a connection with their humanitarian organization (Dunne 2018).
We chose the Red Cross because they are an older organization established in 1896, with a rich history; however, their social media strategy is not a good reflection of the company and all its success and values. This report will outline some of the main suggestions for improvement, by completing an audit and analysis.
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Section 2: Methodology:
For the social media audit, we began by using our knowledge from WRIT240, specifically regarding identifying an audience and tailoring your writing to your readers (Module 1), designing strategies to convey a message effectively (Module 4), and ensuring an efficient design for conciseness (Module 5). We then examined their activity on their social media accounts. After reviewing, we compared their presence to UNICEF, another large charity organization, and then made expert recommendations based on all the gathered information.
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Section 3: Results/Discussion:
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Section 3A: Analysis of the Twitter presence
The Red Cross has a clearly stated mission on their Twitter profile, which has a total of 154,000 followers. The first thing we noticed was their lack of engagement with people in the comments, which compared to some of their competitors such as UNICEF, was severely lacking. It has been shown that 78% of engagement with an organization's tweets is through retweets (Ibrisevic 2018). As a result, Red Cross Canada can boost their engagement by designing retweetable tweets. The implementation of links to the Red Cross Canada website is important for engagement as people are more likely to retweet informational content than conversational tweets. When followers are directly asked to retweet, the retweet rate is 23x higher than usual. In addition, the Red Cross should also consider the usage of HD pictures especially if it is the banner picture on their social media accounts. The picture on twitter with a lady in a black Red Cross jacket is blurry and is not as appealing as it would be it was of a high-quality definition. 
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Section 3B: Analysis of Instagram Presence
Instagram is undeniably one of the most important social channels around (Caitlin Hughes, 2018). The first thing we noticed on Red Cross's Instagram handle was that their Instagram posts were much lower compared to Twitter. Secondly, the type of content posted, which is typically photos or videos of people. Although these photos are good at demonstrating the work the Red Cross does, as their Twitter, they should use more HD photos. As Red Cross Canada is looking to target a younger generation via social media, Instagram should be their primary focus. After all, 59 percent of online adults ages 18-29 use the network (Campbell 2018). Red Cross Canada could benefit by adopting some of their tactics. UNICEF is not only verified on Instagram but they also have an established theme that is consistent throughout their page. Red Cross Canada should apply for verification on Instagram through their account settings. Verifying their account will notify Instagram's users that Instagram has confirmed that the account is an authentic presence of Red Cross Canada and will appear more legitimate for donations. Red Cross Canada should enhance their engagement on Instagram by establishing a consistent theme throughout its profile. "If you create a theme and stick to it, people will associate that with your name, and that is the way your photos will become more recognizable" (Ganta 2019). To establish a theme Red Cross Canada should include some form of association with the Red Cross within their posts, for instance, the colour red should be present in every photo. By introducing the colour red into each other's posts viewer will be more likely to associate the images with the organization and a professional tone will be set when viewing the official home page.
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Section 3C: Analysis of Facebook Presence
The initial reaction was that the content being shared is the same as on other platforms, such as Twitter. What was noticed, however, is that on Facebook there is minimal engagement with the posts, through actions such as re-shares or comments. Most of the posts receive 10-50 likes, accompanied by a minimal number of shares. This was quite surprising because if the company were successfully achieving its goal of spreading awareness of their humanitarian efforts, their results would include significantly higher engagement, especially with the number of shares. Red Cross Canada could increase their engagement on Facebook by selecting more engaging cover images and updating them more frequently. To understand the messaging of the image viewers must now click on it! The image should stand alone and convey what is meant to be felt with the eyes alone. People shouldn't have to work hard to understand what you are trying to promote otherwise they will lose interest. Also as an organization that's foundation is built on bringing aid to unforeseen events this cover image has not been updated since September 26, 2018, which defeats the purpose.
Section 4: Conclusion/Recommendations:
The Canadian Red Cross has successfully built brand recognition throughout their social media platforms through their operations and missions. However, further analysis demonstrates there still is a need for improvement. Firstly, the lack of engagement on all platforms does not encourage conversation, which is essential in spreading the word and continuing the Red Cross's mission. Studies have shown that once a target audience has been chosen, engaging with the audience is necessary to build trust and brand loyalty (O'Brien 2018). Additionally, the audit of their presence showed that the type of content used is quite repetitive, leading to a lack of interest in what the Red Cross is attempting to convey in their posts. Ultimately, this disconnect between the users and the company is the main problem which must be addressed to ensure the success of the Red Cross's social media strategy.
Section 6: References
1.    “Helping The Most Vulnerable - Canadian Red Cross.” Red Cross Canada, www.redcross.ca/.
2.    O'Brien, Tom. “Why Social Media Engagement Is Important for Your Business.” TimeTrade, 16 Aug. 2018, www.timetrade.com/blog/why-social-media-engagement-is-important-for-your-business/.
3.    Paynter, Ben. “How Nonprofits Are Using Instagram To Tell Their Stories In A New Way.” Fast Company, Fast Company, 12 Jan. 2017, www.fastcompany.com/3066812/how-nonprofits-are-using-instagram-to-tell-their-stories-in-a-new-way.
4.    Weeler, Chloe. “7 Ways Charities Should Be Using Social Media.” SpiderGroup, 10 May 2016, www.spidergroup.com/blog/ways-charities-use-social-media. .
5.     Campbell, Julia. “10 Secrets to Being Awesome on Instagram for Nonprofits.” The Balance Small Business, The Balance, 21 July 2018, www.thebalancesmb.com/awesome-instagram-tips-for-nonprofits-4115850.
6.     “Canadians Impacted by Disasters Are Going Digital, Red Cross Study Confirms - Canadian Red Cross.” Red Cross Canada, www.redcross.ca/about-us/media-news/news-releases/canadians-impacted-by-disasters-are-going-digital-red-cross-study-confirms.
7.     Dunne, Melissa. “Canadian Red Cross Pulls at Millennial Heartstrings.” Strategy, 11 June 2018, strategyonline.ca/2018/06/11/canadian-red-cross-pulls-at-millennial-heartstrings/.
8.     Ganta, Maria. “The Importance of the Instagram Theme.” Socialinsider Blog, Socialinsider Blog, 20 Mar. 2019, www.socialinsider.io/blog/the-importance-of-the-instagram-theme/.
9.     Ibrisevic, Ilma. “10 Twitter Best Practices for Nonprofits - Nonprofit Twitter Strategy.” Nonprofit Blog, 24 Oct. 2018, donorbox.org/nonprofit-blog/twitter-best-practices-for-nonprofits/.
10.  “Instagram Help Center.” Verified Badges | Instagram Help Center, help.instagram.com/854227311295302.
11. “6 Reasons Why Instagram Marketing is Important for Your Brand.” (2018, September 19). Retrieved April 3, 2019, from https://blog.iconosquare.com/why-instagram-is-good-for-business/
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PERSON B: Assessment of Red Cross Canadas Social Media Presence
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Section 1: Introduction:
The Canadian Red Cross has a clear mission, which is to help vulnerable individuals in Canada and throughout the world. The network consists of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and 190 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The company’s values include humanitarianism, respect, safety, integrity, and inclusiveness. The Red Cross uses social media to build relationships with a variety of groups including volunteers, the community, and the media. As of 2018, the Canadian Red Cross has been targeting young Canadians through social media campaigns like “Be Part of the Equation” in hopes that millennial Canadians will feel a connection with their humanitarian organization (Dunne 2018).
We chose the Red Cross because they are an older organization established in 1896, with a rich history; however, their social media strategy is not a good reflection of the company and all its success. Their role as one of the largest charity organizations in the world requires and deserves a social media presence to reflect their efforts.  This report will outline some of the main suggestions for improvement, by completing an audit and analysis.
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Section 2: Methodology:
For the social media audit, we began by using our knowledge from WRIT240, specifically regarding identifying an audience and tailoring your writing to your readers (Module 1), designing strategies to convey a message effectively (Module 4), and ensuring an efficient design for conciseness (Module 5). With this knowledge, we began by examining their presence and activity on their social media accounts. We reviewed each of the social media channels run by the Red Cross, taking note of how often they post, their engagement with users, and the types of posts. After reviewing and noting all of the points mentioned above, we compared their presence to UNICEF, another large charity organization, and then made expert recommendations based on all the gathered information.
Section 3: Results/Discussion:
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Section 3A: Analysis of Twitter presence
The Red Cross has a clearly stated mission on their Twitter profile, which has a total of 154,000 followers. Some basic information includes the fact that they have tweeted over 13,600 times, and post multiple times every day. The first thing we noticed was their lack of engagement with people in the comments, which compared to some of their competitors such as UNICEF, was severely lacking. It has been shown that 78% of engagement with an organization’s tweets is through retweets (Ibrisevic 2018). As a result, Red Cross Canada can boost their engagement by designing retweetable tweets. Ilma Ibrisevic defines retweetable tweets as those that include informational links and requesting viewers to retweet content. The implementation of links to the Red Cross Canada website is important for engagement as people are more likely to retweet informational content than conversational tweets. When followers are directly asked to retweet, the retweet rate is 23x higher than usual.
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Section 3B: Analysis of Instagram Presence
The Red Cross has its mission statement in both English and French listed on their Instagram profile, which has a total of 19,300 followers. Some basic information includes the fact that they have made 1,360 posts, which is significantly fewer than their posts on Twitter. The first thing we noticed was the type of content posted, which is typically photos or videos of people. Although these photos are good at demonstrating the work the Red Cross does, it fails to achieve the typical Instagram aesthetic pursued by many other Instagram feeds with a larger and more engaged group of followers. As Red Cross Canada is looking to target a younger generation via social media, Instagram should be their primary focus. After all, 59 percent of online adults ages 18-29 use the network (Campbell 2018). The Red Cross Canada could benefit by adopting some of their tactics. UNICEF is not only verified on Instagram but they also have an established theme that is consistent throughout their page. Red Cross Canada should apply for verification on Instagram through their account settings. Verifying their account will notify Instagram’s users that Instagram has confirmed that the account is an authentic presence of the Red Cross Canada. This is an important step for a brand as users are more likely to follow an account that is official and more likely to donate money via a link from a legitimate source. Red Cross Canada should enhance their engagement on Instagram by establishing a consistent theme throughout their profile. The current lack of continuity between photos and the use of low-quality photos diminishes their credibility. “If you create a theme and stick to it, people will associate that with your name, and that is the way your photos will become more recognizable” (Ganta 2019). To establish a theme Red Cross Canada should include some form of association with the Red Cross within their posts, for instance, the colour red should be present in every photo. By introducing the colour red into each other’s posts viewer will be more likely to associate the images with the organization and a professional tone will be set when viewing the official home page.
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Section 3C: Analysis of Facebook Presence
The Red Cross Facebook page has a total of 132,650 likes and 133,408 followers. The initial reaction was that the content being shared is the same as on other platforms, such as Twitter. What was noticed, however, is that on Facebook there is minimal engagement with the posts, through actions such as re-shares or comments. Most of the posts receive 10-50 likes, accompanied by a minimal number of shares. This was quite surprising because if the company were successfully achieving its goal of spreading awareness of their humanitarian efforts, their results would include significantly higher engagement, especially with the number of shares. Red Cross Canada could increase their engagement on Facebook by selecting more engaging cover images and updating them more frequently. The cover image is one of the first things people see when observing a Facebook page so it is important for the image to be consistent and relevant with the Red Cross’s brand and mission. The current cover page displays a girl wearing a Canadian Red Cross jacket while viewing a house being built. Not only is the Red Cross logo on the jacket blurry and out of focus the photo itself is not very thought nor emotion provoking. To understand the messaging of the image viewers must now click on it! The image should stand alone and convey what is meant to be felt with the eyes alone. People shouldn’t have to work hard to understand what you are trying to promote otherwise they will lose interest. Also as an organization that’s foundation is built on bringing aid to unforeseen events this cover image has not been updated since September 26, 2018. Now in March 2019 (around 3 months later), this image has been long forgotten by those who originally saw it on their feed in September. Red Cross Canada needs to re-engage followers and to do so they should share a new cover photo.
Section 4: Conclusion/Recommendations:
The Canadian Red Cross has successfully built brand recognition throughout their social media platforms. Their continued use of the same profile picture and handle helps users identify them, while the links to their official website offer the same users the opportunity to learn more and get involved. Yet, further analysis demonstrates there still is a need for improvement. First, the engagement with followers is limited, and nonexistent on most of their platforms. Studies have shown that once a target audience has been chosen, engaging with the audience is necessary to build trust and brand loyalty (O'Brien 2018). This lack of engagement on all platforms does not encourage conversation, which is essential in spreading the word and continuing the Red Cross’s mission. Additionally, the audit of their presence showed that the type of content used is quite repetitive, leading to a lack of interest in what the Red Cross is attempting to convey in their posts. Ultimately, this disconnect between the users and the company is the main problem which must be addressed to ensure the success of the Red Cross’s social media strategy. For the Red Cross to be an engaging and effective organization we suggest they implement the following: Verification of their Instagram account, application of a theme, use of Instagram stories, frequent changing of their Facebook cover picture and the creation of retweetable tweets.
Section 6: References
“Helping The Most Vulnerable - Canadian Red Cross.” Red Cross Canada, www.redcross.ca/.
O'Brien, Tom. “Why Social Media Engagement Is Important for Your Business.” TimeTrade, 16 Aug. 2018, www.timetrade.com/blog/why-social-media-engagement-is-important-for-your-business/.
Paynter, Ben. “How Nonprofits Are Using Instagram To Tell Their Stories In A New Way.” Fast Company, Fast Company, 12 Jan. 2017, www.fastcompany.com/3066812/how-nonprofits-are-using-instagram-to-tell-their-stories-in-a-new-way.
Weeler, Chloe. “7 Ways Charities Should Be Using Social Media.” SpiderGroup, 10 May 2016, www.spidergroup.com/blog/ways-charities-use-social-media. .
Campbell, Julia. “10 Secrets to Being Awesome on Instagram for Nonprofits.” The Balance Small Business, The Balance, 21 July 2018, www.thebalancesmb.com/awesome-instagram-tips-for-nonprofits-4115850.
“Canadians Impacted by Disasters Are Going Digital, Red Cross Study Confirms - Canadian Red Cross.” Red Cross Canada, www.redcross.ca/about-us/media-news/news-releases/canadians-impacted-by-disasters-are-going-digital-red-cross-study-confirms.
Dunne, Melissa. “Canadian Red Cross Pulls at Millennial Heartstrings.” Strategy, 11 June 2018, strategyonline.ca/2018/06/11/canadian-red-cross-pulls-at-millennial-heartstrings/.
Ganta, Maria. “The Importance of the Instagram Theme.” Socialinsider Blog, Socialinsider Blog, 20 Mar. 2019, www.socialinsider.io/blog/the-importance-of-the-instagram-theme/.
Ibrisevic, Ilma. “10 Twitter Best Practices for Nonprofits - Nonprofit Twitter Strategy.” Nonprofit Blog, 24 Oct. 2018, donorbox.org/nonprofit-blog/twitter-best-practices-for-nonprofits/.
“Instagram Help Center.” Verified Badges | Instagram Help Center, help.instagram.com/854227311295302.
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