“This is Agent Daisy Johnson. I'm coming home.”
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aos standaisy’s #1 defender/enthusiast
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 6 months ago
Every time a show with great potential gets canceled, I'm reminded that this would have been Agents of Shield if it aired a decade later that it did.
It would be 10 episodes with no time to care for the characters, the Ward revealed would fall flat, Daisy would stay as Skye, Fitzsimmons wouldn't be canon, May and Coulson would never become something more. And we would never meet Mack, Bobbi, Hunter, and we'd be robbed of one of the best fun shows that ever aired.
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 7 months ago
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The year is 2019 and Agents of Shield was just relentless
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 10 months ago
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It’s not my job to make you a better man and I don’t give a shit if I’ve made you a better man.
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 10 months ago
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you should be
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 10 months ago
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gabriel luna validating my quakerider heart [x]
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 10 months ago
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Deke Shaw 🍋 text posts
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 11 months ago
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as social media quotes series part 37/?
The rest of the series
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 2 years ago
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MARVEL'S Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
1x12 "Seeds" // 2x10 "What They Become"
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 2 years ago
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Marvel has already done a much better Secret Invasion TV series, and it's called Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 2 years ago
from sitting on the floor of a quinjet with an old laptop, battered and bruised and telling may through numb tears that she’s abandoning shield… to sitting on that same floor with mack, reflecting on years together as a team and all but giggling over the prospect of creating a new team with the man she’s already falling in love with. it’s poetry, I tell you. poetry
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 2 years ago
I may be a major AoS clown but I’ve been in the fandom toooo long to have high hopes for any cameos in Secret Invasion lol. Like I really wish but I have been through this many a times 😅
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 2 years ago
hot take but i actively miss when tv shows were like 20 episodes a season. slow down. let me get to know the characters. let them do something dumb and not consequential to the plot for one fucking second i'm begging you.
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 2 years ago
i see a lot of talk going around about how the team were terrible to daisy after 5x14 and one person even said that it was basically a darvo situation, and i want to add my opinion to the pile, cause i disagree with that a lot. i also generally have a problem with how people tend to defend their favourite to the absolute while villainizing almost every other character in this discourse. they all deserve equal amounts of empathy.
lets get a few disclaimers out of the way first: from my perspective, what happened wasnt anyones fault, they were all victims in this situation. fitz cant be blamed for having a psychic split, daisy had every right and more to react the way that she did, thats not even a discussion. it was also just absolutely the right decision, fitz wasnt trustworthy anymore after that. he absolutely did care about what he did though, he mentioned how he was scared by how he still thought he did the right thing at least twice. thats not the same thing as being horrified at what he did exactly, but the reasons for his split didnt go away just because it happened, and this is about as close as you can get in this situation i think. i also think his whole " i didnt have a choice" shtick was more about him trying to make sense of what happened rather than trying to deflect blame, because he generally lacks empathy for other people a bit and getting defensive and not considering whether that is appropriate right now is perfectly in character for him (still terrible on his part despite all that though, and this is probably where the darvo thing comes from as far as it concerns him). now:
the way i see the aftermath of that episode is that with everything still happening, coulson gone and possibly (definitley, its hydra) being tortured for intel, the end of the world still fast approaching, and daisy still being convinced its somehow gonna be her fault (especially after having her powers restored), none of them could allow themselves to break right now. and crucially: noone blamed daisy for the way she reacted or attacked her for it. may thought she wasnt ready for coulsons job after literally just being tortured, and she was right about that, that was way too much pressure to put on her after that (despite that, i still think daisy did a good job, but she shouldnt have had to). mack agreed with daisy fully. simmons was definitley not okay anymore after what happened and acted increasingly irrationally. she just watched her husband torture her best friend while being held at gunpoint by a robot he programmed, after which daisy had no time to talk to her and fitz was locked in a cell and disillusioned about who he was. she was essentially alone to deal with the situation.
it doesnt excuse what she did, but i also dont think she wouldve acted the way she did if she was fully sane at that point. i mean, she risked swallowing literal acid because she thought she was invincible due to knowing she makes it past the worlds destruction. before this, she was very, starkly different. those are not the actions of someone whos secretly a sociopath like many regularly accuse her of being, theyre the actions of someone who has been pushed completely past their breaking point. as for yoyo, she lost her goddamn arms and was absolutely convinced that daisys path was going to lead to the entire worlds destruction. and that was what she was mad at daisy about.
this was the entire tragedy of that situation: its not a question of fault. they all acted terribly towards each other, and they all had good reasons for it, even if they were being unfair or vicious. it just happened.
so they all pushed what fitz did aside for the moment to focus on the mission, but its literally the main factor of what drove the team apart for the rest of the season, because daisy was focused on her interpretation of the prophecy and wasnt gonna trust fitz or anything he said anymore, simmons and yoyo were convinced he was right and felt daisy wasnt listening to them, and then they managed to scrape themselves back together as a team, just barely, and saved the world, losing both coulson and fitz in the process. in my headcanon the team patched up most of their differences after 5x22, based on how it ended, flashbacks and mentions from season 6 as well as the team being friendly with each other again, and the fact that this show isnt the kind to just ignore events like this, if things are radically different between seasons its safe to assume that stuff happened off screen, not that the writers were lazy. losing two members of their shared family probably also provided them with some perspective and reminded them of how much they all mean to one another.
and this hit all of them very hard, and they all dealt with it in their own way without involving the others. all of them, not just daisy. mack focused on his job 100%, may and elena helped him, simmons went to space to find fitz and daisy came with her because everything reminded her of coulson and theyre each others best friend. when they all came back together, they had managed to somewhat move on from what happened and probably werent to keen on bringing it up again. i mean we saw how sarge had them all bent out of shape because he had coulsons face. they were not over it. nevermind the fact that they had another alien invasion on their hands at the time.
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 2 years ago
Is it just me, or was Raina SO underrated and cool.
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 2 years ago
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as social media quotes series part 26/?
The rest of the series
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 2 years ago
I have never been so stressed in my life watching season 4 episode 15 of agents of shield for the first time.
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letsjustwatchthesunrise · 2 years ago
some of my favorite agents of shield fun facts (season 3 edition) (part 1!!)
season one & two fun facts are on my page!! this may be the last season i do though :)
- the little tagline they used in the writers room for season two was “what will i become?” to reference skye’s new powers and learning about her family, coulson’s new position as director, and other character changes. in season three the tagline became “what have i become?” showing the characters evolution into season three and onwards.
- many of the writers also said that the season focused on emotional balance between characters. it was focused on the emotional connection between may & andrew, daisy & lincoln, coulson & rosalind, and fitz & simmons.
- after being taken by the monolith at the end of season two, elizabeth got no confirmation that jemma was alive and she still had a job playing her until being brought back for season three months later.
- the writers were a bit unsure of mack’s character evolution after season two but when they saw henry simmons acting they immediately saw “leading man material” and began to discuss him as a possible director.
- they had a “skye jar” in the writers room when writing season three because everyone kept forgetting daisy and writing skye.
- apparently jed & maurissa’s newborn guest starred in the first episode [03x01] sometime during the opening scene with joey. i watched the episode on Disney+ and i couldn’t find her though, maybe y’all can! [the bts picture i found has her in a blue stroller, dm me for the pic if you want!]
- the inhuman lash is played by matthew willig, a former NFL offensive tackle. he was chosen because not only his huge stature but his previous acting work. he had to take 4 hours in the makeup chair daily for the role.
- the character rosalind price was created to give coulson a role other than “the surrogate father”. both the writers and clark wanted to give him a romantic role. however, when they talked about her to the costume department they described her as a “female coulson”.
- as skye was written as the “eyes of the audience” in season one and bobbi was the same for season two, the writers created the character of joey gutierrez as the eyes of the audience of season 3 with inhumans.
- the writers created the relationship between daisy introducing joey into shield/inhumans to mirror coulson introducing skye into shield back in season one.
- joey’s character was supposed to be a more permanent character in the following seasons but actor who plays him, juan pablo raba, had just booked another show and he couldn’t do both.
- according to the costume designers, they describe coulson’s season three look as his “bad ass civilian look”
i am working on more season three facts rn, but i wanted to post some now!! also i wanted to take this time to show my support for the writers currently on strike (some of which wrote the scenes we love in aos!), they ask so little for the amazing work they do and i hope they get what they deserve in the near future !!
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