letsgoroundagain · 4 years
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Okay. All right. @youcouldmakealife is bringing the drama and I’m just being swept along in joey’s tidal wave of emotions
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letsgoroundagain · 4 years
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everything that lies beneath by aisjustrunning
David is more content with his life than he has ever been. He’s happy in Washington, his team is in the Finals again, and he has a retired Jake at home with him. And then an incident on the ice makes them both question some things about their life.
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letsgoroundagain · 4 years
Hey guys...
(I’ll be posting a full explanation and FAQ in the coming days, but look!)
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letsgoroundagain · 4 years
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“We only allow dogs inside if they’re service animals or in a bag. But you can sit on the patio.” The patio furniture is chained down. It is also sleeting outside.
“Sure” Luc says and leaves.
He goes back to his truck, dumps his gym bag out on the backseat, picks Mako up, puts her in it, and slings it over his shoulder. Walks back inside.
The girl stares at him and the 55 pound dog whose giant head is poking out of the duffel.
Luc smiles, “Can I get a moto chai with…”
“I know your dumb tea order, man, everyone knows it.”
“Awesome. Do you guys do puppuccinos?”  Luc’s not big on whipcream, but Mako made two friends today at the dog park despite her traumatic childhood. So she deserves it.
“Wow” Mermaid Hair says, and then “oh my god, are you even for real.”
Breakaway by @superstitionhockey
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letsgoroundagain · 4 years
I got Vinyyyyyyyyyyy :D 
I have determined that for some reason, posting this as a link makes it disappear into a literal void, so third time’s the charm
I made a thing! I may go back and change the thing to add more questions later because there’s so many characters, but for now, I present:
Which YCMAL character are you?
It has most of the main characters and takes a lot of things directly from the @youcouldmakealife blog, and hopefully it’s something fun to do while most of us are not having much of a fun time at the moment!
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letsgoroundagain · 4 years
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@youcouldmakealife says “scratch with big puppy dog eyes” and I say “give me ten minutes”
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letsgoroundagain · 5 years
Holy shit this is glorious!!!
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My part for the YCMAL holiday exchange! This is for @kit-moosebuckle who said they like cuddling or Regency or Bryce/Jared so... I did all of that. Haha happy holidays!
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letsgoroundagain · 6 years
I loved Thor: Ragnarok but can we talk about the fact that Tessa Thompson’s character doesn’t even have a name? She isn’t “Valkyrie”, she’s A valkyrie. 
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letsgoroundagain · 6 years
The day one of William’s favourite people completely cut him out of his life, William had no idea it was happening.
He still doesn’t even know what day it was.
William didn’t talk to Robbie every day is the thing. Even though they would talk for hours when Robbie came to visit, William wasn’t entirely comfortable messaging Robbie every day. So when he had a thought that he wanted to talk to Robbie about or even a meme he thought Robbie would appreciate he didn’t always send it.
So they didn’t talk every day. That means that the day he tried to send Robbie a link and couldn’t find Robbie’s name in his Facebook friends before he had to get off the bus probably wasn’t the day.
About four days later, William was on the school bus once again and remembered a conversation he had had with Robbie in the summer. They’d been talking about brothers. William had told Robbie that sometimes getting along with his brothers and being in some ways so similar to them kind of sucked.
It meant that to some of his teachers he was just Georgie Dineen’s quiet little brother. It meant that he was never really breaking new ground with his parents. If he decided to pursue sport professionally, he would be the third in his family to do that, even if he was the first to choose soccer. If he went out drinking with friends on a school night, he knew what his punishment would be thanks to Dicky, but he wasn’t going to do that because he wasn’t Dicky.  
Robbie hadn’t understood Williams issue, always preoccupied with having someone nearby with similar interests, having someone to hang out with and talk like he did with William. But William had it figured out now, he knew just how to say it and he opened up his Notes app to write it down.
Robbie, I’ve got it. It’s like standing in the shadow of something taller than you, so that you can’t see your own shape on the ground. All you can see is the larger shape, and the distortions in it that come from you not quite fitting. It’s like all that I am is what makes me different from my brothers. Not a whole person, just another version of them.
Satisfied, William copied the short paragraph and opened Facebook messenger. He scrolled back through his contacts quickly at first, knowing that he hadn’t spoken to Robbie in a few weeks. But then when he realised he had hit June he knew he had gone too far. He started scrolling in the other direction. Then, puzzled, he searched Robbie’s name.
Then William decided Robbie must have just deactivated to focus on studying. He pasted his message into a text message and added to the end. Also what’s up with your facebook? I couldn’t find you on there.
William waited two days before he asked Dicky if he knew something was up with Robbie. When Dicky asked why the hell he would know that, William asked Georgie.
Years later, when William finally saw Robbie again outside the tv, he would like to say he had gotten over the feeling of betrayal. But Robbie was someone he had wanted to be and someone who had been kind to him and tried to understand him. in the end, William had just been a hanger-on to him, a shitty part of the Georgie and the Dineens family band that he cut off as soon as he got sick of the front man.
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letsgoroundagain · 6 years
I am so torn between wanting the work wardrobe of Joan Watson and the work wardrobe of Kara Danvers... and at the moment I have neither
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letsgoroundagain · 6 years
I was watching clips from Inside Out on Youtube as I do on occasion (And yes the final few scenes can make me cry with basically no buildup) when I got to the final scene and noticed this. 
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One of Riley’s core memories made her feel a combination of Fear and Disgust. And she was reading!
Her hockey memory making her feel Anger and Joy makes sense, the Sadness and Joy she felt when her parents hugged her after she ran away also makes sense. But why would reading a book make her feel Fear and Disgust and then also be influential enough to join her core memories?
The answer comes from Sadness. 
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I just... I love this movie.
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letsgoroundagain · 7 years
Since we’re finding out super soon (yay) why Bryce doesn’t want to take Jared  to his apartment I only have a little time to come up with wild conspiracy theories about it
1. Bryce Marcus, actual Flames player, still has Canucks merch all over is apartment 
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letsgoroundagain · 7 years
3. Bryce Marcus’ apartment is an inter-dimensional portal and Taylor is about to change genre on us 
Since we’re finding out super soon (yay) why Bryce doesn’t want to take Jared  to his apartment I only have a little time to come up with wild conspiracy theories about it
1. Bryce Marcus, actual Flames player, still has Canucks merch all over is apartment 
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letsgoroundagain · 7 years
2. He has a lot (double digits) of pets and he’s worried Jared might be allergic to cats or dogs and/or not up for a LOT of pets 
Since we’re finding out super soon (yay) why Bryce doesn’t want to take Jared  to his apartment I only have a little time to come up with wild conspiracy theories about it
1. Bryce Marcus, actual Flames player, still has Canucks merch all over is apartment 
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letsgoroundagain · 7 years
Since we’re finding out super soon (yay) why Bryce doesn’t want to take Jared  to his apartment I only have a little time to come up with wild conspiracy theories about it
1. Bryce Marcus, actual Flames player, still has Canucks merch all over is apartment 
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letsgoroundagain · 7 years
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Follow the North Star, by @youcouldmakealife
A breathtakingly fun love triangle where Evan is torn between his rookie crush and the boy who keeps pulling his pigtails. In the background, Liam has found his new favourite soap opera and gives Mike updates no matter how many times Mike tells Liam he doesn’t care (x).
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letsgoroundagain · 7 years
Utter brilliance 
“I didn’t know Bryce Marcus was gay,” Rafe says quietly.
“What?” Jared looks around and nearly drops a barbel on his foot. Bryce has gone off into a corner to sulk again which is–great. Fine. Totally fine. Jared doesn’t notice him at all, ever, except to notice that he’s gone.
“Do you have another explanation for all of this?” Rafe asks, still quiet.
“You think he’s flirting,” Jared says.
“You don’t?” Rafe sets his weights down and picks up a heavier set.
Keep reading
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