letsfandomaddict · 4 years
to all my black friends, mutuals and followers on here:
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letsfandomaddict · 5 years
“not all men” 
you’re right, takashi morinozuka, nationally ranked kendo champion and karate practitioner with soulful eyes and a heart of gold, would never do this 
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letsfandomaddict · 5 years
Ouran High School Host Club truly was an anime ahead of its time
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letsfandomaddict · 5 years
them: all girls remake of lord of the flies
me, an intellectual: all girls remake of dead poets society
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letsfandomaddict · 5 years
dead poets society is the best movie ever and you can @ me all you fucking want
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letsfandomaddict · 5 years
Tumblr Resources to Get You Through the School Year!
Hi guys!! Thank you all so much for your support!!! Happy 250 (EDIT: I SPENT A DAY ON THIS AND NOW IM PAST 300) and hope you all have a great start to the month! The community is more welcoming with all of you - I haven’t faced negativity from anyone at all. None of these are my posts - but they’ve helped me out a lot. With that said - let’s get started:
For bujos/planners:
This is one of my side blogs, and has tons of inspiration for weekly and monthly spreads, as well as a few aesthetic ideas and how to start one. I update this constantly.
How to start a studyblr - Studyblrs with creative fields
Lighting (for photos)
Study spreads
Planning your month
Printables (the same as some used down there but in a different category):
Weekly printable
To - do printable
Cornell Notes printable
Back to school printables
Daily Planner  @theorganisedstudent
Weekly Planner II @theorganisedstudent
Essay Planner @theorganisedstudent
Assignment Planner @theorganisedstudent
Assignment Tracker
Novel Notes
Plot Diagrams
Correction Sheets
Grid & lined paper
Weekly schedule for studying
Printables masterpost
Exam printable & how to use it
2018 Calender set (by my QUEEN @emmastudies)
For students:
Exams & Studying:
Exam revision guide
How to beat different types of procrastination
How to deal with a crappy teacher (this has to do with studying ig)
Study tips!! (its a masterpost)
Exam Printable & How to Use it
Exam & Homework tips
Coping with hell i mean exams i mean hell
A cool studying outline to try
This is my favorite thing and it’s when to use certain remembering techniques
Correction Sheets
Memorization tips for different learners
Weekly study schedule
More sites to use in normal studying routines
How to study smarter and not harder
Study smarter II
Exam printable & how to use it
Self discipline 
Study methods
Hoe tips for school and studying
Studying masterpoint
Tips and tricks to studying
Study tip - so easy
How to stay organized to study
Note - Taking:
Lecture notes
How i set up flash cards (these are nice to study from but be determined to finish setting them up)
Nifty highlighting idea (this post is so old)
Highlighting idea that i actually use
How to take Cornell Notes
Cornell style notes printable (gridded)
Notebook paper (grid & lined)
Tips for pretty notes!!
How to take notes
Notes for different classes
Life, man & general school stuff:
Back - to -school guide
Things I learned as a college freshman
Textbooks are expensive so here’s some free ones…
Tips for working students that sound extra but may work for u ily don’t overwork urselves
Masterpost for motivation and stuff
Get ur life together again bc haha i stay organized for like a day anyway
School supplies that u should have just to stay minimal
Grad school tips
Organization masterpost
Productive afterschool routine
30 websites to kill boredom
Back to school masterpost
Get confident in presentations
Overcome procrastination
Succeeding in school masterpost
For bad days 
For bad days II
A GOOD MASTERPOST for getting ur life together 
General school tips 
Free online courses
Sites to learns stuff
More learning stuff sites
Dealing with a trashy class
Study resources masterpost
Summer Productivity
Summer life tips
Honest guide to college 
University tips
What to do on Sundays
Back to school masterpost
Useful things for going back to school
How to clean your house
Cute self care tips!
More self care tips
Plant care tips!
A handy list of words to fit into ur essays
How to write an article like a journalist
Words to replace over-used words
ESSAY STRUCTURE IDEA this is in bold so u losers don’t miss this bc it’s not just for English u nerds
Get gucci while reading and be an active reader
Get gud reading them academic articles amigo
Words to replace “the author or whatever shows…” bc that is baby writing and i accidentally used that on an essay and i failed so
Novel notes
Plot Diagrams
Reading Lists
Literary techniques (what themes, personifications, metaphors are etc)
Discussing in English
How to top a literature class
Literature class masterpost
Strong/weak verbs
More essay tips!!
MLA format - a how to
How to avoid essay cliches
Chemistry (I’m taking chem so i have a few resources aha)
Da terms on exam papers
Chemistry resources masterpost
Cute periodic tables
Study chapters
History/Social Studies
How to write a history paper
AP world history powerpoints masterpost
General tips
Understanding math masterpost
Test Prep
ACT tips!
100 words for the SATs (start studying early!!)
Thank you so much for the support! I couldn’t have done it without all of you. A simple reblog or like will help others see these tips, and will be very appreciated. I hope these links work - feel free to message me with questions and other links!! A possible part 2 might come out at the end of august, and one for languages!!!
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letsfandomaddict · 6 years
Have I ever mentioned how much I actually love Charlie Dalton
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letsfandomaddict · 6 years
rainy night with daniel seavey
Daniel Seavey imagine 
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“ I’m just saying, chocolate is better than vanilla”, you told Daniel as you were picking out ice creams at the store. “ I can’t believe what I just heard. The love of my life has completely betrayed me, for chocolate ice cream.” Daniel said with a fake hurt expression on his face. You laughed and hugged him as you grabbed the chocolate ice cream out of the freezer, “ I’m sorry babe, chocolate has my heart”. Daniel was about to say something but a large crack of thunder interrupted him. You both snapped your heads to the windows that showed it was now pouring rain with lighting and thunder to accompany it. “ This argument will be settled later, let’s just buy our stuff and head home”, Daniel said with a light laugh as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You walked up to the cashier and paid for your vanilla and chocolate ice cream, and then ran to daniels parked car. You sat in his car laughing as you were both soaked because Daniel couldn’t unlock the doors. 
It started to rain harder and harder as you drove to your shared home so you listened to music quietly as to not distract Daniel from driving. You arrived home and went straight to your bedroom to change into comfortable clothes so you could eat your ice cream together. Daniel went to the kitchen and put the ice cream in the freezer so the ice cream wouldn’t be completely melted when you began to eat it. You changed into a sweatshirt and shorts and Daniel changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. You went back to the kitchen to grab two drinks and your ice creams. It was raining harder than ever and you honestly loved it. It calmed you and Daniel. You walked into your shared bedroom and saw Daniel had put on American Horror Story, your shared favorite t.v show. You sat and watched AHS until all of your ice creams was gone. The whole time the Daniel held you in his arms as the rain hit the windows and as the lights would occasionally flicker on and off. You both soon grew very tired and began to throw away all the trash and turn off the t.v. You crawled into bed and lay your head on Daniel's chest as he looked down at you and just smiled. “ You know even though you betrayed me on the whole vanilla and chocolate thing, I still love you and I wouldn’t trade these nights for the world”, Daniel said as he kissed your forehead and brought you closer to him. You just smiled and brought yourself closer to him. 
oh. hi guys. sorry, i’ve been dead since like june/july. Sophomore year is a bitch. but i hope you enjoyed this and im going to really try and be more active on here lol. lots of love. 12/27/18
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letsfandomaddict · 6 years
me: *hangs out w/ little kids and tries 2 teach them self love and feminist ideas*
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letsfandomaddict · 6 years
tall boys with dark hair.
reblog if you agree
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letsfandomaddict · 6 years
act like you love me
hi, I’ve never done this before so sorry if it sucks :P. Also this is based off the song “act like you love me” by Shawn Mendes so that’s pretty cool.
Warnings: none
Luke Hemmings x reader
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So you leave tomorrow, just sleep the night. I promise I will make things right. I'll make you breakfast, the way you like. Before you leave tomorrow, just let me try 
You and Luke had been having problems for a while, one year to be exact. The constant fighting, the constant accusations of cheating, and the fact that he was never home anymore. 
He was out living his dreams and you had stuck by him through it all. When he went through any rough patches, you were there to help him heal, and vice versa. But when he was gone constantly and surrounded by beautiful women it was inevitable that there would be doubts. But you never told him about your doubts.
Two nights ago however was the final straw, he accused you of cheating on him with Calum. “ You two have just been getting real close y/n. Everybody has noticed it, people are telling me that-”, in the middle of his yelling you cut him off. “ Why are you always listening to other people? You know I would never do that to you. I have no reason too. I love you.” He stood there staring at you for a second and then yelled, “ Shut the fuck up, you never loved me. You just used me to get close to Calum, and then you were going to kick me to the curb. I should have listen to everybody when they told me what you were. But no, I didn’t listen to them cause I’m a fucking idiot who fell for your stupid tricks.”. After he yelled that you calmly asked him, “ please, what did people tell you I was Luke ?”, “ they said you were a lying whore, who uses people till she gets exactly what she wants.” That’s when you lost it. “ I have been nothing but faithful to you, I have loved you for the past three year of my fucking life and never once questioned it. I loved you when you you broke up with your ex, I loved you when you and the guys hit #1 on your first album, I loved you when I gave you myself that night. If you truly think that after everything we have been through I would cheat on you with one of your best friends. Then maybe you are the problem here and not me. Do you know how hard it is for me to know that you are hanging around so many beautiful women and at any second you could leave me for one of them? It’s so fucking hard for me. You listen to what people say more than you do to you own girlfriend, and that fucking hurts, but it hurts more that you question my love for you. Luke, I love you more than you will ever know. But-”, he cut you off before you could finish. “ No don’t fucking say it y/n, please. I’m sorry please can we just talk about it please.” He stood there staring at you waiting for your response. At this point, you both had tears streaming down your face. “ I’m sorry Luke, but I can’t do this anymore, not the fighting, not the accusations, nothing. I’m leaving Luke.”. You started walking down the stairs of his home and he followed you saying that he was sorry, and that he really loved you, and he just wanted to talk about it. You reached the door and he grabbed your hand and pulled you into him. “Please don’t leave, you’re the only happiness I have.” He started crying more as he held you in his arms. You stood there with him crying as well. But you slowly moved out of his arms and stood in front of him still holding his hand. “ I’m sorry Luke, but I can’t do this anymore. I’ll be here tomorrow to get my things.” You opened the door and began to walk out and ran to your car. You pulled out of his driveway and sped down the road while tears ran down your face.
The next day, you stayed home and cried the whole day. You knew it was the right thing to do but, it made you feel sick to your stomach. You planned on going to his house so you could gather your things but you didn’t have the strength to face him again so soon. It had been a week since you last talked to him, the first couple of days he none stopped called you and you ended up blocking his number and him on everything. He ended up coming to your apartment and was banging on your door for hours, till the boys came and took him back to his house. You had talked to Calum about everything that had happened and about Luke accusing you of cheating on him with Calum. He told you that everything would be alright and that he would come and check on you everyday. Two days after Luke came to your house, and Calum coming to check on you. You knew it was time to go and get your things and try to slowly move on. On Saturday, after Calum had left, you changed and got in your car to go to Luke’s. You pulled up into the driveway and then went and knocked on the door. Eventually Luke walked over and opened it, “ guys for the 100th time, I’m fuck- oh,” he looked down at you and just stared. You stared back and really looked at him. He looked terrible, worse than you did at the moment. He looked like he had been crying a lot, and like he hadn’t eaten in days. “ Hey, I’m here to get my things.”, you said, the sadness in your voice was very obvious. He nodded and moved so you could walk in. The house was a complete mess. There were smashed picture frames and glass everywhere. The carpet in the living room was now stained, and judging by how many beer bottles there were. You guessed that the stains, where from spilled alcohol. You began to walk around the house and gather all the things that were yours. You went to his bedroom, him following behind you, and started to gather your clothes and shoes. “ Y/n, would you like me to help you?”, he asked very lowly and you nodded not facing him. You started taking most of your things to your car and placing them in the backseat. Luke followed and eventually all of your stuff was in your car. You made a check of the whole house to make sure nothing was left behind and then turned to him while you stood in front of the front door. 
“Thank you for helping me, Luke.” He nodded slowly and you took that as your cue to leave. You began to open the door when Luke said something, “ y/n, wait. Can you please just stay the night ? You can leave in the tomorrow, just sleep the night. I promise I will make things right. I'll make you breakfast, the way you like. Before you leave tomorrow, just let me try”. 
You stood there and stared up into his eyes. You could see the pain in them. You stood silent for a moment and then nodded your head yes. And in that moment you felt a little bit of happiness.
yoooooo guys ! So sorry if this sucked ass but I’ve always wanted to do an imagine like this so please tell me what you think. I am planning on doing a part two, but ya’ll don’t want that, it’s cool. Also I fucking love this song and Shawn’s new album holy shit .
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letsfandomaddict · 6 years
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letsfandomaddict · 6 years
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hi sorry I’m horrible at posting and this is shit but thanks for 110 followers !!💛💛
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letsfandomaddict · 7 years
im so ready to be in a relationship so whenever the universe is ready hmu with a keeper
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letsfandomaddict · 7 years
Reblog if it’s totally okay if someone messages/inboxes you If they’re having a bad day
(Feel free to add hashtags to reach more people everywhere)
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letsfandomaddict · 7 years
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hi👋🏼 sorry I’ve been dead for like a month🤦🏽‍♀️ but I’m back now bitches💞💞
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letsfandomaddict · 7 years
When I'm Reading Judges' Ballots, And I'm Already In A Bad Mood
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