My Worldbuilding
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A place for me to keep all my notes and thoughts about my homebrew/fictional world(s) Main blog: totally-not-one-of-the-fae
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
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Tired of your players killing all your monsters? Set this on them. Bonus points if you make the tiny mosquito tone buzz every time one of them rolls juuuust below the required Perception DC. 
I don’t know why I made this
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
HEY THIS IS IMPORTANT whats your favorite place to find drawing references?
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
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By drawing on the power of nature to help heal their allies, druids are able to focus their attentions on other tasks, such as utilising their wildshape, or taking down enemies.
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
"Play by the rules until it's not fun, and then break them." - Matt Mercer on his one hard rule as a DM.
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
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THE ARCANIST - WARLOCK SUBCLASS Created by rain-junkieDnD GM Binder and PDF link You can find more of my work here Artwork by Shanen and Anton Fadeev
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
5e Mechanic Variant
I'll admit I don't have every book, nor have I played a ton of systems (6 in total), so I might've just reinvented something that exists. I haven't heard of it though, and its been successful in the sessions I tried it in. It's a variant on 5e's group skill checks. When the group is trying to do something together, instead of a DC 15 four times, you'd do a DC 15 times four, so DC 60. The players add their results together and see if they can beat the DC. What this does is let the players who specialized in a skill help the others out, instead of rolling a 25 and it being functionally the same as a 15. In my opinion there are two primary types of skill checks that can benefit from this. The first is "everyone succeeds or we fail" For instance stealth, the paladin clanking behind might not get YOU caught but it will kill the stealth section. Doesn't matter if you got double the DC, you can either go it alone (killing session pacing and abandoning the party) or you can end stealth. Plus everyone is actively looking for you now, so you might suddenly get found anyway. Now the rogue is showing them the proper path or making small distractions to cover the barbarian's stumble. You don't have party members who feel like they failed everyone, and it gives benefit for specializing because you can help the party. The second is in team checks. Lets say the barbarian wants to topple a stone pillar or push a giant boulder down a hill. He could get advantage from the help action 10 times over, it's not going to make him able to move 4000 lbs of stone. This lets you say "It's like a DC 80, this thing's huge. Then the party gets together and keeps trying (I set a limit on times you can try a strength check before exhaustion) before finally getting that 26+18+14+22 and succeeding. It also lets them know something's technically possible without letting it be within easy reach, giving them a sort of puzzle on how to reach that goal (getting help, using pulleys for advantage, etc) The closest thing I know of this in 5e is "If half the people make it everyone does", but I find this works better. The basic reason is "You work together and overcome the DC 80 skill check" sounds impressive and feels like everyone contributed to a difficult goal nobody could accomplish on their own. "ok cool, the two specialists passed so we'll just call it a win" makes me feel like you shouldn't have bothered asking everyone to roll, just make it a single person check if my roll is just meaningless.
The more complicated reason- it gives the specialized players a reason to continue their specialization. Think of the Rogue, for an easy example. They chose the sneak class to be good at sneaking, right? well now they're level 11, and they don't get to play anymore. They can't roll lower than a 10 and even a CR 30 can't find them without proficiency in perception. The fun minigame they built a character around becomes "I'd like to-" "Don't bother, you're in the next room now, moving on." Future stealth bonuses don't functionally do much. Also your ranger's still angry because they have high stealth too but don't get to use it. With this model, keep buffing your stealth, disguise, whatever, it still helps! It lets you lower the effective DC for your friends. And other people who are proud of their score but don't get to use it because you're better? Well they're really useful now too! Use a group deception to infiltrate, the bard patching holes in the fighter's story. Group acrobatics to make that leap, the others benefitting from having a perfect example to copy and someone to correct their form. Sure, in some cases it's not that functionally different from base rule, but it just feels better to me. I recommend at least trying out something like this. It has worked great for me so far.
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
Essential NPCs: The Knight
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
Essential NPCs: Lawkeeper
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
“Do I Know Someone Who Can Help Us With ____?” (2d6)
2. No; the person you thought could help refuses and adds another complication to the situation. (Example complications: they demand payment for a past debt, they are with someone you wanted to avoid, or they call the authorities regarding your illegal activities.) 3. The person you know who could help has gone missing, you’d have to find them first. 4. Yes, but they demand a steeper price than you would expect. Furthermore, if you refuse they will be offended. 5. Yes, but things are awkward between you. The price they ask will be generous, but only after an uncomfortable conversation. 6. Yes, but the help they can offer is sub-par, or only half of what you need. 7. Yes, but they need you to do a small favor for them right now before they help you. 8. Yes, but you’ll owe them one. Could be a future favor they call on, or a cut of whatever money you’re after, or something else. 9. Yes; they’ll give you a good price but it’s not free. 10. Yes, but they don’t seem too happy about it - you’ll have to look for help somewhere else next time. 11. Yes, there’s someone who owes you one and you can cash in that favor. 12. Yes, and that person also gives you an unrelated piece of helpful information.
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
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Hi!!! So!!! Finally introducing some more work done for the Vessel class!
Introducing the Destroyer and High Fae subclasses <3
I hope you like it! Feedback is always appreciated <3
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
Jackson is the husband of Maria and the father of Jamie and Donald. He is a tall, large man, but is surprisingly soft-spoken. He's the third son of the village blacksmith, whose name is Jack (Jackson's name is also Jack, but people call him Jackson to distinguish between him and his father). He works part of the time at his father's smithy and part of the time at the Oaken Tankard with his family, so you might see him in either of those places. He cares deeply for his family, and his biggest fear is that harm will come to them and he will be unable to protect them.
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
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💍 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Ramp-Up Ring
Ring, very rare ___
The swirls that cover this golden ring seem to slowly writhe. The ring can hold up to 3 charges, and it gains 1 charge at the start of each of your turns in combat. If you score a critical hit while in combat, it immediately gains 3 charges, up to its maximum.
While the ring has 3 charges, you gain a +3 bonus to damage rolls from weapon attacks, and the minimum number you have to roll on a d20 to score a critical hit with a weapon attack is reduced by 1.
The ring loses all charges when combat ends or when you remove the ring. If you’re wearing the ring when it loses these charges, you then gain 4 temporary hit points for each charge lost. These temporary hit points end early if you remove the ring. ___
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
Jamie and Donald are the two young sons of Maria and Jackson. They are about 8 and 5 years old respectively. They play outdoors much of the time, and love to collect things. Maria is constantly admonishing them not to bother the guests, but if you ask, they will animatedly give a greatly exaggerated account of what they've been doing.
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
The building has two floors, with the main room of the tavern as well as the bar and kitchen downstairs, and the family's rooms as well as four guest rooms upstairs.
The tavern/inn in the town of Greyfell is called the Oaken Tankard. It's run by a man named Reginald and his daughter and son-in-law Maria and Jackson.
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
The tavern/inn in the town of Greyfell is called the Oaken Tankard. It's run by a man named Reginald and his daughter and son-in-law Maria and Jackson.
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
The small town of Greyfell may seem sleepy to outsiders, but more goes on than one might expect.
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lets-build-a-world · 2 years ago
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I absolutely LOVE this magic item idea. Courtesy of one of my Discord members. They give me ideas every single day! Please join if you're looking for a nice community of TTRPG-centric folks! :) Tell me about a location in your world you'd want to put into this book!
If you enjoy our magic items, please drop a like, follow and reblog! :) We drop new items every day and you can find all 129 (and growing) at the link in the picture.
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