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Screenshot #6
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If I’m being frank, I can’t really say that I learned much of anything new in this semester. Most of the skills that we were tested on were skills that I grew up with. I suppose by that logic, all of the information I gained this semester was useful. I will inevitably continue to use this information in my life after this semester, as technology and the ability to use it is a very integral part of human society.
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Common errors included not having the correct fonts across different platforms or having formatting mess up due to different styles of anchoring assets on a page. These errors can often be resolved by using converters or having both parties download the same program/same fonts. The errors and solutions tend to be consistent. One example would be the Professor’s story about attempting to trade PDFs, where the fonts weren’t lined up across both parties and it ended up breaking the format once sent.
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Screenshot #4
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Screenshot #3
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As I have played Minecraft in the past, it was just about exactly the same as when I had last played. Minecraft is extremely easy to me, as it is mostly PvE and there is little mechanical skill required to play it. I often find myself trying to optimize my APM when performing tasks such as strip mining, and there is a little bit of nuance to efficient combat such as landing consistent crits and calculating arrow drop, but for the most part it is very simple. I understand why it’s so popular. It’s one of those games, a sandbox, where one can do anything they want. In VRChat, there’s a lot more you can do socially, but there’s a lot less you can do to build, if that makes sense. One’s ability to create in VRChat is bottlenecked by their ability to use Unity, rather than purely just their creativity. The learning curve is steeper. I prefer VRChat, and I believe that other VR worlds will become more popular as time goes on and VR comes to a greater part of the consumer market. I think people will find the appeal of being able to be someone else more wholly than on a desktop game will be much more enticing.
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Screenshot #2
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In Minecraft I made the “Highway to Hell,” a long line of Nether Portals that a user can use by running through them. By the time they reach the end, they will be sent to the Nether.
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I actually did include an image of a puppy, but the image didn’t carry over to the PDF for whatever reason. Likely an image formatting error.
I used Google Docs to make this PDF.
PDFs are a universal file format that are also very quick to load and easy to format. Almost any text format can be converted into PDF with little to no changes.
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I checked Jose, Kristo, Osiris, Natalie, and Nick’s.
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Screenshot #1 and speaking in voice chat
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