letitiapleiades · 4 years
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Weapon Bells, bell bronze and raku, Scottish Sculpture Workshop, 2019
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letitiapleiades · 4 years
Glasgow based artist, composer/producer, movement practitioner, performer, activist, DJ and teacher.  
Working collaboratively currently, and historically, with Bitter, Radical Bodywork Network, Glasgow Open Dance School (G.O.D.S), Herbal Unity, Letitia Beatriz and Asparagus Piss Raindrop.
2017 BTEC Sound Production Level 3 Distinction, Academy of Music & Sound, Glasgow    
2011 BA First Class Honours Degree, Environmental Art, Glasgow School of Art 
2007 BTEC Art Foundation Level 3 Distinction, Manchester Metropolitan University  
2004 BA Second Class Honours Degree, Communication Studies w/ Drama & Theatre, Chester University College
- Counterflows performance, April 2021
- Sonic Seance: The Gathering, Exhibition and events programme - White Fragility reading group, CCA, Glasgow, 2019  
- Out on the track my ears on my back, SSW is 40!, Scottish Sculpture Workshop, Lumsden, 2019  
- Sonic Seance, VD/A, Take Me Somewhere, Tramway, Glasgow, 2019  
- Phase 2 & 3 of R&R Rat Race at The Witch Hazel School, Lunarnova Campout, Jupiter Artland & Radiophrenia, CCA, 2017.  
- Positions of Power, Machine Room, Collective, Edinburgh, 2016  
- It’s Called Discharge?, Roller Stop, Glasgow International Festival, 2016
-Solo performance, Tectonics, City Halls, Glasgow 2016
- Trans Poncho in Posse, Tectonics, The Harpa, Reykjavik, 2015  
- From the Charmed Circle to The Outer Limits, Google Useless Radio, Subcity, Glasgow, 2016  
- Club, Spelling Space, The Pipe Factory, Glasgow, 2014  
- Sonidos hacia el fin del patriarcado / Sounds towards the end of the patriarchy, Venimos Del Future / We Come From The Future: broadcasting from after the end of the patriarchy in the year 2114 , Beta Local, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2014  
- Posiciones de Poder / Positions of Power, Beta Local, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2014  
- On Performance, Never Come Ashore, Glasgow, 2013
- Select and Dispossess, WUK FM, Vienna, 2013  
- One month residency, Scottish Sculpture Workshop, Lumsden, 2019  
- Two week choreographic residency, The Work Room, Glasgow, 2016  
- One month Infestation residency, Transmission, Glasgow, 2015.  
- Two week women’s artists gathering, WE (Not I), Raven Row, Flat Time House & South London Gallery, London, 2015  
- Five week residency, Beta Local, Puerto Rico, 2014  
- Two week choreographic residency, The Work Room, Glasgow 2014  
- One month summer residency, Hospitalfields, Arbroath, 2014  
- Select and Dispossess Three month long residency with Cinenova, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, 2013  
- Practices to sustain, self-care workshops, various, 2018-2020
- Vocal and movement improvisation workshop, MA, Culture Lab, Newcastle University, 2018  
- Rough music workshop with Kim O'Neill & Fritz Welch, Summerhall, Edinburgh, 2018  
- DJ workshops for people with experience of the immigration system, various locations, 2016-2017  
- DJ workshops, Grassroots Glasgow who aim to improve representation across music venues and organisations in Glasgow by supporting Female, POC and LGBTQ+ people in the electronic music scene, The Art School, 2017  
- Performance tutor, First Year Fine Art, Glasgow School of Art, 2017  
- We Touch Talking The Hum, vocal workshop with Cara Tolmie, The Grounds We Tread, The Pump House Gallery, London, 2016  
- Sink! A poem for embodied reading, commissioned by The Common Guild as a response to Sink / Routine for 24 Women by Janice Kernel, 2018  
- Retrospective Asparagus Piss Raindrop scores book, Good Press and Publication Studio, CCA, 2017  
- Positions of Power, Flat Time House, London, 2015  
- Physical Embodiments of Control, MUSEUMS Press at Grafixx, Antwerp, 2015  
- Sometimes the struggle is situated on the dancefloor, 5 outdoor stickers, self published, 2014  
- Spelling Space, book initiated by Emily Illet, 2014  
- eccys text commissioned by Transmission to accompany The---Family, When we lied on difference, Transmission Gallery, Glasgow, 2014  
- Letitia Beatriz untitled text and images, SALT feminist journal, 2012  
Glasgow Open Dance School (G.O.D.S)
Co-founder & organiser, with Ashanti Harris and Romany Dear  
2011 - ongoing  
-  Upcoming Exhibition Glasgow International 2020  
-  Take a Score + Make a Score, Humber Street Gallery, Hull, 2019 & The Hunterian, 2014.  
-  Consent for young adults movement workshop, Ignite, Glasgow, 2018  
-  GODS Weekend, Glasgow International Festival, The Yoga Barn, Pollok Park, Glasgow, 2018  
-  In Praise of the Dancing Body, after Silvia Federici, Workshop, World is Sudden: Summer School, Newcastle, 2018  
-  Facilitated collective experience, Lunarnova Campout, Jupiter Artland, 2017  
-  B:reach: a radical black feminist retelling of Woman at the edge of time by Marge Peircy, with Gallery of the Streets, Arika Episode 8: Refuse Powers Grasp, Tramway, Glasgow, 2017  
-  Two week choreographic residency with G.O.D.S community, The Work Room, Glasgow, 2017  
-  Your body is a temple, bookable Sunday studio, Resource Room and workshops, Dance International Glasgow (D.I.G), Tramway, Glasgow, 2015  
-  Resource Room and workshops, Romany Dear, Dancing in a circle is a reminder we are part of a whole, CCA, Glasgow, 2015  
-  Black History Month Project: Four weeks of workshops and film screenings, CCA and KPC, Glasgow, 2014  
-  Miss Prissy, Queen of Krump collaboration Arika Episode 6: Make A Way Out Of No Way. Tramway, Glasgow, 2014  
-  Lecturing, Forum for Critical Inquiry at GSA, 2014  
-  Six week programme of movement workshops, bookable dance studio and the G.O.D.S Resource Room, Market Gallery, Glasgow, 2014  
Radical Bodywork Network
2018 - ongoing  
-  Currently developing a website for online resources and practitioners at the intersection of bodywork and social justice  
-  Developed a practice with Ubuntu women’s shelter and created a handbook, making practices available to other groups who wish to use bodywork in their organising, Transmission, Glasgow, 2018-2019  
-  Organised a workshop on consent in bodywork settings, The Work Room, 2018  
Letitia Pleiades
DJ, producer, percussionist, vocalist
-  DJ and live music performances: Glasgow International Festival, Doune Festival, Supernormal Festival, Counterflows Festival  
-  LIve performance practice with turntablist Mariam Rezaei, 2018 - ongoing  
-  Sonic Seance: Displays performances with Mele Broomes at Romanti Clash, Jupiter Artland & Beyond, The Work Room 10 year celebration, The Art School, 2018  
- DJ for Beats Per Minute Show Down, an immersive audio visual experience, Raw Materials, George Square, The Commonwealth Games, Glasgow, 2018  
-  Composer, Take the Credits!, Berwick Film and Media Arts Festival, Berwick, 2017  
-  Solo performance, Tectonics, Old Fruitmarket, Glasgow, 2015  
-  The only ones still there are men and women, Radiophrenia, CCA, Glasgow, 2015  
-  Guest DJ mixes for Rinse FM, Fuego FM and OH141  
co-organiser, quarterly club night for women, trans and non-binary people The Savings Bank, Glasgow  
2019 and ongoing  
Letitia Beatriz
collaborative artistic practice of myself and Emilix Beatriz, exploring intersectional struggles of womxns* health and or care
Asparagus Piss Raindrop
performance group
Trio with Liene Rozite and Lucy Duncombe
improvisation group  
Thoth, multi instrumentalist, several UK tours, inc. Cafe Oto, London
2009 - 2017  
Fem Bitch Nation, producer and vocalist, toured U.K, self released several EP’s and calendars and tracks on Huntley & Palmers Clyde Built Compilation
2011 - 2016  
Palms, drummer and vocalist, vinyl releases on Watts of Goodwill and Some Songs
2012 - 2015  
Organiser with Herbal Unity, community herbal medicine group 2016 - 2019
Vocalist Androgynous Egg by Georgina Starr, Frieze Projects, Frieze, Regents Park, London, 2017  
Zine photocopy parties and library, No Right Way to Cum, Transmission Gallery, Glasgow, 2016  
Six weeks studying West African Drum and Dance, Tafi Atome, Ghana, 2016
Dancer for Romany Dear, various works and performances, 2014-2017  
Two weeks studying dance at P.A.R.T.S Summer School, Brussels, 2015
Organiser, 3 day DIY music festival, multiple locations, Glasgow, 2014  
Judge for Scottish Album of the Year Graduate Award, across Scotland, 2014  
Ladyfest Glasgow, organiser, 2014  
Movement reading group, fortnightly group, held at home, Glasgow, 2014  
Who Takes The Rap? screenings and self publication of booklet in English, French and Arabic with Unity Sisters, various venues, Glasgow and London, 2014  
Organiser and member of women’s self defence group, Glasgow, 2014  
Dialectic of Sex reading group, Arbroath, Cove Park, Glasgow kitchens, 2014  
Design & maintenance of research catalogue for Cinenova: Womenʼs Film & Video Distributor, 2013 - 2015  
Women’s and queer health zine library, 2013 - ongoing  
Participant in Jean-Luc Guionnet Investigation Project and Propositions for an Inhabited Architecture of Listening, Never Come Ashore, Arika and Glasgow University Music Department, 2012
Glasgow Open School, self organised learning collective, 2010 - 2012
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