lethephile · 1 month
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lethephile · 1 month
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This! Man! Kisses! His! Wife! And! Loves! His! Children!
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lethephile · 1 month
no gokū leaving and abandoning his family at the end of the manga/anime is an asshole move actually lol. i don't like super but i'd be very happy if they changed that - tho i am not sure they will, given that it seems they decided to make super take place before the end of db(z), maybe to keep that ending, and above all given that they turned gokū into a horrible father, grandfather and husband in dbs.
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lethephile · 1 month
endings are always hard and sad, especially when it comes to a series you've watched for years and grew up with, but i hope that no matter when dragon ball really ends this time, this ending will be happier than the others. the end of the manga dragon ball (and the anime dragon ball z) didn't do it for me ; i hate that gokū goes away for years and abandons his family and friends. it's the only time in the entire series/manga where i really dislike him, and this ending makes me really sad and nostalgic. dragon ball gt's end is even worse, it's beautiful, but it's extremely sad and i literally cannot watch it without crying and being heartbroken for like two hours. just give me a gokū who stays with his family and trains pan, just let my favourite characters have a happy ending and leave a peaceful life
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lethephile · 1 month
some random asshole on youtube had the brilliant idea to comment "i hate gokū's voice in japanese, it's ridiculous and i can't take him seriously, he sounds like an angry grandma, why did they decide to have him voiced by a fucking woman?" and got attacked by the biggest online army of female dragon ball fans collectively telling him to shut up and fuck off because masako nozawa is the best and he's just a random dumbass. that was beautiful.
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lethephile · 1 month
n°18 from dbz is the woman that made me realize i liked women back when i was a child
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lethephile · 1 month
"gohan, if daddy came back to life, it's to take you fishing" i 🥺
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lethephile · 1 month
no song on earth makes me more nostalgic than the opening of dragon ball gt. i hear the first notes and i literally tear up like it makes me so so emotional
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lethephile · 2 months
I love love love the fact that Son Gokū and his sons Gohan and Goten are voiced by a 87yo woman in japanese. And I love even more that this woman is Masako Nozawa. She is a LEGEND and I love her!!! She's so so so talented! She's clearly the best and I wish I could meet her and tell her how amazing I think she is
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lethephile · 2 months
ok i get the "making fun of men's interests the way they make fun of women's all the time" and "criticizing men for the stupid things they do especially since no one never does it" thing but at some point, some of you need to realize that by doing that you reinforce gender roles and mock women with "masculine" interests too. "omggg the fact that men love fighting sports and video games about war just proves that they're soooo stupid and naturally violent" there are women who enjoy fighting sports and video games about war too. "omggg men like action movies, shonen animes and rap music, they're so boring and violent" there are women who enjoy action movies, shonen animes and rap music too. as a woman with "masculine" interests, i hate when i see feminists who are supposed to be against gender roles say things like this. you just reinforce the idea that there are things for men and things for women, and encourage women to keep liking only "feminine" stuff. yes, you do it by saying that stuff traditionnally "for women" is better than stuff traditionnally "for men" unlike society who does the opposite but still, it's dumb and serves no purpose for women. you can defend "feminine" interests that men make fun of all the time and mock men who acts stupid in front of their sport game without doing bullshit like this. when you do, you just make "masculine" women feel bad 🤷🏽‍♀️
and don't tell me that it never happens, because the reason why i wrote this is because i have seen at least 3-4 posts like this in the past two weeks so while it's not a big issue on this side of tumblr, it's still something i wanted to criticize
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lethephile · 2 months
that scene in dragon ball when Son Gohan (Gokū's grandfather) comes back and Gokū runs to hug him while screaming "grandpa! grandpa!" and then starts crying gets me EVERYTIME
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lethephile · 2 months
i hate being in a male dominated fandom, it's just misogyny after misogyny. i KNOW there are way worst things in a patriarchy but it's just so annoying. you scroll to see nice posts and fanarts about the characters you love and 80% of the time it's just men making fun of female characters, mocking them, hating on them, sexualizing them and being misogynistic to them ; men making fun of female fans ; men using memes from the series/movie for their dudebro or misogynistic shit ; and overall just men being misogynistic assholes. i'm a big fan of dragon ball (yes, despite all the flaws of this manga/anime) and recently i've started to rewatch the series again, you know, and while doing this i've scrolled through the online fandom a bit and it's just so... disgusting. yesterday in like 20 minutes i've seen dozens of posts and memes calling Chichi (the main character's wife and also a badass) a c*nt, saying that Kale (a powerful warrior) should "go back to the kitchen", calling various female warriors (like that blue lady from universe 2 in dragon ball super) things like "pigs" or "b*tch", calling some male characters "pussy" for having trouble fighting some female characters like Caulifla, saying shit like "why doesn't bulma build the time machine naked" or "two things from dragon ball i would like to get into : that spaceship and N°18", saying it's "stupid" and "shameful for the anime" to have "that many" strong female characters... like it was almost just men being horrible and misogynistic to female characters, using dragon ball memes to say misogynistic shit like "when your girl pretends she has a headache for the 3rd time this month *screenshot of a male warrior punching a female warrior*" and mocking female fans. that last one infuriates me sooo much by the way. i've seen a very cool young woman in a wonderful Gokū cosplay and all the comments were like "go back to the kitchen", "i am tired of women pretending they understand dragon ball" (as if this anime/manga was hard to understand anyway lol), "fuck off fake fan", "no man will want to fuck you in this cosplay", "i miss when dragon ball was for men only", "don't you want to take it off instead" and so on... that's just so disgusting and exhausting. we can't even enjoy things in peace, men will ruin everything, even a fucking online fandom. anyway misogynistic men in fandom kill yourselves challenge
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lethephile · 2 months
exactly. who knows about the kamehameha besides me and two other people 🙄
i'm so mad. ever since i've said that dragon ball absolutely can't be that popular i keep on seeing references to it everywhere so apparently everyone on the internet has decided to do anything to prove me wrong
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lethephile · 2 months
of course, it's not like anybody would use that cell meme to say they're smart or talk about super saiyans when someone is angry right...!
i'm so mad. ever since i've said that dragon ball absolutely can't be that popular i keep on seeing references to it everywhere so apparently everyone on the internet has decided to do anything to prove me wrong
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lethephile · 2 months
i paid people on the internet to make you see dragon ball refs all day actually
i'm so mad. ever since i've said that dragon ball absolutely can't be that popular i keep on seeing references to it everywhere so apparently everyone on the internet has decided to do anything to prove me wrong
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lethephile · 2 months
i love you internet
i'm so mad. ever since i've said that dragon ball absolutely can't be that popular i keep on seeing references to it everywhere so apparently everyone on the internet has decided to do anything to prove me wrong
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lethephile · 2 months
i was just trying to find a new pseudo and it put me in a deep state of existential crisis where i'm looking at the celling unable to sleep and wondering over and over "but WHO am i???"
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