ivy rps 🌿
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
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Van Gogh, ‘The Blute-Fin Windmill, Montmartre’ 1886.
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
unravel my bones into a story the gods will tell
thoughts #408 | r.m (via rmeisel)
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
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COSETTE (COCO) HUGHES / 21 / ALMOST FORMER STUDENT cw: parental neglect, stealing, drugs
don’t call her coco unless you want to miss some of your front teeth // rejected by even her own trailer park parents, love that // able to graduate high school because she cheated // only in university for the parties // also in uni because she likes to write, but no one will take a gang girl seriously // ghost writes articles for people (and essays) for money or drugs // looks so innocent and uses it to her advantage when she meets guys @ parties for the first time: bats her eyelashes and will sleep with you for free coke // in the morning after, you’ll think you misplaced something but surprise: coco stole it // steals from everyone including her friends since it’s so fun // has been in love with (1) man and 1 man only, but she’s unlovable, that’s the tea  connections: rest of the lost boys please!!!! // party friends // people who she’s stolen from (whether they actually know or not) // “journalist” who she’s been ghost writing for // people who she loves to hate and hates to love!!!  // childhood friends // people who want to “save” her // hook ups, exes, whatev
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
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SARAH MARIE BAE / 23 / LIBRARY ASSISTANT cw: parental death, drugs, addiction
sweet, sheltered, spoiled, but never quite enough // eager to fit in, and has (mostly) succeeded // good intentioned but terrible execution (loose lips and if you want the gossip to spread, just tell sarah marie!) // her mother passed away when she was younger and her father remarried, but things have never quite been the same // brainless cheerleader // (against all odds) won the pageant (rumored to be a pity win and surprise: people were not happy) // things were supposed to look up when she “had it all” // and.. well.. they didn’t // all she’s been known as is the “good girl” but honestly is getting pretty frustrated by it // makes friends wherever honestly, but terrible at keeping friends // gives into peer pressure so so easily (no matter who it is, she just wants to be accepted) connections: fellow high school cheerleaders & the class of 2015 // miss seven devils 2018 pageant contestants especially those who aren’t happy with losing // her best friend of the month and former best friend of the month (who she’s mostly on good terms with) // library regulars!! // one week crushes that she rotates through faster than a pack of gum // bad influences on her life who she’s eager to please (definitely involved drugs, definitely involving addiction 👀) // “friends” rooting for her descent from the top
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
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MIRIAM LILAH ROXANNE DAVIS / 26 / PARALEGAL cw: conning/swindling, ghosting/implied divorce 
this is her third small town, third state, third name // two ex-husbands that she took all their money left behind // can never stay in one place for too long even though she says she “wants” to // newcomer who despite her best efforts, sticks out in town // mysterious and deadly // this new version of herself: bats eyelashes, giggles, won’t keep eye contact // charming and plays nice, but won’t chat with you longer than 15 minutes // will do anything to dismiss suspicion about herself (including maybe throwing people under the bus? prying deep on your personal life) // in this town people are more perceptive and prodding than she’s comfortable with // constantly underestimated even though she shouldn’t be connections: other newcomers in town // fellow law firm employees // people whose cases she’s been working on (or against?) // people who don’t trust her and are digging up on her past // ghosts from her other small towns (or who vaguely know her ex-husbands) who also showing up in seven devils (!) and are like “hey... you seem so familiar” // potential love interests or her next swindling victim or someone who cons her (?) // honestly pretty everything, she’s a blank slate!!
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
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I’m back! I haven’t been able to update because I’m really busy with our undergrad thesis. I hope it will all end well soon ;A;. This spread is about k-drama quotes I personally liked while watching various k-dramas and decorated it with the pressed flowers and leaves I made. 
instagram: applefroyo
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
request for you to not be a bitch
request denied
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
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it starts with nine silhouettes and a smile sharpened by the hanging moonlight ( a moment marked by cherry slurpees, cigarette smoke and blood splattering against a newly-paved driveway at the stroke of midnight ). tales of trouble always start with too much alcohol at a party where none of them should be, in letterman jackets and rolled up plaid skirts. they roam the streets, wild, wishing, wretched unwanted. they are the boys: living, loveless, & so terribly lost. and who never had a thought of growing up!
based off of peter pan and the lost boys! this is mostly pretty open (i'd love to talk more about the dynamic between peter & wendy & tink (!!)  👀 ), but these boys & girls are basically all misfits and the rejects of society. all seven devil natives between the ages of 19 - 23. they're the ones who grew up with each other as family, couch surfing, spending most of their days with leftover pizza grease on their hands, unloved by everyone but each other. all about that adrenaline rush and hiding from the cops and causing trouble around town!! sure, they're just kids who refuse to grow up, but hey - what's the harm if you're having a little bit of fun!
first last ( the peter ) ✧ open coco hughes ( the tink ) ✧ 21 ✧ abigail cowen ✧ ivy first last ( the wendy ) ✧ reserved for aria first last ( the slightly ) ✧ open first last ( the tootles ) ✧ open first last ( the nibs ) ✧ open first last ( the curly ) ✧ open first last ( the twin #1 ) ✧ open first last ( the twin #2 ) ✧ open
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
alias: ivy 🌿 age: 24 pronouns: she/her discord: spring's here 🌸 🌱 🐰#6372 fave gothic show/movie/book: i'm watching broadchurch right now! is it cliché to say hannibal (earlier seasons). and i also grew up on k-gothic tv shows 🤧 i recommend: life on mars / tunnel (basically a lot of ocn dramas) with subs!! for a podcast i recommend: down the hill!! i’m obsessed preview you're most looking forward to: 😏😏  things you want to see on the site: new people and characters!! midwestern gothic is my fav genre 💕 so i’m excited to see how everyone’s stories progress with the plot too ✨ a fun pic to share: 
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
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hollow crown is an upcoming premium jcink, midwestern gothic site set in the fictional town of seven devils, missouri. our buzz begins this week so follow us for updates!
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
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blackpink x samsung
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
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Pacific Palisades III
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lesyeuxdeiv ¡ 5 years ago
im a shitty rp partner tho sometimes i reply 19 seconds after youve replied sometimes i reply 147 years later
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