The Kiss Of The Wind
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An attempt to define life !
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lesouffle · 2 years ago
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Some say that you can see emotions right through an elephant’s eyes. Lets begin with their daily life. Elephants live in groups as a family and they take care of each other. As highly intelligent mammals, they are known for their sagacious behaviour-by showing good judgements in times of need, specially to the better living of the family. Their is a strong bond in the herd where compassion and synergy are the main strength.
Decades of researches and observations helped to fathom their complex emotions, and yet, the full extend of their feelings, self-awareness is still abstruse. Elephants are the epitome of memory- the monarch of the group leads the herd the whole year in their peripatetic migration with veracity to a location of unequivocal plenitude of resources.
Different herds are gathered in one place showing a paragon of cohabitation. Innocuous conciliatory behaviours auspicious to humans, yet sometimes showing sings of temerity when “peace is at risk”.
A threat
Elephants as a threat is a two way understanding. They are sometimes considered as a threat in the agriculture sector. Chased for the “destruction” they cause or hunt for their priceless ivory tusks.
Symbol of power
Being actually the largest land mammals on earth, they symbolize power, determination and strength - both physically and mentally. Power can be considered in a panoply of factors: women empowerment as the leader, sovereign of the herd is the matriarch (eldest female of the group). Power in terms of intellectual capacities capable to accomplish and comprehend the arts of art.
Myths and beliefs
In many countries around the world, those wonderful creatures are considered divinity, mainly in Asia, elephants are considered Gods (ex: Ganesha - body of a man with an elephant head). It is also considered to be the mount of the king, considering its majestic appearance.
As stated before, tales of elephants’ eyes depict the fervid feelings that emanate and “contagiously” reach the ones they face on their way.
Sadness and joy, sorrow and contentment, compassion and grief of a loss one. An elephant’s eyes can inexplicably display and reach heart that one may understand in a second what it is going through, as if you look through a mother’s eyes full of love and care - or the eyes of a grand-mother full of experiences and histories that will remain throughout the ages.
Their sense of clairvoyance, weather forecasting, defence strategies and lifelong recognitions are to be anchored in histories till the end of time. A “beast” with a non-rival capacities and beauty ought to be treated with respect and awe.
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lesouffle · 3 years ago
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Winter, when death dampens its cold breath on the world. once a year, nature requalifies itself. Does it send the beast (death) to restore the life of those too weak? Who have not yet prepared? Death blows an icy wind, testing all who can defend themselves on there own.
When nature protects its subjects and ensures their backs.
Nature has some funny ways of surviving. For marine animals and air beings; “Sorry ladies and gentlemen, we’re not dealing with it again this year, we’ll be back when it’s over”. They choose migration, a perilous but effective decision. And for those without “passports”, animals stuck on the ground, don’t seem to care. “Well, we’ll have a good sleep. Let the cold lovers have some fun”. Finally, in rewards for their beauty and innocence, nature takes over the plants. She takes under her wings the daughters of light, and covers them with a cold thrush that protects them from the frost.
Well, humans. Boots and coats to go to work, produce and make profit, to pay for heating bills, to go skiing to avoid paying for medicines against depression, headaches and colds. Yeah, sad truth!
In most culture, death is depicted by the colour black. Maybe that is why black dress code is used in many countries like in America and Europe, symbolizing moaning, suffering and death. However, in Asia, white represents death and rebirth.
This grey picture we all have of winter is much deeper than we think. When the darkness of death falls on the guardian of life, her white radiant dress brings a shower of light that allows the fir trees to stay green, polar bears to expand their hunting zone and children to throw snowballs in front of a coral that exalts the magic of Christmas.
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lesouffle · 3 years ago
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« Coule, coule le temps, la sagesse grandit au soleil »
La rivière se moque éperdument de ce que peut penser la vallée. Elle vient et coule, gardant une trace éternelle tout au long de la vallée, qui quant à elle, n’a pas le choix que d’accepter. Elle n’a pas d’emprise sur la rivière et ne peut lui demander de s’arrêter, ni de changer son trajectoire le temps pour elle de reprendre son souffle car elle sait que l’hiver approche, et comme chaque année, elle sera rude pour toute vie.
Les saisons passent et se transforment en années. Une fois la pluie calmée et les nuages disparues, la vallée contemple chaque rayons de lumières qui l’éblouissent et qui illuminent la roche et colorent les fleurs. Elle savoure le doux parfum du miel et de la lavande. Le bourdonnement des abeilles et les oiseaux qui lui chantent aux oreilles à chaque lever du soleil. Et elle remercie la rivière après toutes ces années pour avoir rendu les arbres aussi verdoyants et fructueuses. De permettre aux animaux de croitre et de se désaltérer, et d’être une source de vie et de beauté. Car sans elle, la vallée ne serait qu’un endroit aride, vide, triste et désolé.
La vallée représente chaque êtres vivants, chaque êtres humains, immobile et prisonnier de la routine du quotidien moderne. Tout homme privé d’un lux connu comme le « choix ». Passant par les difficultés qui changent au fils du temps mais qui nous accompagnent et coule en nous sans cesse et qui ne cessera sans doute jamais, tel la rivière.
En prenant du recul, l’humain, symbole de la montagne qui se tient toujours debout malgré les tempêtes, comprend que tant que sa fondation reste solide, tant que la rivière des difficultés coule toujours, l’espoir perdure, car on apprend de nos erreur, chaque cours d’eau transporte avec lui son histoire et le repend dans les quatre coins de la vallée.
Laissez donc la rivière des difficultés suivre sa course, car elle est porteuse de vie. Et la vie elle-même est le mécanisme mystérieux qui fait battre le coeur, qui est lui-même à son tour, un temple d’amour.
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