Jack - any pronouns - 21 - Special interest blog. One of the pokemon Fool's Gold devs (some sprites & flavor text). Swsh defender. If ur a terf or proship go away
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New Paintings up on the shop (in very limited stock):
My shop
See new art early here:
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it really is the most Pokémon thing ever that they made a route full of rapid water that if you're lucky you might navigate in just the right spot to find an area you can dive, and you follow that along and find a cave where everything is written in Braille - like, the language made for the visually-impaired which can only be read by touching it, which you obviously cannot do through an LCD screen - which if you somehow manage to read it you find out you need to A) use Dig, which if you do happen to have on you you then need B) a fucking Wailord and Relicanth, two late-game kinda hard to get Pokémon I guarantee extremely few people would ever have used one of on their team never mind both water-types at the same time for some reason, and if you DO manage to do all of that it unlocks three caves across the region which it doesn't even tell you where they are and you have to solve more braille puzzles and your prize is 3 pokemon that just arent even good
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me explaining to the other trainers that apricorns are unknown outside of Johto because of deliberate suppression by the Silph and Devon corporations to present artificial pokeballs as the only means of capturing pokemon and establish regional monopolies after they eliminate renewable sources
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Ms paint Skeledirge! My first piece with windows 11 paint. I still don’t use the layers but the rest is a nice upgrade to have lol
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man type null is so fucking cool. what if there was a chimera made in the image of god and it was abused and sheltered for all of its life and only by giving it the freedom to live and run around and love on its own terms can you unlock its full potential??? genuinely insane. the alola games cooked so much
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Monpoke - Tsumiki no Densha (Building Block Train)
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