Leonard McCoy Bingo
30 posts
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leonardmccoybingo · 3 years ago
He nods in the direction of the library doors. "I only noticed you were planning to walk back in just that jacket, and I think Norma McCoy would rise from her very grave if I let a lady go without at least offering to share my umbrella."
Leonard and Nyota share an umbrella, some confidences, and a sense of exasperation about one James Tiberius Kirk.
My fill for the Day One gen prompt for Trektober 2021: meet cute! It's also a fill for my @leonardmccoybingo prompt sharing an umbrella! Enjoy!
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leonardmccoybingo · 4 years ago
"You can't play dumb with a professional, Jim, or maybe you could with one who's not me. Never known you to turn down fruit, so that's weird enough, but the skipping lunch, the no coffee--"
"Bones." Jim's still smiling, but less than before. "Take a breath? It's Yom Kippur."
Jim chooses to fast for Yom Kippur for the first time in several years. Bones, being Bones, wants to make sure he's taking care of himself.
A gift for @aroacebones who unwisely admitted an upcoming life milestone within my digital hearing. 😛 (Any errors in the Judaism aspects are mine, as I'm only cultural, but I hope I did an okay job!) This is also a fill for the platonic cuddling square on my @leonardmccoybingo card!
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leonardmccoybingo · 4 years ago
"Jim?" Even as he tries to focus his tired eyes in the direction Joanna's looking, he almost misses Jim completely. He's gotten used to the flash of gold striding into sickbay or either of their quarters that's announced Jim's presence for him the last year. But Jim isn't in uniform now, just fitted out in a somber gray suit.
Jim shows up unexpectedly in the midst of Bones' compassionate leave to support him through David's funeral and wake.
Light content warning for the associated themes of grief/mourning, depression, and euthanasia. 💙
A TOS McKirk fic written for @better-late-than-nevah, who prompted me with "a hug after not seeing someone for a long time." (Which fills my @leonardmccoybingo square hugging!) Huge thanks to @tinybowties for reading it over for me!
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leonardmccoybingo · 4 years ago
"Win doesn't know I'm doing this, and… hell, if she ever finds it she'll think it's morbid and I'll just delete it, but…" George frowns and looks off into the distance. "Maybe I'll delete it myself. But I can't--shake the feeling. … Just a feeling."
"Darlin'--" he starts, a whisper, and Jim shakes his head furiously. "I wanna see, Bones," he whispers determinedly, but he's gripping Leonard's hand hard enough to bruise.
content warnings: Mentions of Jim being abused by Frank, and a panic attack. The entire piece is focused on Jim grieving George, which might make it tough if parental death is a trigger for you. 💙
A(nother) McKirk fill for @leonardmccoybingo, this one for the prompt movie night. Yes, I took what is typically a fluff prompt and made it sad. (Yes, I also gently filched this idea from TNG 4x02, "Family". It was my favorite episode, so... there you go.)
Lastly, thank you all so much for the enthusiastic support you gave your hands can heal, your hands can bruise. I've really been blown away by your comments and reblogs and words can't express what it's meant to me to receive such a wonderful response.
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leonardmccoybingo · 4 years ago
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Leonard “Bones” McCoy/Spock Chapters: 1/1
Inspired by this tumblr post: Bones definitely misses the rain when he’s up in space
Spock melds with him so he can feel it again.
Written for the @leonardmccoybingo, Prompt: Intimacy Without Sex
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leonardmccoybingo · 4 years ago
"You say you're sorry to me right now and the next round's on you, kid." He smiles more clearly, so Jim can tell he's teasing, and Jim gives him a shaky smile back. Goddamn but it kills him the way the kid doesn't seem to trust in anything--that he doesn't need to apologize, that Leonard isn't mad, that he's safe here.
content warnings: Parts I and III are built around Jim being a survivor of child physical abuse. The current chapter, Part I, depicts him having the beginnings of a panic attack. Part II deals heavily with Leonard's history of depression and his father's death.
Part one of five. A McKirk fill for the @leonardmccoybingo prompt touch starved, which, um, got away from me.
I am deeply thankful to everyone over at the USS McKirk Discord server, who have been offering enthusiasm, encouragement, and help on this one. I know I've only been part of the community for like two weeks but that you all have treated me with such enthusiasm and love regardless just goes to show what a great community you've all built over there. <3
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leonardmccoybingo · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
Sharing an umbrella
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leonardmccoybingo · 4 years ago
Spock pauses before continuing. “I actually arrived with the paperwork four and a half minutes ago, but you were engaged in a subspace transmission and I did not wish to interrupt. Normally I would not allude to a personal matter, but as I was unable to help overhearing, it sounded as though yourself and the other party were somewhat fraught. It follows that social convention dictates I ask if you are all right.”
For the @leonardmccoybingo prompt insecurity, a little bit of Spones friendship that I had soooo much fun writing even if Spock is so intimidating to work with! It incorporates a tiny bit of Discovery canon but is AOS-set.
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leonardmccoybingo · 4 years ago
But the nightmare had rattled him more than he’d thought. That’s the only explanation for why his hands are shaking enough that he sloshes some of the bourbon onto the countertop rather than into the glass. When he gropes to his side for a dish rag he overbalances and pitches too far forward–maybe his legs are unsteady, too–and knocks the glass straight off the counter.
“Fuck’s sake, Bones!” is grumbled barely a moment later, unsurprisingly.
My second McKirk fic is up! My non-technical, non-medical usage of the @leonardmccoybingo prompt “shuttle accident,” because I fail at writing either. :p Not quite sure how to classify the relationship aspect (pre-slash is most accurate), because the feelings are requited but not quite acknowledged just yet. 2k; Teen for thematic material.
content warnings: Aftermath of a trauma-related nightmare and brief mentions to a shuttle accident that led to casualties. A brief reference to suicide. Jim is heavily implied to be a survivor of child abuse as per 2009 canon.
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leonardmccoybingo · 4 years ago
Hey, I'm pretty new to writing for the fandom and I just submitted a request for a card? Since the guidelines said there was no time limit and the blog is still active I hope that's all right! :)
Hi there!
It is perfectly alright! We have no deadlines and no closing date, sign-ups are still open :) I hope you have fun with your card!
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leonardmccoybingo · 4 years ago
Categories: M/M, F/M
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Jocelyn McCoy/Clay Treadway, Former Jocelyn McCoy/Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Characters: Leonard "Bones" McCoy, James T. Kirk, Jocelyn McCoy, Clay Treadway
Additional tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Hair Dyeing, First Meetings, Soulmate-Identifying Hair Colors
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leonardmccoybingo · 4 years ago
McCoy Bingo 4
I wrote another one!
this time its for the prompt: Teacher AU
The students in the English class of James Kirk are trying to find out who he’s going to marry. It definitely can’t be the other English teacher, McCoy, who doesn’t seem to like Kirk at all, right??
hope you like it, I had fun writing it (and with the student names, xD)
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leonardmccoybingo · 4 years ago
Star Trek fic MCD
I wrote smth, because I read sad fics and I was in a sad mood. So yeah. 
Leonard doesn’t like first contact missions. This time he’s glad they all made it safe and healthy to the ship. Until it’s pointed out that not everyone got away safely. One person got shot
Written for the @leonardmccoybingo  prompt: Jim Kirk
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leonardmccoybingo · 4 years ago
Leonard McCoy Bingo fic 2
so i wrote another one! (i have all the time in the world for this bingo, so i am taking all the time)
anyways, i wrote this quickly between homework, so i hope you like it
Leonard just wanted a coffee after his shift, Jim didn’t have to get hurt for it. Good thing he’s a doctor.
I wrote it for my friend bc its her birthday. hope you like it! @jimbotkirk
and its for the bingo so here: @leonardmccoybingo
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leonardmccoybingo · 4 years ago
Leonard McCoy Bingo Square 1
wow so yeah I got a bingo card somewhere, I wrote the things from the bingo down, so yeah. This is the first one!
Square: Reunion
Leonard got an invitation to his high school reunion. He does not want to go until Jim says he’ll go with him so he’s not lonely. Only everyone at the reunion thinks they’re dating when they’re not.
it’s written for @firecryptid his birthday! Happy birthday and I hope you like it!
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leonardmccoybingo · 5 years ago
Hopelessly Gone
Star Trek (AOS)
Rated : G  Ship: McKirk  Wordcount: 2869 
Squares Filled: 
Leonard McCoy Bingo - B1: Losing Hope
Kisses Bingo - I3: Wrist Kisses
A mission goes wrong and Leonard is hurt, but he can’t blame Jim for that. It was his own fault for volunteering anyway, because where Jim went, there - apparently - so did he.
Even if he knew his feelings were one sided. Even if he long ago gave up hope that they’d be reciprocated.
@leonardmccoybingo @bingokisses
(psst @loonyloopylisa here ya go!)
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leonardmccoybingo · 5 years ago
Emergency Action Plan
Summary: Yes, McCoy wanted to meet Spock’s parents, but this wasn’t what he’d had in mind.
(A prequel to Confined Spaces. This story can be read without reading the previous parts of the series.)
This part 7 (chronologically part 1) of my series Occupational Hazards. Posting for the @leonardmccoybingo prompt: Do or Die
Rated G, 9k, an AU rewrite of Journey to Babel, established relationship
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