lenigme-arc-en-ciel · 6 years
I'm gonna start posting kinda daily updates on how the game is coming along. I'm gonna preface this by saying that right now we are working on a very basic demo version made with VB.net for my brother's final project for his Computer Programming class which is due in June. This version will likely not be available to play by the public. After the school project demo is finished, Red will be working on learning how to use Unity and then making a better demo in Unity that will be available while we work on the full game. So right now we are working on the school project demo and that's what these updates will be for.
To start, we have most of the demo mocked up on paper and Red has started programming from my mockups. I am working on maps and character designs, though they school project demo will probably only have filler images and not actual sprites. I have to talk with the other artist on our team to see if they will be doing sprites for the game, cause if not, we will be looking for an artist who can. Also, @demiacloud, one of the people helping with story and possibly music, helped me with writing a bit of background that will be readable early in the game
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lenigme-arc-en-ciel · 6 years
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Luckily I was able to find an outlet! So here’s the first post with a little background of the world.
L'énigme Arc-En-Ciel takes place on a planet called Iaethea, one of a couple iterations of the planet across a couple of different universes. The same planet in which my stories (see @m-kaet) take place on but in different universes from the game. This Iaethea shares a similar history to a point with my universes’ versions though the history of this planet has not been much developed. It also shares a similar pantheon of gods, though only 7 of the gods will have an importance in the game (I’ll be making another post focused on the gods later).
This game takes place in a future that has in some ways gone back to sort of a medieval era where it has many high fantasy aspects but also modern and futuristic technology. Some time long before the game takes place, most of the humanoid beings had been pushed to live solely on the continent of Hel, all the other continents having been taken over by less humanoid beings. In the game, you’ll be able to explore a portion of Hel and some nearby islands.
Map for globe drawn by @mj-valentine, globe made with maptoglobe.com
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lenigme-arc-en-ciel · 6 years
So due to the fact I cannot find an outlet in this mall and I didn't charge my tablet computer last night, I may not be making the post I said I would be making today. I'll probably do another look around for an outlet but if I cannot find one again I will make the post tomorrow
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lenigme-arc-en-ciel · 6 years
I’ll be making my first post about the world the game exists in on Monday but I wanted to mention the exact way you can see art before it’s posted here. First of all, none of the concept art/original sketches will be posted anywhere but my Patreon. This may change after the game is available, but until then they will only be on my Patreon. I’m working on posting things as I do them so initial sketches and finished pieces can be seen if you pledge 1 USD a month, finished pieces, depending on what they are, will be posted either here or on my art blog @mj-valentine. For 3 USD you can see my WIPs that I will be trying to post on a more regular basis. These WIPs will not be posted elsewhere. The only other level that’s relevant to the game is my 10 USD level which will get you an npc in the game that’s based off of you. That last one may also show up as a reward in our Kickstarter we’re working on. Here is a link to my Patreon. Since I do post other things on Patreon, not all the money I receive from pledges will go towards the game.
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lenigme-arc-en-ciel · 6 years
I realized in daydreaming about making the posts about the playable characters that some info might not be completely understandable unless you are familiar with the world in which the game takes place. So, before I put up any info on the characters, I’m gonna put up info on the world. I’m not sure the posting schedule I’m gonna do, at least one post a week, maybe up to 3 if I can get visuals made quick, but each of these posts will give insight on the world. I’ll start with this post by saying that I’ve had this world in my head in some capacity for around 3 or 4 years now, gradually adding more to it as I discover more and that the world was created for the many stories I, Maxwell, plan on writing in the future. Due to the fact I want all my stories to be connected and my brother, who’s game this is, claiming he has no creative ability, we are using the same world I’ve been crafting. Getting the chance to use it for his game has helped get more information on the world figured out by getting feedback and input from not only him, but also from other @green-squared members such as @greyywall and @demiacloud.
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lenigme-arc-en-ciel · 6 years
Hi! I’m Maxwell Valentine, the executive producer of the game L'énigme Arc-En-Ciel, a high fantasy rpg in the works from @green-squared. This blog will be used to release info on the game as info becomes available. I’m not sure how much we will be posting but please stayed tuned! We will be posting some basic info on the playable characters(of which there are three) as we get that info ready for posting but any concept art will only be viewable on my Patreon until after the game comes out.
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