lemmondoggay · 3 years
Dana Terrace and Alex Hirsch reaching sainthood everyday
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lemmondoggay · 4 years
I know people who use the tracking feature because it helps them remember to brush their teeth (they're ADHD)
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
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Tuesday the 17th is the only day(s) to reblog this.
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
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The ladies are pleased their relationship is so liked by others. Thank you guys for the support and love!
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
Fun fact there's actually a natural way to eat to get the ideal body type!
Eat when you're hungry
That's why hunger exists, if you end up being fatter or thinner than you thought, that's still your ideal body type, your body generally knows what it's doing.
Friendly reminder that 1200 calories is the recommended amount for a 5 year old
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
imagine converting to the catholic church LMAO catholicism is only supposed to be passed down from parent to child in a manner best described as ‘if I had to live like this then so do you’ 
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
hey!!!! i forgot! grandma wanted me to tell you she’s making stew tonight!!!!!
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
This stuff warped my perception of teenager for so long oml
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12 Adult Actors Who Played Teens Vs. What Teens Really Look Like
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
i have a deep respect for scotland because i was at an ireland vs scotland football match and their chant was “we hate england more than you”
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
If that organisation is okay with people getting abortions its surely still pro-choice since though they will do everything they can't to help her not get an abortion they aren't trying to force her, they leave the choice to her.
In the Netherlands, abortion is legal. There is however one pro life organization called Stichting Schreeuw Om Leven. But instead of harrassing women who are on their way to the abortion clinic and make them feel miserable, they offer them HELP.
If a woman wants to get an abortion because she is financially unable to give birth to and raise a baby, the organization will pay for everything she needs during the pregnancy and after, until she’s financially stable to raise the baby on her own.
This organization won’t stop women from going to the abortion clinic, but would rather hve a healthy conversation with them. Ask them if they can help her with anything in order for them to keep the baby. They also hand out contraception in the streets for those who can’t afford it.
Women don’t get abortions just because they want to. There are reasons why. This organization doesn’t fight abortion, it fights the reasons why women get abortions. Take notes America.
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
botw is so fucking funny when u remember that all of these normal hyrulian people dont know what the fuck is going on. link has been gone for 100 years like to any outsider hes just a random guy smashing all the pots in their only recently rebuilt village and then fucking right off never to be seen again
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
New concept: Lets support all trans people and not just the ones we find attractive.
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
Love this except my grown ass dog still eats shit
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These are hilarious! NGL major preference for adults here. Other adult bonuses:
Don’t need naps
Can go on hikes for longer
Can be left alone for longer
Less fragile
Teeth don’t randomly fall out
Majority of teenage hormonal bullshit is over
Surprise fear periods done with
No more growing in size or coat
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lemmondoggay · 5 years
I wouldn't use such violent means but yeah what kind of person insults Malala?
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Are you freakin serious?!?! This is what the outfit looks like btw
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The jeans are even kinda baggy at the shoe??? It’s more of a relaxed fit than skinny???
And she’s not really baring any skin??
Seriously she almost DIED fighting for her right to education and now she has the opportunity to study at Oxford and people are bashing her clothes 😒
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