lemgambino · 1 year
Poll for Autistic People
If you vote pls reblog for a sample size.
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lemgambino · 1 year
Here ya go!
No “see results” options we choose sides like middle schoolers
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lemgambino · 1 year
Shut The Fuck Up Terf 2: Electric Boogaloo
the unofficial sequel to the Lily meme that TERFs were seething over at the British parliament
Commissions are open btw!!! :3 recently got laid off last Wednesday and would appreciate the help 🥺
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lemgambino · 1 year
How do you deal with that feeling of helplessness, anxiety, and anger when you see so much evil, cruelty and hatred, but feel like even when you work with others, you can't seem to make any dent in it?
I take a break. You can't be fighting it all the time or you'll burn out or give up hope. You take a day, a chance to breathe, separate from it, and do what you have to to recover. Because you ain't the first one who's been in this fight and you're not the first one to feel like it's all for nothing. And yet we persevere. We eventually prevail. There's a lot of blood and hurt along the way, but we win. If you don't give yourself time to heal, to recover your strength, then they'll destroy you. It's a war of attrition - it's why they're constantly trying to flood you with new battles, new bullshit. They want to wear you down. But not every battle can be won and sometimes retreat is necessary to ensure victory later. So you get away from it so that the next day you can get up, roll your shoulders, crack your knuckles, and go, "Okay, what's next?" To paraphrase something I saw on tumblr once, hope is not some beacon of light - an angel descending from the sky to cleanse us of all our problems. It's a dirt-covered, battle-scarred person spitting blood and a broken tooth out of their mouth, grinning, and putting up their fists again.
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lemgambino · 2 years
It's impossible for me to not be hype during this song. :D
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We’re living in a timeline where people make live a live memes and I’m so glad
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lemgambino · 3 years
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Here’s the short comic I made for @pichikui​’s Danny Phantom charity zine, GOING GHOST! She’s selling digital copies on her gumroad if anyone missed out! Profits are donated to RAICES 👻💀!!
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lemgambino · 4 years
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★ 5k Follower Giveaway! ★
To celebrate gaining over 5k followers on tumblr, I will be hosting a giveaway that closes on Jan18th!  Reblog+Follow to join; see below for more rules:
You must both be following and have Reblogged this post for your entry to count. No giveaway blogs, either. 
You may have a second entry by following my twitter and RTing this post: https://twitter.com/rubindraws/status/1346159738858450950 
Two people will be selected for the prize. However, if my twitter has over 2000 follows by the end of the giveaway, I will choose 3 people instead.
The prize of 1 Full-Body Artwork is for one character only.  
On the 19th, I will reach out to those who won. Please respond in 24hrs to confirm the prize, or I will give the prize to another person.
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lemgambino · 4 years
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thanks for reading!!
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lemgambino · 4 years
Hey what if I started a podcast where I try to play through Every Mega Man Game?
I’ve already recorded like five episodes but I’m going to release them once every two weeks.  Please enjoy and PLEASE let me know what you think.  The only thing scarier than hearing what people think is hearing nothing at all.
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lemgambino · 4 years
Holy shit dude
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This sounds like... really important? What the FUCK Disney??
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lemgambino · 4 years
New PassCode Feels Good, Man
New PassCode Feels Good, Man @passcodeO #homicidols
Consider yourselves lucky that I didn’t turn this entire post into one long pun on the song title
I’ll be honest with you, folks: I may have shut down almost all of my old barrage of notifications to keep from losing my mind, but I did keep a few on, and one of those was for PassCode, which partly works because their Twitter account is about 10% as busy as most, so you the ratio of quality…
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lemgambino · 5 years
December 2020 can't come soon enough.
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lemgambino · 5 years
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This is the dank shiny Oddish of nice, reblog with “nice” for good luck
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lemgambino · 5 years
Hey y'all, a friend of mine is in some deep, deep trouble right now and I’d really appreciate if any of y'all could help out in any way. Roughly a week or so ago, my friend’s plumbing basically exploded, and since then they’ve been without a functioning bathroom in any regard, or any clean water. This is troublesome for various reasons, but ultimately, with what emergency services has told her and her family, the issue is with the main line and the landlord for where they live is entirely at fault. 
As it stands, they intend to sue, but that will not resolve their problems right away. They’re pretty much on their last leg here in regards to the situation, and in order for this situation to be resolved and over with right now, they need aproximately $900 dollars to get everything taken care of. It’s a hefty sum, yes, but they are in fairly dire need of it.
As usual, I cannot force people to donate money, nor can I force you all to spread this around. Just know that if you could help out, even in the slightest bit, my friend and I would be extraordinarily grateful. If you would like to donate, you can do so at this email, [email protected] , which is linked to their paypal account.
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lemgambino · 5 years
Count me in!
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lemgambino · 5 years
I'm still kicking, here. Though I don't post very much, if at all these days.
How many Touhou fans are still on tumblr
In past few months lots of people left tumblr, either by abandoning their blogs or deleting them entirely.
I wonder how many Touhou fans are still around. Figured out it would be better to start a new post rather than reblog older existing ones which may be outdated.
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lemgambino · 5 years
LIVE: There’s a key vote on net neutrality and the whole Internet is watching
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Starting at 10am ET today a key congressional committee will vote on the Save the Internet Act – the best bill we have to restore net neutrality.
Unfortunately Big Telecom shills on the House subcommittee voting today have already proposed dangerous amendments that could completely gut the bill or leave gaping loopholes for Internet providers to block, throttle, and charge Internet users new fees for access.
To get a clean bill that restores net neutrality passed need to show them the WHOLE INTERNET IS WATCHING.
Here are the best things you can do to help:
1. Reblog this post to spread the word. 📣
2. Embed our livestream widget into your Tumblr blog using the code here.
3. Call your lawmakers to demand they vote for a clean bill to restore net neutrality.
If we get the bill out of committee without any bad amendments, then we have a solid shot of winning the next big vote on the House floor in the week of April 8. Take a second to help out!
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