lelestappen · 3 hours
am i going to break and get ps again bc le*stappen? yes. yes I am. please hold for incoming genius lmao.
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lelestappen · 5 hours
me casually seeing this in your tags from days ago, "#There was before Max and there's now and Charles will never be able to go back." - now totally a normal amount of curious about what this is going to be!! :eyes:
aaaahhhhh oh my gosh 🙈😬 so glad you asked!! it’s from my las vegas 2023 WIP. 🌶️🌶️🌶️
lestappen, sexual tension, eye fucking, elevator makeouts, first time (screaming lol).
umm—yeah it’s nearly there, but i'm taking my time. i don't want to rush such an iconic moment for them. i wanna do it justice.
that said tho, i hope to publish it soon*! 💜 i appreciate your curiosity tysm x
here’s a snippet of that scene, just for you:
Kissing Max is nothing like he imagined. Charles expected it to be like fighting on track—aggressive, intense, right on the limit—but it’s on a whole new level. It’s flying full throttle without a seatbelt, a swoop through the apex, around the curve and flat out into clean air.
Molten heat spreads through his bones, consuming every beat of his giddy heart. It’s Max breathing light rays into his brain, rewiring the synapses until every thought circles around him. 
There was before Max and there’s now, and Charles will never be able to go back. 
The elevator dings obnoxiously when it reaches his floor.
“Fuck,” Max says, lurching back to put a decent amount of space between them.
Charles takes him in, post-kiss. His hair, slightly askew, the pink dusting over his ears, his cheeks, his neck, and finally, his lips. The scene of the crime. Rosy and swollen and so fucked. Charles laughs. They wouldn’t fool anyone. 
“What?” Max asks. He can’t stop fidgeting, absent-mindedly wiping his palms on his jeans, adjusting his watch, running his fingers through his blonde locks.
“You’re nervous,” Charles says.
Max bites his lip with a short exhale. “Maybe. Is that a bad thing?”
“No, it’s cute.” Charles winks, enjoying the way Max flushes even more. 
The elevator opens to an empty hallway, and Charles makes sure the coast is clear before intertwining their fingers and heading down the hall to his suite. He feels on top of the world. Nothing can stop him. Not with Max, warm and pliant at his side.
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lelestappen · 1 day
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CHARLES LECLERC congratulates MAX VERSTAPPEN on his second F1 world title
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lelestappen · 2 days
btw while lando was pouting and being a baby in the post race interviews max said "i think it's better to talk about it after we both cool off" but somehow max is "mad max" and the heated one apparently
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lelestappen · 2 days
max initiating their usually half assed hug and charles for the first time going for an actual real life hug... MONACO 2024 YOU'LL ALWAYS BE LOVED
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lelestappen · 2 days
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lelestappen · 2 days
this song is soooooooo max yearning abt charles core
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lelestappen · 2 days
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"It was the summer of 1963, when everybody called me Charlie, and it didn’t occur to me to mind." (I've Had) The Time of My Life - A Lestappen Dirty Dancing AU
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lelestappen · 2 days
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Max | Post qualifying, Austria 2024.
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lelestappen · 5 days
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red & blue
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lelestappen · 8 days
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AO3 Collection | Info & Rules - Challenge / Collection will be open all summer, closing 8/31 - Mildly moderated, all prompts fully open to interpretation - Please check rules before posting to Collection - Open to all F1 ships, no hate please - Authors can post works to the Collection using the bingo card, or wait for some Challenge requests, just have fun and enjoy the summer spice.
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lelestappen · 26 days
you are the risk i'll always take charles/max length: 1.3k words cute one-shot, vague timeline, in which max is slow and charles thinks 30 seconds is a lifetime, fully inspired by i'll hold my breath by ellie goulding, please go read the full lyrics and think about lestappen you won't regret it
follow no one, always play the wrong card waste days in foreign places shed light on your better side reassure me that you'll wait for me wait for me as long as it takes
the space between day and dusk brings with it a crush of confusion, a weight on charles’ chest that he doesn’t want to think about. fresh rain on the track had fed his melancholy mood and the petrichor in his nostrils brought back seasons of his life he’d just as soon leave to age like a photograph, out of sight and out of mind. the rain hadn’t lasted, but his sour mood was dragging like an anchor in his wake. a few biting words already offered to innocent bystanders that happened to be in the garage at the wrong time. apologies would be offered with a crisp smile as soon as he could stomach it, all would be forgiven, but nothing would be the same. not for him, not after what had happened, the things he’d confessed to an unflinching mask, it had been a self-inflicted wound, driving the knife in himself and watching the crimson of his race suit absorb the damage.
( all that practice wasted learning how to brace for an impact when it would be the blade slipping between his ribs he needed to watch out for. ) 
frustration is caught at the edge of his vision and clenched fists raise to wipe at the offense, not willing to accept the curl of pain stinging at the same spot. a double wound made of broken pride and something else he’d rather burn inside his chest for an eternity than acknowledge now. silence continued to swallow him, not even his imagination offering the relief of a voice to match blue eyes staring into his soul. 
points and titles held sway now, a court of opinion to judge every breath, and he knew people changed, but he’d falsely credited strength of character to someone without any real evidence of it. now his chest ached with that mistake, not burning but hollow, and it’s a blessing he finds his room before he slides to sit at the foot of the door and buries his fists further into his eyes. 
there’s an incessant buzzing that continues without pause in the near silent moments following the end of charles’ full retreat. the frequency of the annoyance speaks a language of its own, quickly hitting double digits of unrepentant insistence that there was something to be said now, but it was too late. he’d given max a fair chance, he had, that much he kept telling himself. he’d had plenty of room to say… anything, and he hadn’t. charles didn’t owe him picking up the phone to fill the silence now. didn’t owe him listening to excuses that would add more stones to the pile on his chest, stealing his breath and not showing any signs of letting up. how many times had they been miles apart and felt close enough to touch, now charles felt they could be on opposite sides of the world while staring at each other in the same room. minutes that felt like hours passing while a vast sea of space swallowed them both. fear carved a cave in his stomach, fear that he’d never catch his breath, that he’d never get up from the floor, that his hands would never stop shaking, that he’d never feel the way he did when he was with max. ( when had he let him get that close? when had he let him become home? ) 
the phone is finally answered, silence reigning for a moment before realization sets in that the voicemail message wasn’t playing for the hundredth time. “charlie, please!” nimble fingers swipe and the call is disconnected. just a gulp of air, so he could convince himself he wasn’t drowning. everything was going to be fine and it was going to be max’s loss, he’d be the one kicking himself with regret later, charles refused to let it be him.
he would be fine. 
the turn of the door handle carries a specific trill through the small room and pulls a frown across pinched features. he finds his feet with less grace than he’d have liked and lets his momentum carry him to sit in an empty chair. “it’s not locked,” he grits out, sandpaper over the swell of emotion in his throat that continues to threaten his pride. the handle turns again, door opening quickly against much less resistance now that his body wasn’t in the way, slamming against the side of the wall with a cringe-inducing force. an awkward max left standing in the frame with a sheepish head tilt as he stepped inside and just as quickly closed the door behind him. then there was silence again and he couldn’t fathom how the man across from him possessed a single brain cell. why had he chased him down if he still wasn’t going to say anything? and this time charles is trapped in a prison cell with his name on the door. this was what he’d earned for running away, some divine punishment for cowardice was the only explanation. interred now with the guy who’d just left a gaping hole in his chest. “what?” a demand is issued, a question decided on by his heart and spoken to lips without thought or reason getting in between. it sounded petulant to his own ears and he hated it, but he needed the answer. needed to hear something. anything. he decided pain would be palatable now if it would replace the nothing. max takes a step forward and settles his fists on his hips at charles’ eye level. “you’re an ass,” he sounds pissed off and all charles can think is good. at least he could still make him feel. “the worst, you know that?” it’s delivered quickly, tone terse and voice strained, and that slows the gears grinding at full steam in charles’ head. 
“no, you are,” this time charles’ response rings even more purposefully snappish. “why you didn’t say it back?” the follow up question adds a bit of softness back into max’s expression and charles deflates a bit further in reply. their bodies having a conversation as well. but he draws the line at the tide of gravity that always pulls him to reach out for the one thing that had always made him feel safe, trying to save a shred of dignity in this, hands tucked up under his arms as he crosses them over his chest. 
the resolve makes him feel stronger than he’d given himself credit for. until max steps forward, eye lashes brushing his cheeks as he looks down to capture charles’ gaze. a look that always felt like that fifth red light going out, his stomach suddenly weightless as he feels an index finger under his chin, thumb brushing over his bottom lip and he can’t look away. he was wrong again, his heart hadn’t been ripped out, he knew because it felt like a drum thrumming beneath his skin. “you have to say it,” charles insists, unwilling to fully surrender to silence while the fear, doubt, and sorrow coiled around his spine. 
blue eyes fight against the urge to roll and max’s answer is punctuated by his hand sliding around to the back of charles’ neck, “you’re so dumb, i swear to god.” they’re words that might ruffle someone else's feathers, but to charles it was so much better than silence, a smile even hinting at the corner of his mouth. there’s an exasperated shake of max’s head before he adds, “ik zie je graag,” and between the tone shift and the blush that tints bashful cheeks, charles’ knows that he’d just heard exactly what he wanted to hear. what he’d been waiting too long to hear. he’s thinking about googling it later when max’s lips impatiently find his and he’s the one complaining, “now you must say something.” 
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lelestappen · 28 days
just a little writing blog for my current obsession. it's been a few years since i've written anything so please be gentle. i don't use any ai in my writing or editing process, all errors are human. i wouldn't be opposed to a beta reader if anyone is interested. i also haven't been involved in any fandom in years so not sure what to do with myself, but i'm friendly and don't bite if anyone wants to chat about a certain rivals to lovers situation. also feel free to drop lestappen fic ideas in my inbox, no guarantees on length, but i'll try to give them a shot. this blog is not friendly for minors, and will potentially contain graphic written works, please do not engage with mature content or message me if you're under 18, no exceptions. all written works are entirely fictional and really only use the dynamics, tropes, and character types of the official media portrayed persons named. works are intended for entertainment purposes only. i also work an obscene amount of hours per week in management and i'm pacific time so likely won't have any kind of regular online schedule. i do have disco for anyone interested. banner is just a photo i edited in pixlr and the icon is from an old rp commission. ~ alex ( m / 35 )
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