legionofalters · 1 day
David Haller (from marvel comics) is a Jewish anarchist
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legionofalters · 2 days
A little smile played on his lips. A little mad smile. "I'm Legion. A legit X-Man, if ye can believe that. What are you meant tae be, Sailor Batman? You must be a goodie with that gear on ye, no...?"
If not, David could probably take him. Not that he was cocky.
"If we're after the same bastard we should do a good old-fashioned team-up. I'd be the Superman tae yer Sailor Batman."
His accent wavered slightly between Scottish and a more muted English one - David mostly co-fronted with his alters, and 'Rational David' was the better negotiator. The change in his voice was subtle enough that most people wouldn't notice a great deal.
Marc dropped the files he was shuffling through on the desk. Patients profiles, medical records, unopened mail, everything one could think of and yet nothing that he actually needed to track his target down.
He turned sharply around at the sound of the newcomer, one hand already reaching for the crescent blades on his chest plate.
The fuck did this guy just say?
In the reflection of the filing cabinet across the room, Jake huffed and rolled his eyes.
Ingleses de mierda.
"Who are you?"
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legionofalters · 2 days
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what would you call this facial expression? 'crazy smile' sounds dumb but idk what neurotypicals would call it
it's not evil like saneist media makes it sound like lmao. literally this panel he was just reclaiming his name bc he was ashamed of being called Legion in the past. Kurt told him to own it bc like Nightcrawler is no less a slur and he reclaims that
this 'mad smile' is just determination a lot of the time but has been stereotyped and demonised and like. bro i do this when i buy groceries its nbd
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legionofalters · 3 days
Headcanon that Legion has an alter who likes to work out. That's why they're ripped and why David refuses to wear a shirt
Also there's an alter who rolls dank cones
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legionofalters · 3 days
They had both happened upon the same mission of the Arkham Asylum stock villain variety. Thematically relevant, but a little bit on the nose and borderline (ha) offensive given that the story stars not one, but two, superheroes with DID. Like, an evil psychiatrist, really? Can comic book writers not come up with anything less lame?
Legion had expected to do this one solo - taking a bad guy off the board who'd been using his super powers to take advantage of his position of power. Not 'my people', David had thought.
What Legion hadn't expected was to see a like-minded individual seemingly following the same lead - in our aforementioned villains' office, in the dead of night.
"No way was I expectin' tae see ye here. I thought it was just me that knew about this git. Are we gaun tae team-up, or we gaun tae have a brawlie? Cannae be arsed with that today."
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legionofalters · 3 days
legion as various text posts because I am so desperate for content I am resorting to making my own (part one: dave and lenny) (plus bonus salmon and lenny because it’s pride month)
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legionofalters · 4 days
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Any Magiks about? Or New Mutants in general? Would love a thread with Illyana comforting David's little. Traumatised babes regress!
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legionofalters · 4 days
David hadn't been there long enough to understand what was happening - he'd found himself in a city he didn't recognise, and the first thing that happens is an explosion? Not exactly how he'd planned to spend his Saturday. It was still Saturday, right?
"Um- that wasn't me, w-was it?" he asked, startled by the elven mutant bossing him about. "Notagainnotagain - wait, no, I can fix this!"
He raised his hand, gesturing behind them at the building. With his power levels, he could fix this without breaking a sweat - provided that Clarice didn't shoo him away before he got the chance, and the beastie in his head would cooperate (the Weaver didn't always see eye to eye with David).
Closed starter for @legionofalters
Clarice came barreling around the corner, nearly running right into a man. She pushed at him, urging him forward, “You have to get out of here, it’s not safe. Go - MOVE!” But they never got the chance, the building behind them exploding, sending debris in every direction, and the force of which had her sprawling on the concrete. She laid there for a second, ears ringing as she fought to regulate her breathing. Then she started to look for the man, croaking out, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
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legionofalters · 7 days
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"Not really how it works, no."
David scowled, already sick of seeing the mercenary gate-crashing whatever New Mutants spinoff team they'd both apparently found themselves in (according to improvised and already questionable blog-canon). He was already missing the Legionaries.
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"So, if you have alters that like guys, does that technically make you not-straight?"
This seemed to be Deadpool's way of saying 'Happy pride, David, welcome to the team!' - probably not the most tactful strategy, mind.
"And, does having a legion's worth of 'em mean that you're Blindfold's own personal one-man hareem? She must have a load of fun with you. Giggity."
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legionofalters · 7 days
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"Kurt! Drinks on me, mate - those buggers really got what was coming to them, didn't they?"
The mission had gone well earlier that day, all things considered.
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legionofalters · 8 days
"Aye, you're always welcome here, Kurt!" David beams at him, glad to see Kurt get back from his mission.
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"Vell-- I suppose I should make myself at home, ja?"
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legionofalters · 8 days
Indie roleplay blog set in the XMCU or Marvel Prime universes.
This blog is partially canon divergent, as I'm incorporating elements from the FX show into comics verse and vice versa.
Shadow King as his lifelong abuser (sidenote: he's a p*do), and has possessed him like a demon
I'm borrowing some of his alters e.g Angry Boy and 'rational David'
The majority of his alters in the comics (namely Jeb Wells' New Mutants) are created by the Shadow King, similar to how cults sometimes brainwash systems and force alters to form who suit the cults' needs.
I'm going to treat him being on antipsychotics as canon and part of what Dr Nemesis did for him after Zeb Wells' New Mutants - antipsychs have a similar effect on DID, dampening the communication between alters (which can be therapeutic, but can also be detrimental)
This is a sideblog. I follow from @fireinmadness-multimuse. I only reblog RP memes and related stuff there, and would appreciate you following that blog too!
Name: David Haller
Alias: Legion
Age: 24
Pronouns: he/they (alter dependant)
Sexuality: Bisexual but traumatised
David is a mutant with the power to spontaneously produce new mutations, theoretically infinitely. He also has a physical space on the Astral Plane which acts as a sort-of pocket dimension.
When he was young he was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia (schizoaffective disorder) and institutionalised.
He also has Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), and is polyfragmented. This means he has hundreds of alters and fragments/parts. Partial alters serve a specific function for the system. A typical example would be washing dishes, if they've had a traumatic experience doing this activity such as being verbally assaulted by an abuser.
His powers interact with his DID, but are not the cause of it. He splits (forms new alters/fragments) when a new power is gained because the enormity - and life experience - of his power is traumatic.
Alters can also change over time as the system heals. An example is someone I read about, who had a cluster of demon alters (due to religious abuse), and as she healed they became Wookiees from Star Wars. I might play with this theme a little.
DID is a very misunderstood disorder and I'm by no means an expert. If you do know better and I'm writing it wrong, please let me know, I am always open and grateful for criticism. Representation matters.
I'm incorporating some of the alters seen in the FX show as well as canon alters from the comics. I might also lay with some "OCs".
Don't be a prick
Mun must be 18+
Don't be a fucking creep
I'm British, so my timezone is about 7 hours ahead of America.
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legionofalters · 8 days
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Legion (2017 - 2019)
S01E01 "Chapter 1"
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legionofalters · 8 days
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Legion Chapter 1 | 1.01
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