Legend of Dremmers
218 posts
Or: What I do when I wake up
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 10 years ago
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You open your bedroom door and stare out into what seems like an infinite abyss with one spiral staircase leading to the kitchen. You always feel like youā€™re being watched when you go downstairs, and once you woke up in the kitchen with a huge gash in your arm, but Master assures you itā€™s just your imagination.
Nothing goes after young apprentices who follow the rules and donā€™t ask too many questions outside of scheduled learning periods. At least, thatā€™s what youā€™re told.
Thatā€™s also probably why so many of yourself has died so many times.
Only thing to do is carefully head down the stairwell and collect your book and bag.
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 10 years ago
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You re-adjust Georgette until its comfortably fixed on your belt.
You == Kilmer, hey listen, I want to make this as quick as possible, so please just tell me where my Mirror Book and Knapsack are.
Kilmer == You lost them???
You == I- Augh, no, I havenā€™t really looked yet you're supp-
Kilmer == But all your spells are in there!
Kilmer == Oh! In that case, its downstairs!
You == ...
You ==Ā ā€œItsā€?
Kilmer == Yeah!
You == Thereā€™s... There are two of them, which one is downstairs and where downstairs?
Kilmer == Oh, sorry! The book is in your bag downstairs!
You == What, why are they both downstairs?? What was I doing?
Kilmner == I donā€™t know! You took them last night, and didnā€™t come back.
You == Oh, was it- Do you know if it was me from the future or the past?
Kilmer == Uhhhhhhh...
You == Eh, I guess he died, whatever. Ok, then letā€™s do this.
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 10 years ago
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Ask Kilmer where your mirror book and knapsack are. Also equip your clamp-staff and consider renaming it Georgette.
You elect to ask Kilmer where your book and bag are, since... well, thatā€™s half the reason he was created: To keep track of your shit.
It almost makes you feel bad, but heā€™s also very, very annoying.
But before you get into any of that, you first equip your Clamp-staff. Which you consider renaming to Georgette. Sure, itā€™s an odd name, but itā€™s an odd weapon, and itā€™s honestly better than the other garbage names youā€™ve thought up.
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 10 years ago
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The first thing you grab is your trusted Clamp-staff...
You really need to think of a better name for that. Sometime when Kilmer isnā€™t breathing down your neck. His suggestions wereĀ ā€œBeat-stickā€ andĀ ā€œSnap-barā€, both of which are just-
just terrible. You really wish you knew someone good at naming. Too bad yourĀ ā€œfriendsā€ suck, and the only people you meet are cross-dimensional demons, failed experiments or other versions of you. Youā€™re still not sure which is worse.
The Clamp-staff takes its place next to the vial of your blood. Adding things to your inventory reminds you how hard it is to remove them. Which leads to the next thing:
Your mirror book should be around here somewhere. Or on Kilmer. It has all your spells and recipes, making it really useful for literally doing anything. Plus thereā€™s your knapsack, which adds another 7 slots to your inventory.
The good news is equipping the Clamp-staff and mirror book usually free up those two slots, and Kilmerā€™s holding onto your room keys, so even if you canā€™t find your bag, there is that.
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 10 years ago
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You successfully disable the lock, which is great because it will usually shock you if you fail, and while that means another 2 hours to sleep, itā€™s a painful rest.
You gain 40 experience points.
Before you head downstairs, however, you turn back to your room to get prepared for the house. Say, or write in your diary, whatever you will, but your Master taught you wonderful foresight... Not that you always use it, but itā€™s the thought that counts. Either rate, the downstairs world can be dangerous.
One time you took a break from your studies to get a snack, and had to battle back upstairs with your alternate future double against a Wanestrife. Your double got killed, but he was from another timeline anyway.
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 10 years ago
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You head on over to the door, Kilmer rolling after you. Keys in hand, you get ready to disable the lock magically.
Because yeah, who knows? You could need the keys later for something.
Disable Magical Device Roll: 13 + 4
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 10 years ago
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Kilmer == Father??
You == Ugh, no please itā€™s me.
Kilmer == Brother! Itā€™s so good to see you again! It must have been days!!
You == It was yesterday, but sure. Hey listen-
Kilmer == Are we playing a game today? Combat training? Do you need help with your spells?
You == Kilmer! No, I donā€™t need help with that right now; itā€™s something else.
Kilmer ==....Potions?
You == Not potions either! Let me fini-
Kilmer == Do youā€¦ not need me anymore?
You == Holy crap let me finish. I-
Kilmer == But I thought I was helping your studies. Donā€™t we have fun conversations? Donā€™t you like playing cards with me?
You == I literally just-
Kilmer == Ok, if you say soā€¦ Iā€™ll just go. I donā€™t want to be a burden to my only brother.
You == KILMER, BY SCIENCE, SHUT UP! I literally JUST NEED THE KEYS to get out of my room!
Kilmer == O-Oh! Oh, so I can still help??
You == YES JUST- yes just please shut up.
Kilmer == OH! Did you want me to open it for you? Is the magical lock up or just the door lock-
You == Why did he even ever install that stupid magic lock anyway??
Kilmer == He just wanted you to get more training disarming locks!
You == What does he think Iā€™ll be getting into?!
You == Seems silly considering Iā€™m going to be here for the foreseeable future.
Kilmer == Donā€™t worry! Itā€™s for when you leave!
You == I- WHAT?
Kilmer == Uhā€¦.
You == Kilmer.
You == I need you to listen very closely:
You == What do you mean ā€œWHEN I LEAVEā€??
Kilmer == Oh uh, I donā€™t think Iā€™m supposed to tell you.
You == Oh thatā€™s just GREAT! How many more secrets is he keeping from me? Itā€™s like every day I find something else I wasnā€™t supposed to know.
You == See this is why Iā€™m so angry all the time. How can he not trust me in my own house??
Kilmer == He trusts you! Itā€™s just really dangerous! Especially in the basement lab.
Kilmer == ā€¦ I think I need to shut down to reserve power-
You == KILMER! NO! You are taking me to that basement!
Kilmer == N-no! Brother please! Donā€™t go to the basement!
You == If he apparently trusts me, there should be no harm in me going into his ā€œsecret labā€
Kilmer == But Brother!
You == Kilmer, I swear to everything in the world I will disown you as ā€œfamilyā€ if you donā€™t help me with this.
Kilmer == NO! Please!
You == Hey, I canā€™t be held responsible for what Iā€™m going to do in the future.
Kilmer == Yes you can, actually!
You ==...
Kilmer ==...
You == Ok, youā€™re out.
Kilmer == NO!
You == I have no brother. Youā€™re just a big metal Tipmar ball.
Kilmer == Iā€™ll take you! Please just donā€™t un-brother me!!
You == See? Iā€™m glad we can do this the easy way.
Kilmer == As long as you donā€™t ask me to take you to his room. That place is way more off-limits.
You ==...
Kilmer == Please donā€™t make me take you there too.
You == I wonā€™t make you do anything. I just hope you still have a brother after today.
You == Whatever. I can build another one-
Kilmer == I canā€™t! Even if I wanted to he never told me how to get into his room.
You == That really is a shame.
Kilmer == But I do know someone who knows a way in!
You == Who? Thereā€™s only me, Master, you and-
You == -And...
Kilmer == Yeah!
You == Oh please no.
Kilmer == Sally knows! She knew how to get in back when she was alive!
You == I am NOT talking to her. Iā€™m already in a bad enough mood.
Kilmer == But only she and Father know how to get in! Why not ask him?
You == I donā€™t know where he is. He was supposed to be by to wake me up a while ago.
Kilmer == OH! Is he ok???
You == ā€œI DONā€™T KNOW WHERE HE ISā€ WOW you do not listen.
Kilmer == W-we have to go look for him! Iā€™ll give you the keys, letā€™s get downstairs!
You == Ok. Now weā€™re talking.
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 10 years ago
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Magically freeze the blood drop as it descends so Kilmer has enough power to give you the keys and then quickly gather your supplies and exit because ice be Kilmer may not be the best decision but you live in the now Ā 
You realize almost too late what a huge mistake it was to activate Kilmer under any real circumstance, especially right after waking up and losing a fight to your bedroom door. But before you can rectify your mistake, Kilmer switches into action, taking your blood in like an annoying sponge-machine.
The thought of stopping the process magically crosses your mind, but without your mirror book or your wrench-staff, you end up just creating little snowflakes that trail off your fingertips.
Kilmer finishes snapping into upright position, and his eyes light up green, indicating that all systems are go.
Except for his bearable conversation matrix. Which isnā€™t even a thing, but you wish you had the foresight to make one.
He rolls a few inches closer to you. You know what comes next...
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 10 years ago
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Get the keys from Kilmer but magically disable the lock anyway because physical objects are really just a formality and maybe you can use it later to Jam a different lock
You limp on over to Kilmer to obtain the means to your redundant freedom. The ā€˜on switchā€™, so to speak is on the base of his skull, butā€¦ you try to keep in offline as much as you can. He should be topped off, fuel wise (which is fairly inexpensive), and the genetic verification aspect really isnā€™t that much of an issue, but you really donā€™t look forward to having him activated for extended periods of time. However, you have no slagging idea where the physical keys are. You reach around his neck, feel the familiar bit as a drop of blood is taken, and brace yourself...
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 10 years ago
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Strike low and hard, or try for the bloodiest spot to try to knock more blood out of her. Then hop behind the counter, find something sharp, and hit her again. Repeat until the nice shop lady comes back with your stuff THEN run away.
You lowkick your doorĀ in a feeble attempt to surpass the lock and make your way down into the kitchen. You forget, however, that your bedroom door also has a magical lock in place over it. You're also not sure why you were suddenly thinking of a cute green haired shop clerk, or a bloody blonde woman, but you do know it ties into that girl you've been dreaming about.
But first thing's first: You get up after holding your foot in pain for a good minute, and turn back to your room. The only way out would be to access the keys from Kilmer, who's on the other side of the room. That, or you could take a crack at disabling the magic lock yourself, maybe gain some experience....
You'd still have to go get the physical key from Kilmer though. He holds all the keys.
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 10 years ago
!! Important update !!
I have a computer! A competent one, which means I can finally resume work on Dremmers without so much complication. Thanks to those kept my mind sane during these last few months, and here's to a new year and a bunch more Dremmers
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 10 years ago
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Have a Happy Holiday:
For when you're not an elf or human, or one of the many Marnics oddly obsessed with the traditions of Fordesha's Peace, specifically a dwarf, around the end of winter you could always celebrate Torvic's Harvest, or Harvest Day! A day in which many centuries ago one of the elders of a Dwarven province of farmers, Torvic Hornthrow, threw a party together to prove to the upper rungs of the societal class that the proletarians were still alive and kicking, despite the poor conditions during the harsh winters.Ā 
Torvic began dancing, to spur the crowd, and after a while the social elites noticed the working class dancing in the streets each year, and found it quaint. They then themselves donned costumes to imitate the workers and copied their jigs.
Every year, the Dwarfs, rich or poor, engage in a series of jigs, dances and shuffles to prove to the rest of the world that they're still kicking, come rain, snow, or social-economic collapse.
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 10 years ago
Important update
My computer's hard drive wiped the other day, a bit of a mystery I'm still figuring out, and while the majority of my dremmers files were backed up my programs have been wiped. This means until I can procure another copy of Photoshop dremmers may be on hiatus
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 10 years ago
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You rub your wrist and look up at the Creepy Girl, who's now glaring at you. You check your arm to see what she did on it, and notice her blood around your Guild Tattoo.
You then realize who this chick is. The uniform, the interest in your tattoo...
She's a Trashman. Trash Lady? You can't remember what the proper wording for them is, but the fact of the matter is she probably wants to either kill you, or take you back to her headquarters, all for being a badass assassin!
You're pretty sure she's realized that you realize what's going on, and now she's lost what little element of surprise she's had since grabbing your arm.
You - So...
Creepy Girl - So...
The Creepy Girl equips a sheathed katana, which you're pretty sure is the symbol for her organization. This gives you time to strike...
Or run. Whichever you decide to do, you'd better do it quick!
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 11 years ago
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The creepy girl suddenly grabs your arm tightly, staring even harder at it this time. You flail about, but she has your arm in a vice grip and you can't let go.
Keshla - Excuse me!
You - Hey! What in the hells do you think you're doing?! Let go!
Creepy Girl - Hang on like, ooooone more second.
You - N-... NO! Let go now! What are you trying to do, rip my arm off??
Creepy Girl - I'm not sure yet. Right now it's more curiosity than anything :P
Gods, she is strong! You finally manage to whip your arm out of her bloody steel claws and take a step back.
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 11 years ago
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Keshla smiles, and as you reach for your coin purse, you begin to notice how cute Keshla is. Maybe this trip won't be so wasted after all~
You - Hey, so how much would it be for a bedroll and a canteen? Maybe a backpack as well?
Keshla thumbs through her price book.
Keshla - Well, together that would bring you up to about thirty gold, the rings included. Did you need a tent?
You - No, I should be-
You - I'm sorry, can I help you?
You ask the girl who you're pretty sure you just noticed sliding uncomfortably close towards you. She tilts her head and looks at your arms.
Creepy Girl - Oh, you know. Nothing. But hey, enough about me, where did you come from, stranger?
You - My parents. Could you excuse me a second?
Keshla - Miss if you wait one moment I'll be right with you-
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legendofdremmers-blog Ā· 11 years ago
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As you take your first steps truly into the store and up to the counter, the shopkeep turns and smiles at you,
Shopkeep - Ghanji, medhtaā€™zhe! Welcome to Bits and Ends. Iā€™m Keshla, how may I help you?
You - Er, ghanji. I was wondering if you had a few basic travelling supplies, and-
You grab one of the rings out of the display case arbitrarily,
You - How much are these?
Keshla - Ah, the Guess Alignment rings. Let me just check my price book.
Keshla ducks behind the counter and rustles around. While she does, you canā€™t help but notice the other bleeding girl eyeing you intently. Youā€™re pretty sure youā€™ve never met her before, butā€¦ You donā€™t have an acquaintances list or a revenge-warranting list, at least not on hand, so youā€™re at a loss.
Keshla pops back up from around the counter.
Keshla - So the Guess Alignment rings are three gold a piece. Though thereā€™s a special deal where if you get three itā€™s only seven total!
You - Why would anyone need a ring that guesses alignments? How accurate is it?
Keshla laughs,
Keshla - Theyā€™re just silly joke rings. The kids love the ring display case; they all have bizarre enchantments on them.
You decide this would be the best chance to prank your bitch sister.
You - Iā€™ll take three.
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