Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
I am risking nothing
Will not risk.
sorry followers :(
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12.3.2019 // A productive and snowy day! Got an early start and walked around all day to study in various places. Excited for tomorrow!
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getting my calendar all set up for October... September flew by, I can’t believe how quickly this semester is going!!
ig: daliastudy
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the first week of classes is over!!
this semester is v different from my first two in college because i feel like i am finally doing something i love and am good at. going into visualization was the biggest regret of my life and took so much out of me, and changing to engineering has been the scariest and best decision i’ve ever made. sooo to everyone who has changed their majors, i’m so proud of you and hope you’ve found your thing!!
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Helpful Books To Learn Languages
50 Ways To Improve Your French
Barron’s French Idioms
Learn French: The Fast And Fun Way (This book has tons of great worksheets and everything. It’s great for learning French!)
2,001 Most Useful French Words
Say It Right in French: The Easy Way to Pronounce Correctly
Streetwise French
Berlitz Hide This French Phrase Book
50 Ways To Improve Your Italian
Berlitz Self-Teacher Italian (Personally, I don’t really care for these types of books, mainly because I don’t the things you learn in the first few chapters. Unless you have a base in the language, I don’t think this book will work for you.)
Learn Italian: The Fast And Fun Way (This book has tons of great worksheets and everything. It’s great for learning Italian!)
Barron’s Italian Idioms
Easy Italian Phrase Book: 770 Basic Phrases for Everyday Use
Correct Your Italian Blunders
50 Ways To Improve Your Spanish
Correct Your Spanish Blunders
Just Enough Spanish
Dirty Spanish - Warning: This is really vulgar.
Barron’s Complete Spanish Grammar Review
Making Out in Spanish (I think this title is great. I’ve never read this book, but if you’re looking for slang/everyday Spanish, this seems like a pretty good book.)
Ven Conmigo! Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook: Level 1 (This is the actual workbook I use in my Spanish 1 class. It is great and I love it. If you want to teach yourself Spanish, I highly recommend getting a workbook like this.)
Hide This Spanish Book (This has a lot for a small book. Mainly just some basic phrases, along with some that are more vulgar.)
Hide This Spanish Book for Lovers (The title speaks for itself…)
Mierda! The Real Spanish You Were Never Taught In School
Say It Right In Spanish
50 Ways To Improve Your German
Dirty German - Warning: This is really vulgar.
Say It Right In German: The Easy Way to Pronounce Correctly
Easy Way to Enlarge Your German Vocabulary
Barron’s German Idioms
The Tell-Tale Heart - If you want to read in German, this seems like a pretty good book to get.
German-English Visual Dictionary
Scheisse!: The Real German You Were Never Taught In School - I love all these books. They have them in every language (The title means “Shit”). Although it doesn’t have the pronunciations, its still pretty great for the vocabulary it has. It’s a bit vulgar though, but not too bad.
Just Enough Portuguese: How to Get by and Be Easily Understood
Portuguese Verb and Essentials of Grammar
Berlitz Portuguese Phrase Books & Dictionary
51 Portuguese Idioms - Speak Like a Brazilian
Arabic-English Visual Dictionary
The Arabic Alphabet: How to Read and Write It
First 100 Words In Arabic
Learn Arabic: The Fast and Fun Way
Making Out In Arabic
Instant Arabic!
Berlitz Concise Dictionary
Essential Kanji: 2,000 Basic Japanese Characters
Colloquial Kansai Japanese: The Dialects and Culture of the Kansai Region
Speak Japanese Today
Making Out In Japanese - I just bought this book, and it seems pretty great.
More Making Out In Japanese
Say It Right In Korean
Korean Made Easy
Instant Korean
First 100 Words In Korean
Making Out In Korean
More Making Out In Korean
Korean For Travelers - I think this might only be a Nook book, which kind of sucks.
Dirty Korean - Warning: This is really vulgar.
Basic Korean: Workbook
Intermediate Korean: Workbook - I’m not sure if this is worth getting because of the price, but it seems like a helpful book
Korean At A Glance
Teach Me Everyday Korean
Making Out In Chinese (I think this title is great. I’ve never read this book, but if you’re looking for slang/everyday Chinese, this seems like a pretty good book.)
Mandarin Chinese - English Visual Dictionary
Survival Chinese
Get Talking Chinese - This book is so great. It’s kind of like a children’s book, but for learning basic Chinese, it’s great.
Hide This Mandarin Chinese Phrase Book
Instant Chinese!
Say It In Polish
Berlitz Polish Concise Dictionary
Berlitz Polish Phrasebook and Dictionary
Polish: An Essential Grammar
Learn Russian: The Fast and Fun Way
Say It Right In Russian
Russian Vocabulary
Dermo!: The Real Russian Tolstoy Never Used
Russian At A Glance
Just Enough Russian
General Language Books
Barron’s 501 Verbs (comes in French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Latin, Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic, English and German)
Note: I love Berlitz and Barron books for learning languages. Most are just reference books for verbs, grammar, or basic phrases instead of textbooks. But once you have a base in the language, they help you improve so much. I highly recommend buying any Berlitz or Barron language books. I love the 50 Ways To Improve Your books. They are the best grammar/vocab/correction language books ever. I use the Spanish one to help teach myself Spanish, and I absolutely love it. And it isn’t very expensive either!
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Why are you Learning korean? Is it difficult? And how do you learn it?
I like languages in general and I actually really like how Korean sounds so I wanted to try learning a language that’s VERY different from my other ones.
Is it difficult? Depends on you, I guess. Compared to learning English it is. But that’s because English is a super easy language grammatic wise. Korean is just VERY different from what I’m used to. Keep in mind you’ll have to learn hangul (the alphabet) first and that does take a bit of time. But in comparison to Chinese or Japanese, Korean is the easier choice. I personally am able to understand more than I can actually speak and I get really giddy when I can understand conversations in kdramas. But contrary to English and its dialects, I only ‘understand’ the Seoul dialect - satoori kills me (busan dialect). Grammar, politeness levels and all that jazz can be hard to get used to but I find it really interesting. Pronunciation is tricky but the sounds are more similar to German than English so there are a few advantages.
I started learning it with ‘talk to me in korean’. I’ve got the books but you can also get the material on their website. I’m currently taking a korean class at my Uni😊 To learn 한글 (hangul) you can try out this very helpful lesson 💖💕
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if you’re reading this
a lump sum of money is on the way to you
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Me at 9:30pm, realising I still have plenty of time to read and sleep:
Me at 3:00am, still reading:
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a small guide on how i battle my essays! (click on an image to view it clearer)
(keep in mind: i’m an english major so a majority of my essays are literature-focused!)
these are just some of the methods i want to share that work for me when i write my innumerable amount of essays! i’m definitely a huge planner so it’s no secret that i spend a lot of time on an essay. if you’re a deadline fighter, these tips might not necessarily be helpful (especially the handwriting one). but i hope this gives you an insight on how i write my essays! 🌈
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My copy of call my by your name I got for my birthday. My roommate bought it in Paris and annotated it before giving it to me because I told her that I hoped my future boyfriend/husband and I would exchange books instead of presents that we knew the other wanted to read and we’d annotated it before hand so that we could leave comments and notes on the text to each other. The most romantic wonderful thoughtful gift I’ve ever gotten.
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May 2019 bring you your “i’m doing better than i ever was” moment
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