leftismsideblog · 6 hours
Yall know the posts that are like "you can usually tell who little sister is bc she'll be the taller one", lets test that theory
if you need an example, my sister is older than me by 3 years and I'm taller by a few inches
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leftismsideblog · 6 hours
when I was a kid I went to a calvary chapel church and the children's church pastor was totally nuts but one of the things I'm still confused about is his obsession with Judaism? given his standard fare bigotry in literally every other possible category, he was very reverent towards Judaism
I'm assuming it's the whole "Jews are just christians we haven't converted yet" brand of antisemitism and wanting christians to inherit the holy land but are there other reasons for this? (also worth noting this church has always been very vocal christian zionists)
Many MANY American evangelical groups dehumanize Jews by making them out to be these nigh-mystical proto-christians, virginal in their innocence of Christ. It's a form of antisemitism called "philosemitism." It's basically every Christian Zionists nominal position. Until they actually talk to a Jewish person who might disagree with them, then it's back to the OG antisemitism.
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leftismsideblog · 6 hours
Sometimes. You gotta come up, with a silly little song for yourself. and get obsessed with it. and sing it all the time, in order to get Through
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leftismsideblog · 7 hours
Source: emmettpreciado
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leftismsideblog · 1 day
1) in saying that trans people have brains 'more similar' to that of their gender identity, you are medicalizing transness. which is what the word transmed means. you also actively call people tucutes and do not believe in the "validity" (whatever that is supposed to mean) of nonbinary identities. that's all transmed shit. don't play games with me, we all know what you are.
2) I did see them. I just was unimpressed. most of the studies fail to get past the issues outlined in Delusions of Gender. they remain incapable of distinguishing what is sexual dimorphism and what is social, yet you and they claim that some degree of non-social sexual dimorphism is present in the human brain, which has not been established. you said "[Cordelia Fine] isn't arguing that men and women have no neurological differences, but that they're often exaggerated and misrepresented" whilst citing some of the exact kind of studies Fine was responding to. most of the studies make blatantly flawed claims, such as Swaab & Garcia-Falgueras (2009) which claims that gender roles, gender identity, and sexual orientation are determined to great extent by sex hormones during gestation or Reinish (1974) which claims that sex hormones play a significant role in the development of "sexually dimorphic behaviors". even you don't agree with many of the claims made by these studies. this is all. very silly. for a better model of gender development, I recommend the cognitive theory developed by Sandra Lipsitz Bem. while the study itself is mildly dated, it's been far more generative than most other theories of gender development (or sex-typing as it was called in the 80s), and the ideas put forward in it are almost ubiquitous in the field of gender development today. most of the studies you cite also rely heavily on the efficacy of MRI, but rarely record what (if any) multiple comparisons correction was used to decrease the risk of Type I errors. these errors are very likely in studies of this type. plus, mri studies of people who have undergone social gender formation are not good indicators of what differences are purely biochemical in nature and which are social or socially influenced. if I got into all the issues with these studies, we'd be here all day, but suffice to say: none of this is very convincing. especially in light of Cordelia Fine's rather extensive citations coming to directly contrary conclusions with better methodologies. cognitive theories of gender development are just far more useful than anything you've presented.
3) I misinterpreted what you were annoyed about. regardless, your epistemic standards and rigor were (and are) in question for making unsubstantiated claims, not for having a full schedule.
4) I was trying to let OP know about a book. jumping on with 'radfems are so stupid' was not warranted especially since the thing you were taking issue with (a belief in brain sex) is something you agree with to some extent. a big argument was not my intent, and my apologizing for it seems reasonable to me. especially since, again, idk if OP is a terf, and OP seemed amenable to learning new things.
I think that males are naturally more violent and less emotionally stable than women, I think it really is a nature thing.
But then that means that our society should set up structures where men receive far more training in curbing their violences and more training in emotional awareness, instead of what we do now, which is train women to absorb male violence
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leftismsideblog · 1 day
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@bi-kisses unnecessary gotcha? I think sourcing is of vital importance. if you're gonna make unfounded statements, I'm gonna call you on it. it's not a gotcha, it's rigor. you're actively spreading unsourced misinformation lol.
I think that males are naturally more violent and less emotionally stable than women, I think it really is a nature thing.
But then that means that our society should set up structures where men receive far more training in curbing their violences and more training in emotional awareness, instead of what we do now, which is train women to absorb male violence
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leftismsideblog · 1 day
0 sources. don't waste my time or yours. I have a full time job too, so I get it, but if ya ain't got time to cite sources you Definitely don't have time to read them. really telling on yourself wrt your epistemic standards and rigor. "I feel like it should make a difference!!!" is not a source lmao. it's not anything.
anyways I ain't arguin with someone with a carrd unless they got sources. 🙏 for your penance, read Testosterone Rex, and reread Delusions of Gender, if you really did read it in the first place, which seems in doubt.
I think that males are naturally more violent and less emotionally stable than women, I think it really is a nature thing.
But then that means that our society should set up structures where men receive far more training in curbing their violences and more training in emotional awareness, instead of what we do now, which is train women to absorb male violence
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leftismsideblog · 1 day
i m nothing without my childhood hobbies ngl. if u take away my origami paper and piano i will cry
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leftismsideblog · 1 day
i know there are a lot of trans women that follow me so to all of you please please be kind to yourself and keep yourself healthy. if you can't do it for your own sake do it for the sake of the people that love you, i promise somebody loves you, and if you really feel like no one does then do it for me. it's easy for us to get so used to feeling ashamed that the shame feels like an inseparable part of you. i understand. loving yourself can feel wrong, insincere, but it's just a muscle that needs to be exercised. there will be ups and downs, but you can make yourself feel worthy of love, and i guarantee there are people who will love you - the whole you, with all your perceived faults, all the pain you carry. i don’t want to lose another one of us
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leftismsideblog · 1 day
love every trans woman you meet before its too late
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leftismsideblog · 1 day
I feel like being a transfem dyke is different in a loooot of ways that cis dykes and even transmasc dykes don't begin to realize
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leftismsideblog · 1 day
Is he "female socialized" or is he just a standard flamboyant sensitive artsy gay dude who would honestly be indiscernible from any other fem gay guy if you didn't see him as a walking vagina first and foremost.
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leftismsideblog · 1 day
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Bro radfems are so funny what even is this lol
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leftismsideblog · 1 day
if we wanna be specific, the book is about how current research on the matter, as it exists within gendered society, cannot accurately determine which differences are biological, but every difference analyzed in the book seems to show evidence of being learned. the obvious takeaway of the book is to be highly skeptical of anyone claiming to know of biological differences. if you have research that adequately demonstrates a biological difference in a way that isn't prone to being skewed by existing in a gendered society, I'd be fascinated to see it.
I think that males are naturally more violent and less emotionally stable than women, I think it really is a nature thing.
But then that means that our society should set up structures where men receive far more training in curbing their violences and more training in emotional awareness, instead of what we do now, which is train women to absorb male violence
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leftismsideblog · 2 days
rember my acquaintance that I'm conflicted on? I'm gonna talk about that audience that they're courting that I think is shitty.
so. they're trying, I think, to be a mainstream pop artist. and if you're a Normal person, that rings 0 alarm bells, but if you're a musician like me, that might be a massive red flag to ya. or it might not. idk. I'm not your mom.
the audience for mainstream pop music is alarmingly cisgender, and anyone who isn't cis trying to make a name for themselves is gonna have a rough go of it. that's why half of all "queer pop anthems" are hamfisted as all fuck (yes this is a callout of whatever lgbt+ pop artist you're thinking of). they're written for cis people who don't and can't get it. lgbt+ artists will have a tough time expressing themselves in a nuanced fashion with a cis audience. they'll have a hard time even gathering that audience if they're Noticeably non-cis in appearance or voice. think of all the big queer mainstream pop stars. even the trans ones sound and look cis, don't they? hence why my acquaintance stopped testosterone when they were just starting it. they've told me they were scared of the voice changes, and I think it may be because they know a cis audience isn't gonna be kind about their voice if it doesn't end up sounding Firmly gender-binary.
ultimately, I think fear and/or desire for fame will win out over dysphoria. they've been suppressing their wants for so long. if it stops now, I'll be surprised. they're an ashnikko wannabe, targeting a similar audience with similar music (they even worked with ashnikko's stylist lol). idk. I'm rambling as I often tend to. point being, I hope they don't regret their decisions and I am irked by their prospective audience.
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leftismsideblog · 2 days
checked your discourse carrd (which. hilarious concept btw. "discourse carrd" sounds like anti-tumblr satire) and realized you need to read Delusions of Gender too.
it's incredibly funny that you would read this post and agree with me without knowing what Delusions of Gender is about. it is an entire (exceedingly well sourced) book about why brain sex is a repressive myth. so like. take your weird neurosexism with you when you go, thanks.
I think that males are naturally more violent and less emotionally stable than women, I think it really is a nature thing.
But then that means that our society should set up structures where men receive far more training in curbing their violences and more training in emotional awareness, instead of what we do now, which is train women to absorb male violence
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leftismsideblog · 2 days
I mean the entire book is very informative, but the specific reason I recommended it was that the book argues at length against a biologically essentialist view of behavioral sex differences, arguing instead for a purely social model. this is not only supported better by the evidence, it's also far more useful to a feminist framework to understand the ways that alleged biological differences in behavior are actually learned parts of patriarchy. the naturalization of patriarchal behavior is directly counter to our goals as feminists.
also sorry someone called you a radfem (and dumb) on reblogs of my reblog. idk how you label your feminism, nor do I find it relevant, nor do I find an overgeneralization of radfem thought to be useful or appropriate.
I think that males are naturally more violent and less emotionally stable than women, I think it really is a nature thing.
But then that means that our society should set up structures where men receive far more training in curbing their violences and more training in emotional awareness, instead of what we do now, which is train women to absorb male violence
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