leefra98 · 7 hours
can someone give me plot ideas for oneshots like my last one? even tho i suck at writing ikr
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leefra98 · 2 days
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Phone call
PAIRING: bsf!heeseung x reader
GENRE: phone sex, fwb , pwp
WARNINGS: masturbation, degradation, multiple orgasms, hee is a perv
Heeseung's voice crackled through the phone line, the background noise of a bustling café a faint hum in my ear. "Hey," he said, the sound of his chewing echoing. "What's up?"
"Not much," I replied, my eyes scanning the room as I leaned back on my bed. "Just chilling. You're out?"
"Yeah, grabbing a coffee," he said, his tone casual despite the muffled sounds of a spoon clinking against the side of a cup. "How's the new book?"
"It's okay," I said, turning a page. "Couldn't say it's the best thing I've ever read, but it's keeping me occupied."
"You're always reading," he chuckled. "You need to get out more."
I rolled my eyes, smiling. "You know me, Heeseung. Besides, I don't think you're one to talk about going out."
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, a hint of playful defensiveness in his voice.
"You spend more time gaming than socializing," I teased. "When was the last time you even talked to a girl?"
There was a pause, the clinking of the spoon abruptly ceased. "Well," he began, his voice dropping to a whisper, "that's what you're here for."
I raised an eyebrow, confused by his sudden shift in tone. "What do you mean?"
He cleared his throat, the line hissing with static. "I mean, I don't need to go out to get my... needs met."
A warmth began to spread through my cheeks. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying," Heeseung said, his voice low and deliberate, "that you're my go-to when I need to unwind."
I swallowed hard, unsure of how to respond. This was a side of him I had never heard before. "Heeseung, are you... are we..."
"Talking dirty?" he interrupted, a smirk evident in his voice. "Yeah, we are."
I could feel my heart racing, the room suddenly feeling much smaller. "But we're just friends," I protested weakly.
"Best friends," he corrected, the words sending a shiver down my spine. "Best friends who are about to share a little secret."
The line was quiet for a moment, the distant murmur of the café patrons a stark contrast to the silence between us. "Okay," I whispered, curiosity and anticipation warring within me. "What's your secret?"
Heeseung took a deep breath, the sound of fabric rustling faintly. "I can't stop thinking about you, Y/N," he admitted, his voice thick with something I couldn't quite identify. "Every time we talk, every time I hear your voice..."
The rustling grew louder, and it dawned on me what he was doing. "Are you... are you touching yourself?" I asked, the question barely audible.
"Yeah," he murmured, his voice strained. "And now that you know, I want to hear you do the same."
My hand hovered over the phone, the realization of what was happening making my skin crawl with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "Heeseung," I breathed, "we can't..."
"Why not?" he pressed, the rustling now unmistakable. "You know how much I want you, Y/N. And now I know you want this too."
I bit my lip, the heat between my legs growing unbearable. "Okay," I said finally, my voice shaking. "Tell me what to do."
Heeseung's breathing grew heavier, the sound of his hand moving rhythmically over his cock growing louder. "Take off your panties," he instructed, his voice a gruff whisper. "Let me hear you."
I obeyed, my heart racing as I slid my underwear down my legs and tossed them aside. "They're off," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
"Good girl," he praised, his voice a dark purr. "Now, I want you to touch yourself. Just like I'm doing to myself right now."
My hand tentatively made its way down my body, my fingers brushing against my sensitive folds. "Like this?" I asked, my voice trembling.
"Mmhmm," he encouraged, his own breathing now erratic. "Now, tell me, are you wet for me?"
I swallowed hard, my cheeks burning. "Yes," I admitted, my fingertips slipping through my arousal.
"Fuck," he groaned. "I knew it. You're such a slut for me, aren't you?"
The words stung, but the sensation of his degradation only served to excite me further. "Yes," I whimpered, my hand moving faster.
"Say it,"
"Say that you're my slut," Heeseung demanded, his voice growing more urgent with each stroke.
I hesitated for a moment before giving in to the delicious dirty talk. "I'm your slut, Heeseung."
The sound of his hand moving over his shaft grew quicker, his breathing more ragged. "That's it," he said, his voice a harsh whisper. "Now, tell me, are you going to come for me?"
I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "I'm going to come," I said, my voice quivering with need.
"I want to hear it," he said, his voice a low growl. "I want to know how my words make you feel."
I closed my eyes, focusing on the sensation of my own touch and the sound of his breathing in my ear. "I'm going to come," I murmured, my hips rocking into my hand.
"Come for me," Heeseung urged, his voice strained. "Come for your best friend, you dirty little whore."
The words pushed me over the edge, my body shuddering with the force of my orgasm. I cried out, the sound echoing through the room and down the phone line to him.
For a few moments, we were both silent, lost in the aftermath of our shared pleasure. Then, Heeseung spoke again, his voice slightly hoarse. "Again," he ordered.
I opened my eyes, my hand still working my sensitive flesh. "What?"
"Come again," he said, his voice firm. "I want to hear you scream my name."
I took a deep breath, my body already responding to his command. "Okay," I whispered, my voice a breathless moan.
Heeseung's voice grew more demanding, his instructions more explicit. "Faster," he said, his own breathing erratic. "Imagine my cock inside you, filling you up."
I whimpered, my hand moving in time with his voice. The second orgasm began to build, my toes curling with the intensity of it.
"That's it," he encouraged, his voice tight. "Take it all."
I moaned, my body bowing off the bed as I climaxed again, my name leaving his lips in a guttural shout.
As the tremors subsided, I realized with a start that my cheeks were wet with tears. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice concerned.
"Nothing," I lied, my voice thick with emotion. "It's just... it's never been like this before."
He chuckled, the sound low and intimate. "It's just the beginning," he said. "We're going to have a lot more of these moments, Y/N."
The call ended, leaving me lying in a tangled mess of sheets, my body still pulsing with pleasure. The line between friendship and something darker had been crossed, and there was no going back.
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leefra98 · 3 months
casual | teaser
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you thought you could handle being casual with notorious fratboy!heeseung, but when feelings get involved, you soon realize that 'casual' isn't so simple.
PAIRING : fratboy!heeseung x reader
GENRE : smut, fwb to lovers, enemies? to lovers?? & a little angst?? + 5 smut scenes lol
WC : probs 20k
taglist : ???
you've always prided yourself on being the type who keeps things casual. it's not that you're afraid of commitment; rather, you find comfort in the simplicity of fucking and then never seeing the person again. there’s no messy entanglements or feelings. it’s a way to satisfy your desires without the emotional baggage that comes with more serious relationships.
you’d rather be alone, but you still have fun with your friends when you go out. you've never been content with surface-level explanations or shallow interactions. you crave depth, in people and experiences. which you have found to be, truthfully, hard in today’s day and age. 
you’re sensitive to most things, so you try to cover it up– protect yourself– with all the partying, the drinking, the sex. 
and tonight, like every other normal friday night; you’re at a party. 
there’s a familiar thump of music and loud chatter around you that you’ve grown accustomed to. yooyeon and gracie, your closest friends are an inseparable couple, are by your side. they've been together for what feels like forever, the kind of relationship that makes you simultaneously envious and relieved you're not in a relationship.
as you continue to sip your drink, yooyeon leans in with her knowing smile, “so, y/n,” teases, “have you decided when you’re gonna settle down? find yourself a nice guy and stop with all these one night stands?” 
you roll your eyes playfully, used to this conversation. "never," you reply with a grin, "casual hookups forever, remember?"
gracie chuckles, shaking her head fondly. "come on, yn," she chimes in, her voice warm with affection, “you know it’s gonna have to get boring at some point.” 
you shrug nonchalantly, though their words do make you pause for a moment. "maybe someday," you concede, though deep down, you're not so sure. relationships have never been your thing, and the thought of settling down feels suffocating.
"come on, yn," yooyeon nudges you gently, her expression softening, "we love you just the way you are. but don't close yourself off to the possibility, okay?"
you nod, grateful for their understanding. deep down, you know they're right—they always are. but for now, you want to find someone to relieve the ache that’s been in your core all day. 
you turn to gracie, the one who always knows all the drama on your college campus, “who is here that i can hook up with?” 
gracie rolls her eyes and looks around the crowded frat house, “hm,” she thinks outloud, “well jeongin and bella broke up this week…” 
you shake your head, “too soon, i don’t want to be a potential rebound for him.” 
yooyeon scoffs and continues to drink, listening to your guys’ conversation. 
“how about,” gracie, “mark? he’s real chatty though.”
you groan, “then no.”
gracie goes on a small list of people that she sees around, but none of them suffice. none of them are your type or seem to be able to satisfy you. you tell your friends that you’re going to go get another drink– you’ll need one. 
the kitchen table has a handful of drinks to choose from. there’s punch and beer and vodka, half of it has been spilt all over said table. 
“the punch is good,” a voice suddenly says from beside you. 
when you turn, you instantly recognize him– he’s one of the frat boys that lives in this house, maybe the most popular one of them all. 
lee heeseung stands beside you with an air of confidence that is probably more on the cocky side. his posture is relaxed yet demeaning. his hair is tousled and his clothes give off a carefree attitude. 
pretty much everyone at your college knows lee heeseung from his parties, his stories, the multiple girls he has slept with. you’ve heard enough stories about him to write an entire book, yet his entire persona is more annoying than appealing to you. his entire act is one that you’ve seen played out too many times before. 
“good to know,” you say and grab a beer instead. 
heeseung raises his eyebrow at your choice, “i’m heeseung.” his voice is smooth and cuts through the noise of the party. 
you take a sip of your beer, “i know who you are.” you reply bounty, not bothering to hide your disinterest.
intrigued by your coldness, “right,” he acknowledges with a smirk, “and i know who you are.” 
“congrats," you say dryly, with a fake excitement to your tone. 
heeseung suddenly leans in closer to you and whispers into your ear, his voice low, "you're the girl who only does casual sex, right?"
you're taken aback by his boldness, but there's a flicker of curiosity in your eyes. "i might be,"
heeseung smirks down at you at your answer. you let yourself think that maybe the notorious fuckboy is pretty handsome. his complexion seemingly glows, his eyes are full of a flirty playfulness, and his smile is charming enough. 
“well, do you wanna have casual sex with me?” 
if it wasn’t lee heeseung standing in front of you, you would be surprised. 
instead, you let out a groan, your face contorts in disgust, “god no.” 
heeseung tilts his head, “why not? i thought you were into that.” 
“because you’re like a walking std.” 
instead of getting offended like you had hoped, heeseung bursts out laughing in the middle of the kitchen, his eyes squinting. 
"damn, straight to the point," he manages between chuckles, clearly amused by your blunt response. 
you roll your eyes, trying not to let his laughter get under your skin. "just being honest," you retort, though there's a hint of begrudging amusement in your tone. 
“i’ll see you around, y/n.” 
you turn on your heel, your back already faced him when you reply, “no, you won’t.”
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@ taeghi, 2024. do not repost or reuse in anyway.
stay safe everyone :)
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leefra98 · 2 years
𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 : part two
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their profiles | [a playlist] | masterlist
PAIRING ▸ lee heeseung x fem bodied!reader
SUMMARY ▸ getting isa and jake to fall in love with you and heeseung is harder than it seems to be- especially now when the whole school thinks you two are dating.
WORD COUNT ▸ 11,264
GENRE ▸ enemies 2 lovers, angst, SMUT ; oral, handjobs, making out etc
TAGLIST ▸ @rerequire @mymeloem19 @shadowsofthewild @defxciii @heejaykeluv @nikirikii @enhaluv22 @holybxba yedammi @lhsng @bamchanbin @nalwhare @i-dalso @jaeyunslut @laffatae @skzimaginesmainblog @kimmchijjajang @jays-blue @heesquared @hoon-lvr @hoonlv @axartia @bluesoobinnie  @cyuuupid @eulaenthusiast @lalalalawon @bunhoons @enhasengene @blond4enha @pythonilyn @snowyseungs @soobnism @leviathanlee26 @moonlightgrleric 
minors dni
lee isa got good grades, was kind and respectful, was pretty and was head of the dance team. you’ve spoken to her a few times in your shared classes- and you’ve seen her at some of the parties you’ve gone to. you aren’t sure if you’d consider her a friend, but you were definitely close acquaintances. which is why you weren’t too nervous to go up to her before the first period and ask her if she was going to the party on saturday- you just hoped that heeseung would walk by on time like the both of you had planned.
you weren’t surprised when you saw the pretty, black-haired girl standing at her locker early in the morning, taking out her textbooks for her classes out of the locker. her school uniform looked as if it had been ironed out this morning and was tucked in so neatly that it somehow added to her already existing beauty.
“hi isa!” you say as you stand behind her.
she turns around with a smile on her pretty face and lightens up more when she sees that it’s you, “hi, y/n! how are you this morning?”
“i’m good, i’m good!” you smile at her, feeling as if her smile was contagious the more you looked at it, “how are you?”
“eh, i’m okay! i have the auditions for the dance team later today so i kinda have a long day ahead of me.” she pouts at you.
“oh! lucky you, i guess! i was just seeing if you were going to that big party tomorrow night, but you might be too tired after today, huh?”
“yeah, i was thinking about going! i’ll have to see how tired i am tomorrow morning before i go! i figure you’re going?”
you think you smell the scent of victory as she speaks, “yeah i am! a few of my friends and i will be there for sure! you know my friends, right?”
isa scoffs and you glance out the side of your eye to see if lee heeseung is coming down the hallway- which he should be if he wants to time this right, “of course i do! everyone knows you and your friends, y/n!” isa laughs out- god even her laugh is pretty.
“uh, i don’t know about that!” you tease, “i think we just go to a lot of parties!’
“yeah, like every single one!”
you laughed with isa praying to god that stupid lee heeseung would walk by right now.
“yeah, so i might see you on saturday, right?” isa continued, closing her locker. fuck fuck fuck.
“uh, yeah! for sure! even if you come for a bit it would be cool to see you!” you told isa, fuck you lee heeseung.
“okay! i’ll see you later, y/n!” isa waved at you and turned on her pretty heel.
“bye, isa!” you replied and at that moment stupid lee heeseung started walking towards you.
you stuck your hands out in front of you to ask him where the hell he’s been and he only responded with an anxious shrug before he looked at isa. when he got closer to you you only moved with instinct and the thought that if you didn’t get heeseung and isa together then it would blow your whole chances with jake. so before you could even think about what to do, your hands are on heeseung’s shoulders and are pushing him into isa before she gets too far.
the next thing you see as heeseung’s back leaves your hands is isa’s textbooks and papers falling to the ground along with heeseung himself. you turn around and act as if you didn’t notice the entire scene as all the other students in the hall groan and congratulate heeseung as being a fucking idiot before moving on and going to class. you stop when you’re a few meters away from them so you can watch heeseung scramble up the papers and textbooks as isa stands with a concerned look on her face.
“shit, i am so sorry.” heeseung says, trying to grab all of her papers and textbooks neatly- ignoring all the comments of his friends walking past him.
“it’s okay!” isa reassures him, bending down to help him quickly, “are you okay?” she asks him when they both stand again.
“yeah! totally! i’m sorry i wasn't looking where i was going!” heeseung lies with a shameful smile.
“no, really it’s okay! as long as you’re okay!” isa smiles up at him and he thinks his heart stops for a second as their eyes meet, “hey, you’re friends with y/n, right?”
the mention of your name makes his heart return to a normal pace, “uh, kinda, yeah- heeseung, my name’s heeseung.”
“heeseung, right! you’re on the soccer team!” isa looks him up and down and he swears to himself that he sees her eyes stay on his crotch for a second longer than the rest of him.
“yeah! i am!”
“right, so are you gonna go to that party tomorrow night?”
“yeah, i am, i’ll be there with a couple of friends.”
“with y/n’s friends?” isa teasingly smirks at him.
“yeah, something like that.”
“cool, i might see you there then.”
heeseung feels his heart and gut clench out of excitement at her words, “yeah, for sure.”
“bye, heeseung!” she waves gently at him and he’s so shocked at her cuteness that he can only stand there with his hand up in some sort of wave back as he watches her turn and practically skips down the hallway to her first class.
you’re about to stomp over to heeseung to scold him for messing up your guys’ original plan but a group of boys from down the hall stop you- and you see jake looking down the hall at where heeseung and isa had just been talking. you aren’t sure if jake had actually seen the two talking but he for sure saw them wave at each other and you think he almost glares at the way heeseung is standing like a stone in the middle of the hallway now.
“bro, where the fuck were you?” your slap against his bicep awakens him out of his ‘isa trance’.
“ow!” heeseung grabs and rubs the part of his bicep where you had just smacked.
“what took you so damn long to get here!” you scold him, thankfully everyone in the hall had vanished into their classrooms now.
“i got caught up with the coach at the front, did you have to push me?” heeseung narrows his eyes at you.
“well if i didn’t then you wouldn’t have talked to her! so i think you should be thanking me!”
heeseung rolls his eyes, “she told me she’d see me at the party tomorrow.”
“did she?” you said excitedly and you don’t know why you were so excited for lee heeseung.
“yeah, she did. so now what?”
“now, we have to separate isa and jake at the party- which should be fairly easy since we’ll be with both of them.
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when heeseung said that the two of you should show up to saturday’s party together, you didn’t expect him to show up at your house, knocking and talking to your mom at the front door.
“y/n, you didn’t tell me that you and heeseung were such good friends!” your mom speaks to you when you came down the stairs, stopping right in place when you saw him standing there with a smirk on his face.
“uh,” you start, your eyes glancing between your mom and heeseung, “we aren’t!”
“what?” your mom looks taken aback, “heeseung just told me you guys are best friends and he’s here to take you to a party.” you glare at heeseung who only holds back a laugh, rolling your eyes and missing the way he stares at your bare legs, shown by the dress you were wearing.
“he was joking!” you shake your head, “right, heeseung?”
“yeah, sorry, i was joking around,” heeseung admits to your mom, allowing for you to let out a sigh of relief, “-we’re actually dating.”
“what?” both you and your mom exclaim at the same time. the quick pace of your mother’s eyes darting from in between you on the stairs and heeseung at the front door was concerning.
“he’s just joking, mom!” you walk up to her with your hands held out in defence.
“what’re you talking about, y/n? how come you don’t want your parents to know about us!” heeseung mocks the shock as he looked at you with false sorrow in his eyes.
“heeseung! quit it out!” you shove his shoulder and grabb your jacket.
“y/n, what is going on?” your mother asks with a serious tone in her voice.
“he’s just joking, mom, don’t listen to him.” you turn and start to push heeseung backwards out your front door onto the porch.
“y/n we’re talking about this tomorrow!” your mom calls after as the both of you laugh and run down your driveway, not believing what just happened.
“heeseung! why’d you do that?’ you slap his bicep like you did the day before.
“ow! why’re you always hitting me!” heeseung rubs his arm.
“because you’re an idiot!”
“why?” heeseung exclaims, “it’s not like we won’t be spending time at each other’s houses more often- so now your parents won’t question why i’m always gonna be over.”
“god,” you groan out into the night, “i think i’d just rather them question it.”
heeseung laughs at you and grabs a hold of your forearm getting ready to drag you with him, “c’mon we got your next boyfriend waiting for you.”
it was easy to find jake at the party since he was surrounded by the rest of your loud friends. choerry was already dancing on one of the side tables in the great foyer and was the first thing you had seen when you and heeseung walked in. beside her, on the floor, chaeryeong and ryujin were trying to coax her down. and behind them was sunghoon, jay and jake were standing and cheering her on to continue.
you felt like you couldn’t stop staring at jake once you saw him- as if your other friend wasn’t a meter above you on the table. his blonde hair was pushed back and it brought warmth to his tan face. his all-black outfit suited him so nicely that you wanted to grab him and show him how much experience you have- experienced because of lee heeseung.
“choerry, seriously! come down before you hurt yourself!” ryujin calls up to your dancing friend.
“i’m having fun, ryu!” choerry laughs back and continues dancing to the loud music.
“just let her continue guys, she’s having fun and she looks hot!” jay says from behind them.
“ew jay!” chaeryeong says and ryujin faked (or really you don’t know) gagged from his words.
“what? can i not say she’s hot?” jay looks taken aback as sunghoon and jake start to laugh at him being scolded by your friends.
“no!” chaeryeong and ryujin respond at the same time.
“oh, hey guys.” sunghoon nods at you and heeseung, “when did you get here?”
“we just g-” heeseung starts but you cut him off.
“he was standing outside with a couple of other people and came in when i got here,” you explain quickly, avoiding heeseung’s eyes.
“yeah, i’ve been here a while,” heeseung adds with a straight smile.
“alright,” sunghoon givds you both a weird look.
“come y/n, let’s go get you a drink.” chaeryeong links her arm with yours and starts to pull you towards the kitchen with ryujin.
“yeah, i need one, too!” jake says and started to follow the three of you.
“hi, jake.” you smile up at him.
“hi, y/n,” he responds, tilting his head when he smiled back at you.
when you were all in the kitchen and someone started pouring shots, you all took up and cheered each other before downing it. it burnt your throat as it went down but you were too excited about how the night was supposed to play out that you quickly forgot about it and turned to jake.
“do you wanna take another one?” you ask him, gesturing to your shot glass.
“sure, why not?’ jake shrugs and grabs the bottle, messily pouring it in his shot glass and then yours. he passed you yours and wrapped your arms around one another, smiling down at you before you both pressed the glasses to your lips. both of you shook your heads from the bitter taste and unwrapped your arms while laughing. “jesus that’s nasty.”
“i know, what even is it?” you glance down at the bottle.
“probably some cheap shit that yeonjun stole from his mom.” jake turns the bottle in his hand, examining it with a disgusted look on his face. you laugh at his response and leaned over to get a red solo cup, wanting to drink more so you felt less nervous around jake.
“thanks for teaching me how to surf this summer.” you thank jake as you pour yourself a proper drink, “it was really fun.”
“it’s no problem, i was happy to help- that’s what friends are for, right?” jake clasps his hand over your head and messes up your hair gently before removing it.
“hey!” you fake scold him and press down on the top of your hair to fix the mess he had made.
“what? you don’t like when i mess up your hair?”
“no!” you laugh out, “i don’t!”
“and why not? i think it looks cute all messy.” jake clamps his hand over your head again and messes it up. meanwhile, you try to keep your heart at a normal pace from his compliment.
“do you?” you smile cheesily up at him.
he nods, “reminds me of when we were surfing and you’d come up from the water with your hair all over your face so that you couldn’t see or breathe.”
“jake!” you shove his shoulder playfully. he opens his mouth to respond but chaeryeong’s voice pitches your ears.
“oh my god, isa, you’re here!” jake’s head turns away from you at the mention of isa’s name and he turns around and watched ryujin run around the kitchen island towards the foyer again where isa stood with her dance friends, “help us get choerry off of the table!” ryujin sighs but walks back over to the front foyer where all your friends stand, jake follows after her, not paying any attention if you were following him or not.
so you stand in the kitchen watching your friends all laugh as they try to pull choerry off of the table and watch as jake went right up to isa, smiling down at her as her face lightens up at the sight of him. you feel anger and jealousy and hurt rumble in your chest before you turn and finish your drink- pouring another quickly after.
your sight is still locked on the scene of jake and isa together before your eyes drift to lee heeseung who is looking at the exact location as you were, only his eyes didn’t seem to hold any of the anger or jealousy that yours did- but sorrow and hopefulness mixed around in his.
you took this time that you felt invisible to everyone to look over at lee heeseung. his outfit was almost opposite of jake’s as his nice shirt was white and hanging out of his black jeans- and his black hair was still hanging over his forehead almost into his eyes. his tan skin was flushed pink at the top of his cheekbones probably from the alcohol and heat inside of the house party. he looked almost- cute as he stood and watched all of your friends interact with each other.
and almost as if he was reading your mind his eyes shift across the house to you standing by yourself in the kitchen, your red solo cup in one hand as your other actions mimic his.
heeseung tilts his head quickly to the side towards the direction where isa was practically hanging off of jake’s arm and he was hanging onto every word that slip from her pretty lips. you could only roll your eyes in response to heeseung before lifting your cup up and downing it. you saw heeseung smile at you before he finishes his own cup, his eyes drifting to swirl around your legs before they met your eyes again.
that was the last you remember of seeing lee heeseung that night before he came up to you, chaeryeong and ryujin dancing in the middle of the living room- you weren’t sure how many drinks or shots you had at the point but it was a lot since the time you drank with heeseung from across the room.
you had started a drinking game with yourself that every time you saw isa and jake in the house you would take another shot- which was a lot since they were attached at the hip all night. part of you wanted heeseung to step in and stop them from talking somehow since your mind felt far too hazy to think of a reasonable reason to talk to them and get them to separate. but when you would find heeseung in the crowd of people in the house you saw how drunk he was himself.
when heeseung had found the three of you dancing he could only laugh at the way you were all grabbing each other and dancing to the music as if you were in your own world together.
“heeseung!” ryujin grabs him so he was joining your guys’ world, “come dance with us!”
he had no choice but to start dancing with you guys, the grip the ryujin had on him bound him to the music and your guys’ rhythm. you were all laughing with each other and you felt like you were having with lee heeseung for the first time in your entire life. a part of you wondered if heeseung had always been this fun and you were just blinded by your apparent hate for him that came out of nowhere in freshman year.
at some point, ryujin had left to get another drink and chaeryeong drifts away to dance with some other people, leaving only you and heeseung alone in the middle of the room. your eyes focused on isa and jake whispering to each other by the side of the living room, both of them leaning on the wall of the house. you caught the way isa’s hand was resting on jake’s bicep and his arm was wrapped around her waist, keeping her close.
heeseung realizes you stopped dancing and tries to focus his eyes on where you were looking. he groans when he caught the way jake and isa look so close as they stood together.
“ignore them, y/n,” he bends down into your ear, “we can try again on monday.”
you whine at his words and turn your body around to face him although your head is still turned to see jake and isa. “this is not what i thought would happen tonight, hee!”
heeseung quirks his eyebrow up at the way you says his nickname that usually everyone except for you called him. he didn’t know if it was because he was drunk and frustrated that the girl he liked was with his best friend at the moment but you look so cute when you are upset in your little party dress that shows off your pretty legs.
heeseung wasn’t blind. he’s noticed before how attractive you got when you danced- you looked so carefree like you have no worries in the world- like you didn’t hate his guts.
and tonight you were dancing right in front of him and whining about how some guy (his best friend) didn’t like you and he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you.
“and i’m drunk and i just want jake to- why’re you looking at me like that?” you stop your ramble when you notice the way heeseung’s face held a small smirk and his eyes were tight with something you’ve never seen before. you hold back a squeak when his hand wraps around your waist and pulls you closer to him.
“just dance with me, y/n- i want you to.” heeseung’s’ voice drops a few octaves as he spoke to you over the music. you think you were about to protest before he starts to grind his hips into yours with the beat. heeseung bends over so his lips were by your ear, “dance with me so jake can see what he’s missin’ out on, yeah?” and the smell of his shampoo that you swore you hated smelt so enticing with his deep voice that you only nod in response- your hips following afterwards.
you’re sure that if heeseung had asked you to dance with him a month ago you would’ve faked gagged and swore at him, but something about tonight and how you now know how heeseung felt against your body was changing you. your head felt lighter now that you had been drinking a while and your veins were filled with envy that seemed to heave down your arms onto heeseungs shoulders and wrapped around his neck.
heeseung’s hands pulled your hips so that they grind with his, pushing your lower abdomen into his and swaying your hips together to the beat of the loud music. the sounds of the cheers, singing and laughing by everyone else seemed to have been blacked out and you could only focus on dancing with him.
you leaned your head forward onto heeseung so that it rested just below his shoulder and looked over to where jake and isa had been standing minutes before. they still were in their own little world, both of them having soft smiles on their faces as they talked to one another.
“kiss me,” heeseung said as he watched you looking over at your future lovers.
“what?” you pulled your head away from him, remembering your hatred and disgust for the boy.
“kiss me,” heeseung repeated with a shrug, “make them pay attention to us, make them jealous.”
you felt shy under his gaze and you looked back over to jake that looked so pretty standing against the wall, talking to the girl he liked- to the girl that you wished you were, “i don’t know, heeseung.”
“c’mon y/n,” heeseung lowered his head so he could look into your eyes, “don’t you want jake to know that you've experienced? want isa to be interested in me instead?” when you still didn’t answer him and he picked up that you were zoning out to focus on your thoughts again, “please?”
and something about his desperate begging made you cave, “fine.” and heeseungs lips were against yours. it was a soft, long kiss at first- until it wasn’t.
you tried to keep up with the pace that he was kissing you at but all you could think about was jake that was standing just meters away and had a high chance of looking over and seeing you two. not to mention the hundreds of people all swarming the house that were standing and dancing around you that were all probably going to witness you and lee heeseung kissing.
heeseung pulls away from you gently so his head didn’t go far from yours, “pretend i’m jake, right y/n? pretend you’re kissing jake in front of everyone and grinding your dirty hips into his.”
heeseung’s words helped you fall into your fantasy easily and you closed your eyes and waited for his lips to be on yours again. this time, you imagined that jake was holding you close to his body, and pressing his lips roughly into yours with pure lust and desire.
you imagined that jake was kissing you in front of everyone at this stupid party to let everyone know that you were his. you feel as if you were kissing him so sloppily that if the house was silent, it would be the only thing you’d be able to hear.
one of heeseung’s hands leaves your waist and grips your jaw, his thumb taking a hold of your cheek to kiss you more. you press a hard kiss into his mouth, making a noise fall from his lips that only you could hear. the noise makes you pull away from him and your eyes dart to where jake and isa stood, they were closer to one another this time, and isa was looking right at you.
isa was pretty- pretty enough that even her expressionless face was intimidating as she stared at you. you couldn’t tell what she was thinking after she saw how intimate you and heeseung had been just seconds before for god knows how long.
jake who stood beside her was still talking to her, leaning down into her ear and whispering something to her, making her eyes tear apart from your own and focus back onto the boy you like.
heeseung grabbed your face and tore your head back to him, smashing his lips onto yours. both of your hips moved in sync with not only the music but with your lips as well. it was fast and sloppy and you liked the way both of your tongues meshed together- the way they fought together. jake’s hand slips down from your waist and plays with the hem of your dress. you could feel his warm fingers skim your upper thigh and it made you realize how much you needed him- how much you needed jake to make you feel good.
you pulled your head away from heeseung again, making him groan lowly out of annoyance and frustration. your eyes were met with the empty wall where jake and isa had once occupied, now both of them were out of sight. “where’d they go?”
heeseung grudgingly turns his head to look around the crowded room, trying to spit out his best friend and isa. “i don’t see them.”
“fuck, did they leave together?” you almost whined, not paying attention to the way your thighs rubbed together in the lack of being touched. heeseung almost laughed at your blind neediness, being easy to catch on since he’s been staring at your legs all night.
heeseung’s fingers grabbing the bottom of your dress again and pulling you closer to him make you snap your head towards him, about to curse at him out of shock and slight anger.
“it’s okay, we can just move on to the next step on monday, right?” heeseung said lowly to you.
you pout, “yeah i guess.” heeseung could feel the warmth from your skin as he kept his fingers hooked underneath the hem of your dress, wanting to itch his fingers up higher to rub against your panties and see if you were wet.
heeseung smirks at your answer and leans forward so that only you could hear him quickly, “how about you pretend i’m jake for a little while longer and make you feel good?” your eyes widen at his words and you become hyper-fixated on his fingers now. “hm?” his nose rubs into your cheek from the side once, wanting to get you to answer him.
heeseung’s hands left your dress and grabbed hold of one of your hands, turning so that his back was to you and he was dragging you through the herd of people in the house. he was pulling you so fast through people that you were practically running after him as he took big strides to get to somewhere private. you couldn’t help the giggles that fell from your mouth as he almost ran into about ten different people and the dirty looks they were giving you and him.
heeseung pulls you into a bathroom he found down a hall and locks the door after you’re standing against the counter sink. he walks up to you so your hips are against the counter and your chests are pressed together.
“you’re gonna let me make you feel good?” heeseung asks you, his hands trailing down your sides.
“hees-.” you’re about to whine out from frustration but the sound of his tsking stops you.
“you gotta pretend, right y/n?” he smirks at the way you nod at him before he’s lifting you up and onto the counter. “close your eyes.” you do as he says, trying not to roll your eyes at how commanding he is and how you seem to be so easily obeying. you feel his hands roll up the bottom of your skirt so that it pools at your waist. you feel cold for a moment from your bottom half being newly exposed before you feel heeseu- jake starts to kiss your thighs softly.
out of what must be instinct, you spread your legs wider, accepting the boy in between them. “you’ve never been eaten out before, right?” he asks you, his hands rubbing up and down your thighs gently, not wanting to leave them. you shake your head no in response to him. he hums, “you trust me?” you nod again to him as the excitement grows within you. suddenly his hand grabs your chin and it makes you snap your eyes open, “use your words.”
“yes, i trust you.” you measly squeak out and you feel your lower abdomen tighten with lust at the thought of what was going to happen in a second.
“good girl,” he pats your cheek with his entire hand tenderly, “close your eyes.”
when you close them again you feel his breath on your thighs again and his hands stop at the top of your panties. your heartbeat quickens in anticipation as jake hooks his fingers into your panties, starting to slip them off of you. you raise your bottom half off of the counter for a second so that he can completely take them off of you and throws them to the ground.
your feel his hands spread your thighs so he can see you. heeseung groans at sight, “so fuckin’ pretty.” he mumbles and you try to not blush at the compliment. without much thought, jake moves his mouth to your core and licks a long strip of your slit with his tongue.
you whine at the feeling that you’ve never felt before, your hands clinging harder onto the counter to prepare yourself. jake continues to lick your slit while listening to the sounds you let out, wanting to know how to please you quickly. he smirks into your core when one of your hand's lets go of the counter and holds onto his hair instead.
every time jake goes over your clit you let out a quiet mewl that edges him on further. he gives your slit a few more ling strips before he’s teasing your opening open with his tongue. jake grunts at the taste of you, the vibrations into your core make you want to buck your hips up further into his face. “taste so good, baby.”
his grip on your legs tightens as he moves to angle them to lay over his shoulders so he can have better access to your pussy, “i've wanted your legs around my shoulders since i saw you walk down your damn stairs.”
“fuck, jake.” you moan out, throwing your head back at his words so that it rests against the mirror.
as if jake knows your body like the back of his own hand, he starts to fuck his tongue into you perfectly, making you feel something close to euphoric that you’ve never felt before. his tongue moves so fast in and out of you that it makes your stomach have a familiar tightness in it.
jake gives your clit a few hard sucks, before flicking it back and forth with his tongue. when you moan loudly and both of you feel your legs twitch around his shoulders you know that you won’t last much longer.
jake holds you closer to him, his tongue playing with you harder now, wanting to feel your orgasm on his tongue, “are you gonna come for me like the good girl you are, y/n? gonna come for me with your soft legs around my head?” he sucks one hard and final move before you’re thrown off the edge, moaning out a ‘jake’ as you do.
you orgasm hard while your legs and pussy twitch around him. jake moans into your core as you scream ‘his’ name as your eyes squeeze tighter together.
your grip on heeseung’s hair relaxes as you open your eyes to look down on him. his hair is pulled around on top of his head and his eyes look almost as blown out as yours do. his lips are red and his whole mouth and chin are glistening into the shitty bathroom light from your juices and his saliva.
“fuck,” you let out breathlessly as your chest heaves, trying to catch some breath.
“i’ve been saying that i’m good at giving head.” heeseung proclaims with a knowing look on his face.
you unwrap one of your legs from behind his head and press your toes to his shoulder and shove him back, “shut up, hee!” heeseung laughs as he falls backward slightly before standing up in between your legs again, this time towering over you as you still sat on the counter. he starts to lean in closer to you but stops when you quirk your eyebrow up at him and ask what he was doing.
“what? you don’t want to taste yourself?”
you couldn’t help the whine that comes out of your mouth at the thought of it, not caring that heeseung laughs at you before he pulls your mouth onto his. the kiss is almost soft, so you could really taste yourself. it’s sweet and gross but you don’t care.
heeseung pulls away and his hand came to grab onto your face, “open your mouth.” his fingers dig more into your skin to keep your mouth open when you did as he said. he leans his mouth over to yours and purses his lips, getting a glob of spit to fall from his mouth and land directly into yours.
the feeling of his spit mixed with your juices landing on your tongue was intense and you want to feel it again and again as you swallow it.
“fuck,” heeseung says breathlessly this time. you shyly smiled up at him and looked away down to your bare legs. the small bathroom felt more intimate now with the way heeseung had looked at you swallowing his spit so easily. “okay, move.” he taps the side of your ass suddenly, the intimate feeling vanishing within seconds.
so you scoff at him with disappointment as you jump down from the counter that he had put you on.
“what? i need to wash my hands.” he shakes his head at you.
you scoff again and turn to grab your panties and slip them back on yourself, “you’re just so kind heeseung, you really know how to treat a girl you just tongue fucked.” you speak sarcastically, heeseung catches the way you roll your eyes behind him in the mirror.
“just go wait outside for me,” he says dismissively as he watches you in the mirror.
“so now you’re kicking me out?” you ask him with your arms crossed over your chest, your dress still pushed up your thighs and heeseung has to force himself to look away from your legs.
“no, i just need to fix my hard-on before we leave and i’d prefer to have some privacy.” heeseung shakes his head at you before he turns around, “unless you want to see my dick, y/n.” your eyes naturally glance down at the hard bulge in his pants as he leans against the counter you were just moaning on top of.
“ew!” you exclaim out of instinct from all the other times heeseung has mentioned his dick in front of you. you turn and unlock the door before opening it and stepping out of it, closing it harshly behind you. you bite down on your smile when you hear heeseung laugh from the other side of it.
the music is much louder but still muffled as you wait for heeseung in the hallway. you hum along to it as you pull your dress down and try to fix your appearance yourself.
“oh, y/n!” ryujin’s voice calls from the top of the stairs down the hall.
“hey!” you smile at her as she comes closer.
“do you know if jake is in the bathroom?” ryujin points to the closed door beside you.
“uh,” you drag out, taken by surprise at her question, completely aware of the feeling of sweat that starts to form on your back.
the bathroom door swings open and reveals a normal-looking heeseung- as if his head wasn’t just in between your legs and his spit was dribbling from his lips to yours.
“oh, hey, hee.” ryujin nods at him with a confused expression.
“hey,” he smiles at her, “what’s up?”
“nothing really, have you been in there the whole time?” she asks him and points to the bathroom behind him.
“no, only a few minutes,” heeseung shrugs casually and you mentally curse at him for being able to remain so calm as ryujin questions the bathroom you were both just in, “why?”
“because i could’ve sworn i heard someone moan jake in there, i thought him and isa were finally hooking up.” ryujin laughs sincerely as you and heeseung can only look at each other in shock.
“uh, i didn’t hear anything, i’ll find out later from jake though if they did.” heeseung winks at her, “i’ll talk to you later.”
“sweet.” ryujin nods at him as he walks away, going back downstairs, leaving you with ryujin in the hall and questioning the entire experience you had just had with lee heeseung.
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you didn’t talk to heeseung for the rest of the weekend after he left you with ryujin in the hallway, but you met with him monday morning in the outdoor classroom.
your legs are dangling off the bench you sit on when heeseung comes in, throwing himself down beside you and sighing.
“what’s up with you?” you ask as you look over at his slumped down figure.
“you should be thankful that you aren’t as close friends with isa as i am with jake.” heeseung states, resting his chin in his palm as he leans on the bench handle. you ask him what he’s talking about and he continues, “all day yesterday all jake could talk about was how amazing isa is- which i know she is- but i don’t want to hear another guy talk about the girl i like!”
“he was saying that she is amazing?” you feel your shoulders drop, “what else was he saying?”
“just that she smells nice, and her smile is perfect and that she’s just so funny- which i can’t argue with but-” heeseung stops himself when he sees your smaller figure matches his slumped over one, a small pout forming on your lips. “hey- it’s okay, you know our plan is going to work and i’ll have to suffer and hear about all the things jake likes about you then.” heeseung sits up and shoves your shoulder with his, trying to perk you up.
“do we even know if it’s going to work!” you exclaim feeling frustrated, “i mean saturday night went nothing according to plan!”
“well it didn’t really follow along to our plan exactly, but jake saw that you know how to make out and grind at least!” heeseung starts to laugh as he teases you.
“heeseung!” you groan feeling embarrassed by the way you were clinging onto him two days ago.
“what? you were good! i’m sure jake noticed!” the bell ringing meaning the start of the school prevents you from yelling at him and shoving him off of the bench you are both sitting at, “shit, i’m gonna be late for practice now.” heeseung swings his backpack over his shoulder as stands, “you coming?”
you shrug, “nah, i have a quiz next period so i’m just going to stay out here and study for it.”
“alright, see you around, good luck on your quiz.”
“see you.”
heeseung leaves the outdoor classroom and leaves you behind on the bench, making you remember the way it felt for him to leave you right after he gave you head on the weekend- right after he basically kicked you out. you wondered for the past two days about how his personality changed so much in a second from where he could be so soft and almost caring- to the downright douchebag you always knew in a second.
you don’t understand lee heeseung and you wonder if you ever will.
even with heeseung’s wish for your success, you didn’t do good on your quiz, which you found out a couple of days after you took it.
you groan as you look over the paper, mentally cursing at the red ink written all over it to show your mistakes.
“what’d you get on it, y/n?” chaehyun, the pretty girl with brown hair who sits beside you, asks.
“fifty-five.” you roll your eyes and lazily swing your awful quiz in the air in front of her to see all your teacher’s writing.
“hm, well at least you passed right!” she tries to cheer you up with an almost pained smile on her face.
“yeah, i guess.” you turn back to the quiz, your eyes glaring at it.
“uh, anyways, i heard that you and heeseung are a thing now.”
“what?” you exclaimed loudly, causing other students in your class to turn and glare at you, “what are you talking about?” you lower your voice to speak with chaehyun.
the brunette shrugs, “i heard that you guys were like making out at the party last saturday.”
your jaw gaps open. you knew that people would see you and heeseung together at the party, you were in the middle of the room- but you didn’t expect people to think that you were dating.
“god, ew!” you put your hands up in defence at the thought, “we are absolutely not a thing- i hate him!”
“yeah, that’s what i said- i’ve heard you guys argue a lot before.”
you roll your eyes out of annoyance, the thought of heeseung being your boyfriend leaving a taste of disgust in your mouth (unlike his spit), “yeah, exactly.” before you could explain more, your teacher stands up explaining that he wants to go over the quiz to make sure everyone understands it, making you and chaehyun sheepishly smile at each other as she turns back into her seat.
when the end of the day arrives, you make a beeline straight for heeseung’s locker to tell him what chaehyun had told you. the idea of what people have been saying made you nervous and you felt your knees bouncing up and down in your seat as the clock seemed to be moving so slowly during your last class.
you wanted jake to know that you’re experienced- not that you’re dating his best friend.
“what’s up, y/n?” you turn at the question and see sunghoon standing there.
“uh, not much.” you shrug up at the figure skater.
he nods, “what’re you doing here, then?”
“what do you mean?”
“why are you standing at heeseung’s locker?”
“oh!” you push yourself off of it, “nothing!” sunghoon gives you a weird look before starting to unlock his own.
“okay, then.”
“where is he anyway?”
“he didn’t come to school today, texted something about not feeling well.”
you nod at sunghoon, “oh, alright. what’re you doing now then?”
“i gotta go meet my coach at a cafe, i’m going to a competition this weekend and we need to go over a few things.”
“oh really! that’s so exciting!” you smile up at your friend, “have fun with your coach then, i guess. good luck this weekend!”
“thanks, y/n.” sunghoon clamps his hand down on your head and messes up your hair, chuckling as you let out a “hey!” before he’s leaving.
the action makes you think about when jake messed up your hair on the weekend. it sent butterflies down from your chest into your stomach when he did it- but you felt nothing when sunghoon just had.
sunghoon has been your friend since freshman year, so him teasing you didn’t bother you at this point- but the fact that he did the same action that jake did did in fact bother you.
it was a friend-like- action when sunghoon did it- but when jake did you thought he was flirting and you liked his attention. you wondered if jake had only done it in a friendly way as well- and it made your heart sink at the thought.
you arrive at heeseung’s house quicker than ever with your nervousness helping your legs walk faster. you damned him for staying home on the day you actually needed him to be at school; chaehyun’s words simultaneously pissed you off and made you anxious.
you knock on the door that you’ve seen before- only have been at his house a few times, but enough to recognize it very well. when no one came to the door you wondered if heeseung had lied to sunghoon about staying home because he was ‘sick’- or maybe sunghoon had lied to you.
you just had to talk to heeseung though so you reach and try for the door handle- pleasantly surprised when it opens. you pause for a moment with your body halfway through the door and consider your opticians- but the whole school thinks you’re dating the boy so you enter the house.
heeseung really wasn’t feeling good when he woke up that morning- tell his parents that he was going to stay home for the day while they head out the door for work. they told him to rest well and eat some of the soup that they made the night before.
he hadn’t had the soup, but he did rest well. he slept the majority of the day and realized that he only woke up a few minutes after school had ended. he hadn’t made any progress with isa since he spoke to her the week before and it was frustrating for him. all he could think about was her.
it was hard not to imagine what isa would be like underneath him- especially since jake would go into detail about the way her body felt against is while they made out and the way her soft moans filled his ears so nicely. heeseung wished more and more every day that he was jake instead of himself. he thinks that if he had the chance to switch bodies, he would.
heeseung wasn’t necessarily jealous of his best friend- no, he loved jake. they’ve been basically inseparable since jake transferred to their school in sophomore year. sometimes it felt like they were brothers, especially in the summers when they would spend days together straight in a row.
so no, he wasn’t jealous of jake- he just wanted isa to be in love with him instead.
the first time that heeseung saw jake was during freshman year. at that point, heeseung was determined to lose his virginity and start messing around with other girls. heeseung wouldn’t describe himself as the most handsome guy in the world- but he wouldn’t ever complain about his looks. so it was easy for him to get girls.
he thought it would be easy for him to get with isa, but every time he’d try to talk to her- it was like he forgot how to speak.
he thought she was pretty from afar, but up close she was beautiful. her two freckles under his left eye captivated him and her smile was just breathtaking.
after freshman year when heeseung had lost his virginity quite early and had already hooked up with a few girls- he heard more about lee isa and how she was the star stellar ‘good girl’ of the school. he’d seen her dance in the concert their school would hold, and he saw her continuously in the hallways where she’d be speaking so kindly to someone and brushing her hair behind her ear.
heeseung thought he had fucked himself when he was on the edge of borderline blackness at a party when isa had walked in with her friends. it was the first time he had seen her in her regular clothes and not a dance costume or the hideous school uniform that the school made them wear.
she looked so innocent and pure and just so kind that he had to leave immediately because he knew his drunken mind wouldn’t be able to hold a simple and kind conversation with the pretty girl.
heeseung had heard that isa didn’t sleep around like him, but she wasn’t a virgin. he had heard that she only fucks boys that were her boyfriend and that she hated womanizers. which was just perfect for heeseung because everyone knew he hadn’t had a girlfriend before but he had lots of girl experience.
when jake had first brought up isa during the summer- saying something about how they bumped into each other at the beach, heeseung gulped- because heeseung wasn’t stupid. he knew what girls (and boys) thought about jake. he was the most good-looking guy in their school and heeseung knew that if jake wanted isa- he would and could get her.
heeseung hadn’t seen isa around parties much, but towards the end of last summer she was showing up and almost every single one. and at every single one jake would be talking about her or talking to her. it didn't bother heeseung at first- but now that jake and isa were spending time together outside of those shitty parties and school- he couldn’t get it off of his mind.
jake had told heeseung that he and isa hadn’t gone too far within the sexual realm. but he’d go into specifics about the way her pretty lips would feel against his own, and the way they would drag down his neck and suck a dark bruise onto his collarbone that he’d have to hide with his school uniform button-up. or the way that she would moan into his mouth as they kissed and she grinded ontop of him on his bed.
heeseung wanted isa to do those things with him, but instead, he’s home sick from school with an aching hard-on. usually when heeseung felt this way he’d jerk off or find someone to fuck- but he felt too tired and just rolled over onto his side to sleep the rest of his sickness away. he didn’t hear you step up to his bedroom door and open it enough to slip through it.
the last time that you had been in heeseung’s room was when he fingered you and wiped his spit and your cum onto your school- a part of you wondered if that would happen again today, but the way his eyelashes fell so softly onto his rosy cheekbones you figured it wouldn’t. you don’t know how long you stayed in heeseung’s room as he slept, but you found yourself in a comfy position on the chair of his desk.
you were just about to leave when you started feeling tired when you hear heeseung stir in his bed beside you. his feet move the blanket from underneath it as he moves around.
“hey.” spoke softly to him.
“jesus christ!” heeseung sits up on his elbow at the sound of your voice, his eyes bewildered as he takes in your figure in his chair. “how long have you been here?”
you shrug and look at the time, “almost forty-five minutes.”
“what the hell, so you just sat here? and you didn’t wake me?”
“no, sunghoon said you were sick.” you stifled a yawn that heeseung caught, “and i’ve been here before a few times, plus,” you turn the chair to completely face him, “didn’t you finger me in that bed last week? I figured I would be able to sit here and wait for you to wake up.”
heeseung groans and flops his upper face back onto his bed, his hands coming up to brush his bangs out of his face.
“move over,” you’re standing beside his bed, starting to pull at the blankets, heeseung does so, and only when your bare legs from your skirt brush against his own does he remembers the ache in his cock that he hasn’t relieved. he instantly moves over more so his body is flush against the wall. you notice and scoff at him, “what? you can make me orgasm but you can’t lay beside me?”
“no no- i’m just, sick.” heeseung tries to cover for himself, hoping for once that your stubbornness would rest and you’d just believe him for once.
“really? you’re just sick?” you turn onto your side to face him, “what’s wrong?”
your genuine concern scares heeseung a little and he’s almost preparing himself for you to punch him, “i’m just cold and i had a fever earlier.” you place your hand on his forehead to feel a subtle warmth on it, meanwhile you take notice of the way he has goosebumps on his upper arms that are revealed from his t-shirt riling up.
“maybe you’re cold because you aren’t wearing anything warm.” you shake your head as you point out the obvious. the rest of his arms have stayed under the blanket and you can see from the outline that they’re resting down his abdomen. you move closer out of instinct to try to keep him warm before you can even stop yourself. your arms brushing against his when you realize that they’re clasped on top of each other way further than you had initially thought.
heeseung and you make eye contact as you move closer to him, both of you realizing that you had caught on to the way his hands were holding each other on his body. before he can say anything you rip the blanket off of his cold body and see for yourself that his hands are in fact covering his crotch.
“y/n! really, it’s not-.” heeseung scrambles for the blanket quickly and covers himself up, “it’s not-.” he stops when he sees your blank and curious expression.
“are you,” you want to stop yourself, “hard?” you look away from heeseung’s covered crotch to his eyes and they’re visibly tense and wide. he nods at you and he thinks it's the first time he’s felt awkward with a girl in his bed since he lost his virginity.
heeseung can’t help but notice the way you just stare at his blanket-covered crotch with a hint of something he’s only seen twice in your eyes and your teeth holding your lip snug in between them. he calls your name and you blink and look up at him, “do you want some more experience?” when you nod up at him he continues, “do you wanna see it?” when you nod up at him again, unable to form words from the nervousness you were feeling (you were about to see lee heeseung’s cock oh god), he shuffles under the blanket to take his hard cock out and then he’s lifting the blanket so you can see him holding it in his hand.
heeseung doesn’t miss the way you licked your lips at the sight. his tip is red from the ache he's been feeling for hours and you can see there’s precum at the top, he’s so hard that it's stuck straight up and resting in his giant hand.
heeseung brings his hand up to your lips, “spit.” you do as he says and let your saliva fill his fingertips before he’s sinking hand back down to his dick and coating it with your spit. his thighs twitch subtly as he starts to feel the pleasure his body was asking for. his hand starts to jerk his dick up and down slowly, wanting you to see your spit coat every prominent vein.
heeseung’s chest heaves quietly beside you and you hear him exhale through his nose. he sees the way your fingers move from the hem of your skirt to the bed and play with his sheets.
“do you want to touch it, y/n?” heeseung asks you, his head resting on your shoulder now. he feels you nod again against his head, “use your words.”
“yes, hee, i wanna touch it,” you respond to him.
“you gonna make me feel good, baby?”
“yes, please.”
heeseung smirks against your shirt-covered shoulder, “go ahead.”
both of you watch your shaky hand makes its way to his cock, and you almost gasp at how warm and hard it feels in your hand. heeseung lets you experimentally jerk his cock up and down for a minute, wanting you to feel comfortable with a dick in your hand until he finally lets himself relax in your touch and let you touch him.
his eyes close and he lets out a few pants before he speaks, “a little tighter, not gonna hurt me… fuck.”
his warm breath fans across your neck as you do what he says. you aren’t sure if you’re supposed to be imagining that it’s jake you’re doing this to or not but you feel content at the moment with heeseung. the way he’s finally quieted down and lets you do what you want- lets you learn with his cock in your hand.
you start to feel more confident with his reactions so you start moving your hand faster up and down. heeseung’s head drops back onto his pillow, his face scrunching up in the slightest, “isa.” he lets out and your chest feels weird and you think your hand status on his dick before it’s back to moving faster. you think that this is how heeseung must feel when you say jake’s name instead.
your hand rubs his tip for a second before it’s jerking his entire cock again, making him let out a moan close to your ear. his hand grabs onto your bare thigh and squeezes it. his hips start to move into your hand and his breathing starts to become sporadic.
“fuck, ‘m gonna cum.” he announces and you glance over at him. the way his cheeks are rosier than before as he concentrates on reaching his high. you can’t help but think that lee heeseung looks pretty at the moment. his lips are red from him biting them and his eyelashes are pressed tightly to his cheekbone.
it’s not long until heeseung is coming in your hand, you can feel his cum splatter out of his tip and onto his blanket and dribble down the back of your hand, while your name spills from his lips.
“fuck, y/n.” you look at him as he pants your name, his eyes now open as he watches his cum shine on your hand. before he can say more you’re lifting your hand away from his cock and are slipping your fingers into your mouth. you watch him moan out at the sight, licking his lips. he swallows hard, “come here.” he speaks lowly and he’s smashing his lips onto yours, not caring about the taste of his own cum being shared with your mouths.
“i told you i was good.” you lower your voice and speak sarcastically, mocking his words from the last time you two were together.
“shut up.” he pushes your face gently away from his. you watch as he pulls his pants back up, and he’s taking his blanket off of the bed, laughing when you complain about it being cold. “give me one sec.” you hear him downstairs, starting the washing machine to put his blanket in, and a few cabinet doors closing until he’s back with a new blanket that he’s throwing over you and his bed.
he crawls back over you, and this time he’s not flush against the wall but flush against you.
heeseung’s arm drapes around your stomach as he lays on his side, his head resting on his pillow but his nose is in your hair, “why’d you come over anyway? wanted to see if i was really sick or not.”
you chuckle, “yeah and because i heard something at school that i wanted to tell you.”
“what did you hear?” heeseung feels the way your body stiffens at his question.
“that people think we’re dating.”
heeseung starts laughing- he starts laughing so hard that he has to roll back onto his back to let it out.
“what’s so funny?” you sit up on your elbows to look at him.
“just-” heeseung takes in air to breathe, “just that you got so serious to say that. god, i thought something was wrong-wrong, not that.”
“something is wrong! i don’t want people to think we’re dating!” you explain to him with wide eyes.
heeseung’s laughing settles down and he’s looking up at you from his pillow, “why’s it so bad if people think we’re dating anyway?”
“because! it would be weird if i dated you and then dated jake! and would jake even want to date me if i dated his best friend?”
heeseung sighs at your explanation, his hand comes up to grab onto your upper arm, pulling you down to lay beside him again, “we’ve been over this- jake doesn’t care if we date the same girl or not- plus i’ll even tell him you and i aren’t serious.” heeseung sees you take a deep breath as if you relax at his words, “i don’t see any cons if people think we’re dating- jake will know you’re experienced and isa will think i’m capable of settling down with a girl.”
“yeah, i guess you’re kinda right?’ you think about his ideas.
“yeah, so…” heeseung thinks for a second, “why don’t we just like a fake date then?”
“fake date?” you exclaim again, your heart picks up pace in your chest which makes you thankful heeseung isn’t wrapping his arm around you again.
“yeah,” heeseung says so nonchalantly, “c’mon think about it, it would be so beneficial to both of us.”
there’s a moment of silence in heeseung’s room as you think about it.
heeseung smiles a genuine smile at you and pokes your side making you squirm, “okay girlfriend.”
“ew don’t!” you laugh at the name, “that’s so gross, hee.” heeseung smiles more at his nickname that everyone except for you calls him, it makes him feel closer to you in a way- as if you don’t hate each other anymore. there’s a beat of anxiety in his heart when he thinks about what will happen when you both date the person you actually like- will you have to go back to hating each other?
heeseung pushes the thought away and wraps his arm around your stomach again and focuses on something else, “who told you they thought we were dating?”
“chaehyun?” heeseung asks confusedly and when you nod he thinks about it longer, “the one with the big tits?”
“ew heeseung!” you push his arm off of you, “you’re literally so gross!”
“what? now since we’re dating i can’t talk about other girls’ tits?”
your hands come to cover your face and you groan, “oh god.” you can only cover your laugh with your hands when you hear heeseung cackle beside you. you think to yourself about what have you gotten yourself into with lee heeseung and how will this all turn out.
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lee heeseung told you to trust him when you asked him how you should tell everyone that you were ‘dating’.
you didn’t expect to walk into school the following day with everyone staring directly at you and heeseung together.
you’re sure that everyone has seen you and heeseung together before- it wasn’t a secret how the two of you never got along and were always at each other's throats. you expected people to think it was bizarre that the both of you were dating- but to your and heeseung’s surprise, it was the complete opposite.
for days, everyone would be coming up to either you, heeseung or the both of you at the same time and just gush about how perfect the two of you looked together. you think you pulled off fake smiling and thanking them during the first few times, but by the end of the next week, you couldn’t even glance in the person's direction when they fawned over your new ‘relationship’.
your friends thought it was weird.
they thought you both had hit your heads and were experiencing severe memory loss and delusion.
“there is just no way that you guys are serious right now!” jay leans over the cafeteria table, and his hand smacks down onto it. heeseung and you sigh and roll your eyes, “oh god, you even move in sync now!”
“jay, would you quit it? would all of you quit it? why is it so weird that we’re together?” heeseung snaps at your friends who are all sitting around the table and staring at the two of you like you are wild animals.
“because just last week you were at each other’s throats saying you wanted the other to be dead!” choerry explains from jay’s lap.
“it’s just weird guys!” ryujin shakes her head, “it doesn’t make sense.”
“why’s weird if heeseung and i date, but it’s not weird that jay and choerry are?” you defend yourself and heeseung.
“because choerry didn’t push jay so hard he was sneezing sand for a week in the summer!” sunghoon points out, a smirk crawling onto your face at the memory of heeseung face down at the beach.
heeseung shrugs, “she’s feisty.” a snort leaves your nose and your friends look bewildered.
“i just- i don’t believe it.” chaeryeong looks at all of your friends.
“hey guys,” jake joins your table with his lunch in his hands. he sits down beside heeseung with a smile- which leaves his mouth when he feels the tight atmosphere in the air. “what’s up?”
“heeseung and y/n are dating.” choerry fills him in.
jake’s face turns to confusion and he looks at heeseung, a weird look in his eye before he looks at you, “okay,” jake draws out the word, “that’s cool i guess.”
“cool?” jay exclaims, shoving choerry off of his lap so he can stand up, “cool? it’s preposterous!”
“jay!” choerry reaches for him, trying to calm him down.
“guys, i can’t.” jay starts to scramble for his things so he can leave, “this is the weirdest day in my entire life!” jay turns on his heel, choerry standing up and chasing after him as his rambles continue through the cafeteria until he gets to the doors.
heeseung reaches for jake’s fries and plops one into his mouth, “you guys are so overthinking this.”
you catch the way jake’s confused expression doesn’t leave his face as he continues to stare at heeseung. you can tell that he wants to say more- and maybe he will to his best friend later- which you’ll make sure to ask him about when he comes over to give you some more experience.
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@ taeghi, 2022. do not repost or reuse in any way.
stay safe everyone :) and i hope u enjoy the next part!
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