10,000 cases
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By breaking the silence theatre company
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leastrachan123 · 4 years ago
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leastrachan123 · 4 years ago
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leastrachan123 · 4 years ago
Making performance 2 blog Performance overview The key themes and issues within our performance were, sex trafficking, violence, abuse, sex, rape, prostitution, grooming, abuse, child abuse, suicide, and nudity, loss of identity, curupt society, and modern society. Our vision for the performance was to create a documentary piece that would educate, entertain and enlighten. By including statistics in our script it made the performance become a reality. Linking the performance to delight, We wanted to put our own twist on it and how the victims can gain back their identity and the delights in life. Enlightening our audience on the matter and structuring the performance in a way that does not horrify them meant we enlightened them on the subject, and did not push them away from wanting to help and educate others. In relation to the dramaturgical decisions, we took a lot of time discussing what movements would work and not, throughout the performance we made pre recorded sequences which included, cat walks, chair duet, and walking sequences. The reasoning for these choices was to make our performance as physical as possible and now covid regulations have changed we thought we would make the most of it, and give the audience a sense of liveness online and in person. The start of the performances started with Iona, Josh and I with bags on our heads and a pre-recorded video beforehand, we used breathing techniques at the start to create an atmosphere for the performance which then led to the opening monologues. Our lighting remained neutral for the monologues however we used red lighting in our pre recorded videos to represent the colour of love and sex, despite us playing the victims it represented how the victims are treated /perceived, yet a simple thing like sex which is so personal and private has been taken away from them, and is viewed by them as unsatisfying and tiring. We used props such as stockings, toothpaste, red lipstick, condoms and perfume. We wanted to make this live section very intense and seductive. Despite the realisation that the victims are being forced to work for traffickers it showed their day to day life of getting ready, we physically spat out our toothpaste, we slowly put on the stocking to create a sensual atmosphere, applying lipstick slowly and then getting close to the camera asif we was kissing the audience, little moments like these really structures the performance. The last section of monologues included our shadow work, we made the movement slow and meaningful and in one section the victim would get slapped which then sped up the rhythm of the piece, we ended the piece with Iona playing a victim who is spotted by charity workers, you see her struggle with leaving the pillow case and walking off, which then led to our last pre record video of a fire that had all the victims names on pillowcases that were then placed into the fire. Research into For our performance we chose the genre documentary, this meant that we would have to devise and write our own script, whilst researching possible sources and interviews which we could use within our script. Before deciding on this we did research into Derek Paget and all the information we needed to create a successful documentary performance, ‘when Derek Paget first wrote of the use of tape recorders to make documentary theatre, he noted that documentary forms were situated at the ‘edges of the professional theatre’ (1987: 317, sited by Cantrell, 2013:1), documentary theatre has come a long way and has become very popular, and today is seen as a ‘mainstream british theatre tradition’(Cantrell, 2013:1). We found sources from interviews, articles and government reports, which helped put together our script and what angle we wanted to take to structure our performance. Documentary drama is also known to contain many other elements and theatre techniques,‘The genre typically includes or is referred to as verbatim theatre, investigative theatre, theatre of fact, theatre of witness, autobiographical theatre, and ethnodrama’(Wikipedia, 2021). This genre has allowed us to be more creative and develop our own performance around a very significant matter, sex trafficking. Our two main influences for our performance were frantic Assembly and Berkoff, we decided on these because we wanted to focus on physical theatre. Whilst researching frantic assembly we thought it was crucial to follow some exercises that frantic assembly would do in workshops, ‘In the early stages of rehearsal we may ask our performers to improvise using rolls and lifts without ever coming off the floor, (Hoggett, by Scott Graham and steven, 2004:87). With our performance being so physical, exercises like these really helped create ideas for our physical movement/moments. Berkoff and Frantic Assembly both have similarities as they both like to focus on physicality, Our monologues/dialogues within our script was well thought through, therefore too much movement would distract the audience from the dialogue, however whilst researching Berkoff it was found that ‘Berkoffian actors use techniques such as background movement, repetitive actions, and mime to explore further the ways in which Berkoff approaches exchanges between two characters’, in our performance we worked with shadowing and background movement so that it does not distract the audience, but still creates meaning. Both Berkoff and Frantic Assembly worked well together with our research and gave us ideas/techniques on how we could make our performance physically successful, whilst still focusing on the speech. Sex trafficking was the most interesting to research into for me individually, as it was educational and shocking when finding statistics and articles. Shockingly from our findings it is aparant there is far more sex trafficking happening then what we know about worldwide, and although ‘UK authorities have began to launch aggressive anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts to uncover trafficking and identify victims’, the media and individuals still have a guard up around the sensitive subject. After researching individuals who have been victims of sex trafficking we wanted to share their experiences and stories, looking into research studies it was found that ‘one participant talked about being angry at anyone and everyone, another participant talked about being angry specifically at her trafficker, herself, and that no one had ever come looking for her’(Mumey et all, 2021:187). It was evident our main focus was to create justice for all the victims and create a physical piece that would symbolise all the emotions developed before and after being trafficked. Victims’ attitude and views of the world soon changed after being trafficked, and some would say ‘all men became potential “clients,” relationships became transactional and not for pleasure, and family became the other individuals working for the same exploiter’(Mumey et al, 2021:187). Reviews and analysis Shakesqueer by Tom Marshman Tom Marshman executed a wonderful digital performance, creating a sense of liveness, a montage of shakespeare plays, and queer atmopshere. What I took from the performance and would use in my own work was the idea of a moveable trolley, so that movement can be more fluid and moments with the audience could be more intimate,e.g getting close to camera and using eye contact and facial expressions. He embrased his sexual ora and used it in his favour to create a queer alternative view on shakespears plays, whilst also enteraining the audience. He quoted in the Q&A that his inspiration was heavily focused on David Bowie and his use of mime, this is also something that was used effectively and created an abstract illusion with the editing to create a mirrored effect of Toms face, whilst also quoting from A midsummers night dream. His change of costumes and backdrop developed on the idea of how crazy and vibrant shakespeare plays are, him and the tech team used appropriate music to compliment the scenes, overall the performance was very creative, however when performing we have to try and remain in character and focused despite whatever distractions occur. Sharps teeth Sherlock in Homes Sharps teeth did an amazing job of creating a live murder mystery and really engaged their audience, the main element/moment for me was the idea of breakout groups, this allowed them to create a personal relationship with the audience and also use improvisation for them as their character. We would ask the character we was investigating questions about the murder and at the end of each investigation they would give us a slight hint about the muder and leave, for me this small technique seemed to draw me in even more, even when i knew it was coming. Another element that impressed me was the costuming and background, they really did embrace their characters and not hold back, for me this virtually allowed me to put myself in that exact room with them and see in the backgrounds of the potential tools they used to kill the victim, which was also purposefully intended by the director. This performance brought many emotions alive and really made the audience active members whilst also entertaining them. Chang and Eng and Me Chang and Eng and Me was a well devised abstract performance that investigated many ideas of what theatre is and can be, one moment i vividly remember is the touching and sculpting of clay, which linked to the quote ‘I can count the times i’ve feared for my safety of my ethnicity on one, maybe two hands’, whilst quoting this the use of hands and pressure into the clay almost represented society and the anger ethnic individuals have towards society, yet feel stuck and trapped just like clay itself, for me this was a visual metaphor which was used so emotively/discreetly. The digital performance was not like many i have watched before and used the online platform to create liveness, what i also think worked well was the discussion of sexuality/race and the bareness that came with the performance, by getting changed infront of the camera and showing vulnerability just like many homosexual individuals feel scared about doing, it almost connoted that you should love yourself for who you are. I also picked up on the focus of puppetry and how these items can speak to audiences meaningfully, the focus of this performance was very creative and artistic with the use of drawing and sculpting e.g it painted a story without having to physically say anything. ShakesQueer. Tom Marshman. (2021). [Online, 27th February]. -Sherlock in Homes: Murder on Ice. (2021). Sharp Teeth Theatre. Directed by: Stephine Kempson. [Online, 4th March] Chang and Eng and Me: Wattle and Daub Figure theatre (2021) (online, 14th May) Evaluation following the performance Originally i developed the idea of an online meat auction, which we all as group discussed and put forward different ideas for, this was to symbolise that the victims are treated as meat and can be sent off globally, with this idea we explored breakout groups however the concept became too complex and we had a creative block for the middle section, therefore instead of still continuing with the idea we explored other ideas and researched into physical theatre. The research we found within sex trafficking and physical theatre inspired us to make the performance about physicality, the bareness of victims and how they are invisible, feedback from Laura helped us understand that if we was to approach the performance by making the audience feel to uncomfortable and shocked, it would make them less likely to keep watching, so after we had fully developed our script we decided to make a lot of the dialogue upbeat so that it would juxtapose with the speech itself. As a group we all worked very hard and put in a lot of time and effort, me and iona were the main editors for our flip grids and material for the piece, my strengths within this performance was to motivate and make sure everyone was always there, thinking of the slight movements and moments needed within the piece, charlotte and myself became the creative directors for the physical theatre (chair duets), personally i naturally take on a directing role, however we all equally put in ideas and bounced off eachother, and was definitely my favourite group to work with so far, my weaknesses are that i can be overwhelming with ideas, but the group helped turn these ideas into what became our performance. If we were to change our performance I would definitely like to explore some type of breakout room, however research and extra technical help would definitely be needed to make it successful and easy to follow. We were put off by making it too physical as our research from Berkoff shows that background movement can be more symbolic than up close and personal physicality. For me this year of online theatre making has changed my outlook on acting and theatre, we have managed to create an appropriate, well thought out/rehearsed performance about a topic that does not get spoken about enough, whilst also including all the dramaturgical elements i have learnt and explored this year, what i learnt mostly from devising 10,000 cases was that audience like repetition and difference, so by using the catwalks as a motif it allowed the audience to take in what was being said without even saying anything, and the repetition was the continuing of monologues with the pillow cases over our heads, and we used these to lose our identity and make the audience really listen to what was being said. I learnt a lot of elements in our rehearsal time and in class sessions. This year has definitely made me open to creating online pieces and understanding that theatre can be anything that you make it. Bibliography Cantrell (2013) Acting in documentary theatre. Acting Psychological aspects.; Acting; Experimental theater. Available at: https://www.vlebooks.com/Vleweb/Product/Index/680079?page=0 Mumey, Audrey; Sardana, Srishti; Richardson-Vejlgaard, Randall; Akinsulure-Smith, Adeyinka M (2021) Mental health needs of sex trafficking survivors in New York City: Reflections on exploitation, coping, and recovery. Available at: https://library.bathspa.ac.uk/items/eds/pdh/2020-79438-001?resultsUri=https%3A%2F%2Flibrary.bathspa.ac.uk%2Fitems%3Fquery%3Dsex%2Btrafficking%26checkbox%3Deverything%26facet%255B0%255D%3DEdsRecordOptions%253A%2522IsFullText%2522%26target%3Deds#availability Morgie BTECH acting ( 2015) Steven Berkoff’s techniques. Available at: http://morgiebtecacting.weebly.com/epq-extended-project-qualification/steven-berkoffs-techniques Graham, Scott, 1971- author; Hoggett, Steven, 1971- author (2014) The Frantic Assembly book of devising theatre. Improvisation (Acting); Frantic Assembly (Group); Theatrical companies Great Britain.; Experimental theater Great Britain. Available at: library.bathspa.ac.uk/items/eds/cat06393a/bath.106158?resultsUri=https%3A%2F%2Flibrary.bathspa.ac.uk%2Fitems%3Fquery%3Dfrantic%2Bassembly%26checkbox%3Deverything%26facet%255B0%255D%3DEdsRecordOptions%253AIsFullText%26target%3Deds#availability Wikipedia (2021) Documentary theatre. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Documentary_theatre#:~:text=Documentary%20theatre%20is%20theatre%20that,altering%20the%20text%20in%20performance. Wikipedia (2020) Human trafficking in the united kingdom. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_trafficking_in_the_United_Kingdom
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leastrachan123 · 4 years ago
Rehearsal development
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leastrachan123 · 4 years ago
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leastrachan123 · 4 years ago
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leastrachan123 · 4 years ago
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leastrachan123 · 4 years ago
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leastrachan123 · 4 years ago
Find us at '@10000cases'  on instagram
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