Leasspell Dæl
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Tumblr blog for Leasspell Dæl. I can also be found under the same username (leasspell_dael) on AO3, Dreamwidth, and Pillowfort. ~ she/her/hers ~ ace
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leasspell-dael · 12 minutes ago
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leasspell-dael · 1 hour ago
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p50 「おのれウィンディ!!この呪われた紋章の力が見たくば、見せてやろう!!」 “Windy! If you want to see the power of this cursed rune so badly, I’ll show you!”
意を��したような老人の声に、ティルは思わず振り返った。 Tir turned in reflex at the old man’s resolute voice.
すると老人はウィンディの前に立ち、右手をかざしていた。 He stood in front of Windy, his right hand in the air.
老人は固く目を閉じて静かに口を開く。 His eyes were shut tight, and he spoke softly.
「呪われし紋章ソウルイーターよ、その力を示し、我が敵を討ち倒せ!!」 (ー>打ち倒せ?) “O, Cursed Rune Soul Eater! Show your power—vanquish my enemy!”
ティルが見ているその前で、老人の右手から闇がほとばしった。 As Tir watched, darkness gushed out of the elder’s right hand.
その闇は、清風山の蟻の巣でテッドが女王蟻を倒したものと同じだった。 It was the same darkness that Ted had called upon to defeat the queen ant at Mt. Seifu.
老人はソウルイーターの力でウィンディを倒そうとしているのだ。 The old man was trying to use the soul eater to defeat Windy
しかしウィンディは、笑いを絶やすことはなかった。 but she just went on laughing.
「おっほっほ!!ついに尻尾を出したわね!!」 “Ohoho! You show yourself at last!”
そしてウィンディも右手をかざす。 And she, too, raised her right hand.
白い光が、同じく彼女の右腕からほとばしる。 A white light also poured forth from her hand, in the same way the blackness gushed from the old man’s.
「やっぱりソウルイーターはあんたが持っていたんだね!!こんな脅しに引っかかるあんたも大したことはないね!!」 “I knew you had the soul eater! There was really no need to make us force your hand with all these threats!”
ウィンディが言い終えると同時に、闇が彼女に襲いかかった。 The minute the words were out of her mouth, the darkness swooped down on her.
しかしい一瞬早く白い光がウィンディとネクロードを包んだかと思うと、二人の姿は消えた。 But just a moment before the darkness reached them, a white light enveloped Windy and Neclord and they vanished.
闇は虚しく空を包み、地面のなかへと消えていった。 The darkness engulfed the empty air and disappeared into the earth.
「くっ、逃がしたか……」 “Urgh… they got away.”
P51 老人は悔しそうに呟くと、足早に家のなかに駆け込もうとした。 The old man grumbled, clearly frustrated, and started to rush back to his house.
「あ、待ってください!!」 “Oh! Please wait, sir!”
ティルの声に、老人が足を止めた。 The old man halted at Tir’s cry.
振り返った老人は、もうティルを険しい目で見てはいなかった。 When he turned to look at Tir, his gaze had softened.
「旅のお方よ、あなた方にひとつお願いしたいことがある……」 “Traveler, I have a favor to beg of you.”
老人は寂しそうな目でティルを見つめた。 He looked at Tir sadly.
「はい、私たちにできることでしたら……」 “Of course, we will do anything we can to help.”
「では、むさ苦しいところだが、こちらへ」 “Well, my place is a mess, but please, come in.”
開いたままの扉の前から身体をずらして、老人はティルたちに家に入るよう促した。 He beckoned them in, and they slipped in through the door that had been left ajar.
村人たちをあらかた森に逃がした後だったので、クレオたち三人もティルについて家に入った。 Since most of the villagers had been evacuated to the nearby forest, Cleo and the others followed Tir inside.
ティルが家のなかを見回すと、赤々と燃える暖炉の前に、村の騒ぎに怯えたテッドが小さくなってうずくまっていた。 Tir looked around the house. He saw Ted, frightened by the uproar in the village, crouched in front of the blazing fireplace.
「テッド君……」 “Ted…”
小声で呼びかけたティルに、テッドは笑みを向け立ち上がる。 Tir called to him softly and the boy stood and turned to him with a smile.
「へヘへ。ちょっと怖かったけど、大丈夫だよ。男の子は強くなくっちゃね」 “Heheh. I was kinda scared, but it’s okay. Boys gotta be strong, y’know!”
「そうだ、テッド。男の子は、強くなくっちゃいけない」 “That’s right, Ted. Boys have to be strong.”
皆の後から家に入り、扉を閉めて老人が言った。 The old man said, having followed them in and shut the door behind him.
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leasspell-dael · 3 hours ago
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leasspell-dael · 4 hours ago
Lord of the Rings was published in the fifties, and largely written in the forties. Tolkien’s opinions on society and morality and technology are at some points genuinely more conservative than what I’m comfortable with. And yet, the more I think about it, the more sure I am that Tolkien actually deconstructs most of the clichéd fantasy tropes he supposedly originates. Some examples.
The long-lost heir is not the hero, he’s a side character who deliberately uses himself as a decoy.
The real hero actually fails in his quest, his goodness and determination and willpower utterly fail in the face of evil, and the world is saved by a series seemingly unrelated good deeds.
The central conflict is not between destroying the world and preserving it. An age of the world will come to an end, and many great and beautiful things will perish, whether the heroes win or lose. The past may have been glorious, but preserving it is impossible, and returning to it is impossible, time has passed and the world has moved on. The king returns, but the elves are gone and magic fades from the very substance of Middle Earth. The goal is not to preserve the status quo, the goal is the chance to rebuild something on the ruins.
Killing the main villain seems to instantly solve the problem, eradicate all enemies and fix the world, except it doesn’t, not wholly, since the scouring of the Shire still has to happen.
Also, the hero gets no real reward, and what he gets, he cannot really enjoy. He is hurt by his ordeal, and never fully recovers.
There is a team of heroes, a classic adventuring party, except the Fellowship is together for less one sixth of the series. The Fellowship is intact from the Council of Elrond to Gandalf’s death, four chapters. The remaining eight are together until Boromir’s death, an additional six chapters. This is nothing compared to LOTR’s length of sixty-one chapters, if I count correctly.
Tolkien is not classic high fantasy. If you actually think about it, there is very little magic. The hobbits’ stealth is not magical, most elven wonders are not unambigously magical, wizards are extremely rare, and even Gandalf hardly uses magic if you compare him to the average DnD wizard. Most magic is indistinguishable from craft, there is no clear difference between a magic armor and a very good armor, between magic bread and very good bread, between magical healing and competent first-aid plus a few kind words.
TLDR: Stop praising recent fantasy for deconstructing Tolkien if they’re “deconstructing” something Tolkien has never actually constructed.
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leasspell-dael · 5 hours ago
found this today
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Please use these terms correctly. Not doing so will deeply harm the people who actually have experienced trauma, gaslighting, triggers, and people who have NPD.
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leasspell-dael · 6 hours ago
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leasspell-dael · 7 hours ago
This high school drumline’s incredible performance included only drumstick
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leasspell-dael · 20 hours ago
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leasspell-dael · 21 hours ago
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leasspell-dael · 22 hours ago
Parents don’t get to decide if they were “really good” parents. I know that’s harsh and there’s a lot of mommy positivity circles online that just give each other a positive feedback loop but you don’t decide if you were a “really great parent” to your child. Your children tell you if you were a good parent or not. I see this a lot of no contact parent circles where the person who is no contact with their children is like “well I was a GREAT parent so it isn’t my fault and I didn’t do anything wrong”. Normal parents wonder if they’re doing a good job, ask themselves how they can improve, are open to feedback from children and other parents. If you are 100% sure you were a faultless fantastic selfless awesome fantastic parent totally beyond reproach and your shitty ungrateful willful delinquent children just don’t appreciate you enough, you are a terrible parent.
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leasspell-dael · 23 hours ago
3d printed start gate
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leasspell-dael · 1 day ago
Happy Weatherversary to Mark Woodley, the sports journalist who was made to go stand outside in a massive cold snap on this day in 2022 and decided to make it everyone's problem. He is my favorite and I do in fact own a shirt that reads "The outdoors, currently, is not heated."
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leasspell-dael · 2 days ago
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Some misfits.
EDIT: Realized I could be witty when it comes to Evan.
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leasspell-dael · 2 days ago
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leasspell-dael · 2 days ago
Happy holidays Shana! Time travel Ygraine or de Bois Aurther please?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Arthur de Bois had seemed nice enough, for a noble. He'd prevented blood from being spilled and hadn't beat anyone, had even been courteous to those who had spent the night with him in the blacksmith's house, if they're to be believed, and Hunith doesn't know why they'd lie.
She doesn't count paying their tax or overhauling their infrastructure in her assessment, because if they're successful Ealdor will turn a tidy profit for him. If they're not successful, then she imagines that Arthur will make them pay in other ways. Nice or not, gold is gold, and nobles know their first loyalty is to the king and their second is to their pockets.
Then Arthur had taken her son and the only emotion Hunith had known was fear.
Merlin's magic is fierce and powerful, too much for his body and leaking out around him, and that's before his clumsiness and luck that seems to run from bad to cursed. Either he keeps his magic to himself and gets beheaded for incompetence or he reveals himself and is conscripted into using his powers for the palace, a fate almost worse than death.
When Arthur returns to check their progress, he brings her son.
Merlin is riding his own horse behind Arthur and the pale, dark haired woman he's arguing with. Merlin and Elyan are riding next to each other, trading eye rolls and egging the argument between the nobles along whenever it lulls.
Hunith can't breathe suddenly due to the weight on her chest.
Merlin is sitting tall and easy, an unselfconscious grin on his face while he talks with nobles, and whatever Elyan is, not servant and not a lord. His clothes are clean and new, nothing patched up or thinning. He's filled out in the months since she's seen him, not the frightful skinniness that seemed to follow him no matter how much food she crammed into him.
He looks happy.
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leasspell-dael · 2 days ago
Happy Holidays! Wangxian time travel please!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
When his engagement to Wen Qing is announced, Jiang Cheng corners him not at all subtly and demands, "Are you punishing me?"
Lan Xichen is too busy desperately hoping none of the disciples saw Jiang Cheng grab him by the hair and yank him behind the building. They may have shared a level of intimacy that entitled him to touch his forehead ribbon, but Jiang Cheng had been quite clear about what he thought about that information getting around. "What?"
"Her, of all people?" he presses. "There was really no one else?"
He pales. Jiang Cheng has feelings for Wen Qing? Could this get any worse? "I didn't - it wasn't my choice. My uncle arranged it."
At Wangji's suggestion, but he's not going to mention that. Jiang Cheng hates his brother enough as it is.
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leasspell-dael · 2 days ago
Happy Holidays Shana!🎄Could you continue the Father raises the Elric brother's please?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
"Should we bring Dad into the plan?" Al asks.
Ed makes a face. "Since when do you call Hohenheim that?"
"Are we really going to ignore him forever?" he presses. "He could probably be really useful and upsetting Father's plans. And you know how desperate he is to get us away from him. He'd probably do anything we wanted."
"Yeah, but then we'd have to talk to him," Ed says. "Yes, I am planning on ignoring him forever. Not only did he leave Mom alone to die, he left us alone to get kidnapped by a crazy person! A murderous crazy not-person who he helped create when he fucked up and caused the genocide of our ancestors!"
"Well," Al says after a moment. "Considering we've moved from country ending fuck ups to dying alone and abandoning a couple children fuck ups, that's actually a huge improvement."
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