learnswedishwithme · 8 years
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Outside terminal station in Stockholm :)
Ute/ utanfor = outside , In / inne = in/ inside
#stockholm #svenska #swedish #learnswedishwithme #learnswedish
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learnswedishwithme · 8 years
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Flower - blommor 🌺 //here in sweden again and it is pretty amazing// Ha en bra dag! #sweden #swedish #learnswedishwithme
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
I / Me - jag / mig You - du / dig He - han She - hon Her - henne Hers - hennes Him - honom His - hans Them - de / dom We - vi You (plural) - ni
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
Askkkkkk !!!
When - När Who - Vem Which - Vilken/ Vilket/Vilka Why - Varför Where - Var/ Vart 🐼
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
☺️ happy - glad 😢 sad - ledsen 😡 angry - arg 🤒 sick - sjuk 😮 shock - chock 😴 sleepy - sömnig 🐼
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
North - norr South - söder East - öster West - väster
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
School stuffs
School - skola Paper - papper Pen - penna Pencil - penna Eraser - suddgummi Test - testa Chair - stol Desk - skrivbord Chalk - krita Write - skriv Read - läsa Listen - lyssna Excuse me - ursäkta mig
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
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When I was in Sweden, I had a chance to meet elks or moose. Älg - elk/moose (read as eli) " I saw a moose" - jag såg en älg
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
Mom - mamma Dad - pappa Son - son Daughter - dotter 🐼
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
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Sweden has so many trails in their forests and it is lovely to walk there anytime of the day. I took this when I was there. Walk - gå/ promenad Run - spring Soligt - sunny Jag går i skogan med min kille. (I'm walking in the forest with my bf.) 🐼
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
Dog - hund Cat - katt Fish - fisk Goat - get (jet) Snake - orm Rabbit - kanin Bird - fågel Mouse - mus Squirrel - ekorre Panda - panda 🐼
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
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Idag är soligt. (Today is sunny.) Today - idag Yesterday - igår Tomorrow - i morgon Sun - sol Hand - hand Tree - trad Lamp - lampa Cloud - moln 🐼
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
Winter - Vinter Spring - vår Summer - sommar Fall - Höst 🐼
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
In the bedroom..
Rum - room Bed - säng Light - ljus TV - te ve Pillow - kudde 🐼
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
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Hej alla! This is an introduction to the Swedish pronoun system. Questions & suggestions for future presentations? message/ask me :)
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
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One of the most favorite and a famous food in sweden is this one. It is called Sandwich cake or Smörgåstårta. It is really delicious and unique from my country.
Plate - tallrik Spoon - sked ( hhwed ) Fork - gaffel
Note: Some words like sked is read differently. I dont know how to simplify it but as long as I hear him say it.. It kinda is like that but you can look for pronounciation guides in voice records.
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learnswedishwithme · 9 years
Good morning!
Greetings in swedish :
Good morning - God morgon ( go moron)
Good evening - God kväll ( go kvel)
Good day - God dag ( go dag)
Good night - God natt
🐼 Note: Good is God in swedish, God is Gud in swedish. Also, there are so many times you silent a letter in a word.
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