Learning About Images by Listening to Music
28 posts
A series of listening events organised by Martin Kohout in collaboration with Aleksandra Vajd and the Studio of Photography 1, VSUP, Prague. The aim of the series is to invite various guests to approach the situation proposed by the series’ title in whatever way fits them and their practice best. Ideally, the format will combine listening with thinking out loud, or a relaxed lecture using sound, music, composition, music related scenes, and other phenomena as the material to draw links from and towards the practice and culture of art making and the overlaps between the two. We would like to invite guests for who sound and music is one of their dear interests, but not the sole one. Often, this might be multi-disciplinary artists whose practice is informed by music and sound.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
learningbylistening · 4 years ago
LAILM S3E3 with Claire Tolan
May 26, 6pm Berlin/Prague time, online
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For the last online session of LAILM in this semester, we will join the artist, programmer, and former ASMR radio show host Claire Tolan for a guided tour of her new audio play CICADA GAMES, currently in development. The audio Play will be embedded in an augmented reality app as a “A whispering about history and time, isolation and conspiracies.” as the artist calls it. The event will be streamed online over this Facebook page of the event here: 
Claire Tolan is an artist and programmer living in Berlin. Artistically, Tolan has worked primarily with ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) since 2013. Tolan hosted an ASMR radio show, “You’re Worth It”, on Berlin Community Radio from 2013-2019. She has exhibited, performed, and presented her work at venues such as Martin Gropius Bau, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berghain, Volksbuehne, CTM Festival (all Berlin), Mira Festival (Barcelona), Rokolectiv Festival (Bucharest), Münchner Kammerspiele (Munich), Goethe-Institut London, ArkDes (Stockholm), and Sonar+D (Barcelona). With musician Holly Herndon, she co-wrote and performed “Lonely at the Top”, the ASMR track on Herndon’s 2015 album “Platform”.
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learningbylistening · 4 years ago
Live stream!
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learningbylistening · 4 years ago
Today’s stream location!
Hello! We will be streaming here: https://www.facebook.com/studioofphotographyAAAD/
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learningbylistening · 4 years ago
LAILM S3E2 @ Kostel sv. Havla
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April 30, 11:30AM Saint Havel Church Havelská 539/24, Praha 1
In our second episode, we will join the bell ringer Štěpán Maria Valenta at the Saint Havel Church to learn more about church bells and how to ring them, as well as to experience standing near them while they are announcing noon time.
For Covid safety, this event is limited to a group of nine people and therefore, students of UMPRUM have priority. Every participant has to show a negative Covid antigen or PCR test result at the entrance, not older than seven days. We will email everyone with more information the evening before.
Please sign up for the event here: https://forms.gle/3EerWDfyojqRDj1D9
Be on time!
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learningbylistening · 4 years ago
LAILM S3E1 with Filip Marcel Mayer
April 22, 2021, 6:45PM @ learningbylistening.tumblr.com
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Learnigng About Images by Listening to Music is back! This time, you can join us from the comfort of your home and follow Filip Marcel Mayer on a walk outdoors with a 360° camera above his head, a special suit, and a new audio mix for the event.
Hello! Here is what I plan: The event might evoke an informal walking lecture of the so-called Peripatetic school —the old greek walking and talking way of giving lectures. There is a circular property of the walking motion, similar to the drama of our planned trip. See attached diagram here. Such circular motion might make you see loops suddenly popping up everywhere, while experiencing sounds and images. We are full of oscillators! ... imprinting and folding them into memories. I will do my best to connect all the walking, talking, looking around, and listening into one whole loop. Let's see where we will end up after the walk.
— Filip
Filip Marcel Mayer, is an architect living and working in Sweden. When dealing with sound and image Filip is interested in narrative recursion and feedback loops. instagram.com/filipmarcelmayer
The event will be streamed here: https://www.facebook.com/studioofphotographyAAAD/ Using a VR headset ready for a 360° video stream is recommended but not necessary. The performance will be also suitable to be watched on a regular flat screen.
Learning About Images by Listening to Music is a series of listening oriented events organised by Martin Kohout and Studio of Photography 1, VŠUP, Prague. https://learningbylistening.tumblr.com 
Visuals for the current season were made by Jiří Macků.
The event will be in English.
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learningbylistening · 4 years ago
Instagram and a new season!
Great news! We have an instagram account now: https://www.instagram.com/learningaboutimages/ And the third season of Learning About Images by Listening to Music is about to start soon! Keep tuned!
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learningbylistening · 5 years ago
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Our last listening session of this semester will start with a performance of the Prague-based women folklore choir LADA. We will experience the choir as a possibility to gather multiple voices and sounds which through improvisation can create a performance, a space for a conversation, a prayer, and or an experience worth feeling and enjoying. We will try to become the choir not necessarily as ensemble of singers but rather as an ensemble of listeners. We will also get the chance to hear some of Marie Tučková’s texts read by a collective voice. We will close the night with listening to non-human species, especially the Blue Whales. LAILM with Marie Tučková and The Ensemble of Listeners and The Blue Whales @ room 406, Studio of Photography Marie Tučková (1994) a. k. a. Ursula Uwe Her work consists of sound, performative, and visual elements. She connects these spheres via text, which is usually transformed into the lyrics of a song, voiceover for a video, an audio story, or the scenario for a performance. Marie works predominantly autobiographicaly while she often expresses herself in her projects through alter egos which help her to objectify various situations or look for other ways of sensitivity and renaming feelings. Marie graduated from bachelor’s studies at the Studio of Photography 1, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, and she is currently studying at the Dutch Art Institute Art Praxis at the University of Artez. She is part of an artistic music duo Cloudy Babies (together with Eva Rybářová) and she is part of the folklore ensemble Lada. LADA is a Prague-based folklore ensemble which has started meeting just to talk, eat and experience singing together. Later on they became a real ensemble of 11 women focusing on Moravian and Slovak folklore. www.facebook.com/ladasbor/
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learningbylistening · 5 years ago
Tracklist from Matyáš Dlab’s LAILM session
7038634357 - Sickle Sheen (Arms Open) Aethereal Arthropod - Manicata Asfast - A Higher Call (Head Piece) DJ Charme - Beauty Dies Before Me HIMERA - LIFE - ODYSSEY ju ca - Funeral Drone Pt I & II Kali Malone - Locus Of Repetition Kuthi Jinani - Regalecidi Louis Me - CARTA ORO Schism - Respliced Hymn ssaliva - Scope Thoom - Mikal Jackzon Ytem - Chute
Matyáš Dlab - Zvuková zkouška Matyáš Dlab - Jak se to vaří
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learningbylistening · 5 years ago
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In this episode of LAILM, the artist and musician TCF will go through the material created by TCFX, which is the algorithmic produced material TCF uses  in his work. TCF will go through different stages of the processing (how it works) and will play selected parts of it accompanied by various examples of TCF’s lesser known music outpus. http://www.larsholdhus.com https://www.facebook.com/larstcfholdhus https://soundcloud.com/t-c-f https://www.instagram.com/tcfxbot/ http://www.iambiota.com Lars Holdhus, alias TCF,  is a Norwegian born artist and musician who deals with language, codes, infrastructure and ecology. Holdhus' works reflect a strong sense of rhythm, seriality and melody while his current topic is our relation to nature, how we can conserve it and become more aware of its significance. He is currently running a newsletter called Biota with David Ainley that focuses on ecology and practical solutions for a more sustainable life. He is also a producer of electronic music and is releasing music under the moniker TCF and he is connected to PAN with a releases out on Liberation Technologies, Ekster and YYAA Tapes.
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learningbylistening · 5 years ago
Upcoming Episodes
Save the dates!
November 27, Matyáš Dlab December 4, Lars TCF Holdhus December 12, Marie Tučková and The Ensemble of Listeners and The Blue Whales
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learningbylistening · 5 years ago
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In this Episode of LAILM listening session, Matyáš Dlab will present a mix of his own compositions, music collages, videos, and examples of various approaches to composing background music while acknowledging the genre's link to space, situation, and emotions. Matyáš Dlab is a theatre and music dramaturge. He’s the founder of the platform Terén - field for performing arts, third scene of the Brno-based Centre for experimental theatre. He organizes event series SOfT presenting an international scene of electronic music. He’s a member of D’epog, a collective of authors developing contemporary forms of stage work and possibilities of artwork communication in time and space. Terén: https://jasuteren.cz SOfT: www.facebook.com/declubbing/ D'epog: https://www.facebook.com/divadlodepog/
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1364123253746128/
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learningbylistening · 5 years ago
playlist from xin’s session
Eartheater ‘Humyn Hymn’ (from RIP Chrysalis) Eat Static ‘Mesmobeat’ (from Dead Planet) The Comet is Coming ‘The Universe Wakes Up’ (from Trust in the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery) Rrose ‘Mine’ (from Hymn to Moisture) Katie Gately ‘Pipes’
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learningbylistening · 5 years ago
LAILM S2E2 with xin
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November 7, 7pm, Studio of Photography VŠUP, room 406
We’re living through a psychedelic renaissance of sorts. Neoliberalism’s ability to ingest and regurgitate anything in a form submissive to its protocols, desires and motives is epitomised in Silicon Valley’s psychedelic impulse. Microdosing and mindfulness aid the maximising of productivity, efficiency and output—but the resurgence of interest in psychedelia (psytrance bubble aside) hasn’t quite punctured the sphere of cultural production.
In this session, we will listen to recent, Western musics that might be considered psychedelic, and try to imagine what untraversed territory lies ahead. We’ll consider the relevance and stakes of psychedelia at a time when a new age-y Western spirituality is seeping into the mainstream. What would a contemporary psychedelia look, sound and feel like? What ideologies might it hold affinities with?
xin is a Berlin-based artist, writer and musician. Their debut LP, MELTS INTO LOVE, was released by Subtext in 2019. Described as “a deliriously psychedelic record [that] slithers in and out of the brain with the visceral body horror of a David Cronenberg movie” (FACT), MELTS INTO LOVE warps, mangles and strangles rave tropes into something anew. The record is released solely via independent platforms, with all proceeds going to Eden Rainforestation Projects. Previously, they released their first solo EP, To Shock the Earth and Shake the Sky, and they also contributed to compilations on Genome 6.66mbp, Intruder Alert and AN BA.
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learningbylistening · 5 years ago
One of the videos from our last session ;)
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learningbylistening · 5 years ago
Tracklist of the S2E1 session with J. G. Biberkopf & TOLE
+++ Maurice Ravel - Bolero
+++Dale Cornish (E240; 2019)
++++Ellen Arkbro - Chords for organ
+++The Invisibila podcast: The Weatherman
+++Some hydrophone weirdness
+++Elvin Brandhi - Tropik
+++TOLE - Thirst
++Josephine Meckseper — 0% down (play with video) 
+++Pancrace - CSO
+++Lucy Railton — FORTIFIED UP  
+++Nora Turato — Explained Away 
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learningbylistening · 5 years ago
Yes! We are back!
This season, we will have four events and the first one will take place already on October 16, from 7pm at the usual 406 studio of UMPRUM. Our guests will be J. G. Biberkopf and TOLE! More information is coming soon!
This season’s posters are designed by Josefina Karlikova.
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learningbylistening · 6 years ago
LAILM #6 with BCAA system collective
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May 15, 18:30, Room 406, Studio of Photography 1
Cover artworks, clips, web pages –still or moving images are growing from, around, and into music releases more than ever before. On a journey through the vast plateaus of streaming services, the sound often holds hands with visuals, so they together could help each other to stay fresh and to be easily found by music searching wanderers. In this edition of LAILM, the BCAAsystem collective will guide you through those audiovisual stories, in which they took part, in which they are living right now or those they simply love to watch and/or listen to from a distance.
https://www.facebook.com/BCAAsystem https://bcaasystem.bandcamp.com/music
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