leapwriter · 6 years
ADHD culture is
Either being able to read an entire book in a short amount of time because of Focus™ .. Or not being able to get through one page cuz Distraction™
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leapwriter · 6 years
As an older timer.
Don’t except them not to come after sexually explicit fanfiction or stories once this goes into full swing. I remember when it happened on fanfiction.net and thus Archive of Our Own came to be. Quizlla too when yahoo bought it and it died. Just beware fanfiction authors. We are most likely next.
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leapwriter · 6 years
Writing a book:
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leapwriter · 6 years
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Critical Role | Campaign 2, Episode 34
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leapwriter · 6 years
my cat figured out how to open the cabinets so he made a nest in his favorite one. he’ll only come out if he hears the fridge open.
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leapwriter · 6 years
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When people ask me about my writing
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leapwriter · 6 years
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leapwriter · 6 years
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They ask then they should be prepared to get an earful 🤷‍♀️😂
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leapwriter · 6 years
Nott using Mage Hand to give Caleb the potion of healing
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leapwriter · 6 years
Write a story where the main characters fuck up. Like, they let someone die because they were scared, or they reject a possible romantic interest out of snobbery and/or belief that nobody would have interest in them. Let your characters burn bridges, and let their mistakes have consequences. Some things are unforgivable, and it’s okay to have your main characters do these things. Everybody’s done something they regret. It’s hard (for me, personally) to do this because I love my characters so much, and I want them to succeed all the time, but it’s not realistic, and more importantly, it doesn’t make for as interesting as a story. 
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leapwriter · 6 years
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“I ran out of second chances long ago.“ 
"You’ll never run out of chances so long as there are people still willing to give them.”
Genre: Mature YA Fantasy
Status: 1st Draft (130k currently) 
A continent divided by tradition and innovation. A land ruled by six gods - one rejected, One forgotten. The four elemental deities left are the two countries only commonality. In the north holds Noble, a country that prides itself on high society and cursed abilities. In the south, Commons prefers its technology and violence.
In the streets of South Commons, after a failed murder attempt in which she experiences a bizarre magical encounter, Cato, a notorious young criminal, finds herself handcuffed to a table by a police officer and given a choice. One that start’s vibrations along a long dormant spider’s web.
Discovering friends and family born with abilities, boys who turn into monsters, and a mysterious drug she needs to get off the streets; she becomes trapped within a web of secrets and violence that threatens to lead her further north towards a dark place where student’s are treated like prisoners and Curses are status.  
Every step taken leads her further into the web that she has long since been running from and the dark man from her nightmares who controls it. 
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leapwriter · 6 years
villains who could have been protagonists in different circumstances? I live for that shit
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leapwriter · 6 years
bangs fists on the table this is a strictly ANTI-cringe culture blog!!! make ur shitty mary sues!!! shove them up against a canon character yelling for them to just kiss already!!! drop-kick urself into ur favorite story!!! do whatever makes u happy dammit!!! have fun u glorious bastards!!!
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leapwriter · 6 years
all writers (all creators) ought to give themselves more credit. you are making something out of nothing! even if it still lives in your headspace, and you haven’t written it down, that is still neat as hell, and not something everyone can do. give yourself more credit, you’re doing something great.
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leapwriter · 6 years
I just
Brandon ‘oops I accidentally this entire book’ Sanderson
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leapwriter · 6 years
The thing about the whole ‘this style is better than that style’ debate is that…writing is art. It’s ALL subjective. What you think is amazing and has moved you to tears is going to be someone else’s most hated story for the exact same reason.
Flowery prose isn’t inherently good or bad. Sparse, to the point prose isn’t inherently good or bad.
It all just comes down to personal preference. 
Don’t worry so much about making something everyone in the world will love and worry more about making something you love. 
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leapwriter · 6 years
also: your writing is good. the goblin that lives in your head and tells you otherwise is wrong. the writing advice posts that tell you your writing is bad are wrong. writing is shaped by experience, preferences too, and whether or not what you write jives with ‘popular’ works means nothing.
you bring something to your work that no one else can. you shouldn’t give that up, whether you decide to stop sharing or not. keep writing, remember why /you/ started, and keep writing! screw the world needing your story; if you need it, that’s reason enough to keep writing.
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