leaf-loves-monsters · 3 years
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leaf-loves-monsters · 3 years
homophobic that im not a man in 1845 but the sexy version of 1845 where im wearing a poofy cool shirt and its a stormy summer night so i run to the big abandoned mansion for shelter and as i light a candle and walk the corridors i see portraits of a dashingly handsome man who seemingly never ages and then with a clap of thunder the top of the stairs illuminate and i see him standing there wearing a cape and then he tops me for like 7 hours at least
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leaf-loves-monsters · 3 years
What should I know as a human girl entering a vampire and werewolf poly relationship?
What kind of poly relationship? Does the vampire and the werewolf know each other, and do they get along? Were they a couple and found you as their third? How much experience with polygamy do you have?
Separate partners: If it is so that you're together with a vampire and a werewolf separately, as in, they're not dating each other but you date them both, then it is important for you to find out their limits. Maybe the vanpire dislikes werewolf fur and would not like any in their coffin? Maybe the werewolf isn't comfortable with you being fed on? Establish boundaries and communicate well!
Triad: If you three are a romantic triad, then you should all discuss your needs and expectations, as well as express your love language properly. Maybe the vampire prefers to only be available in the evenings and early mornings, and would like to sleep during the day and be undisturbed in the night? Maybe the werewolf needs cuddles daily to be happy? Also: do not use garlic in your cooking, nor keep it in your nest. Do not bring any silver to your nest. Do not hang up any crucifixes in your nest.
You're their third (also applied to triad): Humans are quite adaptable, but you have to make sure your needs are met aswell. How much vampire time do you need to feel happy? How much werewolf time do you need to be happy? How much alone time do you need to be happy? Do you have special needs? Communicate what you want, expect and need with your partners. Co-operate to maximise all three's happiness!
Make sure to remind how what your partners mean to you. Say that you love them, or wish them a nice day/night! Make them feel appreciated, and make sure they make you feel appreciated aswell!
The Night Queen
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leaf-loves-monsters · 3 years
I kind of want a monster to do The Thing where they gently run their claws down your back. S l o o o o w l y
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leaf-loves-monsters · 3 years
i would like to join please
Monsterfuckers see a monster and say “Anyone gonna fuck that?” and then not wait for an answer.
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leaf-loves-monsters · 3 years
monster character: *growls*
me: anyone else wet?
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leaf-loves-monsters · 3 years
in my personal discoveries i have learned that lustful nights are best spent with various types of dream demons.
i suppose incubi and succubi can count, but they’re mostly sex demons (which of course, are wonderful too).
imagine a handsome lover, caressing your cheek, kissing you and taking you deep into dreamland. they pick apart your deepest desires, they display it in front of themselves.
everything you have ever desired, even the impossible, even things that would bring harm to you in the real world, it would all be real in that moment of the dream. they would gladly make you feel good, and as long as the night lasts, so do your dreams.
however, there is a danger of course, as some may find themselves addicted to the pleasure and never want to come out of it. or you may find a dangerous dream demon that won’t allow you to wake.
be careful out there!
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leaf-loves-monsters · 3 years
imagine a polyamorous relationship with a werewolf and a vampire, and while sure they are both possessive of you and love you very much, they also love each other! you are in a very healthy and communicative and sexy relationship with some hella hot monsters!
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leaf-loves-monsters · 3 years
oh i would like this very much
*has a healthy and fulfilling relationship with a terrifying 9ft tall demon who loves me very much*
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leaf-loves-monsters · 3 years
hello! my name is leaf, i am half elf, half human. i possess no magic and was raised by my human mother. i am now 20 years in human age, and am pursuing a monster relationship!
i am pansexual and polyamorous.
i use mainly they/them and he/him.
minors DNI!! This is an 18+ blog.
feel free to send me a message or ask, i will gladly speak with any kind folk or monster!
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