le-vana · 5 years
so i took the which nct 127 member has the same energy as you quiz and i got winwin
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le-vana · 5 years
so i took the which nct 127 member has the same energy as you quiz and i got winwin
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le-vana · 5 years
Just a reminder that Vincent van Gogh did not eat yellow paint to make himself feel happy, he ate paint, and drank different chemicals because he was suicidal and this is why he was not allowed in his studio while having breakdowns. He also did not paint starry night and his other great works because he was depressed, he painted most of them while he was in recovery and demonstrated his hopefulness and love of the world through this. Most of his great works were painted from his room at a hospital. Van Gogh’s depression should not be glorified. His hope and effort toward a better life, as well as his recovery from depression should be glorified.
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le-vana · 5 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry that you have tonsillitis tho :( but I hope you aren't feeling too bad and can enjoy today in some way ❤❤❤❤❤❤
THANK YOU BBY 🥰🥰 I DECIDED TO HAVE A LAZY DAY AND WATCH MOVIES ALL DAY!!! I really enjoyed myself (to the best of my abilities ofc) but thank you again💖💖💖💖💖💛💛❤️❤️🧡💜💙💙💘💘💘
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le-vana · 5 years
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le-vana · 5 years
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this is so important
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le-vana · 5 years
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le-vana · 6 years
New tag game
Type in “I want” to reveal your greatest desire
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le-vana · 6 years
Put in the tags the last song you listened to, this is the song you end up serenading your ult bias with
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le-vana · 6 years
what’s the first song you’d show your friends if you were introducing them to kpop?
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le-vana · 6 years
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le-vana · 6 years
friends: you are so dramatic
me: what are you talking about!?
me, 5 minutes later:
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le-vana · 6 years
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le-vana · 6 years
those who have their birthday on:
1, 10, 19, 28: the sweetest people, the public adores them and it’s easy to see why, very happy and light, the most magnetic, gentle, easy to get along with, has a singular purpose, effortless, has a fresh kind of innocence, authentic, engaging, desires to learn more about the world, naturally shines brightly, slightly quirky, very popular, may seem simplistic but in actuality are quite complex, their brand of sensitivity is lovely, seductive, relatable, likeable, genuine, their charm and aura is like an electric light, very caring, very considerate, also stubborn and childish/childlike, quite fragile, needy and insecure, pioneers, beautiful souls, often iconic and legendary
2, 11, 20, 29: very sexy, tends to stand out, as calm and modest as they are fiery and intense, quietly powerful and influential, were more than likely bullied as kids, have anger issues, seems boring and are easily dismissed yet are the very ones you don’t want to sleep on, regal, often inspires much hate and jealousy, machiavellian, standoffish, enigmatic, reclusive, inscrutable, hard to get to know completely, not easily understood by anyone, quiet, intellectuals, often stoic and compartmentalizes feelings very well; almost to the point of being numb, emotionally bulletproof, keeps to themselves, snobby, can be a bit sensitive, deep, introspective, often taken for granted, commands respect, can be totally heartless, sincere, mature and dignified, the most lovable, spontaneous, idiosyncratic, very individualistic, loyal, can be caring, doesn’t take shit from anyone, very charismatic and magnetic, can be very sweet, can be completely detached, cold, wicked, cruel, distant and aloof, very mean-spirited mainly just because they can be, funny, very mysterious and private, complex, turns their pain into something amazing, the toughest of them all
3, 12, 21, 30: very very creative, irreverent, nervous, edgy, can be quite bossy, great communicators, an original voice, exacting, their voice is often their instrument, can be loudmouths, can be a bit crazy, can come off a bit spoiled, also can be disrespectful, very deft with their words, often quite funny, demanding, distant, can get aggressive, irreverent, aggressive, controversial, super defensive, very rash and impulsive, very intelligent, private, idiosyncratic, often operates on the fringes of society, they make the shittiest bosses, always something up their sleeve, strong-willed, likes a challenge, combative, expressive, completely unsentimental, values freedom above all, imaginative, shrewd, cautious
4, 13, 22, 31: humanitarians, romantic, faithful, pragmatic, reserved, controversy always seems to surround them, critical, anxious, smart-mouthed yet very sensitive, proud, tries hard to be individualistic but in reality is just like everyone else, very shady, can be and is often very disrespectful, patronizing and egotistical, can be quite judgmental, always working, likes to one-up people, needs control and is often very self-controlled, often fake, passive-aggressive, very opportunistic and savvy, great at making friends, very contradictory and hypocritical, often very talented and hardworking, competitive, inspires others, wants to be known as kind and great in everyone’s eyes, often has hidden motives
5, 14, 23: creative, sociable, dramatic, comes off very confident and cocksure, exciting, tend to be misunderstood a lot, spoiled brats, lively, strong-willed, calculating, in your face, shady, childish, unfriendly, con artists, pretentious, likes to seem omnipotent, petty, deeply insecure, delusions of grandeur, perceptive, arrogant, touchy, a bit obnoxious, capricious, volatile, unstable, uninhibited; insincere, condescending, blunt, sharp tongued and are more often than not the biggest assholes yet funnily enough are quite sensitive (almost hypersensitive), are usually mean because they’ve been hurt, defensive, intense, very reactionary, go-getters, often very popular for whatever reason, can be sexy, tightly wound yet carefree, hypocritical, doesn’t know the meaning of boundaries, crazy, very high maintenance, lucky in life but unlucky in love
6, 15, 24: the nicest and most relatable and likeable people, fascinating, can be a bit insecure, knows how to live life well, passionate, admirable, generous, driven, not concerned with conventions, can be offensive, as laid-back as they are motivated, can be mean, things just seem to fall in place for these people, has their fingers in every pot, open- minded, great to be friends with, nothing slows them down, loves a good time, lives life to the fullest, blunt and authentic, non-judgmental, might not be the luckiest when it comes to love but hands down the absolute luckiest when it comes to life
7, 16, 25: strong, spiky, has been through a lot, hard-edged yet secretly has a heart of gold, often geniuses, talented, keeps their cool, as immature as they are mature, rebellious, fighters, not concerned with the opinion of others, marches to the best of their own drummer, also judgmental, curious, overlooked often, individualistic, adventurous, opinionated, quite realistic, has strong self-respect, poetic, likes to push people’s buttons, tough to pin down, moody, very knowing, always keeps others on their toes, no-nonsense, distrustful of others, says they don’t like drama but secretly live for it, totally respected, they ooze sex, what you see isn’t necessarily what you get
8, 17, 26: bosses, commanding, assertive, grandiose, has a very wide reach, imaginative, never boring, vain, self-confident, very very popular and well-liked and it’s easy to see why; very influential, creative, visionaries, future-minded, doesn’t have to try too hard, talented, tends to exaggerate a lot, tells great stories, selfish, excellent at their craft, widely respected, unique, brave, also very dramatic and intense but nobly so, specializes in living in a fantasy world, creates controversy, dynamic, also very iconic and legendary
9, 18, 27: very original, big humanitarians, innovative, imaginative, takes a lot of shit but is strong enough to handle it, pioneers, idealistic, soft and sensitive, often can’t control themselves, believes in love almost to the detriment of logic, moves on well, generous, can often be quite irritating and annoying, protective, easily hurt, likes to be in everyone’s business, also very sharp-tongued, can be more than a bit corny but usually means well, complicated yet straightforward, surprisingly self-aware, entertaining, tries to do the right thing, often comes off as a martyr, very spiritual/religious, believes in things like fate and soulmates, believes that tomorrow is another day
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le-vana · 6 years
Renjun: [tapping fingers on the table]
Jisung: [taps back furiously]
Taeil: what’s going on?
Kun: they are talking in Morse code
Renjun: .- … … …. — .-..
Jisung: [slams hands on the table] YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
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le-vana · 6 years
grown ass men are out here not eating fruit or vegetables or washing their face and having a list of things women must do to be attractive to them and thus gain their respect like grow the fuck up and eat a carrot literally no woman needs you
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le-vana · 6 years
The only type of friends I want to have ;-;
i want tumblr friends that like nct and i could tag them in nct stuff and send asks to eachother and talk to eachother until 12am and
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