le stinkyest witchblog
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stinkë ☆ 24 ☆ he/him on and off practitioner that still knows nothing
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le-stinkyest-witchblr · 1 year ago
Explain the basic: shielding and banishing
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Shielding and banishing are two of the most important things you have to learn before you start your journey as a witch. Both practices are essential for maintaining energetic boundaries and ensuring a safe environment for magical or spiritual work. used to protect oneself from negative energies, entities, or influences and to remove unwanted energies or entities from a space. Here's a breakdown of shielding and banishing in witchcraft:
Shielding: Shielding involves creating a protective barrier around oneself, which acts as a defense against negative energies or influences. It helps maintain personal boundaries and prevents unwanted energies from affecting one's well-being. Common methods of shielding include:
Visualization: Visualizing a shield of white light, a protective bubble, or an impenetrable barrier around your body. This visualization can be accompanied by the intention of repelling negativity while allowing positive energies to flow.
Energy Manipulation: Drawing upon personal energy or universal energy to create a protective shield. This can involve using hand movements, gestures, or energy manipulation techniques to form and maintain the shield.
Use of Objects or Symbols: Carrying protective talismans, amulets, or symbols such as pentagrams, runes, or protective sigils that represent personal protection. These items can aid in maintaining the shield's strength.
Banishing: Banishing refers to the act of removing negative energies, entities, or influences from a person, place, or space. It's a method used to cleanse and purify an area or oneself from unwanted energies. Common practices for banishing include:
Smudging or Cleansing: Burning herbs like sage, palo santo, or cedar to clear a space of negative energies. Using the smoke to cleanse and purify the environment.
Salt or Protective Circles: Sprinkling salt around a space or creating a protective circle by physically drawing or visualizing it to keep unwanted energies out or to contain them within the circle for removal.
Rituals and Spells: Performing rituals or casting spells specifically designed for banishing. This involves using candles, herbs, oils, and specific incantations to remove negative influences or energies.
Invocation of Higher Powers: Calling upon higher spiritual entities, deities, or guides associated with protection or cleansing to aid in banishing unwanted energies or entities.
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As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). and have a wonderful day or night!
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le-stinkyest-witchblr · 1 year ago
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le-stinkyest-witchblr · 1 year ago
Where To Find Certain Aspects Within Your Birth Chart:
Your past life purpose: SOUTH NODE
Major life changes & turning points: PLUTO, PHOLUS, PLUTO, VERTEX,
Erotic love: EROS
How you commit in long-term relationships: JUNO
Your ideal traits in a partner: DESCENDANT
How you give and receive affection: VENUS
Your devotion: VESTA
Your intuition: PSYCHE, THE MOON
Your sensitivity and emotions: THE MOON
How compassionate you are: CERES, CHARIKLO, CHIRON
Your unconditional love: CERES
How much of a weirdo you are: URANUS
Your hidden desires: BLACK MOON LILITH
Your escapism: NEPTUNE
Your defiance: URANUS, SEDNA, ERIS
Your self-destructive behaviors/how self-destructive you are: BLACK MOON LILTIH
How you express your sexuality: SAPPHO
How rebellious and/or obedient you are: URANUS, BLACK MOON LILITH, SEDNA, ERIS
Cycles of abuse: NESSUS
The first impression you give: ASCENDANT
How you perceive yourself: THE SUN
Your core self: THE SUN
Your career/professional path: MIDHEAVEN, PART OF FORTUNE
Your reputation & social status: MEDIUM COELI
Your discipline & sense of responsibility: SATURN
How you communicate: MERCURY
How competitive you are: MARS
Your optimism: JUPITER
Your negotiation skills: PALLAS
Your passion: MARS, SAPPHO
Your pride: THE SUN, APOLLO
Your innovation: URANUS
How philosophical you are: JUPITER
Your gratitude: JUPITER
How much of an activist you are: MAKEMAKE
Your mother relationship: CERES, THE MOON
Your father relationship: PALLAS
Your hygeine, cleanlinesss, and health: HYGEIA
Your self-care: CERES, HYGEIA
Your feelings toward the natural process of life: HAUMEA
Connection to nature: HAUMEA
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le-stinkyest-witchblr · 1 year ago
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bonus tip: you can use an app like moonly to draw your tarot card of you don't have your deck with you.
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le-stinkyest-witchblr · 1 year ago
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Witchcraft shop / Credit
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le-stinkyest-witchblr · 1 year ago
How to Write Your Own Spells
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There are lots of ways to create spells, from planning everything to the minutest detail ahead of time to absolutely flying by the seat of your pants in the moment. If you'd like to write your own spells, either for use in your craft or as a creative exercise, here are some suggested steps that I use in my own practice:
1) Determine the intent or goal of your spell. Decide, first and foremost, what you want the spell to do. Refine your goal if necessary and try not to be too nebulous. Your intent tells the spell what it's meant to do. A more focused goal may increase the chances of success.
2) Determine how you want the spell to manifest. Decide how the spell should work and what the result should look like. This is a good time to build in a sign of success, especially for spells that may not work in an obvious or visible way.
3) Determine what or whom the spell will affect. If the spell is to have a target, be it a person or a place or an animal or an object, decide what that should be and how they or it will be represented in the casting.
4) Determine how long the spell is meant to work. If your spell is timebound or has a deadline, decide what that will be. If the spell is meant to work long-term, you may want to check in and refresh it from time to time. (Not every spell will be timebound. Many spells will simply expire when they have fulfilled their purpose or if they are blocked or circumstances are not favorable.)
5) Determine the timing of the spell, if applicable. Not everyone uses celestial or astrological timing for their spells, but if you do, look into the prevailing conditions and decide on an advantageous time for your casting. (Please note that magical timing can only enhance your spell and casting something on the "wrong" day will not necessarily cause it to fail.)
6) Determine what methods and materials you want to use to cast the spell. Decide how you're going to go about performing the casting, whether you're doing a ritual or making a charm or just using energy. If you're going to need a ritual space or physical components, plan that out and make sure it fits with what you want to do.
7) Determine the words, if any, which will empower the spell. If you want to include a prayer or a petition or a song or an incantation with your spell, decide what that should be. This is not strictly necessary and the words need not be spoken aloud. (Rhyming incantations are not required, but if you prefer them that way, you can certainly do so.)
8) Prepare the materials for casting the spell. Get all your necessaries together ahead of time. Make sure you have everything you need, that tools and components are in good and useable condition, prepare your workspace, and make sure everything is within easy reach so you don't have to stop and search for things in the middle of your casting. (And for goodness sake, if you're working with open flame, observe fire safety and tie your hair and sleeves back.)
9) Finalize details and perform the casting. When you're ready to begin, try to eliminate as many possibilities for distraction or interruption as possible. Go over your spell and components one more time, then proceed with casting the spell.
10) Record the particulars for future reference and to determine how well the spell worked. Make a record of the spell, including your goal, how it should manifest, the words and components used, the date of the casting, the casting method and procedure, and how the casting went. If there are any additional details or observations that seem important, include those as well. This will serve as a useful learning tool in the future and will allow you to check your work if the results make themselves known.
It's useful to write spells from time to time if the inspiration strikes you, in order to better understand how they fit together and how they work. Plus it's a fun and creative journaling exercise and recording the spells you cast a great way to measure your progress later on.
For additional tips on writing your own spells and helpful tricks for using timing and available materials to your advantage, check out my podcast, Hex Positive, Eps. 006-007, "Come In For A Spell, pt 1 & 2."
(And if you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
Happy Witching! 🔮✨
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le-stinkyest-witchblr · 1 year ago
i just pointed out in my judaism class that it’s interesting to me that when asked God’s name, God did respond with the ineffable name (the tetragrammaton) but put a much greater emphasis on who they are the God OF (I’m the God of Abraham, the God of Moses, etc.).
and my teacher said she feels a kinship with that because she remembers the joy that came with the first time she was called “(son’s name)’s mom”, and how beautiful it feels be named for who you love. and i almost burst into tears
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