Certified idiot
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le-bread-king · 21 hours ago
damn, i really am pessimistic, huh
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le-bread-king · 2 months ago
Tumblr media
since my text posts have all done nothing but failed, here is a drawing I made of an oc of mine, his name is Nerandel, (don't be gentle, he's an asshole) and maybe i'll post a drawing of him in the original art style if this post does well enough (i'll do it even if this post goes undetected) and the text above him translates to something akin to "here's that for you"
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le-bread-king · 2 months ago
The single uttermost aching duality of my posts:
failing and failing even harder
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le-bread-king · 2 months ago
i am an atheist, but i'll go to church just to do this
“Amen” Is the Primal Form Of “Mood”
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le-bread-king · 2 months ago
If god exists, humanity was it's biggest mistake, here's why:
the universe is one of the most miraculous things to ever happen, it's beauty and power unmatched by anything, since it's the only fucking instance of such a thing happening, and we are the only civilization we know of, making it the most advanced (since we don't have competitors... yet)... and yet still we ain't bright. the proof? capitalism, laws and war;
Wars are the single uncontested most horrid and incredibly moronic thing made by the human mind. i can't put a finger on it, why do humans like fucking the other person over so much? and why do we disagree so much? isn't subjectivity a thing? if i were to say i'm an atheist and by some miracle this post were to gain attention there would be at least one person saying "you'll go to hell" or "you are a heretic" or some shit like that, and then from that point we can escalate things up from there, from an online argument we could go to politics, (even tho the internet isn't going to influence that... right? RIGHT??) politic disagreement, in this case. this scenario can and (considering how incredibly stupid and perverse humans that have power can get) will turn to war. with the current technology millions of humans will die just like ants in a fire, this is horrible. simply horrible, even worst. WAR CRIMES EXIST. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL DOES SOMEONE HAVE TO DO FOR ALL OF HUMANITY AGREE THAT THIS IS SO MORALY DUBIOUS, SO INHUMANE, SO DEVILISH THAT IT IS OUTSIDE EVEN OF WARFARE, WHICH SHOULD BE A CRIME IN ON ITSELF.
first exhibit was shown.
Second exhibit: laws: many people praise the human for being this "advanced species" with higher intellect, yet still we need to define laws to stop people from doing things that are specifically stated to be inhumane, like pedophilia, it is horrid, not only to force someone to have intercourse with you but also for it be a kid! a human that isn't fully formed and that, above all could DIE if pregnant too early, and yet still, we have to put a penalty for people that do this, like, why are lolis a fucking thing, aren't people that already bad enough?
second exhibit done.
third: capitalism: capitalism is not only bad because of it's greed, it's bad because, like, they put higher prices on things that are in danger instead of preserving them. they tell us to "recycle and reuse" or "be careful of waste of energy" and then do things like spilling oil on the ocean and trying to cover it up, reject covid-19 vaccines... during the fucking pandemic. and then, more recently, AI, you know, there are many things AI does, but i wanna focus on AI image generators, they steal art from others without any permission, turn it into either a shitty drawing or even worse: fucking porn, and in the middle of all claiming to be "the future", it Frankensteins everything together and then says it is "original", yeah, i guess that they made plagiarism legal now, yay!.. not.
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le-bread-king · 2 months ago
you see, 2024 is almost at it's end, do you know what this means? it means that, not unlike every year since the ever so dystopian and grim 2020, 2025 is making it's menacing approach, why menacing? simple: because every damn fucking year since the infamous pandemic, that i must say lasted for around 2 years, every year has been shit, i already mentioned the pandemic, but then there are less... jarring... things like: global warming (it's really bad right now), inflation of prices, and it is even worse here in Brazil, why? because the US dollar costs 6 reais (reais are like dollars... but Brazil). weather is absolutely nuts right now, it's either A: so hot that people faint. B: so cold it fucking hails, like, it hails fucking ice cubes, oh, did i mention the winds that go faster than 100 km/h (for those who use imperial just know, it's fast. like, FAST) yeah, on September there was a 14 day blackout, it was easier to speak with someone in the US than with someone on the east region of São Paulo, and even more, with things like our water service now coming with taxes and ENEL's lazy ass work fixing broken wires and the literal MURDER ATTEMPT OF THE FUCKING PRESIDENT it's safe to say that no one is very confident with 2025 (for those who don't know ENEL is the main source of electricity of Brazil)
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le-bread-king · 3 months ago
The meaning of life:
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le-bread-king · 3 months ago
the interesting thing about colors (and how minority/ majority matters)
ATTENTION: note that this is purely me spilling my thoughts out on tumblr, no research was done beforehand and i could (and might very well) be wrong and equivocated
The first thing that i want to point out is that colors are stupid. we "describe" colors such as red and orange as "hot" (why is someone attracted to a color? this, i will point out, is a joke) or "warm" why? because that our evolved (sometimes not) monkey brain thinks: "color in fire is color hot" ("that color is present on fire, therefore it must be hot") and colors such as blue and white as "cold", this is stupid because that A: blue fire exists... and it is way hotter than red fire. and B: yellow snow... occurs... (you shouldn't eat yellow snow.).
My second exhibit is something called: confused rambling. You see, the way we describe colors even outside of temperature is certainly weird. because we use either: temperature (as stated before), taste and emotions/ feelings those colors evoque, now tell me: HOW THE HELL DO WE SEE THESE THINGS IN COLORS??? THEY DON'T TALK, THEY DON'T EMIT NOISE (emitting noise would only make it worse because of subjectivity), THEY DON'T HAVE A SMELL, NOR A TASTE. HOW DOES ONE COME UP TO SOMEONE AND SAY: person A "see that red coat?" person B: "which one?" A: "the colder one" B: "oh okay"... (assume that person A and person B continued their talk) LIKE, HOW THE HELL DO WE KNOW WHICH IS COLDER? you, yeah, you that are reading this. go on, describe a color without aspects such as temperature, taste, or any of the bullshit i just so carringly mentioned, go on, don't be afraid, i dare you. and then there is the majority/ minority, let's assume that there is a room with 8 people, four of them only see on monochrome (black, white, and gray of varying shades) and four of them have "normal" vision, as soon as one of these people leave the room the opposite end of the spectrum is automatically wrong. if one of the "normal" people leave the rule will be monochrome and anyone that sees colors differently is "colorblind". this is all, thanks for hearing (reading) my rant
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le-bread-king · 3 months ago
Horniness for food
I think that we should make a new word for when you want food, but isn't hungry, you don't need it, you want it, also not gluttony, 'cause it's not like "i will consume this whole fridge" it is a "i want to eat something, not quite a snack, not quite the whole fucking fridge" it is when you're horny for food. (also if it is the case that this exact word already exists don't trample me, i'm Brazilian and my vocabulary isn't that big... yet)
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