lcsconfessional · 7 years
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why does no one seem to ship huni/reignover when there's an entire 10 min official riot video on how good of a ship it is? wake up america
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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I have *such* a crush on Maxlore.
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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IPobelter is so fucking hot, I would do things, Lots of things for him ;)
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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I've always wanted Faker to be my big brother and Bang as my food buddy.
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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I get so smug when my underdog team performs well. It's just so satisfying when your hopes are rewarded and everyone else is surprised!
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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"Suffering and pain" wasn't part of the contract I signed when I joined this fandom I am not on board with this shit
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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I'm so proud of Trashy and his progress on his fitness. The trip to Brazil really seems to have helped him and he seems happier already. I can't wait to see how else it's helped him in Spring.
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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I want to be in a bed with Mikyx and take a nap together. Nothing else just a nap.
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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The off season always makes me feel like I'm going to lose interest in the esports scene, but then spring split rolls around and I'm decked out in my team colours ready to fight the fans of whoever my team's against first
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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YamatoCannon makes me sexually frustrated...
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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MrRallez gives me more will to live~
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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jensen looks like a rat and you have to be blind and crazy at the same time to like his looks
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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My boyfriend is constantly making fun of me for liking more feminine players like Sneaky whereas he's the one who would totally fuck Ignar or Peanut if he could. Makes me a bit salty, you know?
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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is it wrong to ship a player with another player? cause i think its hot as fuckkk
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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I actively avoid learning about what my favourite players are like in real life, because I know I will probably be disappointed.
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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I remembered when being a gamer was looked down upon... I think now, lcs has really risen and help bring people to see that gaming can be casual and also extremely competitive. I'm happy that lcs is one of the biggest reasons why there is more interest and investment into esports, and that people can now understand how serious gaming gets at times while still having fun. :)
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lcsconfessional · 7 years
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i once trashtalked a proplayer so much that he threatened to beat me up at lcs when he will see me there. When he did, he just looked at me awkwardly and scared, then he left. So, Amazing, where are your balls boy?
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