lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
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“my philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice”
Newt Scamander Moodboard
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
Hayley wasn’t entirely sure how she’d ended up in charge of selling roasted chestnuts from a cart in the freezing cold - something about the law firm’s charity drive - but once she’d put in the time she made a beeline for the speakeasy in the hopes of warming herself up and left the cart in other capable hands for the evening.
Slipping inside she headed straight for the bar to ask for a hot drink, wrapping her arms around herself with a shiver as she waited.  “It’s nice in here,” she observed idly to the people on either side of her stool.  “Glad to see such a good turnout.  You having fun?”
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.。.:*☆ Mera still felt awkward, amongst all those people she did not know, not understanding the purpose of the event, and yet, technically, there was nowhere else to be, either. Unless she wanted to sit in her empty apartment instead.
“How about, I am going to tell you, if I find out?” She asked, fingers playing around with another tinsel she had found while staring at the crowd. “Once I understood the purpose of this all.”
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
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“most people like to drink their troubles away,especially around the holidays. you can’t even image how many people we arrest on the holidays because of being too drunk.” she shook her head and looked at the other. “are you enjoying yourself though?”
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.。.:*☆ “Well, I mean, it is....” How should Wanda word it without sounding ungrateful? Christmas with Tony had mostly be more of a party for those who had no family to celebrate with, and after what happened during the whole incident with Bucky, she had even felt more out of place. “Unusual? Like, I have never been at a party with a dress code before.”
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
@lcnelyxheroes​ for anyone
“Oh dear…I seem to be…underdressed for this event”  Aloth said as he stood in the corner.  “Not sure how I feel about that.” 
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.。.:*☆ “I do not think that is something you should worry about?” Though, Newt could relate, he was feeling very much out of place, as well. “Maybe just enjoy the spirit of holiday season?”
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
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❝ it’s nothing wrong with it ❞ the former droid shook his head. he had just not seen anyone else around here wearing that kind of outfit. what he had seen had mostly all women beautiful dresses ❝ y-you look… ❞ he paused. what did you say to someone you thought look good? he bit on his tongue ❝ b-beautiful? is that the r-right w-word? try to not care what others think, or what other wear ❞ he said with a small smile on his lips.
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.。.:*☆ Dory was usually never caring what others thought, and not only because she usually forgot it five minutes later, anyway. However, the judging looks of some of the other people were still pretty irritating.
“You are right!” She lifted her shoulders, nodding. “It is stupid to think their opinions would be so important, at least when it comes to clothes.... hey! Have you already been trying the punch?”
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
.。.:*☆ tag dump Newt!
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
the uplifting music sent anna’s heart in flight as she spun around with a quick step along the ballroom floor. dancing has never been her forte , and neither has the combination of coordination. and due to that she collided into a waiter that balanced an entire tray of glasses filled with champagne all over an unsuspecting pair. “ sorry , sorry , i’m so sorry !” anna apologized profusely before flying away to try to find napkins . if she ever finds her way to them.
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.。.:*☆ Poe wanted to continue being angry, continue to ask Hux what in the name of the stars was wrong with him, however, that was before the free and also very unwanted shower. It somehow killed every desire to yell again.
“What....?” He blinked, the liquid dripping from his hair and face. “Kriff, you really have no idea what I am talking about, hafve you?” It could also be a trick, of course, but Poe did not expect Hux to be thise evil and clever. Not to mention, it also did not seem to be his style.
“But... you are him, right? You are Hux?”
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
coming back and finding out he had been dead for ten years had been a lot to come to terms with, but having jack here with him made it a lot easier. although he couldn’t help but think about his family, how they had dealt with his death, and what they were doing now. “do you think we’ll ever get back to cardiff?” he asked after he pulled away from jack, keeping his arms around the others waist.
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.。.:*☆ “I am working on it,” A sigh left Jack’s lips as he kept Ianto close, watching the party. “But, I found no loophole yet, and it also seems impossible to contact our team from here. GUess we’ll just have to sit back and wait....”
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
@lcnelyxheroes​ for anyone
“How come’s everyone is all dressed…with like reds and greens and old person looking”  Gil asked bluntly.  
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.。.:*☆ “I think it was the topic of the party?” Makoto replied, slightly shrugging her shoulders. “And while I love the way everyone is dressed, I am not entirely sure how it is connected to Christmas.”
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
@lcnelyxheroes​ for Godric 
Leonardo was sketching the scenery while sipping his wine.  “This isn’t Carnevale but…I will admit I like this style.  Quite new for me”  
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.。.:*☆ “It is actually an odd topic for a Christmas party,” Godric mused. He had been unable to tell what this dressing code meant, and had ended up wearing what he always wore. “But your sketch is enchanting as always.”
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
sam had dressed in a black and red flannel, and a darker wash of jeans than he’d normally wear, so when the guy next to him asked if he was overdressed in his suit and tie, the hunter gestured to himself with a lopsided smile. “as you can see, i’m not the person to ask for fashion advice.” he said. “but– you look fine to me. i think everyone is dressing up for this thing.”
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.。.:*☆ Poe shrugged a helpless shrug, grinning as he did. “I am not the guy for theme parties, not to mention, I also have no clue about the 1920′s on this world, so.... all I really can do is to rely onto the advice of others, you know?”
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
“god forbid.” ianto said, although there was a smirk on his face. he never needed mistletoe around to need an excuse to kiss jack. he had very kissable lips. “merry christmas, jack.” he said, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his lips.
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.。.:*☆ Jack chuckled, holding Ianto close, but throwing the mistletoe away already again. “I just wanted to be cheesy for once, he mumbled, not ready to let the other go yet. “Merry Christmas to you too, Into Jones!”
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
@stcpwatchs​ || closed
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.。.:*☆ “There is a mistletoe. I fear you’ll have to kiss me now.” Of course, it was something Jack had arranged, cheesy as he was. But, it was Christmas, and there was a party, so being a little cheesy could not be too wrong, after all.
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
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“Honestly, I wouldn’t.  They’re all the same - guy or girl who doesn’t believe in Christmas learns a valuable lesson, becomes the nicest man in town, blah blah blah.  If you really want to know what these humans think about Christmas, I’d read Dickens.”
Ruby turned a little, stepping in front of Anna.  “Hey, this is barely a Christmas party.  It’s a decade themed party, and there’s no rule that says you’ve got to be in a couple - or a family.  I’m not, but I’m still here.”  She thought for a moment, and offered her hand.  “But if you’re feeling lonely, how about we dance?”
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.。.:*☆ “Because they do idealize the holidays. I guess. Like, do not get me wrong, but there are no such things like Christmas miracles. It is no magical time, just... another day. Or night. Whatever.”
Anna made a face, only slowly taking Ruby’s hand, feeling like she had already ruined the mood now. “I have never been dancing before, Ruby. I hope you know that.”
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
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Ruby nodded.  “If you hold it above your head, anyway.  You know humans; ninety percent of what they do makes no sense, and the only reason I even know that is because I’ve seen too many Christmas movies.”
Her shoulders moved in a small shrug.  “Parties weren’t really my scene even when I was alive.  But the booze is good, at least.  How about you?  I’m guessing since you’re standing back here in the corner that you’re not really digging this whole thing?”
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.。.:*☆ “Maybe it would have been wise of me to watch a few of those,” Anna made a face. She had not been in the mood, though. Not with bascially everyone giving her a cold shoulder since she came back from the dead.
“To be honest, I did not even wanted to come first. This is a holiday for families, or, at least, couples, and I am not a part of any of those.”
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
the verbal reaction he expected and had already schooled his face into a smirk for whatever blasé insults would be thrown his way. what hux didn’t expect was being shoved by the stranger, pale eyes betraying the fury he dared not to show. “you asked for an opinion,” the redhead pointed out, brushing down his own suit. “if you don’t like honesty, i suggest you keep your mouth shut next time,”
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.。.:*☆ “By the stars, what is even wrong with you?” Poe did not care now that people had started watching them. He was way too angry. “I asked for an opinion, yes, but for sure not yours!” It would be better to calm down again, and Poe knew it, but he just couldn’t.
“You did torture me. And my friends. You bloody killed hundreds of rebels and now you have the guts to come here and act like we would be bloody fucking friends, or what?!?”
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lcnelyxheroes · 5 years
Constantine aesthetic
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