💀 The 💀 Cruel 💀 Truth 💀
63 posts
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
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New mun icons have been created! However I will no longer be here on this particular account anymore. Death has been moved and is located over at @lcnelymccn from now on. That’s where you’ll find me from now on everyone! 
I hope to see you all soon! See you all later now!
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
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“I called your name But you were not the same. And maybe I’m to blame. For I had changed the most of all I almost can’t recall ”
                                    “We met again. But different from before                                     As something less than friends. And                                     maybe it’s too late for us.”
                                                 Indie Private Selective                                               DEATH from the webcomic                                               ‘A Matter of Life and Death’                                                              Penned by                                                              ASTRAL
                                                          Credits: (x)(x)
                                    Personals/Non-Rp Accounts Don’t Reblog  
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
I’ve no fancy promo yet or even wordy promo but you all can find me over at @lcnelymccn now. I’ll make a promo soon lmao but that’s where I am now!!!
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
((My remake is almost finished. I just need to officially make the new account and decide on the url I want to use. Most of the information is finished. I’m just moving bio information over to the theme and plan to rewrite the background once I reread the comic and check the current timeline and add verse descriptions/detail too. Mun icons being remade are still up in the air too.
Remake tags if I decide to do that or use my old ones if I like them enough. Banners are currently a wip as I need to decide on verse names first and what verses are going to be active before making them but I have the general shape of them at least. Something I plan to use for my multi-muse as well when I feel ready to go back to that! 
Anyways it’s morning and I’m gonna be uncultured and eat some frozen carbanara for breakfast while watching Markiplier and then continue on with things here!
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
((Yeah so I’m in the middle of revamping this account! As in, I’m going to make a brand new account as I really need to do that.
Banners for verses and OOC things such as starter calls and headcanons will be made. Going to go over bio and rewrite it to fit with canon. Rules will be updated as well as they’re severely out of date. Tags might get redone not sure yet. Theme is being updated so it doesn’t look so bland to me anymore. I’ll actually flesh out verses as well that I want to explore more with Death too. Url might change back to my previous one too but we’ll see.  
I still like icons and they fit my aesthetic for this theme so they won’t be redone in the slightest. Mun icons are also another thing I’m considering remaking. Keeping shape and all but changing the overlay maybe and just making it fancy? Not sure we’ll see. 
Death will be back eventually. I love him to much to let him go as he’s been a must for almost 2 years now. I’ll definitely try and showcase my love for him more by being here and alive in a dead rpc ;w;
I’ll post a promo to my new account when it’s ready however! Stay tuned!
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
((I’m here to say I plan on well... Remaking my account. I need to. I’ve been gone far too long and i just need to start afresh. When will it happen? Who knows but it’s definitely happening eventually!!! Whole revamp. Pages redone and theme will get a bit of an update. Not sure how it will change but it is getting one. 
We’ll see soon enough but I miss my son and don’t want to move him to my multi-muse in the slightest as I like having an account for this tol lanky bean!!! I’ll make a post when a new account will be made but I dunno if I’ll use this url or my last url that I still have saved! Until then my dudes!
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
((Oh man I’ve been gone a while from here. Sorry about that I’ve been slightly more active on my multi-muse and even then that’s not an awful lot of activity. I’ll try and fix and tweak things here soon and balance my time on both accounts.
For the time being if you need me please catch me over at @astrclisms as I’m on there most of the time when lurking. I’ll get to things here eventually guys I’m just trying to successfully run a multi-muse while surviving in life. Hope you all understand!
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
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Time to get things going again!!!!!! Here’s STARTER CALL for CBKW!!!
This is a starter call for participants of CBKW so do not interact if you’re not part of the group please.
Give the little ♥ a click for a starter or if you’re a side account send me a reply with your account! If you’re a multi-muse with more than one muse in the verse tell me who you want the starter for or if you want it for all muses!
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
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      Notices he’s in a group with SHADOW QUEEN.
      “...Well I’m fucked...”
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
spottedcharms‌ :
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“There’s absolutely no point in panicking or worrying over something that is all but routine to me.”
She shrugged her shoulders at the other, opting to fully face him with a neutral expression on her face. While Shun and the Wardens’ actions did take her by surprise it wasn’t anything that shook her to the core. 
“Until someone gives me a reason to be concerned. Though the chances of that happening are fairly unlikely in my opinion.”`
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      Lips press together at the girls words, even with his seemingly bored expression he was listening to what she had to say. Taking it in before he says anything. “Shame that it is routine for you. No mortal should have to experience something like this in their short lifespan.” 
      His words are spoken calmly as he glances away. Sighing before he continues. “Concern? You mean like until harm comes to your little furry friend Chat?” 
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
stulticaeruleum ‌:
@lcnelymccn liked for a SHATTERED DIMENSIONS starter
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    Lich was outside his dorm arguing with what looked like a younger version of himself. If Death got closer, he might actually be able to hear what they are arguing about. “What do you mean I can’t just go as I am. Is being UNDEAD not original anymore?” 
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    Shato sighed and clenched his fists, obviously trying to avoid hitting the (very) older Night Elf. “Just because you ARE Undead doesn’t give you a pass to be lazy. Get your ass back in there and change into something else. Be a skimpy maid for all I care!” 
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    “Mortal, you are on very thin ice right now. Oh, and don’t worry, I’ll make you WISH I had just been myself.” 
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      The arguing was loud enough to at least grab his attention. Head tilting at the two with an unamused look on his face. A masquerade mask that seem to have an unnecessary amount of feathers on one side was held in one hand as amber hues glance over the two.... people. 
      “Do you two really need to argue over something so trivial?” He ends up questioning to get both of their attention. His free hand hand now resting on his hip. “It’s a costume for Halloween not a wedding. If he wants to be the only one there who looks like they don’t give a fuck then let him.”
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
Ask Box Trick-or-Treat
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Send ‘Trick or Treat!  🎃’ to my inbox and I’ll give you a treat! This could be: a promo graphic, icons, an aesthetic graphic of your muse, a drabble, a photoset of our muses together, a moodboard based on one of our threads, or some other goodie! Happy Halloween!  Let’s celebrate!
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
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v; killingworld
         It’s OVERWHELMING; the acidic scents of marinara sauce & saccharine icing —— but it’s the first sensation that hits you as you slowly open your eyes. This is not your home; this is not the place you belong & you can’t help but wonder —— where the hell are you ? !
         Your eyes forced away from your dreams stare upon the NIGHTMARE that you were surrounded by. A dark room; dust & decay only illuminated by a dingy little lightbulb above your head. Your only hint to your plight being the posters plastered upon the walls; strange animals & children’s drawings upon the rotting paper.
         & then you look down at your hand to see —— a single FLIER.
         ’ Welcome to Circus Baby’s Pizza World, where family fun and interactivity go beyond anything you’ve seen at those other pizza places ! ’
         That was right. You came to this place for some reason. Whether you came for some good family-friendly fun, came for a job offer, came as a dare —— it didn’t matter. You were in this mechanical wonderland now.
         You muster up your courage & exit the room. A pizzeria —— that was certainly clear enough. The little tables adorned with cute little party hats. The scent of pizza wafting through the air. But there was no family-fun in this place. It doesn’t look like anyone had touched this place n YEARS. You wander hopelessly; wondering if you can find any exit —– but will you survive the night ? & each & every night you will spend in this place ?
        Circus Baby’s Pizza World is an open group verse containing elements from the Dangan Ronpa series & the Five Nights at Freddy’s series. Your muse has woken up in an abandoned pizzeria & find themselves unable to escape. Now, your muse along with others finds themselves in a Pizzeria Life of Mutual Killing under Circus Baby.
        Knowledge of either series is NOT required. However, please keep in mind that this group verse will contain triggering elements which will be tagged appropriately.
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
@gxtscaredlater ❤ SC
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      “Rather unfortunate situation everyone seems to be in.” He states to the other while looking at one of the dorm buildings with a look of boredom. A CLAWED finger tip tapping on his arm as he speaks.
      “Besides, even in that case... Not like everyones going to live long enough to see anything else ever again.”
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
@spottedcharms ❤ SC
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      “You seem awfully calm for someone who seems to know how these things work.” The GOD says to the blue haired girl without shame. Hard to forget someone whose stated they did something similar in the past. 
      Karma seemed to have been a bitch to bring them into another one now.
      “How long will that calm facade last?” The question? Risky. But even he knows the ones who appear calm or angry are the ones whose masks tend to crack first in the end.
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lcnelymccn-a2-blog · 6 years ago
@catastrophex ❤ SC
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      “Do they really think a Halloween PARTY is going to end well? Same with a carnival.” He questions the young teen. Attempting to make conversation with him. Being stuck here, might as well speak to people at least. Doesn’t need to become ‘friends’ but even he will get bored and potentially lonely if he doesn’t at least communicate with others. 
      “Personally, I think it’s going to end horribly.” He states, amber eyes glancing down at him as he smiles faintly. “What about you? What do you think?”
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