lazuleilex ยท 7 months
"Y/n, a few kids are getting a bit rowdy on shelf 13. Tell them to quiet down a bit before I go kick them out myself." Your father sighed, heading to the front desk to aid some already lined costumers. It's surprisingly busy this day, its almost suspicious. The library was placed on the farther edge of the city, so not a lot of people are able to come here unless they're simply that desperate for a book, which not a lot of people do. It's usually tourists who come all the way here, asking for directions on how to get on the central part of the city, where Metro Man was. You sucked in a breath before slowly heading to the said shelf number as the playful voices of teenagers began to get louder and louder the closer you got. "This place is boring, Annie. Where's Metro Man? There isn't even a cute aesthetic here! Just books." A blonde girl whined. More like yelled, actually. One of her friends grumbled, annoyed. "Well it's a library for Christ's sake. The hell do you expect, Tina?" And then a whole argument began as they started to blame each other for every little thing. You slumped. This is ridiculous. And a small part of you can guess that once you let your presence known and tell them to quiet down, they simply won't listen. They're teenagers, after all. They all go through that stage. You did, too. But you're not gonna bother remembering all that again. Quite a nightmare. And its not like you'll let your dad kick these poor kids out like rats. Alright. All you have to do is speak up. They may be loud, but loud people are pretty chill sometimes, too. You cleared your throat, stopping their bickering momentarily. "Excuse me ladies, if it's alright, can you keep it down a bit?" You mutter, seeing the kids look at each other for a few seconds before nodding. "Sorry, miss." One of them answers in a whisper as they began to bicker once more. This time notably quieter than the last. You shrugged. It was better than nothing, after all.
You moved on to the library's center. It was a mess. Books scattered all over from past visitors. "Gosh, do people nowadays not know how to clean up after themselves?" you muttered under you breath as you began to pick up some fallen literatures off the carpet before touching with another hand. You squeaked, surprised by the sudden contact as your eyes moved up. It was a man. Metro Man. He wasn't in his usual hero attire everyone was so used to seeing every day. He was more, well, civilized. Less flashy. He gave you a lopsided grin before picking up some books himself, placing them over a wooden table. "Sorry. It's all my fault. Got caught." He chuckled, but you couldn't respond from the shock of him being here. "Caught....?" You managed to muster up. "Caught." He grinned before continuing, "I visit this part of the city often. Just for a change of pace in my life. It's much more quiet than that of the central part, but someone caught me visiting one night and now everyone's following behind. I'm really sorry." He sighed, grabbing a few more books over as you were still left there dumbfounded. "Uh, I....I promise I'll be more careful. If Blue-y were to catch on with this and starts another little rampage again, I don't know how to forgive myself." You gulped at that thought. Megamind never really paid mind to this part of the city. He personally said it was boring and plain, that he wouldn't even bother to handle the acres of land here. Though an insult, you're rather thankful this place bores him. Safe. You cleared your throat, not wanting to be compared to his oogling fans. Wait, what? You? "N-no. You don't have to apologize, it's not your fault. I mean, even I didn't notice myself that you were here. Do you think they'd leave on their own, though?" You asked, refusing to make eye contact with the infamous man in front of you in fear of drowning in them. There's no doubt this man was handsome. Good looking. And from what you're witnessing, a pretty decent guy. You've seen him countless of times on TV, saving people and receiving countless of awards, even when he was still starting off as one. It'd be a lie to say you didn't imagine yourself being the damsel in distress he saves every once in a while. You wanted to flush those feelings out already. He's literally right in front of you! "I...I don't know, really. Citizens are a bit unpredictable, but I'll try to sight myself in other places." He says, shrugging, a bit unsure himself in the decision he was making. It was a sight. The hero know-it-all doesn't have an answer to bring on such a low ended problem. You couldn't help yourself from laughing. "Well, I hope that works, sir. But, I am a bit curious. What about this place makes you want to visit so much? Y-you don't have to answer if you don't want to, really." You wanted to smack your head so hard that instant. He already mentioned it moments ago that he liked the scenery! He chuckled, looking away before leaning closer to you. You were facing to the side and he followed, his lips brushing your ears before blowing air out towards them. You flinched, surprised by his action as you covered your ear with your palm.
Your eyes finally met his, awaiting an explanation only to see him grin. "I liked the scenery." He replied, finally moving away and straightening his posture. "The air feels much more cleaner. Refreshing. Feels as if I'm not Metro Man. Just an ordinary, random citizen." "Seems like someone's tired of being Metro Man." You blurted out, quickly covering your mouth and apologizing, saying that it was never meant to be some kind of an insult if he takes it as that. "Ha...that obvious, huh?" He sighs, crossing his arms over his chest as if to protect himself from something. "Keep it a secret between us two, okay? It's...been getting exhausting without reason sometimes and I just...well...?" "You don't have to explain yourself. I get it. You shouldn't be ashamed of that. It's fine." You state, trying your best to brush comfort on the man in front of you. He nods, "Thanks. And uh, I'm gonna go. I think your library's getting even busier by the second." "Well, I'll have to thank someone here for that, yeah?" He laughs, waving you goodbye before leaving. A few days later you see an article online stating that Metro Man often visits the town on the opposite side of the city from where you lived. You couldn't help but chuckle, knowing the reason why. It made you feel somewhat special. Days pass by a blur and once you know it, he's back again.
And again.
And again.
This day in another one of his different outfits. His hair is down messily, as if he just got out of bed. The deep blue eyes you secretly drown in, now a forest green by the contacts he wore. "Do you seriously think that outfit is gonna change anything?" You chuckled, covering your mouth to stop yourself from letting out a louder giggle. Metro Man grinned, raising a curious brow at you as he leaned in closer from the front desk, resting his arm over it. "Why? Am I still just as handsome as ever?" He asked, practically challenging you to just say it.
Say you're attracted to him just as much as he is to you.
More than you would ever know. You shook your head,
"Nope. Just as ridiculous as ever." You say light heartedly, making him let out a breathy chuckle,
"Ouch, my ego. You wound me."
Though you tried to remain nonchalant, his charm and playful expression was having it's effect. There was an ease between you now, born from his now frequent visits that had become a highlight of your days.
"So what brings Metro Man skulking around in disguise this time?" you asked, leaning back with him on the desk. "Hiding from more adoring fans?"
He sighed dramatically. "God, seems like my true identity has been uncovered once again. Yes, I came here for the books. Maybe they'll give me some advice or guidance."
You chuckled. "Well, the self-help section is over there. Though I'm not sure even they have advice for superhero exhaustion."
"Yeah, maybe not." His gaze softened, meeting yours. "But simple company can be helpful too. If the librarian isn't too busy, that is."
Your heart fluttered, turning your head to check the time.
8:14 PM. Looks like enough time to spend before closing, you thought.
"I think I can squeeze in a few minutes," you said, smiling.
"Great!" says Metro Man with a beaming smile. "So, anything new around here? About you? Any exciting stories to share?"
As you give him an update on the latest library happenings, practically blabbering about anything that comes to mind as the two of you head over somewhere around the library with less prying eyes, you see the tension visibly leaving his broad shoulders. It's clear he enjoys these quiet moments of normalcy.
These conversations have been the usual routine whenever he visits the library, some light and deep conversations slipping from each of your lips, equally connecting the dots from each topic that surfaces between the hero and librarian.
"It must be difficult, shouldering the weight of the whole city," you offer gently.
He sighs. "You have no idea. Sometimes I just want to be...ordinary?"
Reaching out, you give his arm a reassuring squeeze. "You can always be normal here. No need for disguises - you're welcome just as you are. Well, I guess a little disguise won't hurt. Wouldn't want last time to happen again, but you get what I mean, right?"
His eyes widen slightly, then soften with gratitude. "Thank you, Y/N. That means more than you know."
Just then, your father calls for help at the front desk, making you let out a sorry sigh. "Duty calls, but feel free to browse as long as you like." you say with a smile.
As you walk away, Wayne calls softly, "Y/n? For what it's worth...around here I feel most ordinary when I'm with you."
Your heart skips, turning your head around to hide the blush rising from your face, muttering out an "O-Oh, o-okay." before speeding off back to your working space.
As you finish helping the last patron at the front desk, Metro Man emerges from the shelves, books in hand. "Find anything good?" you ask with a smile as you check them out.
"A few that caught my interest. I may or may not have already read them years ago, but y'know." he replies, returning your smile warmly. You notice the tightness have left his shoulders, a relaxed expression spreading along his face.
On a whim, you say "Well, if even the books bore you as much, should we head out now? It's close to closing. I'm sure this time my father wouldn't be meddling usโ€”well me, anymore."
The man in front of you smiles, brightening up the space. "I'd love to, thanks." You nod, grinning ecstatically as you see him turn around, his back facing you before walking away.
It'll be half an hour before your shift finally ends, making it feel like forever now that he's waiting for you. Just as the clock finally hits 9, you bolt and stealthily head on over to the corner Metro Man was staying at.
You practically hurried him out of the library, avoiding your father like the plague as you go. "God, I feel like I'm back in my teens again." You huffed, memories surfacing back from the past where you used to sneak out of your family's humble home to watch late night movies with your friends. But suppose this time was different. You weren't technically sneaking out. You're a grown woman and your shift already ended, and you just wanted to leave already to avoid your old father's never ending yaps. Too deep in your own thoughts, you almost couldn't hear the brunette man beside you snicker, "In a sense that you're hiding your boyfriend?" He asks, waiting eagerly for a witty response to come out of you, only for him to see you look away and blush ever so slightly. That was enough of a reward for him. He cleared his throat, beginning to walk away with you beside him. "So...where to?" โ”Œโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ€ขโœงโ€ข โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”.
Ending this a bit to here since the next part would be, um,
Interesting. IYKWIM
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lazuleilex ยท 8 months
Metro Man x Fem!Reader
โ•ญโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹… โ‹… โ”€โ”€ โœฉ โ”€โ”€ โ‹… โ‹… โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ•ฎ Anyhow, I'm just moving some on my stuff from PoeAi over to here, I may continue it if I can. Enjoy :P
โ•ฐโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹… โ‹… โ”€โ”€ โœฉ โ”€โ”€ โ‹… โ‹… โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ•ฏ
"Excuse me, beautiful, do you know where the music section was at again?" Wayne, a consistent regular in your family's library, asked. The fingers of his large hand gently tapping the counter you worked on inside, a sly grin spreading across his face as his icy blue eyes moved faintly across your body, so much so you wouldn't notice. It wasn't everyday that you met Wayne, just coincidentally at times when it's your turn to work at the front desk. It was just that for every visit he had, he'd always ask the same question, sometimes changing up a bit, saying something else that's still synonymous to the phrase, 'Where's the music section?'. You don't exactly remember when he first came here. The closest would have been when....Metro Man died.
Your mind wandered to memories of days past, as it often did in quiet moments. You remembered Metro Man's visits - how he would chat with you for hours under the guise of browsing books, making you laugh with his witty jokes and charm. The first time you exchanged words, you thought of the worst. Maybe some wonder boy who's here for a late night booty call, hidden away from his status as an all-so-noble hero of Metro City. Much to your surprise, he wasn't. There was an earnest kindness in his eyes that used to give you flutters, thoughts of how his eyes would feel looking down at you under covers where no one else but you two would know about.
But those days were long gone now. Metro Man had sacrificed himself to save the city, leaving only bittersweet recollections in his wake. The city had moved on under Megamind's leadership, but some wounds still ached. You snapped your head back to reality, attention back to the present, where Megamind had a change of heart, peace back to Metro City.
Oh, and also Wayne waiting for you to lead him to the music section of the library. "Crap, sorry, Wayne, Hold on," You muttered, walking out of the counter as you two walked together to that specific section. There was something soothing in his company that set your mind at ease. Maybe the thought of Metro Man was making you unable to take your eyes off of Wayne. There was a resemblance, after all. Too bad he noticed your eyes too quick. "Like what you see?" He snickered, teasingly. Your lips thinned, a bit embarrassed from getting caught. "No, I just...Just..." "Just what?" He interrupted, enjoying the fact that he was making you all flustered. "You just look like someone." You finally answered, straining yourself from your face flushing in front of him. That made his head tilt. "Someone?" He asked. Heat rose from your cheeks as a reminder of your thoughts about Metro Man surfaced, you cute little 'dreams' about him and what-not. "Metro Man." Wayne paused, looking back at you, smirking, "Do I?". You shrugged, just wanting this conversation to end as quickly as it started. "Yes. Now, music section. We're already here." you state, grabbing a wheeler near by to clean up some books customers left behind. You sighed, looking back at him, still standing still from where you left him momentarily. "Now, don't change the subject. Just what about me strikes you to think of Metro Man? His charm? Looks? Body?" "Wayne...." You mutter embarrassingly as you gently placed some books back on their shelves. "What? Just asking. Never expected you to be interested in a hero." Wayne chuckled, pulling out a random book, flipping it's pages absentmindedly, but also as if in thought. "And what do you mean by that?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest, making Wayne to let out a choked laugh. "Listen, tiny, don't get me wrong, but I really thought you'd be more into cool guys. You know. Like me." He grinned, satisfied from his own words. However, there was a hint of nervousness laced up tightly behind his lips. An uncertainty? You couldn't pin point it, only responding with a raised eyebrow. "You're a cool guy? The same guy that always magically forgets the location of the music section in this already small library?"
"How mean. Is it that hard to understand a man's intentions?" "Intentions? If it's for the intent to read, then I see nothing." Wayne let out a loud, long sigh before shaking his head and mumbling something to himself. "Tiny, you still know nothing about flirting now, do you?". You almost spat out a non-existing drink from you lips as you looked back at him, dumbfounded. "Don't tell me you're just finding out." He continues and when he saw your expression, he lets out another frustrated sigh. "You didn't think my words and how I'm literally here 24/7, was flirting?" You shook your head. For all you know, he was probably just some player, but damn. This feels somewhat nostalgic. When was it again? You took a moment of thinking before finally arriving at the thought destination in your brain. It was another memory of Metro Man back when he was still visiting. A memory you just want to get over with already, but it's still eating at you every night. I'll be making a PART II for this because tumblr said it was too large to fit in one blog so :"( I'll put the link here soon __________________________________ PART II
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