Laya Nequam
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Name: Laya Nequam Age: 24 Wiccan - Phoenix Demisexual #layathedarkone NSFW Multiverse Triggers(all tagged) Read about and rules before interacting.
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
A Life With You || Oliver x Laya
Oliver couldn’t help the deep exhale that left his lips, the sound of pure relief. He still moved slowly, but didn’t stop until he was pressed inside of her to the hilt, giving a soft moan of her name. “Goddamn…” he panted softly. “So tight… so damn good….” He crooned, giving slow rolls of his hips against hers.
Laya noticed the exhale and smiled, chuckling softly. “That worried, huh?” She kissed him softly.
As he pushed in deeper she moaned, and her abs shook at the feeling. She was so full. When he moved against her, her back arched. “K-keep doing that...” She could feel the coil inside of her tighten, she desperately wanted to cum again.
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
Captive | Draco + Carey
The three looked up at him as he entered, the boys looking tired, Hermione still looking apologetic.
“I’m still so sorry, Carey.” Hermione spoke softly. “I really hope I didn’t cause you any trouble with her.”
Ron stood, pacing beside the window, Harry’s eyes tracking him but making no moves to calm him down. He could tell he was angry, but he didn’t know what they expected them to do about this situation.
“This whole thing’s ridiculous.” He threw his hands up. “Like there wasn’t enough going on.”
“Ron, he can’t exactly help the situation.”
“But we need you on this, on our side!” Ron exclaimed, looking at Carey. “Having you and your family… but you can’t exactly be with us when you’re bloody glued to Malfoy!”
“We have a plan, Ron.” Harry sighed, chin in his hands.
“And who’s to say Malfoy has anything?” Ron threw his hands up. “Who’s to say she knows a damn thing?! She’s a bloody sixteen year old girl. Her father is clearly a fuck up. Why would they give her any information at all? She could have nothing and all the while we lose one of the only things that could keep us alive because he’s following around a Death Eater like a love sick puppy!”
Carey walked over to Hermione, smiling softly. “It’s fine. I’m over it now, alright? I promise. I’m not mad at you. I...” He sighed, “I can’t control it right now. I’ll get there.”
Carey looked up as Ron started talking out of his ass. He always freaked out over the little things. At the last words, Carey growled and very quickly closed the space between him and Ron. “I am not a love sick puppy. That girl sleeping on the bed right now is my soulmate. This isn’t a fucking game Ron. This is my life.” He growled again, trying to control himself, his fists clenched, “Let me make something perfectly clear to you, I am not choosing sides. I have been fighting along with you for years now. You really think so little of me that I would just stop that because of my soulmate? I know she’s on the wrong side of things, but do you really think that was her choice? You’re telling me you wouldn't do the same thing for your mother? That you wouldn’t sacrifice yourself? Oh, or maybe you’re too much of a coward that you would crumble. I don’t know how you managed to get into Gryffindor when all you ever do is run with your tail between your legs.”
With that, Carey walked away, heading back to the room where Draco slept. He would watch over her. He didn’t trust Ron one bit not to mess with her. He hated her more than anyone in the room.
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
A Life With You || Oliver x Laya
Oliver was overwhelmed with relief when she gave him permission to move, the blonde groaning lowly. He was holding back, the last thing he wanted was to hurt her, but it was taking all his concentration not to thrust in fully.
He kissed along her jaw as he slipped in further, still slow, still so gentle, only a few more inches, repeating the motion of shallow thrusts, letting her get used to the deeper intrusion.
Laya whimpered as he pushed in, but there was no pain, just the pleasure of him inside of her. She moved, cupping his cheeks to kiss him deeply. “I...I should be fine can push all the way in if you’d like. The pain is gone.”
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
Captive | Draco + Carey
Draco was taken back by the soft, gentle smile, once again feeling her heart flutter, the butterflies in her stomach.
As he spoke, she felt the soft, warm pull at her once more, just as it has before back on the beach when she’d been so terrified. But now she was comfortable, soft and warm, curled into his sweater that smelled so much like him - like earl gray and honey, like the smoke from a warm fire in a hearth, like grass after rain.
She fell asleep easily, without trouble, immediately slipping into dreams of warm arms wrapped around her, promising her safety.
Carey watched as she fell asleep, still smiling as her shoulders relaxed.
He could tell that she felt safe and calm. “Sweet dreams, princess.” He whispered, before kissing her forehead.
He stood, putting out the candle and walking out of her room. He spotted the others and walked over, “She’s sleeping now.”
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
A Life With You || Oliver x Laya
Oliver pressed a gentle kiss to her lips, then her jaw, giving her slow, her shallow thrusts, just slipping in a little farther before pulling back. “I’m gonna let you get used to it, okay?” He hummed softly. “You let me know when you’re ready for more.”
Laya nodded, her breathing deepening. She could feel her walls clenching in resistance, not used to the intrusion.
She told herself to just relax, to let the pleasure wash over her.
It took quiet a few more strokes until her body gave in, her walls relaxing. She sighed, her head falling back as she moaned deeply. “M-More...please...”
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
Captive | Draco + Carey
She let him guide her, let him help her into the bed. There was something oddly comforting about it, something so soft and sweet, gentle. She felt safe. And she knew she shouldn’t.
As he laid a gentle hand on her, she did as he said, even as vulnerable as she felt, and looked up, her grey eyes meeting his green.
When their eyes met, Carey smiled. He was happy yo do this for her, overjoyed even. He wanted to make sure she got the rest she needed.
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
Captive | Draco + Carey
Draco looked back up at him, brow furrowing.
She’d done research on the Phoenix, having learned Carey would be attending Hogwarts at the same time she did. But even documentation on the full extent of their powers was limited. She forgot just how powerful he and his clans were.
“That would… be nice.” She responded stiffly, though she couldn’t hide her relief.
Carey smiled softly at her, “I won’t harm you. I’ll make sure no nightmares plague you.” He gently guided her to bed, tucking her in.
Making sure she was comfortable, he brought his hand up to her head. “Look at me for a moment, and I’ll put you to sleep.”
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
A Life With You || Oliver x Laya
Once she assured him, giving her permission, Oliver moved slowly, carefully, feeling her give way as he slowly pushed forward, feeling her tight entrance slowly engulf the head of his cock. He groaned lowly, forcing himself not to thrust forward into the tight heat.
“Fuck…” he groaned through clenched teeth, looking up at her, checking for her reaction. “You okay, baby?”
Laya whimpered, her hands gripping at his arms as he pushed into her. She never felt anything like this...
She felt a little pain as he pushed in deeper, causing her to wince. She was sure she could taste cooper. She nodded, “I-I am. It feels weird.”
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
Captive | Draco + Carey
Draco scoffed at his response. “Like hell it’s none of my concern.” She spat, raising her arms, the sleeves dangling past her hands. “I’m the one bloody wearing it.”
As he made his way out the door, she paused before softly saying, “Wait.” She waited for him to turn to gave her, the blonde looking down and away from him, biting her cheek. “Do you have a vial of Dreamless Sleep? I… have a hard time sleeping without it.”
Carey stopped before he moved out of the room, turning to look at her.
He noticed her expression, how worried she seemed. He sighed, “I don’t but....but I could help. I can put you to sleep. If you’d like at least sweet dreams, I can give you those. There will be no nightmares.”
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
Captive | Draco + Carey
Draco softened a bit at that, at the image of him helping a little girl do her hair. It was a precious picture.
“Well , you’ve made a mistake showing me what you can do now.” She teased with a soft laugh. “I’m going to force you to do my hair all the time.”
She paused then, realizing that the whole situation had gotten chummy much to fast for her liking. “So, care to explain what just happened?” She asked, tone cool, hands on her hips. “With the sweater?”
Carey chuckled, a blush on his cheeks.
He would love nothing more than to do her hair every day. He would make her look even more stunning than she already was.
At her question, he looked at her, eyes slightly wide before he cleared his throat, walking past her. “It’s none of your concern.” He moved towards the door, not wanting to tell her who she was to him, not now.
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
A Life With You || Oliver x Laya
“Okay.” He answered, tone soft and sincere. “As long as you’re sure that’s what you want.”
He kissed her deeply, gently guiding her thighs on either side of his hips, one hand on her waist, the other gripping his length, guiding it against her. The head pressed to her entrance, he paused, blue eyes meeting her green. “You ready?” He asked softly. “I’ll stop right now if ya change your mind.”
Laya’s heart started to race, but she breathed deeply, wanting to keep calm.
Gods, she wanted this.
She moved, kissing him back. She could feel him against her, her body wanting to give way. She nodded quickly, “Yes. Yes, I’m ready.”
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
A Life With You || Oliver x Laya
Oliver couldn’t help his warm laugh at her words, burying his face in the crook of her neck. “What’a way with words.” He teased her softly, kissing her lips gently. Still chuckling, he said, “Imma give you the choice, alright? Do you want me on top? Or would you rather be on top? If you wanna be on top and kinda be in control of things, I don’t mind.”
Laya laughed at his words, “I’m sorry I didn’t know what else to say!” She continued laughing, feeling a little embarrassed, but happy.
She looked up at him, before giving a hum. “H-Honestly since this is my first time, I want you on top. I worry that if I do it I’ll get too nervous.”
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
Captive | Draco + Carey
Draco could feel as he did her hair for her, the movements smooth and gentle, never once pulling.
At his words, she turned and looked at the mirror on the far side of the room, taking in the perfectly done pony tail, her platinum hair in soft, beautiful curls.
She turned and looked back at him, her surprise clear. “Where in the world did you learn to do that?” She asked with a soft laugh.
Carey shrugged, smiling softly, “Honestly, you’d be surprised how many little ones wind up messing their hair at the mansion. I’d always help them.”
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
Captive | Draco + Carey
Draco paused, taking in Carey’s expression, the look of relief, his soft smile.
She felt her heart flutter at the smile and then immediately looked away, clenching her jaw. But she followed him without hesitation back to the room, hoping that maybe she could get some sleep.
She turned, his question taking her by surprise, showing on her pale features. She paused but then, after a beat, managed a nod.
Why did she trust him? Why did his warm smile make her feel safe? She was quite literally his prisoner.
“As long as you don’t rip it out.” She muttered, no fire in her tone.
Carey chuckled at her words, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Her hair was too beautiful to ever just want to rip it out. He walked over to her, moving behind her as he lifted his wand, moving it slowly as her hair moved into a ponytail. He worked the ends, moving it upwards to give her gentle curls.
He smiled as he finished, tucking his wand away. “Done. I gave it a little extra. I hope you don’t mind.”
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
A Life With You || Oliver x Laya
Giving another warm chuckle, Oliver slowly kissed up her body, kissing her hip bones, her stomach, taking a moment to worship her breasts before kissing back up her neck.
“It took me a while to realize how good of a thing sex can be.” He hummed softly. “But if you’re with a good partner, it can be amazin’.” He kissed her softly, lovingly, gently brushing her hair from her face. “I hope I can always make you feel good like that, darlin’.”
Laya gave a hum, reaching up to cup his cheek as they kissed. “I imagine you will. We’re perfect for each other.” She kissed him again, sweetly. Taking a deep breath, she looked up at him, “I uh....I suppose this is the moment where uh....” She chuckled nervously, “I guess you put your dick in me.” She said, laughing, “I’m sorry! I don’t know how else to put it!”
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
Captive | Draco + Carey
“No, no, it’s okay, Carey.” Hermione said softly, gently laying a hand on his arm. “I should have realized - I just didn’t think about it, but I should have. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any more stress.
Still confused and definitely frustrated, Draco pulled the sweater off over her head before pulling on Carey’s, grumbling under her breath as she did so.
It did smell nice though…
Moving back toward the door, she paused, managing to make out tidbits of their words.
Control. Possession.
Granger apologized again.
What in Salazar’s name was happening here?
She jerked open the door, Carey’s sweater swallowing her even more then Harry’s had.
She all but threw the sweater at Hermione. “Satisfied?”
“Thank you.” Hermione sighed softly, hoping the sight of her in his clothing would calm him fully. She dug around in the bag then, pulling out a hair tie and offering it to Draco. “If you’d like to put your hair up.”
Draco scowled at the offensive elastic offered to her, inspecting it for curly brown hairs. “Have you worn it?”
“I’m not sure. I’ve got-,”
“Then no.” She spat at her.
Hermione sighed, putting up her hands in surrender before looking back at Carey. “She’s all yours.” She grumbled, leaving the two of them alone once more.
Carey’s head moved quickly to Draco, taking in the sight of her wearing his sweater. He smiled.
He sighed, smile still in place as Hermione left, the girl clearly frustrated with the other. He stood, guiding Draco back to the room.
He took out his want, “Ah, would you like if I put your hair up for you? I can make a tie, if you’d like.”
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layathedarkone · 3 years ago
A Life With You || Oliver x Laya
Oliver didn’t let up as she came, wanting her to feel every ounce of pleasure he could give her. He had to fight against grinding against her bed, his length so painfully hard from her sounds and her expression alone.
As her grip on his hair loosened, as he felt her thighs unclench, he slowed his movements before gently pulling his fingers from her, pressing soft, gentle kisses to her thighs and hips, letting her bask in her afterglow for a moment.
Laya continued to cry out as he continued, shaking her head, the pleasure almost too much.
The girl’s breathing was deep, but calm. She felt....serene. She chuckled softly, “Wow, and to think there’s more than just that.”
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