laworlegal · 5 days
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Tomorrow is the LIVE 1 Day knowledge share on law versus LEGAL that I offer. It's only the 3rd time I've done this in 3 years so grab one of the 100 private spots NOW!
GRAB A SEAT: https://laworlegal.com/event
I prefer to do these privately so I don't get my sites and socials shut down again!
To join us, make sure you are registered using the link below.
GRAB A SEAT: https://laworlegal.com/event
Everyone can either show up at 9am EST SHARP tomorrow or watch the replay when it's available.
This knowledge needs to be learned and shared widely for you and for future generations.
Check out all of the testimonials so far: https://airtable.com/appNL5YOQlGSFR5as/shrGsJ4KQneq9tM5P
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laworlegal · 5 days
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So many people have been experiencing success after learning the difference between law and LEGAL. Including myself when my mom hurt her knee. (story below) HOW? Law is the original, LEGAL is the clone.
There is a reason that “they” are hiding law.
GRAB A SEAT AT SATURDAY's LIVE Class: https://lawOrLEGAL.com/event
It’s because law protects your rights and freedoms forever.
LEGAL only provides benefits and privileges that can be taken away at any time.
CASE STUDY: My mom fell and fractured her knee and couldn't walk. Into the hospital she went. After the first night there, she told me:
"I didn't get any sleep, they bothered me all night to check vitals every hour."
Being that I know law (and that your body needs sleep in order to heal) I opened my phone and started drafting an email using law.
I looked up the name of the man who acts as CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER and sent the email around 9am. Within 10 minutes, I had a reply and an entourage of people at my mother's room asking if I had any requirements.
I explained that I REQUIRE (not request) the following:
I REQUIRE the paperwork that my mother requested over 36 hours ago to be delivered immediately (they had it in their hands).
I REQUIRE that my property (in this instance my mother) to be left alone between the hours of 10pm and 6am unless she rings the bell.
I REQUIRE that the staff on that floor be advised to never tell me that I cannot bring healthy organic food and drink to my mother
I forget what else I REQUIRED of my servants but they couldn't crawl up our buttholes fast enough and even offered my mother a massage in the hospital. LOL
You see, that man acting as a LEGAL OFFICER got real nervous that little 'ol me knows law. And that I used lawful language and not LEGAL language.
My mother had the BEST stay in that hospital and when it came time to move her to rehab, I put Aetna on notice and the rehab on notice. (Wait until you hear THOSE stories lmao)
I'm dusting off my 1 Day law vs LEGAL event (LIVE, then it's recorded).
There is a small cost and seats are very limited.
GRAB A SEAT: https://lawOrLEGAL.com/event
Are You Ready To Learn How To Remove ALL Controversy & Complaints From The Legal World Without Needing A Lawyer But Don't Know Where To Start? All You Need Is law.
This Knowledge Will Simplify All The Noise Online And Cut Right To The Chase Without Any Complicated Paperwork Or Status Change Or Legal Knowledge Needed.
When: This Saturday
Where: Online via Zoom
Time: 9am - 3pm EST
"Those In Government Do NOT Want You To Know This"
This knowledge may get shut down due to the sensitivity of the subject, book your seat now before this information is censored.
Register your seat as we only have 100 available worldwide!
GRAB A SEAT: https://lawOrLEGAL.com/event
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laworlegal · 6 days
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Look at what one of our class students said and did after learning the difference between law and LEGAL:
"This is amazing! It's so exciting! It feels so good! As you know I dove into the knowledge and it made perfect sense. 
It's a great feeling to have that kind of victory ($26k restored) because not only does the knowledge resonate when you're learning it but then to be able to go out and use it and be effective in the world is it's just an unbelievable feeling of elation and strength.
And I feel like I have so much power and I feel so empowered to help myself and my loved ones, and put our public servants in their places. ~Shaina Scott"
You too can join our 3rd class ever on Saturday for only $97 for the day and learn how to hold your own court using law instead of LEGAL.
Join here: https://laworlegal.com/event
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laworlegal · 6 days
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Who's coming to class on Saturday? It's only $97 for the day.
You too can join our 3rd class ever on Saturday and learn how to hold your own court using law instead of LEGAL.
So many success stories still pouring in from around the world.
Join here: https://laworlegal.com/event
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laworlegal · 7 days
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We're holding a PRIVATE class LIVE on Saturday for the 3rd time only in 3 years! Did you grab a spot yet? It's only $97 for the day. Join us and learn the difference between law and LEGAL.
I'll share what I've written to express my own law using notices to shut down harm and receive remedy using only EMAIL so far.
Grab one of the 100 spots here: https://laworlegal.com/event
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laworlegal · 7 days
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The FIRST success that happened (when I had only studied law vs LEGAL for about 4 months) was when a friend got $65k restored in under 24 hours using 1 notice sent via email.
That's right, one notice, one 10pm email, resulted in a phone call the next day with my friend saying "we could kiss you through the phone! They are restoring all of it plus the NSF fees and backing off!"
So let me get this straight, little ol' Jen, with her 30 years of marketing experience and 2 year architectural degree shut down a WHOLE legal firm full of lawyers and partners IN ONE DAY?!?
Very interesting indeed. 🤔
And this was back in January of 2021 before I really got into the knowledge.
If you'd like to feel this powerful and confident when speaking to those who want to harm you, join us for our LIVE 1 day intensive event THIS SATURDAY ONLY.
Grab your spot here: https://lawOrLEGAL.com/event
See you on Zoom
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laworlegal · 8 days
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Got your seat? 4 days left to get on the list!
I'm holding my 3rd EVER one day intensive class on law vs LEGAL.
Last two were Dec 2021 and March 2024. I rarely do these.
The first one was in person and people flew in from all over the country. This one is virtual so you don't even have to leave home.
But get one of the 100 spots. They're going fast! And the last 72 hours everyone scoops them up!
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laworlegal · 8 days
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"Hey Patriot, I know you’re out there every day fighting for your freedoms. I see you out there, questioning, sharing information and maybe even saying the occasional “Hell no!”
In fact, as a US Citizen, you likely assume you’re entitled to certain unalienable rights (or constitutional rights) that our government has a sworn duty to uphold. Right?!?
But what if the very definition of citizen really means you’ve consented to leaving your rights behind in exchange for only benefits and privileges? (Psst… It does.)
The truth is, you ARE endowed by your creator with rights…more rights than you can possibly imagine, in fact. But your citizenship, your social security number, even your birth certificate, have relegated you to low man on the proverbial totem pole. 
Unless, that is, you understand how to sidestep (actually, step up above) the whole corrupt system. And that’s exactly what this 1 day event is going to reveal.
I’m going to be sharing what I have learned from my mentors around the world over the past 30 years.
I am going to show you how to master the knowledge you need to live TRULY FREE (and with honor).
Tell me this:
Do you own property you want to protect without consequence or arrest?
Are you still participating in the “legal” system, thinking you have a fair chance?
Are you still paying taxes because you think you have to?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, this training is a MUST. 
[SECURE YOUR SEAT NOW] https://lawOrLEGAL.com/event
When: This Saturday, @ 9am (EST) Where: Online via Zoom
=> You'll walk away with a true understanding of the difference between law (the original system) and LEGAL (the clone) => You'll understand which titles are better than others => You'll hear me read MY notices that got remedy 100% of the time just using 1 email => You'll learn how to find the RIGHT people to send notices to => You'll hear other success stories from students who started using law instead of LEGAL
[SECURE YOUR SEAT NOW] https://lawOrLEGAL.com/event
Forward this to Your Fellow Warriors
See you there."
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laworlegal · 13 years
thatJENgirl: Eating the Red Bullet. Ah-may-zing (@ The Valley Stables) http://t.co/2vLQ0ktY http://ow.ly/1eJjXe
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laworlegal · 13 years
thatJENgirl: I'm at The Valley Stables (Oakland) http://t.co/BKFkQcv0 http://ow.ly/1eIkPz
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laworlegal · 13 years
thatJENgirl: I'm at Elm Street Grill (Oakland) http://t.co/c0Pp04l http://ow.ly/1eDzXM
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laworlegal · 13 years
thatJENgirl: I'm at The Valley Stables (Oakland) http://t.co/TpJu3Kw http://ow.ly/1eDoiK
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laworlegal · 13 years
thatJENgirl: @ChickBrewing Single beer would have my vote http://ow.ly/1eCS63
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laworlegal · 13 years
thatJENgirl: I'm at The Valley Stables (Oakland) http://t.co/BuHdO6u http://ow.ly/1eBLtL
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laworlegal · 13 years
thatJENgirl: I'm at The Valley Stables (Oakland) http://t.co/stFizSM http://ow.ly/1eAVeo
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laworlegal · 13 years
thatJENgirl: I just unlocked the Adventurer badge on @foursquare! http://t.co/nICMHqk http://ow.ly/1eAVep
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laworlegal · 13 years
thatJENgirl: I'm at OaklandNJFlood.com (Oakland) http://t.co/zr4fmet http://ow.ly/1ezrbg
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