It’s frightening; the thought of you letting me go.
TanyaChristelle (via wnq-writers)
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Recovery is not some pill that you take & magically things get better.
Your traumas, understandably, have over-activated your body’s survival system, and the ONLY ANSWER IS FOR YOU to re-calibrate them: all those hormones involved in depression & anxiety.
You just need to accept, the Absolutely Truth, in what I am going to tell you.
This is called “classic conditioning”; Psy 101. Pavlov’s Dog: but the bell you will program will be the smell of lavender (candles, incense, bath salts, oils, etc.) and the result/saliva will be “body relaxing back to CENTERED.”
BELL = lavender smell (your daily individualized centering rituals)
SALIVA = trained body to re-calibrate hormones to CENTERED
There is no better recovery gift I can give you.
Keep reading
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… and what else are you going to do? 
That’s what our COVENtion is about.  What are you willing to do?
Will you sign another #LAVENDER sisters petition?
Morton County Illegally Strip Searching Lakotas Opposing Pipeline
or are you going to require that I spend two days arguing every point with you bc to be honest, the benefit vs. work isn’t worth it. 
Are you going to join UltraViolet?
or are you going to complain that UltraViolet spams you with feminist propaganda everyday.  Poor baby, is the worst thing in your life, pro-feminist emails.  
I was raped with no legal means to get justice and you want to complain about a pioneer that is using all that commercialism in our benefits.  You tolerate Walmart ads and don’t whine. 
But that feminist group trying to do it’s best.  Crabs-in-a-bucket.
Are you going to sabotage OUR upcoming victories?
Telling us, that we can’t enjoy the greatest victory we have every had 
bc Hillary isn’t perfect and Bill Clinton is a sexual predator.   
If Trump wins; numerous YOUR sexual assault & domestic violence cases WILL BE LOST bc all he has to do is say “She’s lying” and sue her. 
This is about :
when Hillary wins, right behind her is Elizabeth Warren.
If Trump wins; we castrate Elizabeth’s ability to clean up Wall Street. 
Do you really think Trump understands Womanism & Intersectionalism? 
If Trump wins; none of your Womanism & Intersectional goals have any chance in hell to come true. 
This is your “crabs-in-a-bucket” divisive behavior.   
I will not allow sabotaging faux feminists to destroy my sisterhood from enjoying VICTORY.  
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UNC rape survivor Delaney Robinson comes forward with brave statement
Delaney Robinson, a sophomore at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill alleged Tuesday that a football player at the school raped her in February and that UNC has done nothing about it. In a powerful personal statement she explained how “she did everything a rape victim is supposed to do.”
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I am really happy to share my interview with Callie & the Fabulously Feminist team. The interview covers a lot- the story of My imperfect Rape, the aims of the new Break The Silence campaign, my words to someone who is in an abusive relationship right now and my hopes for the future.
Have a read & support the team at Fabulously Feminist, I’m extremely grateful to them for letting me bring My Imperfect Rape and all our voices to their audience.
Let me know what you think!
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COVEN tumblr Oct 31   🐝     VOTE Nov 8th   🐝   BOYCOTT black friday
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Recovery is not some pill that you take & magically things get better.
Your traumas, understandably, have over-activated your body’s survival system, and the ONLY ANSWER IS FOR YOU to re-calibrate them: all those hormones involved in depression & anxiety.
I promise that I will not give up. I understand that my body is pre-programmed and will want to automatically reset to the default setting when challenged.   This does not mean failure but a needed test on my road to more effectiveness.
I promise to remember this process is more like building a muscle than a magic pill that makes everything better.  
I completely agree & understand that ONLY I CAN make this work through repeated repetition when things are calm & then during practice events.  No one can do this work for me.
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How loud men are. How much space they take up. How they walk into a room. How they cough. How they put their forks down and leave their plates on the table for someone else to wash. How they say your name. How they sit down and the couch shrinks. How they close the fridge and the door rattles. How they close their car doors and you know they’re home. How the air tenses when they step in. How the air releases a breath it didn’t know it had been holding when they step out. How men exist. How loudly they do.
Venetta Octavia, “how loud men are” (via thesocietyofpoets)
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He is not medicine, darling, he is more like a terrible drug. If you keep swallowing his lies like pills that you think will save your life, you are allowing him to destroy everything you hold dear, you are letting his poison into your blood.
Nikita Gill (via thesocietyofpoets)
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You can’t wait until you are sexual assaulted to realize there is no resources, laws & lawyers skilled at taking your case to help you.
Just ask a sexual assault survivor.
Melissa, founder of the #LAVENDER sisterhood
(via lavenderhealing)
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”Come on Ladies, Let’s get into Formation”
because revenge is in the paper - consumer power
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My rapist gets to live his life while I'm awake at 3am with a panic attack caused from a memory of that night.
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Instead of teaching our daughters how to behave in a quiet, conservative manner so that they do not get raped, let’s teach them how to love each other like sisters, so fiercely that if they see another girl being harassed or hurt by a man in any way, shape or form, they descend upon him like fearless and lethal hawks in the wild.
Nikita Gill (via meanwhilepoetry)
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