OC LavellanDragon Age Inquisition - VeilguardMun & Muse 21+ (21+ only)
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thinking about solas coming across a portrait of him by lavellan’s hand. it doesn’t have to be a masterwork (and honestly, it probably isn’t). maybe it’s a little sketch in the margins of a report or on an old piece of parchment. but it’s unmistakably him, and it’s lovely. lovely because it’s so casual, so relaxed, and done in pure affection. he’s certainly seen himself depicted over millennia, in so many statues and temples and books, and in every one he is fen’harel— austere, foreboding, melancholy.
this one is new. this one is singular. it is not meant for any altar. there is no one to kneel or beg or weep at this portrait’s feet. it’s simply solas, as lavellan sees him, and it doesn’t matter if it’s imperfect. the artist may not be a master, but the subject is beloved.
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Yesterday I had the opportunity to talk to Gareth David-Lloyd (Solas' voice actor) during a Swedish convention. Here's some of the things he said about his work on Dragon Age (that I remember!)
He's not entirely happy with the writing of The Veilguard. "But that's what happens when there's too many cooks" (paraphrasing) and when all the original people disappear from the project (like the layoffs). He said something about how when passing on the project to other people (writers) there's sure to be some lost information or different interpretations.
He didn't know more about Solas than the player did during Inquisition. He just thought Solas was a mysterious companion that disappeared. He only learned more when he got the script for Trespasser (and his reaction to getting all the info from Trespasser was "this is awesome")
I asked how he prepared for the role of Solas the first time he got the role, compared to when he came back for The Veilguard, and one thing he did for The Veilguard was just to play Inquisition several times (which ofc he "had the time for since it took years for The Veilguard to come out" (paraphrasing)). The third time he played Inquisition he romanced Solas, which was "a fun experience".
He hasn't finished playing The Veilguard because he's playing on his son's ps5 and doesn't always have the opportunity to play. He received a free code for the game, but for pc, and he doesn't have a gaming pc (if I recall correctly).
Solas' performance was first done with motion capture, which David-Lloyd said he would've loved to have done himself. Mainly because he originally had to match his voice acting to that of the mo-cap actor's performance (like dubbing), which of course limited his own performance. But in the end he performed the lines in his own way, which he felt was best for the final product, and was more happy with the result. The animations then had to be altered to fit David-Lloyd's performance instead.
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Imagine if they kissed and stuff 8D slapped some light color on one of my various sketches, brain has been too tired to work on any big pieces >o<
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Look at his face. 😂
The face of absolute honesty. He wouldn't lie or bend the truth. Nope, not even a little bit.
Seriously (not at all serious), out of context what kind of conversation do you think they're having?
Would you trust a man looking at you like that?
Well, I don't know about anyone else, but that impish expression got me thinking about cheesy/creepy & hopefully funny pick up lines. So, here's what I came up with.
Hey Vhenan, want to see a magic trick? *takes her arm clean off* You're welcome.
Remember, it doesn't count if it's in the fade.
Do you like older men? If so, it's your lucky day. I'm ancient. *flexes in old*
Do you like monogamy? Cause wolves rarely seek out other mates.
I would not lay with you under false pretenses. *wink*
How much will 10 Elfroot get me? [No] How 'bout 20?
Vhenan, I'd follow that fine Dalish ass of yours all over the Hinterlands.
Would you like to see my side benefit? I made it myself.
Now that I let you into my castle, will you let me into yours?
Did you hear I beat Iron Bull at mind chess? Did that, uh, do anything for you? *sweats*
You're much prettier when your awake, but I'll settle for stalking you in your dreams. (sings "Every Breath You Take" by the Police)
I would like to dip my bald head in oil and rub it all over your body. (I stole this one from Seinfeld's "The Old Man" ) 😄
I'd very much like to taste your frilly little cake.
*drops trow* Let's rebuild the empire. Phwoar!
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Every time Solas leaned in to kiss her, Elliana met it with just as much passion, if not more. Standing on the tips of her toes so she could meet his height, she threw her arms around his neck and held on for dear life.
It was almost clumsy, her kisses, because she was so desperate for that attempt to be near him. She wanted everything that he would give her, almost greedy in the kisses she stole from him when he pulled back to breathe.
She let out an apologetic noise when she realized she had touched his wounds, briefly grounding her back in reality, only for her to dismiss it all again and immediately launch herself into Solas’ arms when he pulled her in for another kiss. Curiously, playfully, she let her tongue brush along his lower lip before kissing him again fully.
“Ir abela, Vhenan.” She said, very gently hovering her fingers over the spot where he’d been burned.
Lips swollen, eyes wild, she chuckled breathlessly as he told her he would have wished for her happiness; even if it was with another.
“My love,” she murmured, leaning back in so their noses touched while she spoke. “there is no one who could ever compare to you. No one else I would ever want,” she insisted, trailing her own fingers slowly down the back of his neck to his shoulders, purposefully avoiding his injuries.
Though, hearing him swear, calling himself an idiot, she threw back her head and laughed. Not at him, but in joy and relief that there was nothing holding either of them back anymore. She giggled more softly and this time, her hands rested against his chest, tracing her fingers over his beating heart.
“Your words, not mine.” She teased, but she shook her head. “I know what your intentions were. But I think you shouldn’t have to worry about them anymore. We can grow old together. It would be a privilege to spend my life by your side.” She insisted, leaning up and nuzzling her nose against his.
“Now,” she playfully began to guide him back towards their camp. “Let us see if there are any materials left to mend your wounds with.” She caught his lips in what was meant to be a quick kiss, only to distract herself. Before she knew it, she was deepening the kiss, fully losing herself in the way he felt, his scent, so familiar and warm…
She pulled back only when she realized it had been a few minutes of her kissing him over and over again, pink tinging her ears and cheeks.
“I…didn’t realize how much better kissing you awake would be.”
She barely had a moment to take in all that she had seen. The overwhelming truth of it all, the sense that she had just witnessed something that might change everything she knew. But within seconds, Windermere and everything around them was gone.
The vibrant and blinding light temporarily disoriented Elliana. The only solid thing that she knew she had was Solas, her hand still locked tightly into his. There was an accompanying sensation of being thrown, though she remained upright and somewhat lucid.
When the brightness faded, she was panting softly, attempting to calm her stuttering heart, but what helped to keep her grounded was the feeling of Solas’ fingers interwoven with her own. It all came crashing down on her then, when she realized they were back in front of the wolf statue.
It had felt like days…maybe even a lifetime that they’d been gone. But somehow, seeing it now, it made her realize they’d been gone only hours.
And more importantly, that all that Solas knew about himself had been confused, even incorrect.
“Solas,” she suddenly said once she felt sturdy enough to process all she’d seen, turning so she could face him fully and taking his face tenderly between her hands. There was so much to process— the fact that he was not Earl’s son, that he seemed to be older than she’d ever considered, and, worse, that he had killed two people.
“Solas,” she whispered his name again, nothing but tenderness and adoration in her tone as she did so. If she was reeling, she knew he must have been..devastated. Lost. Perhaps even a bit unhinged by what he’d seen. “No matter what, it’s going to be okay,” she insisted softly.
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I never thought I'd be attracted to a bald man but here we are
(I only liked his face in veilguard btw, sue me)
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Happy elven family, commissioned by lafaiette! ^^
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I fear this is all tumblr will allow without me getting yelled at uncensored (contains Solas butt) -> https://bsky.app/profile/obsidianbone.bsky.social/post/3lkgs7cckec2n
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Elliana kept waiting for the moment Solas would pull away from her. When she would see that inevitable shift in him that would close the door on her love for him. It was all…too good to be true. Hope threatened to swallow her entirely.
And truly, she wouldn’t have minded one bit.
Though, something seemed to have changed in Solas. Or perhaps evolved was the better word to use, because she could have sworn she could see him growing right before her eyes: allowing himself to fully open up to her in ways she’d never known.
Then…he was holding her, and her heart nearly collapsed in on itself. His touch so strong and gentle, supporting her as she leaned fully into him and looked up at him with wide, shy, devoted blue eyes.
And then, by the gods, his words. Adoring, beautiful, whispered in that captivating Elven tongue, perhaps the first thing she’d ever fallen in love with, the way he spoke. She savored every word he spoke, tears beginning to rise in her eyes. Not of sadness, but an overwhelming sense of joy she felt at knowing he loved her too.
Every touch, then kiss of his lips, she grew more and more dazed with desire and adoration. By the time his lips brushed just next to her mouth, she was looking at him in a way she never had before. And she’d never looked at anyone that way.
Elliana had been kissed before. Elliana had experienced some pleasure before the Inquisition claimed her life, but never, not once in all her life, had anyone made her feel the way Solas did.
She had gently brought his hands up to her lips, kissing the back of them in the sweetest little touch.
To her embarrassment, she almost had completely forgotten Cole was there. But at his assistance that Solas would age with her, that their lives could move forward together, she could have kissed Cole out of Joy and gratitude.
“See, Vhenan?” Elliana whispered, her hands very gently moving to slide up to cup Solas’ face, holding him so gently. “We can be together. We can live a life. Nothing…nothing would bring me more happiness than…than knowing that we could spend it together.” Tears of emotion began to slip down her cheeks.
Just as Solas leaned in and gave her the kind of kiss that was life-changing, putting her destiny on a path perhaps she didn’t even realize the gravity of. All she knew in that moment was him, and she poured every inch of herself into it. Here, awake, in the real world, where the full weight of her love could consume them both.
Her arms wrapped slowly around his back, accidentally forgetting that he had been burned. But she wanted to be as close to him as she possibly could.
She barely had a moment to take in all that she had seen. The overwhelming truth of it all, the sense that she had just witnessed something that might change everything she knew. But within seconds, Windermere and everything around them was gone.
The vibrant and blinding light temporarily disoriented Elliana. The only solid thing that she knew she had was Solas, her hand still locked tightly into his. There was an accompanying sensation of being thrown, though she remained upright and somewhat lucid.
When the brightness faded, she was panting softly, attempting to calm her stuttering heart, but what helped to keep her grounded was the feeling of Solas’ fingers interwoven with her own. It all came crashing down on her then, when she realized they were back in front of the wolf statue.
It had felt like days…maybe even a lifetime that they’d been gone. But somehow, seeing it now, it made her realize they’d been gone only hours.
And more importantly, that all that Solas knew about himself had been confused, even incorrect.
“Solas,” she suddenly said once she felt sturdy enough to process all she’d seen, turning so she could face him fully and taking his face tenderly between her hands. There was so much to process— the fact that he was not Earl’s son, that he seemed to be older than she’d ever considered, and, worse, that he had killed two people.
“Solas,” she whispered his name again, nothing but tenderness and adoration in her tone as she did so. If she was reeling, she knew he must have been..devastated. Lost. Perhaps even a bit unhinged by what he’d seen. “No matter what, it’s going to be okay,” she insisted softly.
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Elliana was proud of Cole. He had spent a lot of time at Skyhold being eyed cautiously and often confusing why he could or couldn’t do something. She’d never ask him to change, because she respected him as he was, but she could see he was growing. Becoming better.
She offered Cole an approving smile and nod of her head. “Well done,” she said gently to him.
Though, she grew almost shy when Solas approached her like that, taking her hands and looking at her with such sincerity. They’d spent so long dancing around one another that when he reached for her like this she could scarcely believe it was happening.
And then to hear his words…his assurance that all this time, he’d cared for her too, that he’d stayed away because of his own attempt to protect her, her expression softener into something of a laugh and a sweet smile.
“Solas…can you not see?” She had said it only minutes before. “You are worth it all. If you cannot have children, it does not matter. If you live forever, then I wish to spend my mortal life by your side. I’ve chosen you since the moment I’ve met you.” She whispered, her voice quiet, still afraid even now that he might pull away from her.
“Spending a life by your side would not ruin it. It would be a joy. Just because our life won’t be conventional doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be fulfilling. It would be ours.” She insisted softly.
She had been gazing up into those timeless eyes of his, wishing she could fully express the depths of her love for him, but Davhal had already done it for her.
“Ar lath ma,” she finally said after a moment’s hesitation. She decided in that moment she would lay it all out, fully. Whatever his answer was, she would live by.
“You bring my soul to life in ways I’ve never know.” She whispered softly.
She barely had a moment to take in all that she had seen. The overwhelming truth of it all, the sense that she had just witnessed something that might change everything she knew. But within seconds, Windermere and everything around them was gone.
The vibrant and blinding light temporarily disoriented Elliana. The only solid thing that she knew she had was Solas, her hand still locked tightly into his. There was an accompanying sensation of being thrown, though she remained upright and somewhat lucid.
When the brightness faded, she was panting softly, attempting to calm her stuttering heart, but what helped to keep her grounded was the feeling of Solas’ fingers interwoven with her own. It all came crashing down on her then, when she realized they were back in front of the wolf statue.
It had felt like days…maybe even a lifetime that they’d been gone. But somehow, seeing it now, it made her realize they’d been gone only hours.
And more importantly, that all that Solas knew about himself had been confused, even incorrect.
“Solas,” she suddenly said once she felt sturdy enough to process all she’d seen, turning so she could face him fully and taking his face tenderly between her hands. There was so much to process— the fact that he was not Earl’s son, that he seemed to be older than she’d ever considered, and, worse, that he had killed two people.
“Solas,” she whispered his name again, nothing but tenderness and adoration in her tone as she did so. If she was reeling, she knew he must have been..devastated. Lost. Perhaps even a bit unhinged by what he’d seen. “No matter what, it’s going to be okay,” she insisted softly.
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Elliana’s sole focus had been on making sure that Davhal was able to find the peace that had eluded him for so many years. An advocate for those who didn’t have the chance to speak for themselves, it was what she tried to do as Inquisitor.
She didn’t initially register that Davhal had said aloud just how much Elliana adored Solas. She had never even dared to say the word out loud around Solas, for fear of spooking him like a wild animal and sending him running. Hearing Davhal say it out loud…
She blushed, suddenly ducking her head. Her love had been unrequited and stopped by Solas multiple times. She’d taken to keeping it locked away, even if it came out in her actions. So she didn’t add anything to Davhal’s statement, even as kind and sincere as it was.
Before Solas began to return the poor boy to his memories, Elliana reached over and very gently smoothed some hair back from his face.
“You will always have someone looking out for you on this side of the world. I hope in the mean time, you are able to find some peace where you need it, friend.” She said as a way of farewell.
She watched then in silence as Solas returned Davhal to where he belonged, watched in awe as the pendant was once again whole, and realized that he hopefully had the closure and clarity he had spent so long looking for.
And as he cried, Elliana remained silent and still beside him, allowing him to fully process the grief and all that had happened. She couldn’t even begin to fathom it, even as the Inquisitor, nothing she’d ever seen began to rival this.
Solas’ regret and his loss. But she had to hope now, that there would be some amount of healing too.
She barely had a moment to take in all that she had seen. The overwhelming truth of it all, the sense that she had just witnessed something that might change everything she knew. But within seconds, Windermere and everything around them was gone.
The vibrant and blinding light temporarily disoriented Elliana. The only solid thing that she knew she had was Solas, her hand still locked tightly into his. There was an accompanying sensation of being thrown, though she remained upright and somewhat lucid.
When the brightness faded, she was panting softly, attempting to calm her stuttering heart, but what helped to keep her grounded was the feeling of Solas’ fingers interwoven with her own. It all came crashing down on her then, when she realized they were back in front of the wolf statue.
It had felt like days…maybe even a lifetime that they’d been gone. But somehow, seeing it now, it made her realize they’d been gone only hours.
And more importantly, that all that Solas knew about himself had been confused, even incorrect.
“Solas,” she suddenly said once she felt sturdy enough to process all she’d seen, turning so she could face him fully and taking his face tenderly between her hands. There was so much to process— the fact that he was not Earl’s son, that he seemed to be older than she’d ever considered, and, worse, that he had killed two people.
“Solas,” she whispered his name again, nothing but tenderness and adoration in her tone as she did so. If she was reeling, she knew he must have been..devastated. Lost. Perhaps even a bit unhinged by what he’d seen. “No matter what, it’s going to be okay,” she insisted softly.
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I've got few doodles of Solavellan with babies I need to draw, maybe I'll get the motivation soon (I wish)
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“Et si on dormait”
Solavellan having sweet pillow talk
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